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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUALY 25 1928 The British Pharmacy COLON Baine Gesture PHARMACY GOOD POSITION sotue Cricket At Jamaica CANAL ZONE NOTES Religious Disorgers in England Continue Home Team Defeats English.
La Boca Pars men in Second Test Match Parishioners Again Interrupt By an Innings and 98 Runs.
Clunis Wins in Local The Vicar For Singing The Eucharist In Church Jamais has won the second Tennis Conrnament.
teet match from the English team by another overwilining mavjority LONDON, Jan. 31. For the an inning and 98 fans, The The last lap of the local Singles third Sunday in succession Englishmen scored. 51 rins for Elimination Tennis Tourdament there were scenes of tumult at their twinning while Jamaica ended on the La Boca lewo on In de 609 in just one innings. For the Jamaica team, Headley an!
IS NOW LOCATED AT Thursday afternoon, Fred Cianis St. Cuthbert Church in Dar wiacing three straight sets, 2. wen as the parishioners proHolt were the only two to reach 2, 2, from Robertson, tested against the Anglo Cathree figures with 211 and 109 thereby also winning the better of Tons respectively, Morales caine 11. 1154 11th STREET two tennis rackets donated to the tholic practices of their priest.
next with 84 and Nunes 53 La Boca, Tennis Club for the It has been the chief centre of For the English side Mead was purpose of the Touroament. As disorder since the controversy the only player to make the Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK the loser who met the winner in over the new Prayer Book century scoring 17 in the first the fil play, Roberson autoinnings while Le made top scorer Where our customers will receive the usual matically becomes the owner of the began.
in the second innings with 97 to other racket large crowd wit The vicar, the Rev.
his credit sessed the final Lauria, called in the police courtesies The Singles Tournament was and many names were taken.
Tomorrow Races started several local Club and clicks ago by the After the service there was elimination contests bave been the play almost some disorder in the street every afternoon between the hours outside the church and the of four and six. The games were police protected Nearly fifty horses LOOK FOR THE SIGN are the vicar interesting throughout Most from a hostile crowd of about lined up for seven races to afternoons witnessed some were several constituie the card for tomor.
BRITISH exhibit on of tenuis between the 1, 000. There row afternoon at Juan Franco old and competeut players, as wel fights.
Park. Abel heads the list As some am using sets between the The crowd followed the in the feature event which latter and some greepores. clergyman to his home, blockre will be over seven furlongs, generally newly made lady meming traffie in the streets, boowhom they while Kitty Gill and Chombo aloog for a httle while to suddeuly ing and threatening him with Gordo are booked in an devour in the next moment, umbrellas. It was raining and aggregation of seven for the SPARKLE1S It is believed that the Club many of those who were using final event of seven furlongs.
next move will to be arrange with umbrellas for their normal Each line up promises a be other Canal Zone units for Contiued frore page 1)
the purpose had them broken.
annuni inte clut house Singles or thrilling demonstration.
Here is the program, look as our best short story writer, FOR REAL WORKER.
Doubles Turnament Cristobal Papist! and No Popery.
will credit Wahond, without woo last year and is now wwner he demonstrators yelled after them over.
fear of successful con radicton, is of the Cup. The local team was the clergyman, who has enour best newepaperman, FIRST RACE then represented by Pred Jums raged local evangelicals by. Except for the efforts of the We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men and Mrs, Christina Jump, while singing the Eucharist.
tactful and strewd wbo are alle nd women, in which an excellent income can be made even Prescott and Waller defended Furlongs. Purse 125 to vollect from the masses by to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in Cristobal. The fivals were playeu Fenomeno 09 holding before them through the business we have appointed orer 518, 000 agents who suppat La Boca BUILDING FAME Hun Dew 129 vil of krandiloquence our household necessity to our customers in every country in Pan Dulco 20 spectacular theoretical super gat. 11 me fairly good gambling chat ces the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 Diecisela Athenaeum Suspend Continued from Page Don Simon 106 or some truly practical schemes, years and have achieved Financial Todependence. IncreasMeeting names crop out rather fre Pistol 132 Negoes bere are not yet willing ing local demands and repeat orders, make is necesary to In Respect of Carnival Grado 119 to rk their money or sacrifice quently in the newspaper, appoint more local representatives in many localities in the their time for their own improveSECOND RACE who have immodest hopes o.
United States. No special experience or capital required. it ment. No:with tanding all this, is a straightyfow. rd, dignised business. Why, bot represent the As Customary due to the Fada en undying name. They are Farlongs. Parse 175 the time is unquestionably orpio ma Carnival, o meeting of the careful not to do anything to tune to imprez upo them the largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send La Boca Athenaeum 8 held on Barla 108 splendid interest which will ulti us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau Tuesday evening but, Te regnlar retard progress in that direeHit or Miss 95 mately scrue frim httle sacrifices, will send you full particulars When we arpoint ag agent weekly meeting will coovene on tion. They thoughtfully word Soimmy 126 now. The WORKMAN should make Tuesday evening next.
cheir correspondence with a sir Barry we furoish free amples for Trial Tests in the homes in the 115 a practical, water of fuct appeal Dhol Fiew to how it will read in its 132 for support, for whatever may be locality of the agent. Cliquilla 113 its shortcomings, it it bas given In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in Future published form, and GATUN our community good service, which you saw this advertisement, hey almost let it appear to THIRD TACE heir correspondents that they Furloog Purse 175 Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, LEADER. For the past few rays the are expected to feel sufficieni Tennis Court has been the contre Tibia 126 (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street of attraction, and for more that appreciation to thoughtful Mer dler 99 Continued from page 1)
one reason. The fir tenton is preserve those letters for the Popo 109 that the elem nation Cuture delectation of the Dad 108 life in those is and who would be to Ste aud Revelloso have been in proces, and the welcome the vorld. They even work out second is that Tea was served on Gavidad 129 leaper on the greatest Negro move.
nice ment, Tuesday by Miss Berthilia Harper arefully in advance a FOURTE RACE The matches so far played hav. death bed last saying that wi!
The Jamaica Hera of reccut been well contested. The first a read well in Sunday schools 01 Fa:longs. Purse 123 Ichte indicate that Mr. Garvey, mixed doubles match, was played and chautauquas.
after deliverivg a series of lectures by 0. paired with in Pistol 112 through Jawatoa, will arrange for But it is no use. If the fame Harcer against Swall am Fap 102 un varly visit to England.
Miss Burey and won by the for is won the public can be de Ch gol 126 mer, 3, 3, Wednesday, , pended on to do its part. IE 110 Why throw away your old, but no Clarke and Moo Brothia phared recessary the public will 117 FLOWERS Mrs. This May 06 onstruct the birthplace that doubt interesting, books when you went the limit of three sits and 101 was won by the Moores, 2, 6 was disappeared as in the Honey De 103 Abogado. Attorney at Law can have them neatly bound at case of Washington. It should Mayural 90 OFFICE: No. 44 ST Thursday, the first match of be remembered, too, that FIFTH RACE BOX NO, 36 PANAMA CITY ladies singles was played betwee: birthplaces are getting lees TELEPHONE No. 1377 Furlongs Purse 300 Miss Brown and Mrs. Moor, 0 4, in faver of Mrs, Moore. The and less important. Practically all of our future great Abal 122 Practicing before all the courts of score of the second set is indica (Lepine 107 the Republic since April 1914 No. EAST 16 STREET tive of the fight that was put uz are now born in hospitals. Carcajado 105 by both partie Reina Mora 109 The first real scrap was bad Arlequin 126 Opposite the Wesleyan Church tween MC. Brown and O GRENADA PAPER SAYS Don Alejo Laurie against ES Smali and Clarke imediately after the (Co: tinued from page 1)
SIXTH RACE singles match on Thursday. So intense was the fight hat Mail have reproduced pho6 Furlongs Purse 125 Seventh Day Adventist Clarke White Nuptials was anybody game until the la set when at 2 Brown and Laurie ing scenes surrounding the arcographs a plenty of the stirr.
El Chieti 111 STREET CALIDONIA went to piece and Small and Don Simon 90 ROAD Dear Isthmian Park Pang Clarke came romping home to the rival of Marcus Garvey in JaJakie 113 ma On Saturday night last a, quiet tune of 5; score for the mate maica, his native land, togeMugara NEED Sabba (Saturdas) 945 a. was conducted at but pretty little wedding ceremony being 6, 5, 5, It was her cher with exhaustive reports, Dardanels 102 Sabbath School 11. 15 a. Gen. Church, hy the Rev. Laurie might get over St. Paul on the Cou that Brown and 195 ind it is admitted even by foes Cococha eral Worship u. Spanish Nightengale, when Mr. will never look the same. but they lotimo 90 hat possibly no man on earth Harold Clarke of the Commissary SEVENTH RASE Other matches wil be reported on arriving there could have 30 ciety. Division, Cristobal, was joined in later.
ceceived a more tremendous Furlongs Parae 175 DROP IN AT meeting 30 pm. Junior and Holy matrimony to Mics Clarisse Senior Staudard of attainment Carmen White, of La Boca. The. nd thunderous ovation. The Chomba Gord)
118 Class, p. spere.
bride was attended by her sister Rent receipt books in Spanish whole life story of this irre(Boaba 123 Subject for Tomorrow Miss Aris. May White and was and English for sale at the pressible man reads like a mira (Ocurrencia 90 given in marriare by her father WORKMAN Sunday February 26th. Wat Mr. Edward White. Mr. William icle. He has sworn that his 92 Kitty will was abolish at the Cross. Copi 128 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Howell acted as Greater work is yet to be done groomstran.
Malmirada 96 GRIZZLE Pastor, a pleasant reception was after. Dr. Fred Sterling nd has said that his enforced Cantones 90 You lil Find Them wards held for the happy couple rest in prison was good for at the home of he bride father THE NEW YORK DENTST. im physically and mentally.
DENTIST HOWELL at the Quarantine Annex, Balboa Vhat is the greater work? Small Moderately Priced.
where sincere wishes for their 182, BOLIVAR STREET House No. 912 La Boca further health and happiness were CLON, as the curtain failen over the DENTIST Canal Zone showcted on them inale of Marcus Garvey? Box 71, CRISTOBAL, MASONIC TEMPLE OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Among those present at the Office Hours: 8, am to 12 o.
TELEPHONE 247 COLON rreption were: Mr. and Mrs. 30 to 30 pm Puone 1911 BALBOA Edward White, Mr, and Mrs Notice to correspondents Sundays, by Special Appointmen Contributors and coste pucents Mosonic Temple lith St, King. Mrs. Susan Campbell, Dr. OGILVIE Specialises in Branches of the Misses Iris and Millred White are asked to sind in eir contribu. Box 787. CRISTORAL Dentistry and Maud Codner; Messrs Wil. PHYSIGIAN SURGEON tions not later hn Thursdays to rose: OFFICE 1864 liam Jump. William Howell and insure pablica ion. This is imperaRESIDENCE 588 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Lloyd White. 80 Stree. Choritlo. tive and must lead!. cred to.
ma che 105 glad Book Binding!
Laurie Intimo Taotivy po 4. THE WORKMAN me WATCH?


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