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SOME LABOUR PROBLEMS THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL TE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY UDAISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEX ANC PANAMA, SATURDAY MARCH 17, 1928 VOL 16 No. 32 PRICE CENTS The Great Forum of Negro Propried Dewa runi. Nere Artist Holds First Rich Possibilities of Railway Liberty Building in Africa gration Quota For The United States One Man Show New York Gallery Calvin high unit and 120 Washington, Feb 27 revision The first one man show in a New of immigration os gallery of of a Demonstrated by Fitting Speeches number of European countries was verkkoartist was openedwonkret British Government May Concede transmitted to the Senate today by rury 25 at the New Gallery, 600 At Liberty Hall, President Coolidge on behalf of the Madison avenue. The paintings Large Tract of Land to EnSecretaries of State, Commerce and are those of Archibald Motley, Headquarters.
Labor. in response to a resolution by Jr. 36 years old, of Chicago, whe, Senator Shipstead Farzaer Labor, of to finance his career as an artist, courage Same.
has had to turn at times to col The NEGRO WORLD of the roth inst states that at Under the revision the annual quota heaving, diambing and waiting in Opportunities exist in Africa for American participation Liberty Hall, headquarters of the Universal Negro Improve for Great Britain and northern Ireland dining cars, in building railways and paving the way to obtaining Cenment Association in New York, on Sunday night March is reduced by 145 annually the new being 65, 894, as against the e of Motley portraits, tral African trade and freights for its mercantile marine in 4th, the proceedins at the great forum of Negro Liberty estimate ot 73 097 transmitted to Malattress, included in the pre the railway race for control of the rich products of Central were in the nature of a double header. In the first place, Congress in January 1927 The new seat show, won the Frank Logan Africa.
In Africa, south of the Equator, the Portuguese are members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association become effective next July unless Art Institute Exhibition in 1925: busy diverting trade from Rhodesia by their railways to the it was Garvey night, the first Sunday of the month, when quotas, based ou national origin, would wordende Primerihi kabe Chicago throughout the world to special honor to their chiefain.
And Congress imeanting suspends the Honeladoresina copa te encara en Port of Beira. which, by the way, increased shipping by the Joseph then it was the night when among the Liberty Hall thou quota provision, as it did last year, Prize in the same show, and his 60, 000 tons in 1927 over 1926.
The largest single group Salentine sehr and mathematical al. ipcrease of of grandmother, Other Portuguese ports on the east side of Africa, which, like many others, under the aegis of the Reconcilia. the news los timatan being mate 0773, the Newark Museum extibi. ion advancing, while Lobito Bay, their western seaport, with tion Irips Committee, of which Professor Clarence agninet the original estimate of 13. last March Howell is one of the directors, tour the country gaining at 862, giving an increase of 3, 565, the 1, 170 mile Benguetia Railway into Belgian Congo, will first hand information as to the points of view of various The quota is reduced from The artist was born in New 5, 091 to 989; the Russian quota Orleans and has in him French an absolutely control Rhodesia and Central Africa tradeon groups and institutions.
Hno. Miller, ist Vice President of the New York out from to 500, and the French Inding blood as well as that of a both east and west side of Africa South of the Equator. 837 to 308 tribe of Est Africa France now plans to build a railway 2, 250 miles across Local, occupied the chair, while on the platform were Hon. All of the Sandinavian countries are was bronght op in Chiangoard Sahara. This will sweep, North Central African produce to Knox, personal representative of the President Gene. given slight increases, Denmark studied at the Art Institute there. Timbuctoo and secure a large proportion of Nigerian, Gold ral: Mme. Ebimber, Asst. International Organizer quota going up from 1041 to 234. The pictures in the pre ent exhi Coast and Liberian commerce.
of the Universal Negro Improvement Association: Prof Sweden from 259 to 399 and bit inelnde portraits, several of 2, 267 to 2, 903 es baret life, and six are itongina exists for American contractors to secure the building of a Norway s) from loophole is left in South Africa where an opportunity Clarence Howell and a number of visitors.
Cootlourd on page 6) tive portrayals of voolooism. brief concert program was rendered, after which the 620 mile railway across the Crown lands of the British speechmaking followed, Hon. Knox delivering the Government in Northern Bechuanaland to link up the railprincipal address, Toward the clase of a very enthusiastic.
SPARKLETS way to Walvis Bay in the Mandalid territory of Southwest meeting a splendid military demonstration was made by a Africa crack squad of the Universal African Legion, pesonnel of the (By KING)
This railroad and outlet of Walvis Bay would save headquartes Royal Guards.
3, 250 miles of present sea and rail transport via Beira from Interesting and appropriate speeches were delivery in report buck after a two weeks Association have been lifted Rhodesia to Europe. Its construction would cost less than telling tein by all those present on the platforın and which fordoushi dutie a while the house antion incorporated reporter for medio 25, 000 a mile, according to Bying survey. The road would were greatly applauded by the vast audience, in trouble for having spoken my annual. Friend miod oo a big subject through Hunter perhaps, has forgotten that pass through a rich cattle, mineral and agricultural district the columne of the two metropelitan the people of the United States and return about 7, 000, 000 the first year it is opene Medical Assistant Welcome Service daily newspapers. It is the subject of Ainerica in their discussion and of the Panama. ansl West Indian criticism of President Any substantial group of American railway contractors Employees Association, call him some of nearly could secure from the British Government a grant of about Seriously At Panama Wesleyan For Colonel, Cloud esteemed and learned contempor ver call from a grade little 4, 000, 000 acres of land in consideration of building this Mr Elijah Hanter, one of my a deaf and dumb mute to a railway.
aneous coll borators residing on intellectual firmunent; ranking in the natio Injured By Hospital the Gold Side, maintaine a very spite of it all, ir President Cooli tad Latest Details of Death Mrs. Amy Green Passes Patient Through the high degree of disinclination to Rrv. R, R. Wade the members torera de discussion or criticism or chooses, and is is given a chance to Away.
of the salvation Ariny bad the the Fresident of the Panama Canal competitor he can easily win every o her of Edith Cavell The prace of Santo Tomas Hornets nama Wesley Church in their West Indian Employees Associea fair race to the We regret te bave to record the disturbed dispesial on Monday night last t:on or the Association itself.
You the position of next President of German Doctor Present of St Vincent, wile of Mr. Geo.
Associa. White House in Washington for death of Mra, Amy Green, native Wednesday morning last when a patient of that institution, a may or may not know, ceatle his country, a victory which would at Trlal and Execution Greene, one of the popular figures this ocasion, the Rev reader, that the unimportant man, not, however, render him immune in our community Gourke, who it is alleged is crazed introduce Colonel Cloud with The deceased passed away at her. seriously injured Give Now Version Heard, a roloured medicale, a ujor Joy to the audience, but the diventando o seu endere licized disbay are four years per a la seconds on the residence, Balboa Quarantine Colonel beitg the special guest of The only attention paid Station, 00 2, m, on Tuesday.
asei tant, with an ice pick the evening, and also a transient is that for the purpose of research The President of the Panama The obsequies were performed at Berlin, Eeb. Cavell Morgue at 900 a.
itt is stated that a few days prior members in these parts, icok up to analyse and diignose them Cot el test Indian ar sepenuh was shot at the state and death the following arm, and the found to this beauti hattek, Gourko bere he greatest portion of the time in fotº the furtherance scientific and constanta in any de revening pole ena was instantaneous Dite Gotfried here for more comedores hoe inter sme unruly and refused to obar calling the nature of his visit to discussing critic the inthe orders of the nurses and al the Isthmus, and familiarizing edge. That being so, if the different attituda of employees to Beon eyewituess to the shootiar, ment diecuse and criticize you the Asso ixtion. Is it not. there in the Achtuhr Abendblatt, Dom asserted in a special article today get peeved: vou are import: fore, within the tendants, Early Wednesday mora bimself with his audience.
quietly his bed The songsters brigade of the tant, go right ahead and continue of any DEATH SCENE.
and armed with an ise pick, bxs Army, Coniributed a few vocal to act your part to the best of our fell the workers to publicly in the Brussels area for the German Of seven who were condemnel Henrys desk numbers, and the mrmbers of the defend their stand or to publicly Army and was called ability. Isn it, therefore, a seu of eritie ze the Prveident?
on to be to dea in this trial, ouly iwo, and attacked bim inflicting severe Panama Werley sang from the ae injuries which the physicians are pendix of the Wesley o piesiog lit is also one of genuine one hun present at the trial of Miss Cavell Miss Cavell and an engineer oamed case of friend The Colonel a man of and at ber execution safraid may result fatally, as one of British Vice Consul He pro Brocque, paid the penalty Dr.
thestabs it is stated bas perforated personality, and an ardeat nounced the nurse dead and placed Benn was ordered on a date in the dred loyalty loyalty to a Leaves Panama her in a cofia, he declares, Autumn of 1915 to take ao auto to alaing and another bas probably The Service was concluded with good cause and to a cothe outskirts of Brussels early in rupured the peritoneum.
the singing of Hymn No. 28 from worker. One cannot DID NOT TAINT The Hon. Oxley, British After the attack it is said Gearke the appendix of the Wesley Hym contend that to be loyal is not manifested further signs of lunacy nal song by Choir and entire Con poble, but is one not truly justified Vice Consult to Panama, and family from the German Lapore that lies bea leaf which two stakes liad The version is entirely different squadstoting There he saw yub squads of twelve mea cach facing and the straight Jacket had to be gretion.
sailed away from yesterbeing taken freshly employed to keep him from comTRUE is nobler?
mitting further harm Gorkiewich Victor McNally Im. As a rule, with but few isolated here of nearly two years. It had been in the head by an officer while she walked to che stake, Brocque to be of lunacy exceptions, the people elect pres thought that owing to a sad accident was unconscious, Dr. Benn belive the other, where they were bliad to decide if he is really insane proving have Monday person now folded and boe right to criticize the official actions morning last when he fell through a who witnessod both trial and the stakes. Di, Renn says that twe! ve Henry, the victim of the assault is well know and resp:cted in this Among our news itens from the President of the Panama Canal ed painful lacerations on his arms and long silence regarding the Cavell suffered instant death, although of their presidents. This being true skylight at his residence and sustain execution, and he has broken bis bullets ht Miss Cavell and the community and is very popular among the staff at the Hospital, Colon, we noticed that Mr. Me West Indian Employees Associa. Legs, that his departure would have affair on account od a recent Eng: she rem vined standing, tied to where he has been employed for Nally, prominent figure in the life and fate the stake.
Dr, Bean then felt Miss Cavell to Dr. Arjons of the venereal gone a very successful operation ļos, and it is unfortunate for the medical skill the popular Vice Consul of the Eaglish woman, über Santo Tomas Hospitalieraad sheory that attacking the presi. date of departere, and lart yesterday Cavell admitted in court that she deatbilhe end, untied her hands learned Mr. Hunter to advance the was able to keep time with his fixed Dr. pulse. having pronounced her The entire West Indian com mind still suffering by of the nursing muxits deplores the sad occurrence is confined, is that the gentleman any other President is a public man, like sation to help Belgians and British The burial place was kept secret man, whose. During Mr. Oxley brief sojourn on escape into Holland end wisb Henry speedy recovery. is making rapid inprovements, and official actions are proper subjects the Jsthmus he endeared himself to least 300, virtuall. at that at he says on account of the fear of and able bodied an uprising among a speedy is.
spoils Joeroerde extenders its for blie decades of die scyticana con with whom he camelian Germaniere delivered are broma obe grave.
discussion and criticism every section of the West Indian men, were delivered from the and demonstrations at the nurse Etude Club Will Meet within Tonight sympathy, and wienes that this propriety. Very few people offer contact, and we make bold to state mot gentleman will shortly be restored any public criticism of the Presi that there is not one who does not the organization had worked more cently there was a good deal of Readers will remember that remonth. She also confessed that to permanent health, and be once dent of the o 1, A. Some feel regret at the depature of the than a year before she was arrested cantroversp as to whether special meeting of the Etude moro among his relatives and one once wrote a little prodigy on popular Vice Consul.
in the Summer 1915. Her Belgian depicting the life of Nurse Cavel film Club ie convened for tonight, 30 friends, his visit with two cther represeata. The Workman wishes Mr Oxley lawyer made no effort to prove should be shown in England. The Among the subjects of the Ward 7, Bet of the above Governor and that, with other injar, and a pleasant voyage for him appealed to the mercy of the sentations onposing its exhibition Mr. MeNilly is at present in tives of the Associative to the speedy recovery from his painful that his client was innocent, but German Government inade repreContinued on page 6)
named inftitution.
olmportant references to the self and family.
and it will not be shorn.
rital the On if attacked. discussion to them recretly marched op to Lotoferasce at ito Contest tide in But of him on the worker. percent honestly the dent greatly. public the


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