
The Prosperity Tailor only By CERAN AND CLYTUS A, THOMASOS, CLEANER DYER (All rights reserved)
FULLER spring hours unlessrupted Reli. REID Propietor past.
sary gives it.
rosy bloom health.
RecoSKOS left for abroad the praticiend. FLOWERS iu that posture, his entire frame rocking with uncontrolable grief.
Abogado. Attorney at Law father? He had just arrived in the Lord! was this the end of his old OFFICE: No. B ST Colony of his periodicsl visit of BOX NO. 33 PANAMA CITY inspection of his vast TELEPHONE No. 1377 to be killed by a reci Perties and Ecolbardy motorist! To meet bis Practicing before all the courts of death without a chance of a reconthe Republic since April 1914 ciliation with him! Poor old soul!
And such a terrible end, besides.
It was simply heartrending. Ch, Juanita! my beloved he moe ned, it now my soul truly years for you. Where are you, No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue When he raised his head his eyes PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 were meist with tears. ABSOLUTELY NO HOPE As was OSAS continued NEED DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING the Buperintendent Doctor, we have tried our best, We have OF THE HIGHEST ORDER our power to do, and must tell you caadidly that owing to the DROP IN AT patient advanced age and the vast quantity of blood he had lost, there absolutely no hope of savWork Done While You Wait ing his life. His death is only a matter of 122 CENTRAL AVE. He remained silent, genuine You lil Find Them scholarly features.
regret depected on bis grave and TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Absolutely no hope, he reModerately Priced. peatedles Dalla. quickly interUnless, Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Unless, replied the doctor Ladies Garments carefully handled gravely, we would possibly try transfusion of the blood. And why couldn we? eagerly asked Rell. The Surgeon looked at the young man intently. smile of pity flickered for a second around his lips and died. He gave a sigh. Young man, said he in calm and measured tone, you speak with due realization of both the delicasy and the impracticability, under present circumstances, of ల ణ such an operation. In the first Soesoo place, the necesto insurality of blood the success of the father operation and save your life would be such as to poor jeopardize the life of the one who Hier The chance of such one surviving the terrible ordeal is just one in three. Not at prospect, eh? Besides he or she must be young and in the lof Neverthless, it be my medical duty to take the risk were 60 previleged to immediately find one to offer the sacrifice for sacrifice we must needs call it. But where, where to find such a one? Who would be heroic enough to risk his or her own precious life to save that of the unfortunate patient!
who would!
In the private of ce where the two sat was all quiet and still, save for the pulsating tick tick of an ornamental clock lying on a mahogany shelf over the doctor desk. Now and again in the distance could be heard the faint clang clang of the gongs of the tram cars as they plied the journeys to and fro, or the raucous callenge of the syren of some motor care as it smooth, asphalted WEo would? repeated the actor, unless if you, if you as bis son would undertake the risk.
Would you? Reil turned pale and winced his seat. He did not answer. Speak, young man, ordered the medico. Decide. The time at our disposal is short, very short; every minute counts. Are you father life at the risk of Alas, doctor, Rell, however ongly remy heart at the hopeless condition of my father, and great as the affection is is which ve for bim, fear could nt possibly make so great a sacrifice ia bis behalf, If he be fated to die, wellshould say? Let nature have its course. Death is an account we all must necessarily settle sooner or later. It beyond my week power to save him. Well, eo be it, said the superintendent definitely, In due time you ll be apprised of the end.
He rose in token of the termina.
tion of the interview, sad object of despair, Rell also rose, and given the surgeon a feeble shake of the hand, took his departure. BEROIC NURSE The head doctor, resuming his seat, remained gravely silent, while his long, tapering fingers beat soft tattoo on the edge of bis desk.
He cast a look at the clock. Then stretching forth ois hand over the side of the desk, he gently pressed an electric button. couple of minutes after an orderly entered. Joho, go to the private ward No. and ask ourse Thomas to ਤ come at once to my office.
The man bowed and left, short wbile after the nurse (Continued on Page 4)
Drawing her bood to his lips, which action on his part she did 1:ot resist, be imprinted on it a long and passionate kise, and rose. moment after he was out in the street on his way to secure a vehicle to convey him to the rail.
road statica THE ACCIDENT It was the middle part of April.
The weather, wbich had been crisp and cool the preceeding month, had suddenly began to exhibit signs of enervating heat, tempered in measure oecastionel, lights. shower, presaged the coming of the west scazon.
Max Rell sat in the veranda of his beautiful and comfortable home on Queen Park West. It was about o clock in the morning.
From his breast pocket he produc ed a cigar esse of polished silver Uily a x of match. Pressing the sides of the former, tbe lid flew open, revealing the row of fragrgnt weed within. Taking one. hem chanically placed it o his lips, returning the case to his pocket Drawing a match be lit the cigar leaned gently back in bis comfortable armchair, On his youth.
countenance the shadow of Radness and disappointraent prese.
ed like a heavy cloud. And as he a slowly puffed at bis weed he retrac.
od the Five years had rolled their slow and incasured course since the last events already narrated and be had not laid eyes on the obbject of his love and adoration. True to bis resolve op that memorable ocastion he bad returned to Arima the following day to se her, buoyed up with the hope thot she would for get her determinaties yield to his entreaties. But he had er couc terred the cottage vacant! It was not until two weeks after when be received by post a brief letter from her, wishing him Fuceres and continued happiness, and informing him that she had day in the company of How bitterly disappointed he bad felt at news! What torture of mind sizce codured! How he had longed to get even a line How week after week, hc çd, but all in had repeatedly come and gone in their eternal eycle. The green leaves lind many times yellowed, withered, and dropped and the corn bird bad changed its gay plumage again and again, and the comme dcre its vermillion robe of sweet scented flowers How he had treated bim! Perhape at cruelly moment amid the floatsman and jetsom of bumanity, sinking deeper and yet deeper in the quagmire of shame and degradatoo. Who could tell?
And at that moment his valet brought him the daily papers and laid them on a mall table bie side. Picking up the Daily Bul R ll attention was instantly drawo to a bold head line which read: TERRIBLE MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT CAUFFEUR KILLED PASSENGER MORTALLY INJURED Hia sense of curiosity deeply rouse. Max hagan eagerly to read the deiails of the accident.
It, anreared in brief, that at in the afternoon of the day previous one of the dare devil chauffenrs of the Cclony was driving a passenger just arrived from the States from the Customs to, presumably, one of the hotels to the city. Oa spproaching the of Broadway and King Street, his ear came in collision with a motor lorry, heavily loaded with rement, driven in the opposite direction. The impact was terrible. Stratge to telate, that whereas, the driver of the lorry escaped the very slightly injuries, that of the car was killed instantly and bis solitary passenger, to to all appearance, fatally injured. From papers and documents found on the person of injured who was at once rushed to the hospital, it was evident that was no one else but that wealthy American, foremerly resident in the Colony, Mr. John Rell, who But a groan had escaped the lips of young Rell. Buring his face in bis hande, he remsiu a long time SILVER from. had waitheping against honey belle ceasons SPRAY reced along the that doctor, in lintin PILSENER prepared to save your feet it grieves your plied. what about 39 IS GOOD DRINK corner FOR EVERYBODY with


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