
PAGE TOUR THE WORKJAN SATURDAY MARCH 17, 28 umeshte wbien take differenz great benefitere, would be eat Set received therop has tot as that proper of LUCKY STRIKE plied. IT TOASTED progranume CIGARETTES nurse.
LLC sette trade lo ment to aia?
the world. Buy a pack lo day and you will know the reason bados.
election work selected HER ATONEMENT.
drainage schemes are necessary and it is suggested that the Cclony should undertake such (Love Story of lere)
work. The introduction of ne By CERAN AND CLYTU THOMASOS.
apd would lower the cost of production.
The coconut (All rights reserved)
the alteotion it deserrer, and it is suggested that the sand reels would make (Continued from page 3)
excellent coconut lands, provided came.
proper attention were How the patient, nurse? in quired the doctor.
to drainage. The Direct Stres Very bad indeed, sir, she reAgriculture proposes to open an agricultural station for the study of How his temperature?
sard reef problems, and the Hundred and ten.
coconut crop will no doubt play large part in the Pulsation and respiration?
of work contemplate, With re Very low, doctor gard to coffee, it is suggested fear there no hope.
that the industry could be great Decidedly none agreed the y helped by the Insou Installation of co He sinking fast.
Operative cofee factories which The doctor remained silent, would buy the crop from the deeply thinking of tho situation.
farmer and thus relieve them of What a greatpíly, nurse, he the pena task of preparation. The said after a wbile, that just for cassava crop, it is stated, thrives the wait of a quantity of flesh so well that there seems to be vivifying blood the old man must no reason export necessarily die. What a pity!
taplaco could not be establisned. Must understand that transAt present, practically all the fusion of the blood miebt possibly imports into Great Britain of the save the patient li e?
commodity come from Java and Decidedly, replied the doctor, the Malay Arcbipolago. There is 11 If 80 then, why not make the work for the agricultural departattempt?
test out the local varie Yes, but how? where to find which of them are most likely to les of cassava and to ascertain that heroie medium who be willing to make the sacrifice wheu bis suit his Figures prove it to be the taral station should be establishindustry. I!
very son is terrified at the idea and an agricullas candidly refused to give his ed for investigating the possibili Fastest growing cigarette in ties of thes and reefs, the report Where, you ask? Why, ske suggests tha that the following stands before you now. would crops are be willing to go through the ordeal are worthy of trial: Tobacco, tropical cereals and pulses bis misute, if could only be scsamum, groundnuts, annual issured that the sacrifice would fibre creps and species of tropinot be in vain.
cal fruits.
You excl. ined the doctor, for this tremendous popularity In his report on the Leeward bali nising from his seat. You and Windward Islands and BarFurse, would make such an sacri.
Ir. Sampson refers to fice for one whom you don even LUCKY STRIKE damages to the cotton crops by know? Do you for a moment realthe pink bollworm, and suggests ize the gravity of this particular that it Sea Island cotton Is to it toasted operation, the peril that your life survive its present market will incur? Surely you don This stagnation, the question of coa is a case, may explalo, my dear centrating all seeds girl, wheo and abprmal quantity might be sored, Your Throat Protection one centre for the Tales of bloud bas bien lost which must Islands necessarily be replaced. And the leaving oue who supplies the deficiency strains and multiplying jeopardizes his or bir own life, you suitable types to the cultural Otlicer in each island.
local agriunderstand. Fully 1, replied the The extension of coconut cultinurse. Anders in not dis resolved to offer my vation and the establishment of DONATO CAD AUD AUDIOS TRABALA 20. apgao gou go ou Vandanao and an AD VARALARI BALAAA AU ANATOS agricultural stations are advocat.
very life, if need be, in sacrifice to save that of a poor suffering mor.
The report on Trinidad shows me that if the cocoa icdastry is to BRITISH GUIANA N28422. 2023 at the opporsurvive, the country must be tunity to do what consider Ouly able to produce more cheaply.
u duty that one fellow creature Development of AgriIt is suggested that a substaowes to another a ca e of tion should be established where necessity. In other words, only a research work should be the culture practical exrression of love. So first consideration An agricul please, doctor, do grant me a small station for sugar cane, an favour.
experimental statioa for the The medical man was spell IN BRITISH GUIANA AND study of coconuts, and a fruit bourd. He gazed at the beautiful THE LESSER ANTILLES station for the study of grapefluwer of bealthy youth that sooj fruit and other tropical fruits are before him gracefully erect lik also needed.
some goddess, and shedding around Investigation Carried out by we e, an aura of divinity. Mr. Sampson, of Royal He was jost in admira ion.
AND US Representative Gov Far be it from me, he said Botanic Gardens gravely to impose e my against ernment Condemned.
The spirit of hero sm, for who should dare circumscribe the action THE NEED OF CO OPERATION of a noble soul! If Secretary of State Decision take this soble step, well, let it For The Development of The you re solved be so. Let us only hope that the MODIFIED CONSTITUTION sacrifice will not be in vain, and Coffee Industry in Large MainHAS REMOVED FROM IMPERATIVE bat your young life lard Colony bafely through the trying ordeal.
Bill to be Introduced into (To be Continued)
London, Feb. 4tb. Reports CENTRAL AVENUE TO Parliament.
on the development of agriculture in Britleh Guiana, in the Georgetown, British Guiana, Rich Find In South Leeward and Windward Islands Febrnary 22nd, PCB. The and Barbados, and in Trinidad, following is a copy of a telegram Africa by Mr. Sampson, of the to His Excellency from the Royal Botanic Gardens. Kew, of State for the Colonies: have been issued as Empire Dutch st Indian cable Marketing Byard publications. met the Elected Members Delegation on the 18th despatch from Capetown dated The report on British Gulana and after bearing them inMa ch 1st states that the ricbest formed them that adhered dia nond fuld ever discovered refers to the development 0! the the decision that the can is what Colonel Sir alluvial coastal belt and suggets the constitution David Harris, member of the bat an agricultural su kita must be modified 50 of so as to secure he ultimate control to the Gov said anout a new diamond Koriabu might be de, as this tas teen disclosed in a Dew constitution to be enacted the only belt of elevated land Toh de bate in the House of Assem at all accessible which Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous will be introduced into Pauliamight bly.
ment forth with, and that shall offer scope for small cclonists Patrons and the Public generally.
be prepared to consider very The romantic direcv ry of a from the Vest Indian Islands carefully their suggestions with fabulously rieb alluvial a posle With regard to the sugar cane regard to the details of the new of diamonds at Alexander Bay at industry, it is that the che mouth of the Orange Riche calls dependent on a single see.
fact it Constitution.
came knowledge of bere of the House in con lety of cane is menace members Prisoners. Message ction with a debate on an ap it is possible than parently unimportant matter; vigorous cane could be produced Small nd it was stated that diamonds wbicb not only bas a higher Found After 50 Years WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR were lying in the surface waiting sucrose content, but bas a higher DENTIST to fe picked up.
degree of This also seems to be an essenjuice MASONIC TEMPLE The matter under debate when Thi Ithaca, NY, Feb. 22. FeOffice Hours: 8, am to 12 the revelation of the new dia tal if the industry is to survive, ield of sixty years the Presidonts of mond Id was made by the Gov. for unless an increased yield 30 to 30 Cornell University have used a erament was an item of expendi sugar yer acre can be produced.
Sundays, by Special Appointmen massive oak chair built and No hot irons or special combs required for district develop it is difficult to see how British ture Masonic Temple 11th St, carved at Spandau Prison, just ment. Questions asked in con Guiana can continue to compete outside Berlin, Germany, but Dectinn witb the item elicited the in the world markets. It should O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL none knew that the chair carried information of the wonderful be possible to carry out nroper SOLD IN DRUG STORES PIONE: OFFICE 1664 wibin it a message sent to the Sod and it was stated that the la variety tests on different world by the prisoners, RESIDENCE promising 538 Government owned 100 claims estates wib Recently a wooden medallion from wbleb experts bad already seedling varieties. The cultivation cf Ezra Cornell, founder of the ta ken diamonds worth 160, 000 of rice is gradually assuming ADVERTISE All roads will lead to Juan Institution, fell from its place at poands in a few weeks hand importance in the Colony but Franco race track tomorrow, IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS (Continued on page 5)
comprehensive Irrigation acd matter. There are ally it a simai IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery her, as as it Stationery Store will pass No. 16 Street East Secretary Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage 13 ons where ta Bill to enable a ernment thation to 13 UNNIXNEVO practi80 equally of purity of the Contra Crespo 500 new picking


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