
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 17 25, 1328 PAGE FIVE TRINIDAD Prisoner Message JAMAICA The British Pharmacy The Saenger Wilcox Co. Buys Sports Park at Jamaica.
COLON IS NOW LOCATED AT MEY 11. 1154 11th STREET Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies under Baba rule LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY dore going to bama.
their The JAMAICA HERALD of the 10th inst, states that the Palace Baenger Wilcox Theatre Co of this City has recent y carried out a doal, whereby their holdings in Kingston have been increased, and they now have under considera tion certain important uadertakings with a view to improving the surroundings of the Palace Theatre, On Satuday of last week, the local theatre concera purchazed the lands to the north of the Palace Theatre, known as Sport Park, favourite amusement ceatre, and rome of boxing contests for the past two years. At present they are somewhat undecided as to whether the lands will be utilised for amusements etc. but it would not be surprising if he fpace should be parking of cars.
The management are alive to he seriousness of the parking Droblem at present, and there pre not two ways about it that on several oights cach week.
THE NUMBER OF CARS PARKED in Blake Roid by patrons of the Palace theatre have been sufficient to make traffic io that thoroughfaro mov. with some amount of diff culty and with a view to minimising this the management may decide to out the lands in a way to facilitate their patrous in Parking ents there.
during the past nine month has The history of the Sport Park an interesting one, two appli having come tefore the Council of Kingston and St.
Andrew Corporation, the firs: for which permission to erect a shop thereon.
was turned down, and the wo story build prwd that sufficiont time had not ing, which was also rejected oa the clapsed psed since he rejection of the that deserves some the parking of cars is one consideration deserves commendation on their enterprise, it is hoped that opportunity will be taken to lay out and beautify the lands in such a way as will add to the growing im provement of the locality.
ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN It pays it Public Meeting (Continued from page 4)
the top of the chair back Workmen who restored the medallion To Welcome British Guiana found the message, written in Delegation llowing German script and tightly folded and wrapped in a piece of tin foil, in bole la tbe While members of the Brijsb back of the chals. The message Guiana political delegation were read: in Trinidad some weeks ago, on their way to tbe Colonial Office Go out into the world and on the constitutional question, a bear witness to what zºst, public meeting was held in strength and endurance brought Port of Spalo, onder the chair into existence between prison walls.
inership of the Hon. Capt. Cipriani, by way of a welcome to (Sga) THE UNITED WORKtre visitors, In the course of bis remarks The message will be placed in Capt. Cipriani stated: Irrespec university library.
live oi what anyone might think on the question of the charge of constitution as to bow It affects British Guiana or any part of British Consulate thºse Colonies, we bave to stand Notice four equare with them in any protest at what we might call bix Big stick leciation. Britstick (Cheers. The British Consulate General is damed to failore and at Panama Would like to know of CC: Olive We have watched the the whereabouts of William Hinds work by elected members a native of St Vincent B, of British Guiana from its very who, when last heard of was in Pafocention and We are continue with that watch as it is wo taken across the waters and the case had before the Imperial 7 Patna Street; St. James; Governannt in London. am to Wight, Maraval; and, tell them tonight that they have Alston, Maraval, the greatest sympathy of the The Solicitors of the Company cable in this colong in Rreal constitutional tigh, and it are Messrs. Sellier Co. Ltd. we can be of any telp to ibern, and Charlotte Street, Port ofand the registered offie at No. We can support them, it we can Spain.
Throw into that scale to turn Theirs a great victory they can depend upon it that th people of this colony will stand y them in their bour of necd.
Thrs. The presence of this delegation here tonight is a lesson to us, the eople of Trinidad and we want 10 take it to hart. The time will core, if not today or tomornow, you may rest assured as ture as right fo. lows day, that cur time will always come when we shall need to make represent ation in the same way and alork the lies that they are going to forward to make representation todas. And we want to be in the same position. We want to be in the position to tell this Government that the local Exchcquer shall finance the expense of such a delegation to London.
a (Applause) and it is a lesson that want you to take to beart.
Don forget our trials perhaps have not yet begun, but they are bound to com come and we want to be in that position to bave repreFentation made in the heart of Mother Country, to the great British public, not through the a the West Indian ComA9gociation mittee or any other committee.
When that representation kot to be made on behalf of this colony by the people of this colorv (applause) and when that dion content the Tocal Government we are sending a delegation to London to state our case before Ibe great British public there fore, you be good enough to foot the bill AB Demerara has done. Applause. Mr. ARF, Webber, a member of the delegation, addressed the gathering dealing with causes that have led to staggation in British Guiana.
into been cations bav INSIST ON second to erect found first apo ST. CHARLES applications and for a The Brand that has stood the test of years.
The Glossip Harris Dramatic Company at Jamaica the not any nor TEMARK is weli nama where ST. CHARLES krowe bas BRAND The Glossip Haris Dramatic and Comedian Company of London, is according to the press of Jamaica, delightfully entertaining audiences at the Ward Theatre in Large Kingston. This popular to The Isthm Pany it has periodically played to appreciative audiences in the cities of Panama, Colon and the Canal Zoge.
During the last season of its visitation, the company was eenerally applauded for the attractive repertoire and light dramas, with which it entertained the publie here. We are looking forward to another visit to Panama soon from the Popula: Company.
day must JOOS UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED MIL Rent receipt books in Spanish and English for sale at the WORKMAN New Company Trinidad Dairies, Ltd.
DENTIST HOWELL House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Phone 1911 BALBOA PERFECTLY SAFE NO BACTERIAS Specialises in all Branches of Dentistry ALL WORK GUARANTEED. gew private company was registered on Wednesday with 75, 000 capital, called the Trinidad Datrtes, LH, The capital will consist of 750 shares of 100 each.
The object of the Company is to carry on the business of dairymen, chesee and butter manufacturers, for coring bacon, rearing poultry, and tbe breeders and purchasers of farm produce, also the production of market garded articles aod the manufacture of condensed milk The Company is also articled to sell, import and export catlte poultry game, exgs; frult and vegetables, and to undertake the business of cone farmers or otherwise to deal with cane and sugar.
ar. The neual general power to acquire proverty and to undeutake all projets necessary for the carrying out of the Articles is given The Directors of the Company are Messra. Wigbt, of No.
1b, Dere Street; Fitt, Nos.
Bring your lables of ST. CHARLES to our Premium Department. We shall be glad to show you what we can offer to you free, PRIVATE ACADEMY Liberty Hall 29 St.
Panama City English Classes, Day and Night Dr. Barton begs to announce that this School reopens for the Summet Vacation. BARTON LL.
Principal NESTLE MILK Co.


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