p. 6


PACŁ Six THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAROT 17 1928 For Sale Cheap showing New De Good Assortment of Vive past Oorlespection and regain about Seed their preanists who will do degrees Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pods Hyann Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
will saappananampapapapapapampanganayamapapapapamanan ጥጥጥጥፍጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City steadly on a sinile eventually www CANAL ZONE NOTES Wesleyan Concert Distinguished Visitor To The Isthmus.
La Boca Pars AT PARAISO CLUBHOUSE At 30 tomorrow evening the welcome visitor to the Isthmus Employees Assoc ation Paraiso Clubhouse will be a scene is Dr. N. James, founder and of visitors from the towns of organizer of the Anbient Mystie Order The local district of PapaPanama, La Boca. and other of Ethiopia and at present the Right Caual West Indian Eplaces, The Wes erans io this dis Worshipful Supreme Councillor of the ployees Association hs been Jaines arrived here from trict have arranged a high class Order.
Boyal. activi ies for entertainment in aid of their new official last York on We then on an tbe organ which is couple of month, tiexpected to be imported from one of Temples of the the vived efforts being made lo leading firms in the Republic of Panama wemdiers and a drew it the United States He expects to be away from head Miss Greaves, the organist of quarters in York ones. Representatives from some ork for seven the other societies were presenta: musical fame is expected to preside Indies visiting the various brauches of Church, and an aspirant for months during which time the swan tour Central America th: last meeting and il promised and the West after being satisied that ibe and will will probably be assisted by work needs support to impr88 all in the Order and conferring the higher their power to bring the evening This paper wishes the Dr, a pleas on upon their respective bodies to all eligibles.
do their best in getting others interested, feel proud of the Church, and the the Order ere he returns to his home.
Wesieya in this district should ant time here and God speed in his visitation to all the other branches of Women Life Problem Club progress it is making, Mr Greaves the Choirmester, and organist Tomorrow Sunday night Dr. James Activities.
also be proud of the budding is listed to lecture at No 14 Chapter organit. I A, at Guachapali, when The Club has been The noted Baritone and School it is expected that the Hall will be active for the past month disteacher, Mr. B. Kin mouth packed to its capacity by members poziog of tags the proceeds of contribute to the program and others to hear this distinguished wbich are to go toxide the upand it is hoped that a profitable visitor lecture.
keep of the Buys Institation at evening will be spent by all who Colon. Appreci. ble resou e hay avail themselves of the opportunity CHURCH SERVICES been reported, to attend.
This morning the memhe sol the Club and some friends lease for one o! the country Dinnor to Scott AMERICAN EPISCOPAL towns of Panama for the day This CHURCH outing 18 a periodical item on ibe clubs program The JAMAICA HERALD states (Fourth Sunday in Lent)
which alfords opportu ils for that it has been arrangea by cer. St: Paul Church, Panama physical exercise and better tain admirers of Mr Sectt understanding among the club.
to give a diener in his honour on Rev. Nightegale BD Rec.
Saturday evening of rext week, iti am Arly Communion. The appreciation of his useful work on Reeter.
the field in the recent cricket 10. 15. a. m, The Litany Mr. FR THE ATHENAEUM tournament, and in respect to his Atwell, Lay Reader.
recent inclusion in the I. crickal 10, 80, a. Holy Eucharist and team to tour the Mother Country sermon. The Rector The Le Boca Athenaeum hd in the summer and early autumn. pm Church School a lively meeting on Tuesday 73) m Chora! Ey insong last. The news of the week were piven by Miss Florence Snih Doing Your Bit sermon The Rector.
and an educative 10 minute ST. Matthias Mission sadress by Mrs. Oiga King.
LAS SABANAS Scrap basket was the main item The greatest good that man (Rev AF Nightengale)
on the program and this brought OFPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH can do while using through Priest in Charga out several short talks on various this great old world. comes of other subjects lifting others from the slams of pm. Church School The following Tuesday will be next door Nash Motors Garage degredation and of keeping the 30 pm Evenson Juniors Night and a lively proflag of hope inforled. There is and address. Richards, Lay gram is expected.
lifting for all. All Day and Reader, annie Moon Hip of an animation MARISA MINDANAOMall may be listed. He who goes with os bis Miss Thomas III Seventh Day Adventist to at paying attention to CALIDONIA McClymont STREET Miss Ebelyn Thomas Secrede progress, will stand on with crough ROAD near Isthmian Park Pane.
tary of the Women Life ProRC GOOD POSITION odness MODERN TAILOR about bil to cheer, blem Club, and prominet mm.
Sabbath (Saturdas) 945 a.
pire and save. To mould characCALIDONIA NO. 16 ber of the La Boca Athenaeur, FOR REAL WORKER.
men better, who was ill at her residence for can Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genthe past month is now Improving See us for up todate Work. never be a burden too beavy for eral Worship p. Spanish these imbud the love of Class; wib and expected to be out and manship at Moderate Prices, tuing, And there is nothiere: around within the coming weck. We are offering Permittent positions to a few reliable men 30 in. Society, ater. Toose wo are given there meeting 30 pm. Junior and nd women, in which an excellent income cito be made even are or will be the worla Senior Staudard of attainment Arnold Davis Held up to those who work but PART TIME During onr 35 years in Dr. Fred Sterling benefactors, and they will move Class, p. Vispero.
business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppte word worldThe Suncay March 17th, PreachTHE NEW YORK DENTST our household necessity to our customers in every couutiy in greatest good reaches the least ruuat and rebound to strength the learning Service.
BY UNKNOWN MAN. the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 182, BOLIVAR STREET to bian who is given thereto. He GRIZZLE Pastor, years and have achieved financial Independence IncreasCLON, who is mindful of others and ing local demands and spent orders, make it necesary to labors them, will live Box 171, CRISTOBAL, to The holding up of Arnold sunshine with a stream Notice to Correspondents.
cat Dayis at Colon on Sunday mornappoint more local representatives in many localities in the TELEPHONE 247 COLON of blessings steadily flowing Contributors and correspondent ing last 11tb inst. bas added United States. No special experience or capital required. it from a fountain that never are asked to send in their contribuanother quota to the list of our is a straightrfoware, dignified business. Wny, tot represent the runs dry. He may not water tions not later than Thursdays to recent sensational stories in that largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send PROPOSED NEW IMMI material riches while passing insure publication. This is imperaconnection 1: your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau By all appearauces the perbut he will be rich in thing, tive and must be adhered to.
GRATION QUOTA that mean more Lobim and petrator Was in searcb of mo. ey will send you full particulars When we ar point an agent more to those left in the world, but, unfortunately, was only 15 Advertise in the (WORKMAN) it we furnish free famples for Trial Tests in the homes in the Continued from page 1)
Such men never die eternalis will bring you good reeults.
Cents richer after committing loe lity of the agent.
never. Tampa Bull. tin.
one of the foulest deeds ever In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in Poland quota jumped from 4, 978 to recorded, and it certainly takes which you saw this advertisement, 090; Germany from 23, 428 to a nervy guy to be a bold up.
24. 908; Czecho Slovakia from 2, 248 man one who thinks nothing of his life and one who is preAddress ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, C, to 726; Belgium from 410 to 328 Austria from 1, 486 to 639, prepared to stand all the conse Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street the Netherlands from 2, 421 to 083 quences. Come what may.
and Switzerland from 1, 198 to According to info mation 1, 614.
gathered by our colon Corres.
pondent, the victim, Davis, was The joint departmental committee on bis way home during the wee appointed to arrive at the national hours of the morning, and in quotas said an inaestigation by the American Council reaching near the Union Church, of Learned Societies indicated that AND he felt someone grabbim from behind, sink their fingers in his the English element as given in the of population growth and throw him to ibe too large, and it was recommended that ground, but, as the attack seemed this element be reduced by 10 per cent Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages to have so pre arranged by this searcher of wealth, that and distributed among other nations represented in the population of 1780 Davis was rendered quite help. Why throw away your old, but no Summary of Contents: less.
We. Lowever, hope that such doubt interesting, books when you History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years)
occurrences will be few, as it is ETUDE CLUB WILL MEET Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, not often tbat we read of such daring acts, and that tbe city of can have them neatly bound at Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Colon will be a safe place to Cootinued from page 1)
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, walk regardless of large or small bours THE WORKMAN Evening will be. How to improve Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua the Club. Biographical eketeh and musical Ethics.
Players TAKE NOTICE No. EAST 16 STREET Miss Charles the Pianist will render a Selection, and the regular Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and The WORKMAN can be business will be trabazted.
Interesting had at Mr. Sanchez place Opposite the Wesleyan Church It is expected that Rosettes Il bo and this will make an 24th street, No building Price 50cts.
appearance of the Guachapali.
There will be to Social members aldur 88 but immedi: tely af er Secure yours now there will be a great rush BOWEN when all members are exan elaborate function will for them.
TAILOR Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN No. M Street San Migue gram, and a few friends will be Panama Panama City IT PAYS invited to take part in the proceedings of the evening.
ma er and take belp happily iu suns!
STILL ON SALE Wes Indies Cricket History Book Binding!
century Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 neck Pas been of Mozert the addition 10 to the the Lerten In the Workman


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