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nothing anal mon GARVEY FUTURE PROGRAM READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEX ARC VOL 16 No. 33 PANAMA, SATURDAY MARCH 24, 1928 PRICE CENTS Must Change Her Policy Memory of Nurse An Outrage on The Regulation Governing Advocates for a Nicaraguan In Nicaraguan Affairs Canal Air Views e decision bloot Similar red.
Cavell of Canal Zone Employee And their Immediate Sir Austen Chamberlain Relativos Says New York Paper 21 Ameri Remarks in Justifying Ban Unexpected Growth of Traffic cans Have been Lost in War Of Film Dawa The following Executive Circular in connection with the Panams imThrough Panama Canal is Which Does no Good.
migration, Law issued from Balio THE CENSOR REPORT. Heights recently, is here publisbe Base for Argument.
for the general information of ur Writing editorially under the caption What Price readers: Sandino the NEW YORK WORLD says: London, Feb. 27. The lively TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS TWO ISHMIAN CANALS, OR ONE?
skirtoish precip tated by the In a recent issue of the NEW YORK WORLD appears What are we to do, in respect to this jungle war British ban on the film Dawn. AND DIVISIONS. that has run on, now, for more than half a year? Are we whicb is a picturization of ba lile REQUESTS FOR IMMIGRATION, the following: to continue dribbling away American lives week and death of Elitbc vell, The unexpected growth of the traffic through the fe CERTIFICATES, SILVER EMPLOYEES.
Panama Canal has raise a ques ion as to how long by week, only to leave San tino where he was before? Britisha makose berwine reached the or of the House of Are we to send a large enough army to Nicaragua to day. Sir Austen Chamberland ees requesting certificates of ide comm rce. At the moment this discussion may In the future silver e nploy. this waterway will suffice for the needs of the world really to exterminate him in a war in which the the foreign secretary wis called Sem greography of the bad lands is fighting on bis side? Are potestinataryaccommor of members of their faun lies in practical importatice. The traffic has not yet begun to tity for themselves or for the use academic, but in due course it will become of great we to decide that, after all, the territory which he in order British Board coming to the Istumus or in relax the canal, and by lighting its course so as to action controls holds only a twentieth of the population of Filip Cuneors, to bar the piece day quired to present the fullewing bled. It can be increased still further by the construc.
Chairman of the turui 12 to the Istom es from virits permit safe transit, by night its capacity may be douNicaragua, and on this theory draw a cordon around It w29 learned further to nearby countries, will be rehim as best we can, give him the run of his owo bad that the clista also will be carried tion of a new reservoir for impounding the waters at lands, hold a fair election in the rest of Nicaragua and to the London ounty Council a documents. a) Certificates for wives: la all the head of the Chigres River and thus insuring an then leave a duly constituted Nicaragua Government to a result of the to give the deal with him? Or is there the alternative of attempting film a private showing Wednesday, initions and rele mele mele cose subsample supply for continuos operation.
collapse lus marriage certidente, to make peace with Sandino by persuading him to sub for a special howing in Albert Hall (b) Certificates for children: In Yet there is every reason to expect a growth of mit his claims to a referendum of his own people, along tomorrow, for which special ioall to stance, the employee must trans isthmian commerce until it will eventually exceed with the claims of the two regularly constituted parties, vitations were to have been issued (Continued on Page 6)
the miximun carryiog power of the waterway. Either the Panama Canal will have to be enlarged or a new route in a fair election. For ourselves, we believe that the last of these alterwill have to be constructed elsewhere. The advocates of natives is at least worth trying, even though the possiSPARKLETS a sea level route through Panama and of a second canal through Nicaragua are now siring their views in the bilities of peace may seem remote. Heory Stimsoni went to Nicaragua last May, and from a situation apparently (By KING)
quite as hopeless as the present situation succeeded in Selt Proservation: a hieve, young man? quesito the better of the argument. They point out that for Champions of the Nicaraguan route appear to have effecting a truce between the two factions which were ed My hair is banging over my then belligerents. What has been done once can be ug propaganda for race conscious. And when almos: Dustei uy the event of war the Panama Canal will be the wheel Since Mr. Marcus Garver tell face, le repl ed absent udedly. strategic reasons two canals are better than one; that in done again. luis significant that thewhole Sandino episode bes ud his anreleating fight for side with laughter be caught bm of Achilles for this country, and that a second water post dates the Stimson mission, that it represents a prob the Negro before the bar of comesli and continued, that was route will greatly reduce the danger of a bomb from an lem which Mr. Stimson did not have to face when non justice. Negroes eyes have just a stunt.
he was there, and that since his degrue meanwhere and they have begun to appreciate serioare completely out and Western coasts of Ageinginais doubtful fit any subvery uncovered airplane cutting off comunication between our Eastern The actions of many of our aew this problem wholly in the hands of men whose more and more the fapt that specialty is not peace but bullets.
their nixek ekin is only cover for sirnibarmo y with their profes 10. stantial enlargement of the Panama route is teasible from Twenty one Americans have been killed in a war har qualities contained under that may probeert these color in to an engineering point of view, and even if it were the the ed. Nicaraguan casualties have been stil: heavier. It is or their black skin similar espead most of their real ba hindered while new construction was under way.
streains of blood with in apelag someone else!
high time, we believe, for another Stimson mission, a Self preservation demnauds a There are no such doubts as to the Nicaraguan change of policy and a new effort to arrange a truce. Iar corpuscles flow through the incog, otber Things toc ita susten route. Indeed, it was regarded by many as the preveios and around Suppose it fails? We shall have lost othing. We may as those of other races. They have onder choycalopode of conferable site when Panama was selected. There is plenty They have selves under any and all conditions of time in which to arrive at a decision, but some the gain substantially. Anything is worth tryng as an alterna come to appreciations coment formation of our God given physi day the coun ry will have to decide, and as time under milir tive to the present tragic policy of letting drift and growth and subsequent treatment carenaracteristics and the improve passes public interest in the question may be expected pr servatio. without de wasting lives.
boys and Book of those of other races and they went of nur meuial aud päysical to increse. Madam Olga King The Power Of Smile becognizmenter of the fact that is persones. This support, die beste requires similar in preserving ourselves, treatment to rid their systems of should systematically and consisperasites as that required to bring to the roy broederhood of mod by carried out Panama Wesleyans Rep. of Mystic Order To Sing In Recital There a wondro a lot of power about similar cure in other races, Addresses Large Audience In an honest, wholesome smile; Much injustice has been done wbich can only be developed into only theory, gentle reader, It often atarts a blessing Arrango Interesting Madam Walker Headley To That will travel for a mile, and is being done to the gro, practice at the direction of Alewise Sylabus for Christian One of the largest audienres to Assist Why, when hearts are sad and cause of two major condicions: his Until He sees fit there will ouly be than any other people, be Creator of and the universe. Endeavourers htve visted chapter 14 of the 1, was present there on And the days are dark the while, demundet by modern civiliza xu todivi lud Negro will find under developed economic status isolated cases wher, for for instance, Sunday list to listen to Dr Un.
Madam Olga King of La Boca You cannot notice that things tiode and the darkness of his skin. Sincerest friend and champion in a Wesley Christian Endeavour tas of Hue Mystic Anciunt Oruct oi The management of the Fanama Jomes of New York, teple entstaa will again appear before the footlights in song recital according to Some hold that this greater haudivery From the moment that you cap lies in the color of his skio nutite North American or an In arranged interesting ви іора.
imformation received from her smile.
diun. or an Englishman in that of of syllabus for the next quarter, of the in course of this week. She is maintain that his under develop a colored Americso, We iodino or begirning with the month of UNA and be spoke in the planning to render a program at What the rose is to the bower. ed economic status is by far the Ch. oest wine. On the whole, April.
most enthusiastic What the jewel to the ring tbe La Boca Clubhuse during the vein in greater.
ea sh race s been putting tortta early part of May next. She wil What the song is to the robin.
The Society of culture must origiaal, it mi future rse of the Negro. Ogle In days Be that as it may, believe the and will continue to employ its Walker Headley. As on the occs. What the gold into the murdering Negro will emerge into a strone and best forts to preserve itself as its womipent cougani acions in the se pretenden besten beson Wesleyan Church, and more in. nis bigtily suspiring address the That oft our souls be guileif dominant, first duty Clubhouse a year ago, orchestral All this, sad more, to people it month after vided the white man civilizatioa But waile it is our first duty to terest is beshown in numbers to intersperse May Pro Is the blessiog of a smile.
does not succeed in overwhelmning preserve ourselves us a race of mouth. The Rev. Wade bude a forceful appeal to his people with the gram will be furnished by the Pa When you see a face that sad and straight hair are the only true de best of our ability, there are troduced some very modern and are serious leaders for progress, and ideo that fair skin people and support our own efforts President of the Society has to support tuose of their own wna sama Symphony Orchestra.
deped indexes to superior mentality, and other and numerous cases in whien members up to date id as in this Society deprecated insularism is the rock Aside from being the most ac By the cruelty of etrife, that dark skin and kinky hair are of otner races treat us with hr such as will suit local conditions; wbjcbwe batter ourselve it complished local coloured soprauo, Into which have come the wriokles indexes to but mediocre mental great fairness and squareness than for, wb Christian Organi Madam King enjoys unique From the toils and cares of life, but cl ver propaganda to instill Uoder such eircumstances, let us Tali vous topics at all times, thused.
There is a silent some members of our owa face. sation, it does not co: fine itself to dowo, His Address was welt Teeeitpopularity in social and re igivus Just send a ray of sunshine circles on both ends oi the Isthmus, To smooth its brow a while, this theory in the Negro, and al give credit where credit is due, by giving everyone an opportunity to bence, ber com ng appearance ou And bestow a pass ng blessing ready this propaganda bas caused befrie diog a man who is true to express himself according to used will probably erase, some others will be enthusistically the stag By the giying of a smile.
particular aptitude.
bim to spend millions of dollars you.
in that might bave been already absolutely futile efforts to press During the next quarter, atormed.
looked forward to by huudreds of Lindbergh Wins Wilson the kinks out of his hair and in Faithful Chauffeur prominent West India has been The President and officers are to Isthmias folk.
prove the texture of bis skinscheduled to speak on the ProsModal And 25. 000 Madam Walker Headley inclo ou liiods wbich would have placed Inherits a Million pects of West Indians in Panama be congratulated for having so ably Prize.
the race on a much higher intelsion in the com og recital is a and this will be a subject whish arranged sued an interesting quar lectual plane had it been spent in will interest both the Christino ter Program, and one which will matter for general satisfaction meet the growing demands of the its mental and physical develop. Pots ville. Pa. Feb. 27. Because Endeavourer and the outsiders.
and approval by coloured theatre. For bis services to the cause of Isthmian Community.
James Curran served her faith Some very interesting and Edukoers and music lovers all over international friendship, Colonel The following comprise the ex be Isthmus; abe being one of most Charles Lindbergh, tbe North throwing his head backwards to rid years Miss Ermine Elssler, trated on the sereen. also, the ecutive of the Society.
Seeing in as for three will be popular representative copranoiats American air seer was awarded his face of some imaginary longe asti inated at more the tan important places in each tbus, ao A. Barris Vice President; atxuy, left blm ber entire estate, West Indian Islands, and many Rev. Wade, President the using and, Madame King. bas appea medal and a prize of 25. 000, 140 at hand the same time to helo 11. 000, 000. This was learned to opportunity will be given those Grant, Secretary Dottin Or red before baverous audiences cording to cablegraphic reports the strands backward, interrupt day was the woman will was persons who have never, nor will ganist Misses Daphne Newland, bots vo this and on the Atlantic. resebing bere in course of the led a youngster of color a few days opened.
ever be able to visit the e places, to Roll Sucretary; Estella McMilla week.
ago. What are you trying to Coatiaged oo page 6) form their own coaception of them and Dorio Rodney.
It mun heavy년 Dr. Joins is a web York Division of in sunsets ים bim to it is a.


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