
ARD SHOE Packard assembly E her Miss Morgan ATLANTIC SIDE THE WORKMAN Eastern Pageant At Colon Baptist Church.
Pablisha no Saturday. by stes for Adverlasemon on applies WALROND, 3: the office 6 16, thoa. Correspondence on all mattes grand Esster Pageat witn of public interest invited.
Stace: East Pasm RP be abobe title will be presentap All copy for publication must be at The Colon Batist Church by POB 16. Panas RP written on opo side of paper only, and the Cbeir on Sunday April at Ratos o Subscription must be accompanied by the name of P.
Tae Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publics The story cireles around the tion but as a mark of good faith.
Triunpal Entry into Jerusalen, 20 Mix Months Three the Crucifixion; and reaches its 40.
We do not undertake to return toOne Month 23 jacted correspondence.
cilax at the Resurrectio. SYNOPSIS. Marry. Martba, beck. The Liberty of the Press is the paladium of our rights. NUIS and Judith assemble io Judith zarden to discuss fears which SATURDAY MARCH 24, 1928 they entertain concerring the safety of Jesus They are jolaed by Peter and Phillip, as well as GARVEY FUTURE PROGRAM.
Daphney and Heleo two Grecian women, When President General Marcus Garvey of the Tbey are rudly disturbed by Roman Soldiers who are in stopped at Cristobal Canal Zone; several queet of fun! ormation concerlog months ago on his way from the United States of America be whereabouts of Jesus.
to nis nalivehome, Jamaica, in the British West Indies he feels better every time he wears it, Pulling to obtain the requiered he announced tentative plans including, among other formation, the soldiers depar, things. his early return to Panama, a visit to the Dot Corist is eventually arrestvarious West Indian islands ani the United Kingdom, for the recollection of quality ed ete. b) Tye characters agaia all of which were to be in the interest of the movement he founded and represents. Up to the present time, however, remains long after the price. and while they are told by a group singing girls, the leader has apparently not been able to put into execuled by Mirlanı, that. He is Rissen.
tion any of his plans. It has been reported that here has is forgotten.
This story cannot fuil to interest the listener. Do not miss been some opposition among the teaching staff of his own this treat. The price of admis.
people in one of the West Indian islands, to his proposed ion is purbosely fixed at the visit to that place. No futher word has been heard minimun so that all friends in y with regard to his proposed visit to England and there be induced to attend. Rich SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS abouts. As far as his return to Panam is concerned, it was music will be given.
some time ago blurted around that he not be Cast of Characters allowed to land in the Canal Zone, thereby making it some1 Mary. Miss Brown, what uncertain as to whether he would be able to land in for all the latest Models Martha. Miss Francis Rebecca. Miss Lewis the Republic of Panama. Judith. Miss Black propagandist of the highest type, Garvey is Daphne Miss Francis BACK recognized as being far above the average world character. Miriam SOCIA it is not unlikely, therefore, that even overnments will CARLOS MULLER Miss Campbell Pater. Mr. Reid seek to restrict his movements. But the inan is far from Paillip. Mr. Qaarless being an undesirable character as far as Negroes are conSOLE AGENT 10 Four Rowan Soldiers.
cerned, We do not agree with his utterings ia toto, but it Messrs: ANA, Veitch is plain, unvarnished truth that the basic principles of his Stephenson, Irving preachings tend to develop a steady, heall growth of his 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY 11 Chorus Gir)s; Misses Morgan, Charlton, Campadherents from every angle of human progress. He has never bel, Johnson offered any definite plan for practical execution, but there is genuine material in his prograin on a whole which may b?
employed by his people to good effect and to their very best Radian Star Lodge 39 interest. coloured man who sanctions a decree to exclude him from his community is, we are afraid, still wholly and comfortably wrapped up in the mantle which once enAt a meeting held at the above ashrouded his forebears when they were held as chattel named Lodgº, 5th street and Hutson Line Colon, for the purslaves.
pose of Initiation and also for There is no question but that Garvey future program the Installation of officers for the will be greatly modified to that of his previous blanket ensuing term, the Initiation was first carried through under utterings. Yet his freedom abroad might be restricted by the conductorship of Bro.
strong forces, but his basic ideas cannot possibily be destroy.
Kirr Master assisted by ed. On this score, his future operations must remain indefi.
Of every description Bro. L. Blades, Past Word nite. However, that dynamic force is at present in the shipful Council Master; and island of Jamaica, from which place he can operate with Meikle Past Ruler of St.
Peters Lodge No. 22, when But Garvey name has already found its way in the na un bar of were ad DESPATCH mitted to archives of the world foremost events of great men the rights of Gallileans, after sald Initiation, The for he has succeeded in injecting a marching spirit in the Master Kerr theo Negro which is utterly indestructible.
AT THE proceeded to Install the condicere Sis. Etbel War With England.
Edivo Hutson. R; Bro.
Ebel Kirr, Bro, E, Blades, Worthy Scribe; THERE has been an awful lot of talk lately about the Sis. Alice Hall, Bro.
Arthur Jereminte Sobes, Savage, possibility and the impossibility of war betwen the United Ngis.
States and England.
One of the latest pronouncements was that of Foreign Inner Guard: Minister Chamberlain who declared in parliament that Bro Goddard, Toe Ceremony was carried such a war was unthiu kable, Yet he must have been through without hitch.
thinking about it at the time he spoke, and so have a They were a large numher of lot of others who have used the same term.
Dr. Nathan Rowe visitors from the various dres Many well known men, many of whom might be of the order who took putin called statesmen, have prophesied another big war in the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON same, after the Ceremony was near future. It has been pointed out that the general ilth and Bolivar Sts.
complete, members repaired to the Banquet Hall wbere the hest trend of all the big nations following their armaments, COLON, things of life were provided.
spreading their infiuence and coveting new territory points BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE toward war.
Chase National Bank few bold prophets ot war have mentioned Great No hot irons or special combs required Germany to Enter Office Hours: 9a. to 12m Britain and the United States, principally because the two p. to pm.
natiuns are the ones contending for world leadership in SOLD IN DRUG STORES (Continued from page 4)
weatlh and power. There is now no close second. The OPICÉ TELEPHONE 320 most startling statement was that of Admiral Plunkett, in Drue Store TELEPHONE 154. former services which had been discontinued.
a sort of characteristic navy officer speech, in which he There is a vast market for saw war nearer than ever before, and who did not bananas in Germany wbieb is hesitate to name Great Britain as a likely enemy. All PRIVATE ACADEMY present entirely because of a competitive trade policy. But he was nntouched, the United Fruit explained away by President Coolidge who pointed out Liberty Hall 29 St.
Company only shipping by ders and Fyffes one cargo that naval officers always talk war when a navy approPanama City there per week, which by no priation bill is up before Congress.
English Classes, Day and means covers the needs of the Admiral Magruder later spech pictured such a war Night. Dr. Barton begs to country in fact, many of the as the most disastrous for progress, humanity and announce that this school largo towns Cologne for ipcivilization, but pronounced it too remote to warrant tansce practically reopens for the Summer Why throw away your old, but no not touched at all yet, and as soon consideration. He went so far in the other direction Vacation.
as these large potential areas as to favor a smaller naval building program.
doubt interesting, books when you BARTON can be opened up and developed.
But it all makes talk, and whether avowed or not it is Germany comsumption of bsall tinged with the memory of the conflict and failure can have them neatly bound at Principal Danis may be expected to become a very large and seirly of the conference on limitation of armaments held at increasing item. Por. 09 Spain Geneva last year.
Too much talk is dangerous. Wars have been talked THE WORKMAN Dr. Fred Sterling Gazette.
up just that way. People feel that where is so much THE NEW YORK DENTST TAKE NOTICE smoke there must be some fire. It would be well to soft pedal the war talk and bend our efforts toward No. EAST 16 STREET 182, BOLIVAR STREET The WORKMAN Cub CULON, turning an English speaking people (among others)
had at Mr. Sanchez place toward thoughts and assurrances of peace. fHE PATH Opposite the Wesleyan Church Box 71, CRISTOBAL, 24th street, No building FINDER 中和SC TELEPHONE 247 COLON Guachapali.
JOB. PRINTING XX Candidates WORKMAN PRINTERY Thaddeus Walcoran Contra Crespo almost Book Binding!


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