
THE WORKHAN SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1928 FAGE THREE The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER tham, and the long years NEED WATCH? dores of Tere FULLER HER ATONEMENT. FLOWERS joined a nursic fchool where she duly graduated. After which she Borked two years at the Lincoln Abogado. Attorney at Law liospital, in New York City, where (Love Story of tere)
OFFICE No. 44 BST he w:18 greatly este wed by her BON NO. 35 PANAMA CITY colleagate and ile doctors.
BY TELEPHONE No. 1377 Then she had decided to retura CERAN AND CLYTUS to) Trinidas, if for to other reason, THOMABOS, Practicing before all the cours of but to be always close to ite oro tha Republie since April 1914 whom slie secretly adored Colony, she had submitted Arriving (All rights reserved)
her credentials to the Medical Board, which was impressed with course IS IT VISIOX?
offered It was the Superiotendent No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue inted employment Lere. She was ia present situation for the Dactor office at about o clock three fronths. She could past in the morning. Max Rell, in Assure him that ali PANAMA CITY response to a phone call taom the Telephone 695 her thoughts were ever of bin. It doctor, bad just arrived in great ass bis image, bia boble imoge, haste, overjoyed at the news that he coaforsed, wtich like a lodestar the operation bad been performed DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING in the distance had sustained her and his father life bad been sope throughout the years, and saved.
and drawn her footsteps back to Doctor. said he, no sooner le had entered the office, extending OF THE HIGHEST ORDER And where the little to?
his hand, doctor, feel myself DROP IN AT he it:quired sympa betearly, but eternally your debtor fornot without a slight blush. Not I, Rell, quickly inter Poor little thing! replied the ropted the surgeon, waving the Work Done While You Wait patient in a shaking voice, she young man to a seat, It no:1 lied of pneumonia shortly after mv to whom you re deeply obligated, 122 CENTRAL AVE, rrival in New York Tuo tears but first, to science, then next like shimmeriog pearl, klested in ubique beroism of a woman to whoin you are a total stranger. TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED You lil Find Them ber eyes. Perhaps it was better so, she don quite onderstand, Moderately Priced. added pattetically. for d rather confessed the youth. To whoin now she is in Heaven are you alluding, may ask?
Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices he bright chcirs of angles, where he is welcome, than to be in this To whom but to our nurse world a constant trget for Thomas whose wonderful selfLadies Garments carefully handled scorn and reprouebes of mortal sacrifice has made poesible the miracle. And when we take into It was God will, rem rked consideration the serious cature of Rell devoutly.
the operation, and the fact that REID Propietor At that moment the attendar the patient is a stranger to the nurse, who had diserretly di arnurse, we agree that ber pared at the entry of Roll int action is corumendable in the exthe room, returned.
treme. shall certainly call the Noticing in the patient siges of attention of the Medical Board to increased weakness, due to emeit, for if ever one was deservable ional strain, Rell rose; promise of some meritorious reward, it ing to be back punctually the this young woman voluntarily filowitg morning, and with o.
exposed her life to save that of a 5x55 SSS SOON 308 30X6s os somos Sisst lingering look of deep siferpoor patient.
ion, be took his departare. Reil was deeply affected. Tears RECONCILIATION Shiten din nis eyes.
Tenny for our thoughts. May be permiteil, doctor, to wispered Janita, prelding ber sit ty father raviour, so that husband genly in the ribs with a abay kiss her latis in gratitude?
rolled copy of The Week! Gust Certainly, though she very diao. penny for y ur thoughts, weak al. ch Fuel: severe trial, dlaric, she rented with for. cl You may however, see her fom caress in her bewitching you few minutes without barm, Wall Max Rell slowly turned his a recoud.
head and beamed a mile of dep Add topping to the side of his affection on his wfe. Drawingler desk, he passed the electric outgently to him, he kissed her.
It was fully three months since You ll take this gentlematto their happy and dramatie reunion private ward 5, said the doctor to at the bospital. Within a week the man who had promptly apfollowing the operstion she si pear dig answer to his summo.
recovered her former strength and Arrived at the particular waru, tie Ith. During her Rei was inclined to besitate at convalescence R had the door, when from within the constant 0, 06 visitor at the in voice of the atiendant ourse inwith solicitude vited him to enter.
he of affection le slowly entered the silent within the bosom of his finareee.
room, a prouensation creeping He told her with ciendou: over his entire frame. The patient would not brook any further ly on ber ted with her face 10in relation to their future wards the wall. He stopped for u ness, and that their should take place at the earliest second or two, the softly approached the bed. At that instant convenient date poseible. So withio The outetrefched figure on it turned the spare of a month she had and faced him. Ther yos met. relinquished her employment, and was Jitsnita! His long lost Juanita the happy pair in due time was wholayo the bed, her long, glosty quietly married, hair lying in disarray on Sweetheart, said he, vo ken pillow! There she way, wun and been thinking what a queer and pale like a figure complex thing is iife. Think, for For a brief while Max Reli instance, that you who had been stood as if transfixed to the spot.
dispised, hated, ated, nay, even grossly Was it a dream, or visio Was father; you whom really bis beloved who ly bifore a creature of an bimi inferior mould, perhaps not wholly human, to be coloured. Max, dear, came feebly from simply because you you on the peor the prostrated woman whom, had he the will to do so. Juautti, Juwital exclaimed would have imposed the worst Rell, falling ove knee beside persecution possible, only to please the bed and clasping the patient his befogged mind and hand in his. Is it really you, you, bis heart of adaman jy you long lost treasure? You in iny wbom he considered of flesh and blood, er only a vision ny min love because as he some playful tick of my imagina bis own selfish heart, you were incapable of a noble 132 No, Max, it no vision or fion you, Juanjta were designed dream, but your own little Juanita by an All Wise and Inscrutable just from the borderland of death.
Providerce to offer your precious Yes, my dearling Max, your own would be sacrifice to save little Juanita returned once more hiel Who can ever pierce the to your warm embrace, but puriarcanum of Divine Wisdom and fied and enobled, worthy now of Intelligence! And his eyes glowed your love and adoration, with religious fervour. And you it is Juanita, who Before leaving the institution, have made this noble sacrifice, Max, said Juunita, her voice jeopardizing your sweet, young life deeply sympathetis, went to to save that of my father hé see him. We was still very weak, above all mortale! Why, you re an but held my hands in his and aogel. An angel, that what you re gently squeezed them, Juinita. And bending over her He told me that the head hand be kissed it again and again.
nurse had apprised him of every But tell me, aseetheart. he are bing. That he was aware that he continued with fervour, where re owed bis life to me, and felt that you been all these years al these my debtor; that years when life to me was but a unfortunately he was too week to barren waste? ls it possible that express himself as he should; but om you lived all this time cloistered would come to ace us as soon as he woul somewhere in this city and was was able to do so that he might all the while oblivious to the fact?
throw bimself at iny feet and heg Tell me, is it so?
forgiveness for the great wrong Oh, no, Max, she replied.
be had be us, and me in partiAnd in soft, gentle accepta she cular; and hoped that his appeal related bim bow after she reached would not be in vain.
the Voited States and obtained em. Continued on Page 4)
ployment there she bad at once, Voyecto SILVER her short pericen that to SPRAY the sunof wax.
tesulted considered PILSENER pride gratity imagined in tion?


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