
Fire Destroyed Block of Building at Frankfield pure Blaze Orignated in Shop Locked up for Weeks.
LUCKY at 8, it STRIKE IT TORSTED CIGARETTES LUOK agogga agr. vegaan TTS a LUCKY STRIKES ever increasing popularity The JAMAICA MAIL states that early on the morning of the 12tb inst a fire occurred in the town ship of Branis field in Upper Clarendon whea a block of buildings consisting of five shops and all the houses and outbuild legs were destroyed.
The fire was discovered abzu two o clock, The flames raged until o clock but was observed that the debris was burning titreels. Toere is no fire engine at Frankfield, and the extirguisbing of the flipes had to be left to the efforts of willing residents who turned out and fought the tire, Dr. Thomar, the 0, and Mr. Thomas reside on the upper il lor of Excelsior House on the main street, and Dr. Carlton, wb) had been making a tour of the island giv.
ing his cinema talks on Lendon.
wss the guest of Dr. and Mrs Thomas At about two o clock yesterday morning, Mrs. Tbomas happen to get a wake, and saw a light ebining in her bedroom.
She looked across the road and saw bullding on fire. She gave the alarm that a tire was in pro gress, and Thoma3 and Dr.
Corlton rushed out and saw a bleze in building opposite to ALWAYS FRESH. This is just Excels or House That building was unoscupied. When the two Doctors got outside it was ob one of the many reasons for, Bevred that the FIRE WAS BLAZING SERI.
These premises were owned by Mrs, Louise Bernal, and the stock of groceries delonged to Ar. All mont Dolphy. This sbop bad been Iccked up for the past four weeks and the stock Was advertised For sale, It is it toasted difficult to imagine how the fire started in the shop at two o clock in tbe morning. The place being No Throat Irritation. No Cough nnoccupied, and no doubt it was the act of a tbiet who bad broken into the shop, helped himeelt to some of the goods, and then set tire to th: place.
The fire spraad to a building owned by Nr. Brenton Lop and which carried stock belonging to Chin Kim Sang. This W38 apparently unisured.
Then the fire developed very rapidly and spread to premises owned by Mr. Tbeo. McKay, containdig a stock of groceries Qamar 29 TORNADO TAQUAPART gp apapanggagawangaparna ART na naman a and other goods belonging to Charlie Chin.
The next building that took fire belonged to the Wesleyan Methodist Church and was leased by Messrs Tbomas Abrahams and Co. the stock being Germany to Enter owned by Nora Chin.
While the conflagration was West Indian Trade, proceeding several persons were engaged in saturating the balcony of Excelsior House witb water in order to protect it as of recent date says: The Port of Spain Gazette much as possible from the ra vages of the flames. Water was THERE 18 every likelihood that got from the river, Several men the Hamburg American Line and girls were engaged in this will shortly be enteria the COLON task. They brought the water banana business to ship fruit from the river through the back from Jamaica to the German premises of the Excelsir House market.
for the purpose; but it was difiThe Hamburg. American Line cult work throughout as the blaze bave actually got three refrigearound bad made the balcony rator ships building at the IS NOW LOCATED AT were present moment for this service, very hot and those who engaged in this task, and they may be expected to commence within a few months HAD TO WORK IN RELAYS time.
STREET They could not stand the heat The same source of informafor long. Then a corner of the tion states that the refrigerated Excelsior House caught fire, space in theese ships has been Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK spreading in a southerly direcchiefly, it not entirely, engaged tion. Thanks to the prompt by. Messrs. Eiders Fylfes, Where our customers will receive the usual the fire of course, that it at that corner was subdued be wanahas which will be taken.
be United Fralt Company fore it had taken a serlops turn The courtesies thanks to the fact that the bal The Hamburg Amer! can Line.
en with water. Thus an even the business before the War, more serious configration was and in the last year or so they presented, as other houses would have resumed many of their LOOK FOR THE SIGN have been burnt.
As soon as the fire bad caught the bailding of Mr. Brenton Small BRITISH PHARMACY Lopez, portions of the goods of DENTIST Chin Kit Sang were removed into the street. Sang example MASONIC TEMPLE was followed by other persons, Office Hours: 8, am to 12 and in that way, a large quantity 30 to 30 of stocks was saved.
Many of the buildings had to Sundays, by Special Appointmen ba demolished to present the Masonic Temple Ilth St, spread of the fire. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Articles of furniture of Dr, and PuOnE: OFFICE 1664 Continued on page 5)
RESIDENCE 538 WORKMAN It pays (Continued from page That, thank God, the musky veil of prejudice, born of a miscon rception of the true spirit of humanity, bad been rent from bis eyes, and he could now see by the light of human cbarity. And could to God those who still wallowed in the slough of racial prejudice could be himself to see the true light.
privileged like Oh, Max, it would have pierced your heart to listen to his words. He indeed contrite for all the wrogs we have suffered from his hands, And my arms aro open to reevive him in peace and forgiveces They both sat on a divan in the porch of their beautiful home. Tho evening was peaceful and calm. In Queen Park opposite were groups of children and adults enjoying themselves in sundry ways. lo the far distance could be seea an lectric car swiftly, and silently gliding, like some fleeting dream, over its track around this beauti!
ful and spacious savannah, Thus, once more, is exempliLied, remarked Rell with pious gravity, the sublime trutb so iervently taught and repeatedly put into practice by the great Nazareue that good will always uvercone evil, that love is more potent than hate, And Avem!
They both had wheeled rouad at the sudden interruption.
There before them stood the venerabje figure of the elder Rell, ui frame ightly bent, bis silken, white bair shimmering in the rays of the setting sun. There he stood, gazing at them with the glow of parental love and affection in his eyes.
Instantly they were on their feet. Welcome, father! Welcome!
rang from the lips of Juanita, stretching forth her arms. Torica welcome to our home, father!
The gray old man, with weak, faltering steps, slowly approached.
Warmly clasping the proffered hands, be raised them to his pale and cervous lips, them a lingering kiss. The tears imprinting og were coursing dowa his emaciated cheeks. ye come, he began falteringly to ap Stop! interposed Juanita, rudely placing ber daiaty, little fingers over bis lips, Not a si gle wurd of the past, not a single word old deatie. it all forgo. teo. It all briedu, buried with a golden spadue, Let talk of the future fous, all strewn with sunshine and ba pinees The old man smiled contentedly and said. So let it be, my darling. Uodoubtedly you re right, Let the unhappy pas, be buried in oblivion We are born to a new life, bavius cast aside the shell of the old, And drawing her gently to bim, be warmly embraced ber, impriot.
ing on her forehead a paternal kiss ro of a heart chasteued through acute sutfering. He softly caressed her bair, looking the very embodiment of re born bappuess.
Inserting, then, his fingers into his Vest pocket, be brought tolo. th folded slip of paper. regret, said be in a balf chokiug voice, ibat due to my illnes could not be preseat at your lappy weddiay, Luther was it possible then to send you come email present. However, ve not bewu wuminaful of my duty. Here a small present ve brought you, which trust you ll appreciate.
Taking the proffered slip of paper, Juanita slowly unfold and read it. Oh, Max! she cried cut, thrusting the paper into the hand of her husband. Sce! Seel what your darling fatber giving us.
And throwing her delicate arma around the old man necks, TV good of you, oh, how good and kind of you to us! she repeated bet ween tears aod joy, Young Rell who had grasped tle bit of paper and quickly run his eyes over it, remained amazed.
For his trembling hand he held. daly signed cheque on the Colonial Bank, Port of. Špaio, in favour of Juanita Rell, for the fum of TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS. THE END)
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