
THE WORKMA SATURDAY MARCH 21. 1928 PAGE FIVE TRINIDAD BARBADOS Fire Destroyed Public Finances Satis The Mukaria Outbreak IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery Stationery Store Casas. no No. 16 Street East from tb.
Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage.
10 NATIONAL WHISKY SOLD PANAMA 1928 000 more than ut once to in View Continued from page 1)
Mr. Thomas were removed factory from the Excelsior House, when At a meeting of tba General it was found that the building Disclosed by Governor in Boud of Healtb held on Febru.
was in danger.
Ater goods had been removed ars 20th, the President, the Hon.
Opening Address of Legis Bryden, stated that with frow the sbops and placed on the lative Council regard the number of malarial street fair amount of looting cases and deaths, the total in the took place any persons helping the diselves several parisbes during the freely to various The GUARDIAN, writing editori period. 1716 November to 31st.
ally in its issue of the 19;b olto December. 1927; was 1, 164 and AND There is a Pharmacy shop Says during the period 1st January to owned by Miss A, Steadman.
The Goverour delivered a more 16 February, 1923 1556. The and a hat maker business is er couragiog message to the mem number of deaths during the carried on on the Upper door bers, of the new Legislatare atomer period was 63 and during These narrowly escaped destruethe orening session on Feiday, th latter 45. be tu ns for Lioa li. rough the prompt action two phases of which we propose the parishes during 1st January of people in breaking duwa toe 10 comment apon today. The com ad 16th Febr vory, 1929d clos intervening twoce when it was mnunity must have read with as follow St Mienai 79 cases, HAS REMOVED FROM weil alight. All the goods in the satisfaction and anticipatory de deaths; Chist Coor:h 36 cases Pasrney were removed.
light dis Excellency review of death; 81 As al e ds stated a large numthe Colors financial position aths; Paili CENTRAL AVENUE TO 1) cass: St.
ber of persons assembled on the and outlook and his consequent hn cares e ceatos; St. Jins ne od among those who observations on the proposal to 184 case. 24 deaths; Tno Pondered special service figure tostal a general water supply 64 cases, d a us; Per to the dams were Mr. Toeo.
scheme for the inhabitants 1750 88, leath. Laev Bu op weky, Mr James Brett, Serg, the island Parhrp: there is cases, dea a St AW scarcely a resident who could cases, death; St. Joseph. o the van tield Coastabulary, Mr.
fail to realize the improvement cases. He also punted out tht EL wio (the make clerk which has taken place in the al the dea hs We LOL ab Dr. ih wae, Dr. Carlton and the living conditons of the people lutely attributala tomlarla, Rev. Lewellyn.
since the end of the great slomp but that they were o her com The damage is estimated to in prices which began towards calons wbica ruu the end of 1920 and continued jority of cases suffered. The into several thousands pounds.
for about five years.
total amount of quinine distriThe shop building of Mr.
And viewed from this an ele the buted ce the epidem was 31 Louisa Betuial was insured in the Giverne natosis of the e. in powder and 25. 250 tab? 08 The President also laid on the rent position de les that there Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous Northern Insurance Co. of Lo do which is represected in Juhas been asteady and successiui tutan extensive report by Dr.
policy on the part of the Admiois Johnsou on the surves Patrons and the Public generally.
a. Mr. d Myers, to. 150. The stock in this building tration to ho band revenue and work in connection with the which belonged to Mr. annt to expend juciviously, campaige over the whole island.
Dolphy, was insured is the JuTo hava a bulance of 218 676 It disclosed inter a is that tb marea Co operative Fire and at the eo ol 1926 and of 237, anopheline larvae had been found General lasurance Co. Ltd.
705 at the era of last year alter in every parish, and though very The building of Mr. Brenton transterring 75, 000 to which little damage hui been done in the LOP3 was insured, also that of Goverment and their advisers some of the parishes, it was still 5SSD Mr. Theo. Mckay. The swek unigbt well proud when it is necessary that these paristus seis anu tixtures of Charlie Chin, in remembered that at the ent of should be carefully insp ced.
1923 there was a meagres pins February, 1928.
The report was dated 142 the building of Mr. Mckay.
were insured for 000 ith of 48, 000 which reduced the Nortbeta Iosurance Co.
delicit of 12 000 on the presinn.
year auministration to 1, 000: An Interesting Point of According to news receive in Kingston yesterday from Upper It 19 anticinat that Clarendo. man has been arthe estimated ex nature for Law Raised rusu by Mr. Toos. Abrahains is ab u and handed over to the police ia the estimated revenue they Coconnecuon with the Gre.
lony will end with, a working Police Magistrate Sentence surplus of 235, 243, and the Governor sugests at the te.
Chief Sanitary Officer GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE French Army Includes serve which now amounts to 200, 000 shoud by increas 100, 000 North Africans! NO OTHER 250. 000 of Bridgetown, Feb. 11. Mr.
ibe unexpecudiy favourable po Marshall, Chiet Sanitary InTo be had in all Fashionable Places Paris, Februaay 20, France Nittoa revealed at the end especto, Barbados, was ordered future army will consist when December at.
specific by Rarce.
the reorganizstioa bill now befora purpose to which the above Police Maxistrale, seeting Parliment comes into effect of were propose to put nis Reser pay two shilings cost is seren days or to undergo seven days ve Fand, z: invetspent, seems WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
523 769 n. Of that total, 210 000 to will be one year conscripts Witbu bax coumundable one inas prisonnent when he dismissea complaint General Distribut on 8th Street and North Ave.
in Farc. 95, 000 Nurth Africans, uch as it old be a fixed on its merits 84, 000 Colonials and 106, 000 easource of ieme; and it should brought against the Hon GL.
listed men and of cers engaged vot be ditibialt of achievement Pl, MLC. for that he especially when the steady rise constituad attorney of being COX0000900 as ESOS OSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWOCO for at last seven years, Olin remises last number, 39, 000 wil bemColony during the past five the property of the Earl of Hare.
ployed on instruction.
of St. Michael In this recorganization of the years is tak into consideration Parish did not has riseur in 12. 000 ou on Jacuary 41b, keep. such premises, army so as to permit of one year to wit service, the debit balance side of the everything has bren 190018 cisterns anu mangers free from dger at the ng end of 1922 made conditional on recruiunk a credit line of 237. 705 at stagnant water llable to breed the permanent force of 106 000.
the end of 1927, Exclusive mosquitos, etc.
and recently the day of ottica 75 000 which been transHis Worship said that the ani non commissioned others he Reserve Furd. complaint should have been has been raised so as to make Provided that no unforesen brougbt against the manager of the service more attractive.
ccur in 1928 to the plantation as occupiers; beIn opening the debate on the ob:ruct the Clony on its on ward cause the owner did not reside new formation today in the 00 inarcho IDAGI recovers in the island.
Chamber, Deputy Accain bray, there is no reasoo why the 000 This is directly opposite to the in the name of the Aroy odd, which is expected will be expened over and above revenue anno who, when the complaint opinion of Magistrate Goodmissinn. clared that while the sigure of 523, 769 was large, it this rear should not be equalla or excreded:dy by unexpected the manager as occupier, held was no more than sufficient in was brought against Mr. Mason, view of France multiple obli receipts.
that the manager did not occupy galios.
With regard to the general the whole estate. His opinion sheme of water supply for the was that the complaint should Photo Albums Scrap Albums Rent receipt book, is Spanish Colony, this is a question which have been brought against the and Eglish for sale at has been engaging the attention Earl of Hare wood as owner, bav.
of succesive administrations for ing the notice served on his Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books WORKMAN in any more years than it is constituted attorney. dis Xpedient 10 remember. missed the cbarge against the Horace Byatı arrival coincided wanager and the Inspector acWriting Pads Children Toy ooks Dr. OGILVIE with a revival period in the link on this advice and although his:or experience of the subject, His Exce Dot Prosecuting the Earl, pro PHYSIGAN SURGEON be found something like Accounting Day ooks 80 Street, Chorilo.
deadlock in the matter, one pr. will have to fiod a considerable posal being unaceptabla and sum for a long period of years another beford the ability of to meet interest on and amorHymn Prayer Books Holy bibles DENTIST HOWELL Colony to undertake This is tization of the loan wbieb may ou reason why the people be raised. It can scarcely be House No. 912 La Boca should be gld to know that imagined that the people do not Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Canal Zone the Goveromenu bave found it realiz: this fact.
possible at last to embark upon OPPOSITE RESTAURANT large proportion of them scheme which, carried have sultered watold barships Mouth Organs in two sizes Phone 1911 BALBOA through; will relieve to con having bad to go without good siderable extent the annual drinking water for weeks on Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives appeals of the inhabitansts of end during the dry season.
Specialises in all Branches of the various country districts Rapresentations have been made Dentistry who suffer privatiou and to the Government from almost health through lack of any kind every quarter of the island for and many other items too numerous to mention ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
of water, let alone potable water, the provision of a good water during the droughts so common suply. The Government have secated his constituted attorney.
to these islands. We do not simply been deläged with petiToe presiding magistrate on will hesitate to sanction foods to fase of chese facts it is impossiImagine that the Legislature tions in this respect and in the Friday last dissmissed the com plaint on its merits and ordered enable the proposed survey to ble to believe ibat the inbabi now. besitate to the Inspector to pay costs or in be made so that the cost of the tants will default to serve a small term of project may be estimated. His contribute their share towards Excellency warns the Legislatura, the cost of inauguraziog a water imprisonment.
and though that body the supply scheme celeuhied to put Mr. Marshall has appealed to a community, that the decision to an end to those unhealthy No. 6, 16 Steet Central Panama City bigher tribunal and the matter raise the mosey to carry out by water shortage of which will come up shortly before tbeir this work will be of far reaching they have been complaining go Honours of the Assistant Court effect since general revenue so consistenly. S55D. semes. o! Appeal.
Cattle of Look Them Over ferred to circunstanc The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. tho Sir nce being the a ookseks THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store


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