p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCE 24 1928 CANAL ZONE NOTES La Boca Pars High Lodge Dignitary Goes On Vacation Light Your Home ELECTRICITY plovee as Among the passengers wbo sailed on tbe United Fruit ComDady linet Zrcapa. Thors.
day last for Kiorston, Jamaica, was Daerre, Supreme Deputy of the Galilean Fisher man Order in control of the Central and South American Lr duer. Mr. Dacres goes on a wel earned Vacation of two months after a absence of eleven vears from Jamaica.
Aside from being a bigb rank.
ing officer in the other Lodges Mr. Dacres is one of the popular clerks in the Canal Zone Post Office at boa wbere he served cortina vuely for several gears gaining the respect and admiration of his employers as well as that of the entire Community He will visit his mother in Trinits ville, Jamaics, as well as friends in other parts of the Island, Athenaeum Program oo and of the foot or hawthao Molaine Goos on Nxt Ta sday evening proRram of the La Boca Athenarum has been given out as follows; Ten minute address on Mohamed by Pésident Sew.
News of ek King; Song. Georg. Richards, Recilstion Misa Daisy White; Slectiop Master Granville Walkes; Recitation Master Victor Smith and a paper by Mr. L. Cyrus on Whose contribution has been IDOVe bineficial to Civilization, Edison or Fords?
for Details TO DAY Wesleyan Entertainment a Suscess.
Reeks pectations.
Vicar Thrown Into Registratlou of Bushes. Continued from tagt 1)
For Protesting Against submit birth cartifients for each child.
WITH Anglo Catholic Ritual (e) Certificater for employees.
Ao employee granted tonve of Darwen, Feb. 20. The vlear of must present a letter from his saabsence to visit nearby countries St. Calbbert Dsrwen, the Rev. Laurison leaving the perior that the employee has been church this moving following gated leave of absence and will amazing sceries of protest against the Isthmus.
be reinp oyed upoa bis return to Aoglo Catholic ritual in the ser Superior ofbeers, before for vies of the church, wie man liedeptity to this office, should see warding requests for certiôestes of We will make a complete Lighting by a large bumber of loners who had stte ped the that the documente referred to service, and with several police above am attached. These docuInstallation for you for only Den and detectives abrownments will be returned to the em.
In the bushes in the churchyard.
Two of the detectives, Detec bir soon as they have served rive Inspectior Fenton and purpose civ rgeant Kenyon, were As stated in the circular of jared, and the vicar had to August 29. 1927, certisestes will be arnered out the safety of the wanted to employees and the imstreet, mounted police on Oiber conof their families only, that is, to Down, stable on foot.
thier wises and dependent minor children. This applies to BOOING employer of the Canal, The PanThere was a outburst of booing Navy, and certnin contractors, ams Railroad, the Armed You pay the Balance in four very small od 24 the vicar with his strong such as the Canal Zvue Restus Roard pissed along tbad in rants, etc.
Monthly Payments.
turection of the vicarage, at tempts were made by a crowd of MeILVAINE, even or eight thousand people Executive Secretary to rush the police.
police were action Come in and Ask avenue Dear the vicarage, there 199 a sharp skirmisb, and the police op foot had to strure e Will Earnod Vacation tn shoulder to save the vicar from being molested. As he walked along with his guard the vict Among the passengers wto left calmly smoked a cigarette.
the isthmus on Thursday lust for An affective barrier was form. Welaine of this city. Mr. Mc.
Kingston, Jamnica, was Cyril ed at the vicarage, and Mr.
Csuria was able to reach his Laine is an old and trustworthy home safely. The police were employee of the Panama Agencies dealing with the crowd for ball company and he goes to Jamaica ClA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ and bour afterwards and there for a well earned vacation of about six were several serious skirmisbes out eventually the people dis Before leaving Mr. McLuine was Detsed.
AT YOUR SERVICE tendered a banquet by the Thres a Lanks. Club, a social link of the The scenes of pretest inside Excelsior Lodge of which he is a the church were extraordinarr: high officer. Mr. McLaine takes The congregation of about 200 with him the best wishes of the people jired in sing ng no fewer entire community, hu than thirty eight bymns in a The Workman joins in wisbattempt to prevent the celebra ine bitn a pleassot Vacation.
tion of the sun gainst which people of the Adverti e in the (WORKMAN) neighbourhond have been pro: will bring you good results.
testing polsily for many monib: PASS The aburch was packed, extra British Consulato Notice tests had to be brought in, and at least 200 people were conpelled to stand in the aisles agi The British Consulate Geners!
in the porcb.
at Papams wonld like to get infor The song Eucharist began formation of the whereabouts of a balf past nine, and was due to b: woman named Anella Poleou wbu concluded an hour later. All is asid to resides in Panama, seate were occupied when the vicar and his curate, the RvN Crawabaw, entered the church Seventh Day Adventist wo servers STREET CALIDONIA ters, and the opening bymn was permitted to be to be rendered with ROAD near Isthmian Park Pans.
out interruption. few minutes later, when the Sabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
vicar went inao the polpit. the Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genwas a great outburst of protest, eral Worship Spanisa and more than a thousand people Class: rose and joined in singing byens and Interrup ing the service and 30 in. Society, preventing the viear from de meetink 5, 30 pm. Junior Ana livering bis sermon.
Senior Slaudard of attainment Half an hour went by, and Mr. Class, p. Vespero.
Lauria was still standing in his Sunday Marcb 24th, Preacbpulpit looking down at iba sc9019. ir Servise.
Once or tw. ce it seemed that be GRIZZLE Pastor, was on tbe point of beginning hi, address, but each time be was effectually stopped British Consulate Notice He stood calmly waiting for the singing to tire. There was no prospect of this, however sad.
The British Consulate General wben they sang, All peopl: that at Pansms will be pleased to learn Was un of the whereabouts of Alberbst on earth do dwell be derstood to remarks You mign: bave kept that for dinner time. Brown who when last head of is 1921 was reeiding in Panama.
There were at once retor We will sing until tea and one woman called out, Yes. McClymont uotil supper time.
LAUGHTER MODERN TAILOR All the time the protest scenes CALIDONIA NO. 16 were being continued bymns were sung and repeated. Ther See us for up to date Workwere frequent outbursts of scod. monship at Moderate Prices, ing and laugbing, stamping of feet, and occasional clapping of bands. BOWEN The vicar again endeavoured to speak to to the congregation, TAILOR but was not allowed to go on and No. M Street, San Migue ofter a time be adressed himself OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH to tbe pew wbe e bis supporters Panama City were seated. Wpat be said was next door Mash Motors Garage entirely inaudible Be appeared to deliver several on the seats of the pew to watch sentences which could not be the ceremong, and there were maupun penanamanna heard. and after baving been in frequent outbursts of laughter the pulpit, nearly two bours be and other proteste. The ceremony pas the Table to celebrate the gregation owlag to the uproar, passed out and the curate went was quite inaudible to the conDuring the and op its conclusion a disorder whole of the celebration there ly seene necurred as the clergs sung Eucharist.
were proteste by singing, and and choristers retired to the veothe hymd Onward Christian God Save the King was una Soldier, was rendered to the WORKMAN It pays accompaniment of stamping by the protesters before they retired and this followed by a Many of th: congrega lon stood couple of byens.
For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of To say that the Corrert tybich was given on Sunday last 18th inst. at tbe Paraiso Cub house under the suspices of the Paraiso Wesleyan Church was NUCA es, Is putting it too wildly or everythir was far above ex(As Chairuan) The Rev. E. Wade Dosided in bis witty and homourous and carried through excellently.
The Hilujah Chorus by Handel, and the Gloria by Mozart were ellectively rendered, Agd much credit can ba given to the Choir, wod Choirmaster for these two special items.
The Oca Bol by the missed Wasoo, Watki. and Bmall were very cow udable, also those rendered by Messrs Kinntmouth and Barceir.
The Place and Violin selec tions. by Messrs Miller and Dottip were also well received, be appointed accompanist Mra. McFarquhar unfortunately became indisposed at tbe last be balltuted and her place had to be by Mr. Dottin.
Mise Wason aid justice in the Acampament of her peces and.
this is one young lady wbo bus the ability of making an ola lostrum ni new Ali of the Consributors did well arrangement of the entire programe, was all bat could have been derired.
The Promoters are to be congratulated for having made such bark in tbeir musical apruge ment. Mr. Edgar Smitbwbo was expected to render a deleco tion did not toro up, through some unavoidable en cuir acces over wbieb be had no outrol.
The closing remarks by the Chairman and the Doxology, brongbththe eveling entertain ments to a close.
ma Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pods Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Viti wimwil writi ini wwwwwww and the Minang Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City FAITHFUL CHAUFFER. Continued from page 1)
Miss Elsseler died last week and it was expected ber proper.
ty, most of it acquired five years ago in the Florida real estate boom, would be left to cbarity or the church. Nome was more surprised than Curran, wbo is forty and a bachelor.
The woman mother, left a widow in straitened circumitaces, worked as a bank clerk and for ty years ago invested 60 in for: acres of land in Miami, which became kcown as Princess Park and was sold by her daughter during the recent boom.
Most of the money was invested in firt mortages. Miss Elerler also owned valuable proparty bere which ber mother bought bajf century ago Curran saya be bas no plane for the fotore and will continue to live a he does now but take ADVERTISE IN THE Ieet.
It easy.


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