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Five Day Working Week Said Pangration optiolenia Local Candidates Pas Striking Negro Painting Comto be Coming mands Several Bids Through Electricity coupled with her innecesibile coliere le batter med deres egen for the moon Picture is Primitive Expression of Birthplace of Painter Examination.
cards of within the terri privilege of اما his was Cambridge Exam.
In Amended Law Three candidates, Owen West Lodians, whose original Shirley, Roberts and Lena larguage is not Spanish are to Best of those who sat in immigration to the Republie Cambridge Preliminary Examina.
Man Inventive Skill of Parisma is concerned. So deter tion, have pused and have been mined the amended 1926 immigra. awarded diplomas from the tion law of Panama. The ameoded Cambrige headquirtere, Eyland, An Associated Press despatch from Philadelphia, luws lifts the ban of undesirability The successful candidatrs are all Because he thought he could paint better pictures dated March oczth states that John Raskob, chairman of de plante med lite ducinogether on pales, com. Top Gear than some of the ones he carried on his elevator at 37 East Fifty. seventh street. John Haitstalk, Negro tion and a vice president of du Pont de Nemoursables are Clince, Syrians and Kerr is than that las elevator operator and handy man about the building.
Finance Corporbeing mui tai. ed as Se voolVolonwith Mr.
It Will be remembered Co. was quoted todiy as pr dicting that the time, Furka law passed the Panamn Ar year only one candidate succreded started doing a littie art work evenings. And his first was coming when every workingman would have two embly on Welnesday last after its beau pe o periodos estornination method effortA Happy Day, was the first painting sold at days holiday each week.
third and goes to of the farlare of many being newly opened art of Electricity, coupled with the great inventive skill of the president of the repub ie for at ributed to the dif rent methods adddress.
of ten chios adopted by some local man, will eventually bring this about. Mr. Raskob said, bis signature after which it beschool nasters, and not from lack The picture is a 28 by 30 inch canvas of the according to a statement by the Regional Planning Fede. es effec. ive of abilty of the candidates. It is painter memories of Warrenton, Va. where he was ration, which referred to his keen interset in regionall. The smemded law, however, an erestocd that many pupils were born and reared. Barns, houses. children, automobles, approves the admission of ten being kept back till the last an old fashionsd pump and winding roadways are depicplanning. undesirable immigrants annually mini In the cases of most workers, Mr. Riskob was from their respective countries and minute from active training for ted in brilliant colors. After weeks of work Hatistalk the quoted, these holidays would be Saturday and Sun lay. Dakes it more convenient for th class of residents visi their Aiheugh ali toilers migh not have their holidays over homes med bring their hear rela Cumbride Enseminations is due to ted in it as an example of primitive self expression.
The distintion of having local brought it, still wet, to Mr. Russell, who became interes the Week end, it is not inconceivable that every one lives here to live with item. the splendid efforts of the local Several bids. will have two days off some time during the week, as Another important feature of the secretary: Mrs.
Smart is dictated by the character of his work.
atended laws that referring to Chubb, Sine ox iminat ous are held painter, was its purchaser. NEGRO WORLD. identification which under a obtained xoood e very Speaking of traffic in New York, Mr, Raskob said foreigu er residing through the kindly offices of the he would make all avenues in Manhattant one way of the topuk die willen veto Ho De Comenu, Britis Death Of Wil Death of Mrs. Annie streets.
avait himse These cards will le Vice Consul in Colon, iissued by the stendere and wil gradua of Cambridge University kinson Lindsay at New York contain the name of the applicant. since the ceptin op thwork British Colonial Office Dissa his nationality, a profession Mrs. Chubb hue been the Team We regret to record the death of arrival in the country and secretary and laboured energeti al.
The sad news of other data which wy serve to by tu ke the Exatni vat on an Wilkinson, weil ku own con Mrs. Annie Lindsay Certified tisfied identify him at any time. This outstanding feature of local tractor and builder of this cty Nidwife was received during the rule, it is understood, wi be ap e. forts higher education which sad event ocrurredo Satur week from New York where she plied equalls to all forci ners resid this year generell o una perted that way to a lavora combate had vided for the past four and With Certain Procedure of Representative ing here.
a number of stu in the Panama Hospital where he half dents will enroll and that in the had been hurried abuut o clock wei klients on the sindsay when sthmus Government at Barbados cuming car these will be a pro of the same day.
All roads will lead to Juan portionately larger number of she pursued her profesion for Franco race track tomorrow, succesful candidates Wilkinson had been suffering off number of years, and where she and on for the past two meathe made a host of friends both among The Barbados Advocate Office has no intention at prebut during the last tortnight be the wh te a color races of the 29th ult. says editor sent of treating Barbados as was able to be about and around SPARKLETS it is now treating British Guially: Mrs. very ana.
For some months a rumour been thought that he would soon fines practicing her profession the States bad quite The rumour, as far as we be himself again. But on Saturday a large clientele around New York. BY KING)
has been circulated which has last it was noticed that was given rise to a great deal of can ascertain is wholly the outdiscussion and has caused no come of fear. The Colonial 01. Man A Natural Fighter.
problem! But as have said, his a geceral change for lihe thorst mod Brooklyn, and adjacent pojat: as much dissatisfied Rarely have discussed govern. Es biting spirit ere ahoraseieghists where he quietly passed of, in the sickness, suffering ftem an attack to the ospital when slie was stricken bypothes little apprehension among the fice is seven hoe treins coif power in this is bados is dissatisfied, with the ing, although have been assimila light the fact that he was originally presence of his wife and a few of double Pneusoaiamaad passed political clique which govern to stranded tadpole left on land by to the great beyond, land. For some reason which health conditions of the island. ting much of their little strategies, a.
the it is difficult to discover the The Devonshire Report called But the Russians and other ister waves, and that he, baving To the sorrowing widow and Mr. Lindsay leaves a son, id en has got abroad that the attention to the scandalously national collaborators over at the decided to fight for his existence in other relatives, both bere and and other relatives in New York; Colonias office has the inten high death rate and the insan pace house at Geneva, in that su environment unos tural to him, abroad, the Workman tenders a sister, iro. Adı Forbes who ficho or substitutings Crown Co litary conditions and expressed miniature country, Switzerland, succeeded to live and subsequently sincere condolence in the sad hour resides on the list must bend water aged father and mother who Tony Government for the re the hope that something would have put into me an argumentative produced Charles Darwinond bis of their bereavemente.
His mortal remains were laid to survives her at Jamaica to all kein on account of a little diploman. ilk: William Shakespeare, the Bard presentative system which be done quickly to improve tic gesture which they staged the of Avon, and Charlie Moulton the rest on Sunday afternoon last in of whon we tender sincere con.
exists in this island. Those conditions. The Colonial Office other day.
poet laureate of La Poca; Imman the English Cemetery at Cocoa dolence. I.
who responsible for has watched patiently the efsin forts which have been made and, most naturally, is unwilling to Man is by nature combative uel Kant the philosopher and J, Grove in the presence of one of the spreading this idea are Raxter the columuist; Frederic largest gatherings ever witnessed TRIBUTE gularly vague both as to the to deal with the problem, and practice methods which would Chopin, senuis on pinno music and at a funeral in Panama.
time of the proposed change it is common knowledge that com pel bim into taming himself. Garfield Murray, local and the type of Crown Colony it was eminently satisfied with He even uses the great moral in composer: William Greeo, dean of TO THE LATE M. WILlaber, and Sam Whyte West Indians KINSON al Office intends to impose on Health Commission. The sub which he himself organized to feed Rome and Brother Frank Reid the great figure has left us! the colony. Some colour of squent delay has undoubtedly wiser side with peace and good Lay Reader, down to my Lillipu Start House Owing So man with great Qualities, an unbeen will, to ard abet in the probability has been given to worst kind of warfare. Man is a tian friend, George, the ex churchthe rumour by the assertion CAUSE OF EXASPERAciety assuming leader of men, yet, belov.
man and me, el by all with whom he came in that Sir William Robertson contact. One who never knew or TION Getting back to my subject pre was given definite instructions Johnson. But whoever is per: What desire to bring priat the Colonial Conference and the persistent efforts of appointed we may confidently mrily before your attention, gentle bave set the ball a rolling by he always maintained a calmness The Colon West Indian folk Headiliced selfishness, straight in last year to work towards this Mr. Yearwood and his friends expect him to be a man of de reader is the circumstances starting off in one of the most which seldom characterises persons end; but, like the rumour it to nullify the recommendations termination experience and vi surrounding the disapproval of the deserving causes that could ever in many walks of life.
self, this assertion is wholly of the Commission will be a sion. The progressive party in Russian suggestion for world peace be attempted by any set of wellThe writer of this article knew unsupported by any evidence. cause of irritation to the Home this island must fig Public Geneva where the ablest lawyers by West Indians will greatly help social and fraternal worker, and submitted to the peace thinking West Indians.
unceas: tribunal, the League But patience is ingly for the whole The matter, however has not Authorities.
Nations in The house owning proposition deceased for many years ns ford Thorne the junior mem of the Colonia Ihoffice and it is satisfied until all the recom. minus the gather perio be beneficial in many other wayo red departament aan altitude to stopped at rumour. Mr. Clif or het tofoniatstandin sa már it is Health Report; it cannot be from Great Britain to Liberia de Economie Situation and wil was always impressed by his genere most unlikely that it would be mendations in that report have dicilly, ostensibly to foster peace to them signed his seat on the Execu persuaded to act rashly: The been implemented. But the Co Russia, as you ought to, if his friends. have tive Committee with the inten form of government which we lonial Office will not fight this know, presented as weeping, radi: this new society at 25. 00 each a among men, and has gone gone to all lost him now. He is Shares are now to be obtained in gone. He has finished his fight tion, som the Agricultural Re enjoy places financial control battle for us. At the most it cal proposal to and aggressive sum which is within the reach of bis last resting place and truly, it porter informs us, of fight in the hands of the people re will exercise indirect pressure warfure agrerable with the wishes not only the well to do but, per can be said him what can be ing this menace to our ancient presentatives and the Colonial by appointing suitable officers of colleagues arm constitution. It will not be the Office will in all probability and Byo keeping the needictor ments. The Russians do not be sons in other walks of life. said of great mea, and those of 113 first time, of course that Mr. accept the change which the reform continuously before the deve in doing things half heartedly; ed in their effort as this undertak. more. com.
The officers should be ene urag. who knew him shall see him no Thorne has been engaged in House of Assembly has sanc House of Assembly. The furtes suelerome for civilized man believe that if war has proven ing is nothing to be despised in fighting shadows; and the biomedesent sufficient asteptor thest limits to which in our this effort ist es aber were to be Edith Cavell Initiates scrap war by the top.
and should put over to camp of those who are fight lic health reform. It will for the Colonies would go first scrapping to conduct war.
67 More Members ing for the constitution would doubtless use that concession would be to send out a Parlia which the armaments Last Saturday night there was immediately create the suspi to good advantage by appoint mentary Commission to report You ll remember that some time 20 unusually big time at the hall cion that the constitution was ing an officer who is both will on the situation and thus to ago the Russians developed Anything that i: Worth begin of the Edith Cavell Friendly hardly worth fighting for. But ing and able to carry out the convince the dominant party of radicalism by which they would ning is worth finishing.
But Society at Guacivapali. Sixtywhatever the reason for Mr. recommendations of the Pub in the House of Assembly that reform the actions of man by laziness often cause us to put off seven new nembers were admittel Thorne resignation and we lic Health Commission as Prin: the wishes of His Majesty destroying all kings, queens, prior or to cease. cur efforts. We migh: This society of the well known have heard many more plau cipal Medical Officer; and if Government cannot be contin distribute italis tihendhinge polithe ance from the spider. If she has functioning for raxeral years and cesses, capitalists monopolists, learn a good lesson sible reasons than that given it desired to be maliciously uously neglected. This, how. crotld to map kind in common and she will mend it again and con Mr. Padmore is its present by the Agricultural Report. ironical the appointment would ever, would be in no sense an times, ip.
it is certain that the Colonial doubtless be offered to Dr. Continued on Page Continued on Page 6) tiaue her work.
president are embryo of a you don they radi has a


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