
THE PORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1928 PAGE THREE Commandments For The Wedded.
The Prosperity Tailor FLOWERS When The King Was Abogado Attorney at Law Middy in The West Indies OFICE: No. 44 ST BOXX. 35 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 Memories of Other Days RePracticing before all the cour of vived On Visit Paid To th Republic ince Anril 1914 British Industries Fair CLEANER DYER RACING EXPEDITIONS No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Surprises For the Queen Amus.
ing Coloured Masks And Secret Cabinet, DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER NEED WATCH? he Woute Cats to day was the London, bruary 21. One of he most striking aspects of the Visit paid by the King and Queen to tb British Industries Fair at Work Done While You Wait FULLER He is peating IKY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Pr ces Ladies Garments Carefully handled husband Evenice Brow teid, tolu The Ews, appears to be 11 co REID Propietor Ko590 The Pathfinder publishes a set of Ten Commandments recently issued by some clever married men in Massachusetts for the instruction and governance of their wives. This his spiuled deca logue attracted much attentionand also a rejoineder from the ves. Their Ten Commandments for husbands hit th rail, e. husbands, equarely ou the bead. The two sets followiFOR WIVES Thou shalt not talk all the time; for verily the husband may wisb to be heard at rare in tervals. Thou shalt love thy husband if it be possible, and prepare for him such food as he provides, tit for the palate and at regular in.
tervals. Thou sbalt not meddla in the purely masculine affairs of tby husband. Thou shalt not spend hours at the telephone it Useless gossip; for verily there may be other parties on the line whose businees may be of importance.
Neither shalt thou delight in te.
unfounded runours about thy neighbours. Thou shalt not boast of thy before wen, remember log that be desireth the goud will of his brethren under the yoke. When thou sbalt quarrel with thy husband or when thou tind it necessary to sculd bim, make it snappy a forget Ii. Thou shall be patient with thy husband shortcumings, occasionally exaggeratitg his good qualities, if he has atis, outore bis iellow man. Thou shalt not make a miad servant of thy husband except in grave emergencies, remembering that thy husband was given tu thee neither as a cook nor as a dish Washer, but as a man. Thou shalt not give thy thoughts wholly to dressing, neither shalt thou magoily tbe importance of thy scial en ge.
ments for thy first duty is to iby home and family.
10. Remember that at times it is good for thy busband to be alone. At such times thou shall not disturb thy husband.
FOS HUSBANDS, 1, Thou shalt show the same courtesy to thy wife to day that thou dist when tbou Were first married, treating ber with the same deterence as thou dost thy stenograpber or the stranger within tby gates. Thou shalt express in a word or a look an appreciation o!
the dinner which is set before thee, for it has not come on the tabls by itself Remember thy wife, consult with her about thy problems; tell her about thy work; sbare wich ber thy pleasur, such as a walk or a concert.
4, Thou sbalt at all times avoid the appearance of evil, for the world desplseth the man whom 16 suspects of duplicity in bis standard of morals, observiog the same standard thyself which thou Jeemest to be reasouable and proper for thy wife. Thou shalt not lle about thy income, for the Lord will not boli him guiltless who keepeth bis wife in the dark in respect to domestic finances for such deception is the root of all evil. Tbou sbalt not forget thy anniversary, remembering the birthdays of thy wife and children and thy wedding day. Thou shalt not induige in beated argument with thy wife, for thou kuowest that the last word belongs to a woman: neither shalt thou attempt to impose thy will upon the housebold, for thy home must be built upon the spirit of love and not stand on the senseless dominion of any one member. Thou shalt assume a generous responsibility for the bringing up of thy children, realizing that a portion of their disposition has been derived frota tbee. Thou shalt appear interin thy wife social prattle as thou dost expect her to be interested in thy business chatter. She married thee for a companion, not a three mealaday boarder.
10. Thou shalt accounpapy tby wite and children to cburch each Sunday, and not be satisfied to let the religion of the family be in thy wife name.
SILVER as SPRAY interest the DROP IN AT showed in wireless He spent a considerable time in this section, and surprised all the experts by revealing a remarkable tecnical knowledge of 122 CENTRAL AVE.
his subject is not only an enthusiast, You lil Find Them but a real expert, said Mr.
Bromfield, of the Lang am Radio Moderately Priced. Company, with whom the King bad One of the King difficulties.
News, Ketting Paris and Germany. bave given up trying to get Germany on Sunday night roto Buchingham Palice because of the misturbance from London station, the King told me BETTER AT SANDRINGHAM It the same often with Paris Loudon kills everything.
The King added, however. 10 Mr. Bromfield, that be had SEX SC65308 been able 10 fet Paris and Gerany from Sandringham.
On arriving at the Exbibition the King and Queen at once seperated and followed diferent routes on their tour.
One of the King boybood memores was revised when he Visited the British Empire Marketing Board of Sec. ion Examining an exhibit of pitch taken from the Trinidad Asphalt Lake on the West Indies stand, be exclaimed to Sir Algernon Asptball, the Trade Comwission er, how when he was out there a midsbpman be used to go walking and raciny over the surface of the lake. VERY, VERY FUNNY The Queen who was accompanied by Princess Mary, was passing along one of the corridors. She stopped suddenly and started to laugh. Facing ber, from one of the stands were three people, their faces covered with coloured tasks, the noses of wbich were taloons, extending in the most grotesque tanDer. Those are very, very funny.
said the Queen. must have one.
Mr. Topping, the inventor of the novelty, told ber that they were called. Nosey Parker masks, and showed bow the nose was blown up by a concealed lube which passed into the wearer mouth.
The Queen accepted one of the masks and took it away with her, As she passed on sbe was still laugbing THE TRICK CABINET.
Another surprise awaited ber at another stall. She was looking at a decorative wall plaque when the exhibitor opened the front, showing that it was really a liquor cabinet with two bottles inside.
They are not intended so much for this country, be axplained. As for America. The Queen seemed very amused by the device.
Mr. Mathias Watts, one of the veteran cxhibitors of the Fair, was responsible for be third surprise. On his stand were display.
ed. number of pbotographs in frames. He indicated one of tbebe a portrait of the Duchess of York to the Queen and remarked. If you do not think this is a perfect photograph think you will agree that this is.
At the same time be sung over a frame on its hinges to disclose that its back was a mirror in wbich the Queen face was reflected. She smile delightedly at Mr. Watts compliment.
Throughout her tour, the Queen astonished many of the exhibitors by her knowlekge of their goods. That she is a fine judge made Cont nued on page 5)
PILSENER IS GOOD DRINK FOR EVERYBODY ested House Rent Receipt Books in spanish and English for sale at the WORRMAN Printery.


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