
PAGE FOUR THE WOTKYAN SATURDAY MARCH 31, 1928 JAMAICA Negroes Not Required to Live by Farming Alone cute To Produce Wine For British Market Experiments of Important Nature Will Be Carried Out At Hope.
partment demon THE USE OF ORANGE JUICE Week.
This Will Be Treated with Rum Is to cater for Trade In Mother Country you to Deed people LUCKY STRIKE ITS TOISTEO CIGARETTES a good HAMPTON, VA, Marcb The day is past, declared Pierce, field agent of the Deof Agriculture, in charge of farm and home stration agents in eight souhtern States, in an address before students of Hampton Institute at Sunday evening chapel in connecwith Home Ownership when people look upon the Negro race as best suited to farming alone. He said: Don get the idea that wat all of to be farmers. We don need all farmer, or all doctors, or all of any one class. We do need who are interested in varit us walk of life and wbo are happy in the work they are doing. One of come to agriculture, as it con the greatest curses that bas ceros tbe Negro, has been that tbere are persons out in tbe country on the farms wbo are not suited to farming, It spite of the exodus from farming districts, more crops and more stocks are now being ralsed, sccording to Pierce and raised cheaper and with a deal more ease. Speaking of the os importance of land owiership, Mr. Pierce said: Go into any community and begin to look up people who are worth while and you will find that they own property in that community. man wbo owns something is more thoughtful of his conduct, it staqilizes stay there with the things be has unwise things. wants to labored for. Conditions to the couotry do not seem to be what they should be, but there are more dificult problems to cose with in the cities. Because of poor educational facili les, bumble homes and lack of doctors. because of head short out there in the country, are we going to turn our faces away? Go into crowded cities, backfio some of the places they are many pobiem to cope with, and realz. ih: Oppo tunities of the country.
Mr. Don. Davis, authority on building and loan associations and a member of the stad of Hampton Institute, spoke bifly on the developmeot acd use of the People Building and Loan Association of Hampton. யயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயயய; Danao maanarangegaan naararanguapa mananaman ang araw page area arga aranarap agaia antropomorap ar gau pagpanggap ngungan.
THE MAIL Pays it is on the cards that the Departiment of Science and Agriculture at Hope will in the near future carry out important experiments for the production of a Colonial wine which would find a place in the markets of the United Kingdom The experiments will involve the use of the orang juice.
The latter will be treated with rum, the idea being to bring about a bigb grade wire wbich will be producted for an export trade. In the event of the experiment being attented with success as far as marketing the product in Great Britain goes.
production of the wine will be taken up in the island on a large scale.
It is confidently expected that Jamaica will produce a class of wine that will compete with Colonial wines which enter the Home Market under preferen.
tial tarifi ELSE docuilizes him; be ins likely to LUCKY STRIKE Jamaicans In Nearby Republic of many things that are into the Many Of Those In Spanish Honduras Warned to Register For Army Service where FCR future smoke enjoyment it toasted ALWAYS FRESH OR FACE CONSEQUENCE Gruesome Find In Stomack Of Shark Havana מון gagogog sbark The Jamaica MAIL of 17the inst says:Trustworthy information has reached Kingstong from parish Honduras to the effect that fears are entertained in the republic of an carly elasb hetween rival parties.
Large numbers of Jamaicans who are domiciled in the epublic are becoming apprehensive that they might bocome involved a revolution. This is the tion statement contained in a letter recelved from Puerto Barrios.
The writer states that all men bave been warned to register their names at the military heaquartes up to April 15th it being the intention of the Goverment to get together a force hat will be sufficient to deal with eventualities.
Whether Jamaicans or any other nationalities. foreigners in the country must register in accordance wthib the order.
Failure to do 80 will result in the imposition of fine of 200 dollars upon each delinquent.
the alternative being imprisonment. If the Honduras Government is forced to imprison aliens wbo fail to register, each one will at the expiration of the sentence, be deported.
gare The British Pharmacy COLON in the being a shirt intact, in It be lead to the WBEN THE KING WASMarch Angel Prado Perez and Manuel Morita, two fishermen, while out on a fie hing boat yesterday, hooked a huge shark. After playing the DO TAD TAR DOOR TO DO IT. COD Tomo o noua Son en Brouauau mana na amanan. Daar moet about the boat one of the fishermen it killing blow with a barpoon and made the glant maneaier fast. The boat was about miles out and the return to the habour was made Altogether too many modern with some dificulty women are lamentably far re.
When landed on the saods near moved from the christian model tbe Mastranza building it was of wife and mother, the Pontift found the fish was over 12 feet declared. He added: There are long. Imagine the dis way of the so many poor daughters, so fishermen when it was found that many poung and also not 80 in the stomack of the shark were young who seem to have forfound the left arm of a white gotten the very meanings of the man, with coat and thirt sleeve Christian name.
inte a gold cuff button. There was also a black cat found with the are Notice to Correspondents.
lieved that that the cuff bottom may the identification of the victim of the maneater, The arm are asked to send in their contribuContributors and correspondents was immediately turned over to tions not later than Thursdays to the authorities and sent to the insure publication. This is imperaIS NOW LOCATED AT morgue where it will be kept tive and must be adhered to.
ned peading seem to to think th the arm might have been that of PRIVATE ACADEMY 11. 1154 delator Brooks.
who was lost days ago off the Florida Liberty Hall 29 St.
coast. Investigations are being Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Panama City Enade as to the colour of Brock clothes and also whether or not English Classes, Day and Where our customers will receive the usual he carried a black cat with bim Night. Dr. Barton begs to when he was lost off in Florida announce that this School coast.
courtesies reopens for the Summer Vacation.
Pope Condemns Immodest BARTON Dress As Insult to God Principal LOOK FOR THE SIGN Rome, Feb. 26, Shameless immodes y of dress of 100 many Small modern women, from wbicb re DENTIST sult insults to the eyes of God for temptation disMASONIC TEMPLE la gust in the eyes of the world, Office Hours: 8, am to 12 was scored by Pope Pius to day 30 to 30 m)
his first Lenten utterance, This denunciation occurred in Sundays, by Special Appointme tbe course of a ceremony in the Masonic Temple ilth St, Consistory Hall of the Vatican O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL to commemorate the virtues of PHONE: OFFICE 1664 the Venerable Elizabetto Mora. Roman matron.
RESIDENCE 538 WORKMAN It pays escolhe investigation 11th STREET (Continued from page 4)
at tbe stand of the National Jewellers Association.
Picking up a box of Austrian emeralds sbe examined them intently an then remarked: Their colour is good, but they are not clear. The jeweller agreed that ber judgement was correct.
Gaiters worn by several mannequins attracted the notice of the King and Queen at one point of their tour. The Queen went up to one of the girls, and touching her zaiters, asked: Are they com.
fortable. Very, your Majesty, replied the girl And very warm, too added the Queen. How nice and warm for the legs, was the King final comment.
Altogether the Royal Party must have purcbased enough goods to fill several packing cases.


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