
TRINIDAD The King And Th 09750343434 21:20, 007 Dueilers.
IMPORTANT NOTICE NOTICE Newsvendor Death The Workman Printery Sunday. He Stationery Store Went CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage WINNAUSNIVA NATIONAL WHISKY FOLD PANAMA the bouse on repair Many quaint anecdotes are (By Andrew Blackmore)
related concerning the senseTRAGIC END OF SQUABBLE less practice of fighting duels. Record Year of Peace.
Frederick the Great was deCharles Méte about 45 the termined to break up the cusmost enterprising and widely One of the most gratifying tom as far as his army was kcowa of the nespaper sellers features of last year iduslo San Fernacdo, met bis death trial progress in Great Britain concerned. Two of his officers wih uragte suddenness at Rush. rth Siret last was the improved relationships once quarrelled, and asked AND between employers and their permission to settle their dittiwas out selling papers as usual and in a strugge with Isaac Guy, workpeople. For some years culty by an appeal to arms.
there had been continual bick Certainly. said Frederie 16 year old lad, be fell and fractured bis skull, with immedculminating in the general and shall be there to ser iately fatal results. He was strike in the summer of 1926. the encounter.
erings and frequent strikes, The officers, flattered with burried on Monday atternoon But last year a new spirit ma the idea of their King was to It is said that some idle boys.
nifested itself, and 1927 has honour the occasion, went on HAS REMOVED FROM were annoying Mée, and soon the distinction of being the with their preparations. When afterwards Guy who had been most peaceful year in the in the fateful morning arrived, among or Dear to them, dustrial world for the past they repaired to the spot seand asked for a paper. Méte the duel, and forty years that is, for the lected for refused to sell him one and they whole period during which re found not only the King there beld on to each other. Guy in the course of the struggle appar cords of industrial disputes before them, but in plain sight are available!
a gallows that had been erectently struck the news vendor a blow on the stomach with his The total number of work ed.
ejbow. This blow may bave people insured is 12, 100, 000. What does this mean, sire?
caused the the fatal fail.
and of these 113, 700 were in inquired the challenger.
The District Medical Officer, volved in disputes last year. Oh, just go on with your Dr. Mac arlane viewed the the aggregate number of days fighting, answered the King.
body on the spot soon after lost being 1, 175, 000. This is a am going to hang the surthe ocurrence.
very low figure indeed, and it vivor.
Guy was arrested and broubt is a clear indication that the It is needless to add that before Mr. zabon on phrase the will to peace. so this cooled the fury of the charge of murder and remanded freely used of late in discus duellers, who finally shook in custody.
sion of industrial problems, is hands and went home. This in Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous The deceased was usually the no idle one. Another welcome cident ended duelling in he Patrons and the Public generally.
tirst out selling the papers in fact is that representatives of army of Frederic the Great.
High Stret. He would get hol!
national organizations of both of an attractive bit of news aad owners and workers are now make bis sales by sbouting ous holding conferences to try to just sufficient of it to arouse come to Soldier of Furtune some arrangement curiosity as he rode or pu hed his bicyele along whereby conflicts may be acollector He was a voided in the future, of old knick knacks They It is related that one even wes ses sexess HSE sexe sex, sexo and have no easy task before them, ing Frederick the Great was lived in a basement which could only be approached from but both sides are working surprised at hearing fine muLord Stret along dark and strenuously for the same end, sical sounds beneath his windevious path lo broad and should they succeed, dow; and, looking forth, saw daylight he would have to use a light 1928 may happily achieve an. a sentinel playing upon a there Whea the Police went to other record in the matter of Jew harp. The King, as acSunday they found industrial concord, and much customed to command as to be his room full of odds ard ends industrial misery thereby be obeyed, desired the soldier to it is said that Mé:e not baving averted.
come upstair ană play to him; space within used to sleep just but the sentinel replied that outside his doer at night. He was a watch and bicycle Champion Woman Aviator he could not do so without the colonel leave. But am the GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE er during his spare time.
The Warden Departmeat is In every sphere of human King! said Frederick. achievement women are in cbarge of bis bousebold ef.
now known it, sire, was the anNO OTHER fects. He leaves a sister, Maal taking a prominent position. In swer; but if leave my post Graves of Broadway aviation they seem to be par to night shall be punished toTo be had in all Fashionable Places ticularly interested, and many morrow.
of them have shown a remarkA New Company Frederick was too good a able degree of skill, endurance, and intrepidity, and soldier to press the matter that Lady Bailey, the daughter of the sentined play for him, renight; but the next day he had WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
British Engineering Manuan English Peer and wife of warded him liberally and gave General Distribution 8th Street and North Ave.
factures Alliance Ltd.
Sir Abe Bailey, the South him his discharge. Koch that African millionaire, has been was the man name afterawarded by the International wards played frequently for 01901ecXDS Tha B:itisb Engineering Macafactures Alliance, Ltd, has been League of Aviators the world bis Majesty, and travelled registered by Messrs.
women championship for her through Germany giving conKelshall Co. Solicitors.
height record of eighteen certs as a performer on the So 90 ST Its objects are to acquire thousand feet (5480 metres) Jew harp, making a fortune and take over as a going conern for light aeroplanes. She thus by his skill.
the business now carried on in shares with Colonel Lindbergh Port of Spain by Mr. Buck the honours as world chamunder the name of the British pion flyers in 1927.
Engineering Manufacturers Alli.
all The regulation for the wo DENTIST HOWELL or any of the assets and liabilities of the proprietor of man trophy provided that only flights made alone, er House No. 912 La Boca that bussines; to act as direct representatives, advisory and with another woman pilot, Canal Zone consulting engineers could be considered, and this eliminated from the contest OPPOSITE RESTAURANT und coporations engaged in the manutacture and sale of ma both Miss Ruth Elder and PHONE 1941 BALBOA chinery, mechanical and electriMadame Nellie Dillenz, both cal appliances.
of whom were accompanied by men pilots in their AtlanSpecialises in all Branches of The capital is 3, 000 divided in Dentistry tic and Azores flights. Lady 3, 000 shares of each, the numbers of Directors to be not Bailey took her air pilots cerALL WORK GUARANTEED.
tificate in 1926, and soon dislees than or more han 6, Mr.
Photo Albums Scrap Albums Buck to be the first Gortinguished herself by being ering Director and to hold ofthe first woman to fly across famine which may come the time to prepare for the fice during his life or on becom.
the Irish Sea; and six weeks in Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books ing, disqualified by ceasing to before she created the height hence. It is therefore interestfifty or one hundred years hold on ball of the issued capirecord she had, in company Writing Pads Children Toy ooks The shareholders are: Mr.
with the well known flyer ing to learn that the British Mrs. Elliot Lynn, reached a Government have for Buck, Consulting Engineer, some Elzabeth Street; and Amelia beight of 16, 000 feet (4876 years been studying the quesAccounting Day ooks Buck, Elizabeth Street.
metres. tion, and that certain steps have already been taken to avoid the foreshadowed shortRent Receipt Books in Spanish Holy bibles Forestry within the Empire. age of timber. There are in Hymn Prayer Books and English for sale at the WORKMAN Printery It is difficult to believe that existence regulations to prevthere is some danger of a ent the destruction of growing Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets world famine of timber, and timber in England, and to proDr. OGILVIE yet this was foreshadowed by vide for the planting of new the Chairman of the English seedlings in certain areas. The Mouth Organs in two sizes PHYSIGIAN SURGEON Forestry Commission at a re third annual report of the Im80 Street, Chorillo.
cent meeting held in the Royal perial Forestry Institute which Colonial Institute. He said that has recently Scout Knives. Meador Knives een issued shows Pocket Knives, TAKE NOTICE the lifetime of the primeval that considerable progress has forests of the world is growing been made in the technique of The WORKMAN can dangerously short a matter forest management. Students and other items too numerous to mention many had at Mr. Sanchez place of considerable importance to drawn from every part of the Great Britain, as the greatest British Empire are now enga24th street, No. building purchases and importer of ged in research work: surveyGuachapali.
timber. England buys from a ing, engineering, insect lore, broad about 90 per cent of bacteriology and other scienDr. Fred Sterling her wood supply, and the cost ces in their aspects bearing is approximately 50 million a upon forestry are studied, and THE NEW YORK DENTST year. Speaking at the same careful records kept. The meeting Lord Zovat under Sec whole subject is yet in its in182, BOLIVAR STREET retary of State for the Domi fancy, but it is certain that no No. 6, 16 Steet Central Panama City COLON, nions, expressed his agreement aspect of it is ignored by the O, Box 171, CRISTOBAL, in regard to the danger of a Institute in view of its econoweise TELEPHONE 247 COOLN shortage, and said that now is mic importance to the Empire.
Look Them Over ance and ot farms The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. tal.
THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store


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