p. 6


Operate From Any Light Socket For Only ONE CENT PER HOUR OF CURRENT CONSUMED gists, What a You can have one of these WONDERFUL FIRELESS COOKERS FOR ONLY 00 of With months to pay the balance in small pay.
It will save you Money DO IT TODAY sugarition SPARKLETS Deatn of Young Journalist Continued from page 1)
to maintain this, would limit the wiley from amassing and bolding We announce with regret in perpetuity the greater portion of the better products which the the death from typhoid fever, of Mr. Clement Inniss, editworld yields to man, Irankly.
cannot agree with the Russians if or and proprietor of the Bar.
am to believe, at the same time, bados Weekly Herald. Mr. Inseveral passages of King James niss had only attained his version of tl. holy scriptures, thirty fifth year, and his brief except if it it a fact that they are span of working life had been the forerunners of Christ in his entirely devoted to journalism.
second coming to earth to set He received his education at things right with man whom His Combermere School, and father created and intended, in first place, according to the theobe leaving school joined the reto remain true to Him porting staff of the Barbados.
Standard. About nine years did the League of Nations ago he acquired the printing do with the Russians suggestion business of the late Mr. Dudto bring about peace or, to modify that phrase to minimize the causes ley Frazer and, dominated as which bring about war? They de he was by a strong instinct for eided against it, of course! it was journalism, issued the Barbainconsistert with present order of dos Weekly Herald as part of things; it could not be practiced in the activities of his printing harmony with present day civiliza. business. The Herald, indeed, tion: it was entitely out of tune was not a new name in Barbawith that well tried and almost dos newspaper life, for Mr.
generally accepled dictum of the Frazer, the former proprietor strong, Might is Right.
of the business, had conducted Pending Christ second coming, as far back as the stirring you can rest assured days of the seventies, an organ that might ht is coming to be under the same name from the maintained as right. those who are fit will and only same printing office, and thus coutinue to Mr. Inniss may be said to have have any chance of surviving resuscitated a defunct newsvestures carried out meanwhile the paper. Its success in the hands These arms parleys are only little hig natlonis improve upon their of Mr. Inniss was immediate.
respective effcctive eimaments of It has maintained a high war. Russia was a standard of literary merit dangerous one at this time, so which combined with a libermuch so that, according to pres, ality and independence of reports, it had the boys around view, often too rare in West tbe peace table dumbfounded for a Indian journalism, has won for considerable length of time after it the paper not only the biggest was first presented. How can such a suggestion be discussed at this bados, but a large number of newspaper circulation in Bartime? It is in diametrical opposieconomic oppression the weak, this colony, in Jamaica, in Dethe two things uppermost in the merara and in several smaller breasts of the strong and mighty. colonies. And it is no exaggerRussia idea of peace will come ation to say that, young as he temporarily, after ar:other practi was in years, and in his procal clash of arms between the fession, his work as a journalnations whose greatest brains working at top speed in tutte ist will be remembered for a year, especially his ing out the most cruel instruments strong advocacy of the cause to destroy themselves, instead of of West Indian unity, which, turning their attenu to the we know, has called forth working out of a formula whereby each inember of the human family distinguished English visitors commendatory remark from ney be able to live in reasonable comfort.
who interest themselves in the But man will remain a natural well being of these colonies.
fighter, for those who happen to Mr. Inniss was an accomplishsurvive the impending clash will ed young man of great personregenerate aggressive energy and alcharm, affectionate and fight again sympathetic; and at all times ready to make sacrifices for his friends. The high promise British Consulate Notice of his short career makes his death a distinct loss to West The British Consulate General unmistakable manner he has Indian journalism, for in on at Panama will be pleased to learn exhibited qualities which a of the whereabouts of Alberbat great English journalist the Browo who when last heard of in late Mr. Stead always 1921 was residing in Panama.
regarded as the indispensable pre requisites of a true journalist ideals and a soul.
Notice to Correspondents. Port of Spain Gazette.
Contributors and correspondents are asked to send in their contribu Etude Club To Meet tions not later than Thursdays to insure publication. This is impera.
tive and must be adhered to. The next meeting of the Etude Club will be on Saturdy next 7th, inst. when final arrangements will Adverti e in the (WORKMAN) it be made with regard to their will bring you good results, Easter Function GOOD POSITION FOR REAL WORKER.
Wave Of Crime Rome Judaea Strikes French Republic The coming of a Messiah prophesied to save the world Worst Known in Country History During Past Twenty Here indel in THE KING Years OF KINGS. Cecil De Mille finde a vaster theme than his epic of The Ten Commandments late cable despatch from DRAMA the mighty conflct of Parisb st. tes that an astonishing wave of a crline the worst known ppossing wills: suspense, surprise, for twenty years is sweeping over breathless; LIFE as it unfolded ciimax that holds the spectator France itself with every element of jov The French newspaper are pulished with six pages of which and sorrow in the continuity cataclysm of the world three are devoted to news. The and Petit Parison, which has the greates event!
largest circulation of apy news. Here you shall see, reverently paper pricted in France pub picturel, the Divine Man Who Itshes no fewer than fourteen sacrificed all for humanity the crime stories this morning. leaders of Roman ad Judaen DRESSMAKER KILLED power; the lovelines of the three Crimes mentioned includeMarys; the well lirane: characters The murder of a dressmaker band; the myriads of interesting and vivid acts of the Apostolie at Neuilly, a suburb of Paris. folk that are linked with the No arrest bas been made.
Saviour in the masterpieces Man found shot near St. song, art, story a down the Ages.
Nazaire. There are no clues. The spectacular beruty, as well as young man atd young wo the drama of it, is amazine. Over man tied themselves together and above the engrossment of eye with ropes and the threw them and ear, shines spiritual radiance selves into the Seine.
of the central Figure. yet human Jesus whom to know, is Lunatic jumped into a train at to love.
Samur and wounded two railway employees, Cecil DeMille began this Assistant station mes:er of great work in June. 1926. For Belfort was accused of disap ten months the field of research, pearing with nearly 3, 500. He authorial creation, production was acquitted.
and techinic bave been kept busy.
His final determination to make An Alsatian was arested after the Picture came only after he a man hunt at Lille, and is had discused the subject with whicn he is alleged to have taken scholars and savants, and theatre accused of baving stolen 350. leaders of puublie sentiment, from his employers in small advissers.
amounts during four years.
Young man is detained in Paris Representatives of the Studio for having killed his sweetheart went to the Holy Land to study in a most atrocious manner.
at first band architecure and An acrobat sentenced to fifteen costumes and topography, then years imprisonment twenty quietly and uaostentatiou ly the sears ago, but who was triei members of this Staff put together and sentenced in his absence, the organizatio, for an enterprise gave himselt up to the police of this magnitude. Pity acres was tried agala and acquitted.
lar. were purchase adjacent the Cecil B, De Mille studio at FATAL TAXICAB Culver City. Here were repro There are no new clues in the duced, to exact measurement, the case of the fatal taxicab of Caen, scenes or locales of the temple the connection with which the driver Via Dolo osa. The Hill of Calvary, is missing, believed to have been and others so familiary to those murdered and bis fare is also who have traveled in Palestine.
missing. The bargee wbo was twice detained bas now been re As the work progressed it developed into the greatest cooperative leased.
effort that the united motion pi.
Police have arrested an ex: ture industry has yet achieved, station master of the Montparn. the technical and architectural asse station in Paris, who is acres resource cused of baving stolen vast quan studio being placed of every great Californa at titi of articles from trains. man who tried to blackmail actors from many companies vying ducer disposal, and eminent him has also been arreested.
for parte. Will Hays, president of the Motion Pic ure Prodi Seventh Day Adventist cers and Distr. butors of America, made a special trip to Californito STREET CALIDONIA correlate thə many activities and to ROAD Bear Isthmian Park Pana. bring about, in beh: If of the proma.
duction, conditions of thought and Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Interest on the part of the organi Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gen zed social, religious and educatio: eral Worship in. Spanish val foundations of the country.
Class: Under such sympathetic auspices 30 Səciety, De Milles lofty and single minded meeting 30 pm. Junior and purpose of picturing the immortal Senior Staudard of attainment story enlisted every one of his wide reaching personal resources Class, p. Vespers.
as artist and creator, and THE Sunday March 24th, Preact KING OF KINGS was planned ing Service.
and work out in the thought of GRIZZLE Pastor, great reverence.
Dow turato We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men nd women, in which an exeellent income can be made even to those who work but PART TIME. Duriag onr 35 years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppour household necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 years and have achieved Financial Independence Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make it nece eary to appoint more local representatives in many localities in the United States. No special experierce or capital required. it is a straightrfoward, digoified business. Wny not represent the largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau will send you full particulars When we arpoint an agent we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the locality of the agent. or Trim Tests in the the ProIn answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in whib you saw this advertisement, Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street NW.
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