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z Page Suur Dig Down While Talking THE WON THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY WEEK ANC PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 16 No. 35 PANAMA, SATURDAY APRIL 1928 PRICE CENTS Service Conditions in Cuba Deplorable Disturbance at Church Escaped Convict Kills Head of French Steamship Line Says Immigration Secretary Lauds Possibilities of Africa Widespread Destitution Among Says Here Resources in Men Labouring West Indians Are Considerable Police Called in For Third Was Serving 15 Year SonSuccessive Sunday tence in Penitentiary London, February 12. The Having escaped from the Gambitterness between the ortho serving a 15 year sentence for box Penitentinry where he was dox members and Anglo Ca second degree murder, and fearing tholics in St. Cuthbert Church captare at any time by a cardon The Jamaica Mail in its issue of the 29th ulto. states at Darwen resulted for the of police which sought him, the PARIS, March 15. In addressing the American Club. Private Clay of that it has been informed by the Colonial Secretary that the third successive Sunday in the the. Army, shot himself is here today on the important role played by the French in Governor directs it to be notified that the Secretary for police being called in by the the bend near Paja with a pistol Africa in helping to maintain France as one of the world Immigration at Santiago de Cuba has again brought to vicar during the morning ser he had stolen froin the offices of powers, John Dil Piaz, President of the French Line, emnotice the extreme undesirability and folly of persons emi vice. The police took the the penitentiary when he deserted phasize the miliary aspect of the colonies, which he said names of twenty one parish that institution, and suff red io produced 300, 000 fine soldiers during the World War.
grating to the Rerublic of Cuba in search of work.
stantanecns The Secretary for Immigration states that the condi ioners who were accused of Clsy was serience to the peri In a few years we shall have a great many more than tions now obtaining in Cuba are deplorable and that wide making a disturbance. tentry on Aug. 12, 1921 by Dis this at our disposition, said the French steamship execuspread destitution exists amongst the labouring West Indian The uproar began when the trict Judge Kerr for the murder of tive, vicar crossed himself in the Chiva trail Clay and his victim Private Hawkins near the Chiva population owing to the lack of employment.
RELYING ON BLACK MEN This grave warning by an officer in the position of the pulpit. There upon most of the were both stationed at Corozal He The Kingdom of the Sun, which we possess occusocietaris Excellency strongly advise all those who had began to sing the hymn. The aude Hawkinse prisoneria Boel die the military point of view and might add that no one is Secretary for Immigration. ought not to be lightly disregard, congregation of 800 rose, and a la Comida on edisty at the past pies a territory almost as great as that of all Europe. From intended to go to Cuba in search of work, not to do so Church One Foundation. serted togetoer, Clay at the trail pleaded self defence claiming a greater pacifist than myself hold we can never atford until conditions in the Republic have considerably im.
Taking off has stole, the vi be was first attacked by Hawkins to forget the last adventure and the last catastrophe, We proved.
car shouted.
must remember that other wars may develop, and remain Dwing to the blasphemy EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA on our guard.
Prisoners at Jamaica Peniten which has taken place there Africa resources in men are considerable, and they will be no further service this The palatial Canadian Pacific increase each year, but wish to speak more fully of the morning.
steamship Empress of Australia economic aspect of our colonies.
tiary Again in Ugly Mood arrived at lua on wednesday The members of the congre moroing last on a round the world AFRICA FUTURE gation answered loudly: cruise. left ristobal the fol The future of Africa will be a great one. predict that Large Number Involved In Demonstration This is the Church of Eng lowing day bound for New York one day the Sahara will be turned into a vast, beautiful garOver Death of Pal land. Give us the Church of York she goes to Cherburg and and the water empties into an immense desert, but it is not via Havana, Cuba. From New den. The Sabara is surrounded by mountains and lakes, England service.
Bouthampton The Jamaica Mail of the 27th punts of a range ni cells setuige! The vicar then called the Among other distinguished pas seen and its influence is not felt by us today. It remains ulto. says: in a good deal shouting and police and left the church. sengren she carries the Rt. Hon for a coming generation to discover these wonderful underthe Earl of It appears that the spirit of some beating the doors of their cell. Emerging under the protection gomery, and the Rt. Hon. the sound streams, which most certainly are there.
In thinking of France most Americans regard the counof those who are undergoing impri. They contioned their inmonstro sonment in the General Peniten tion well into the night. Saturdạy of two detectives, he lit a ci Earl of Roselyn, also Lindy Witry as a small nation, with an old civilization, said Mr. Dal liams Taylor, the latter accomtiary bas pot altogether been found close ap upon cue dozen of garette in the face of an anPiaz, who added: brokan, following the punishment them in solitary coulinenants. gry crowd of townspeople, who panied by, ter maid.
awarded scores or proners who result of their misconderetanin dhor followed him down the street, under the directiou of Willis in Me of much greater propositions. With our African colonies The cruise is being carr ed out It is not the little country you imagine, but a nation were responsible for the riot of geon cells they will rettanin for DDiS.
periods ranging frozd seven to hissing and shouting.
1926 in the institution.
and their untold riches, both under the earth and on the fourteen days.
Some of them have continueil surface, the French frontier does not end at Marseilles, but the practice oj making night wida It is reported that communi.
continues to the extreme boundaries of French Africa.
ous by beating their cell doors ond cation was recently intercepted by SPARKLETS Africa is not another France, as so often has been said, but shoutine; but nothing like a de er the prison mathorities during is France itself, and France is a country with a glorious past moinded outbreak bas been attempt transit from prisoners who wok (By KING)
and an equally wonderful future.
ed since the stirring events of clo e on the water front of the Peniupon two years ago, when armed tentiary to their compaules in the Superiority Complex: Jiag faster or slower than they police and sold ers had to be rent brick yard. The note conveyed Sydney Young, Editor of arr.
into Comfort Castle at Rae Town the very significant statement. Gorts, and embryo journalist in orhoolroom brisht pupils Outburst In British House of to assist in restoring order. Laut When yon are ready, we are Friday night there was another. This is taken to mean that con charge of the West Indian section and dull pupils are mixed.
pless. Bright ones, doing only half what Commons manifestation of unrest on the parti victs have been laving plans for of the PANAMA AMERICA in Athey hould unit are capable of the death in bis eell of a man dam. The prison authorities apprer ta San Panamanians call some West In best.
ed Gayle, who was serving a term be ready for eventualities.
dians Chombo and some West In Life schoolroom grown Disorderly Socialist Member Asked to Leave of imprisooment.
Indians are cut up over the pupils are similarly mixed and each The House name which understand be is responsible for doing all he can wholomeo al man habitual hariminal. Living Conditions Insonged originally to the Panaman with her stuif he has upon two weeks ago Gayle and was a terror for escaping from ian, Chris Columbus baviug sol Porto Rico You can alwavs find someone London, Feb. 22. Extraor nister of Health (Mr. Neville custody while under escort, as well a young Panamaniyn damsel with whom you compare favor dinary scenes occurred in the Chamberlain) as Minister of as while he was behind the bars of who was taking to her feet awavably.
House of Commons early this Misery.
the prison, repeated his exploit at from him when he first come to You end always find someone to morning when Miss Lawthe of might Ніч New York, March 15. The Panama on the trip in which he whom you are iuferior.
effort to Sir Kingsley Wood, Parliaregnin his freedom was short lived worst, living conditions prevailing discovered the New rd. Next (Sec. East Ham, mentary Secretary, Minister of Even if you are superior for early morning he was found on anywhere under the American flag week, gentle reader, intend to was found open. Gavle was band. George Luther Cady of the city which nauseate all and nothing iority is largóly accidental arising sented to the King praying that said it was in the interests of the prison around. Bie cell door are in Porto Rico, the Rev. elaborate ou this stomach of ours every one around yon, your super moved that an address be pre Health, defending the Order, cuſſed and returned to his cell. It is reported yesterday to the Admi can digest. In the meantime, from the weakness of others. the Order dated January 16, the district that the appointreported that a member of the mistrative Commitee of the emer am wielding the floor to the In other places and other time entitled The West Ham Union ed guardians should be conprison bospital stafi found it neces. rican Congregational Missionary eminent Doctor Frank Crane who you would find a host of superiors. Defeat) Orders (Continua tinued in office for six more sary to remove the manacles as Association.
for It is an extremely pleasant oecu tion) Orders 1928 be annulled. months.
the prisoner is said to have com Toe report of Dr. Cady, who is on Superiority Comolex. Hear pation this comp vrink yourself 10 plained of being indisposed. The corresponding secretary of the or ye him and abide by what he shall others to your advantage. But it is Mr. Groves (Sec. That Is Lie tell thee: handcuffs had to be replaced on galization, was based on a tour a mierobe to be swatted. Stratford) seconded.
the daring criminal wrists; and in complete this month by an offiThe expenses of the late the hope of defeating the authority cial party of nine leaders in the microbes flying around in this vale work harder than hear more Service man who, it was al elections, stationery, travelling One of the most dangerous When you begin to see that you He read a letter from an ex. guardians, he added, including of the prison management. home missionary work of the do of bacteria is the one that causes Tban: are more truthful Than: nomination, one of whom was bis swelled heads.
have a better command of words leged, was threatened with GAYLE SHOWED FIGHT wife.
It has been definitely trased and Than: someone else, look out!
expenses and luncheons legal proceedings if he did not mounted to no less than 2, 000 He was overpowered, bangled and The houses are mostly one room herein is exposed.
You may not know it, but im repay a sum of 12s.
Teplaced in his cell.
a year.
huts, said the report, If they perceptibly the eranium is begiu It is Comparing Yourself with ning Mr. Will Thorne (Soc. PlaisLast Friday morning Galye was have partitions these are often so This statement created upOthers.
tow) said he wished the King roar from the Socialist benfound dead in the cell. He had flimsy as to be almost fictitions, Saving reflection of the moWhen you begin think: passerł away during the night. Sueh homes breed inmorality, di one that ia places were present. am quite ches, Mr. Jones shouting.
The previous evening there was sease, including hookworm, which Now, look at Herbert. With are other people who are working sure, he added, His Majes That is a lie, an absolute lie.
no indication that he was sick, could be prevented if the people lots more ability than have, he harder, reading more, command ty has got the will if he had Mr. Will Thorne rose, and He however, passed away durire could offord shoes, is widspread hasn made as much progress in ing their word with greater fluency, the power. Cries of Or after standing for a few mothe night. In the morning some lo the city of Ponce we uw made, you want to cross your the last ten years as bave and effect, than are you.
prisioners were ordered into he streets where there was no sanita: fingers.
This conceit microbe is as dander. ments pointed across to Sir aparment to remove the body rerous as a railroad crossing.
The Speaker: We never al Kingsley Wood and said, under the supervision of a warder. tion and no water system. Fitth You are on dangerous ground.
you approueh it, Be Care llow the King name to be say he is a colossal perverter The haodcuffs had not yet beep was thrown into the gutter to rot.
removed from his wrists. It ap who were not in school because you am going along as well as you barmfal quality ful!
The streets gwarmed with children The only test of whętber or not mentioned in these matters. of the truth.
Egotisin is a very insidious and The Ministers are responsible.
pears that a number of convicts the schools can only accommodate should is whether or not you are Mr. Jones. And say he is a got it into their heads that Gayle balf the school population. The coming up to what you are capable make sure unliked. It is about the the debate, described the apMr. Jack Jones, continuing it liar.
had died as the result of the real Popce is not seen by the con of doing.
struggle wbieb took place wben ventional tourists.
There were cries of Withthe manacles were to be re applied It has notbing to do wiib what most anti social vice we dan buvel pointed guardians as minia draw from the Ministerial to bis writs. That evening becue (Continued on page 6) others do or whether you are mor. Contioued on Pace 6)
ture Mussolinis and the Mi(Continued on Page 6)
his called dead rence to to bulge.
ment is Whea you

    EnglandFranceSocialismWorld War

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