
ARD Pabanci SHOE CARLOS MULLER Pablished o Sstardays by Rates for Advertasemen on appilca Final Figures Will Be Arrived WALROND. Hooflice No. 16, tion. Correspondence on all mattes At In April Stace: East Pasama RP of publie interest invited.
All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Passo written on one side of paper only, and (From Herald 24th ulto. Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of e Year 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publics representative of the HeMonths 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
rald was informed by a finThree se.
We do not undertake to return reancial expert in Government One Month 23 jected correspondence.
circles yesterday afternoon that it was very liekly that af The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights intus ter striking their balances in SATURDAY APRIL 7, 1928 April, it would be found that the sum in excess of estimated revenue would be very near to DIG DOWN WHILE TALKING 300, 000. The local Treasury SHOE has to await return from GovThe percertage of talking which a few West Indians do ernment agents in Londn, New through the local press with a view to repel the many atYork, and elsewhere, before tacks on the prestige of our people domiciled here seems low the correct figures can be arbut can be well taken as representative of that which a very he feels better every time he wears it, rived at. The Crown Agents in high percentage of the people who are being protected London for example do a very would express were they to publicly express themselves in for the recollection of quality large turn over for the Jamaithe premise. We have already done some excellent fighting ca Government, placing orders back, we are now doing some and much more is left to be remains long after the price for stores, etc. and Governdone and will be done on paper. The pen is a mighty ment officers on leave draw weapon much mightier than the swotd when it has good is forgotten.
salaries abroad, all of which brains and initiative behind it.
have to be accounted for loWest Indians in Panama bave been attacked by Panacally, and balances adjusted.
mans and Americans in various forms, directly and indirect.
The accounts of some transacly, in the night time and in broad daylight, the primary tions at times arrive here from cause for these attacks being competition in labour. InciSEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS two to four weeks after a deal dentally, some of our attackers bring in the question of mishas been consummated, and it cegenation and, lately, ethnology has been hinted, apparently is believed on good authority to fix us into another category. Why worry? No one knows for all the latest Models that when the final reckoning better than intelligent and representative Panamans and is made some time in April, it intelligent citizens of the United States oi America who will be seen that the revenue resides locally and many at home, the mental and physical has turned up near a 300, 000 worth of the virtues of West Indian immigrants in the Re.
public of Panama and in the Canal Zone. But as a rule, the pity of it, one does not always argue on the basis of truth fulness and frankness when seli preservation, that of his SOLE AGENT JAMAICA PUBLIC SERVICE family, organization, country or country men, is the basic principle of what he is defending.
The Herald of the 24th ulto.
Self preservation, is what West Indians here need to. 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY says: defend while talking. We have beei engaged in too much The Jamaica Public Service talking, most of which, we fear, may be classed as empty 77 Co. have started work in real gestures. When it comes to the acid test to prove worthy earnest at Linstead, with material to back up our talking, we are most of the time found wanting wanting in sincerity and the spirit of coview to lighting up the town.
On Tuesday last they estaboperation, and lacking that unity of purpose which is neces.
sary to support, our worthiness.
DX00 30 990 SEXSS EXC90 lished headquarters there, and We fail to visualize the fact that we have furnished and have sent out a gang of wire.
are still furnishing much spinal fluid for the construction men to begin work on the vaand maintenance of the back bone of progressive Panma, rious installations. to have and similar material for the construction and maintenance of them ready for service as soon the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Zone.
as the lines are run from the There is no real way in which we can adequately Bog Walk Power Station to defend our prestige but by digging down by pooling our Linstead.
interest, our money, and have same work for us as in the All the merchants, heads of case of the other communities. Thus arming ourselves, churches, and owners of prinwe can repel invectives with more actions and less words, GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE cipal residences have entered Words are like leaves, and where they most abound, into contracts for the wiring Much sense beneath is rarely found. on this score we may NO OTHER of their premises, and on safely emulate the Chinese. Their position is almost impreg Thursday measurements were nable notwithstanding the fact that they have been placed To be had in all Fashionable Places being taken and estimates prein the category of undesirable aliens ever since Panama pared for installations at the drafted her first formal immigration law.
Public General Hospital and The largest community, numerically, we seem to attract the most violent invectives. Are we not willing therefore WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
Holy Trinity Church, and other places in that town.
to tolerate and sacrifice as the other communities do, there.
General Distribution 8th Street and North Ave.
The people in Linstead are by become able to put up a strong front which will cause these invectives to automatically rebound and cause the x86 octo: ses SXSSXS30 ASC very enthusiastic over the prodirectors of them to protect their eyes each time they despect of receiving a first class electric service in their town.
cide to let loose? We have but one century of practice, but we have been living for upwards of twenty years in an British Consulate Notice Operations will soon be. comenvironment created with the cream of results of nearly menced at Bog Walk.
twenty centuries.
WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Improvements in Kingston Ninety percent West Indians in Panama and the Canal The British Consulate General at Pauama would like to get infor: ly decided to start work on The Company have definiteZone are not in fact transient guests. We are truly a part formation of the whereabouts of a and parcel of the permanent residents of the Republic of woman named Anella Poleon who their King Street rails on Mon.
Panama which we helped to nurse into its present healthy is esid to resides in Panama, day April 16th, the Corporagrowth. We have been living in Panama for more than twen.
No hot irons or special combs required tion Council having decided to ty years side by side with the natives and we are liked by the well thinking ones. But, for this period of time, we have Dr. Nathan Rowe on that thoroughfare within begin their reconstruction work not dug down deep enough we have not acquired enough of SOLD IN DRUG STORES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the next 16 days. The Tramthe fruits of the land; and this is because we have, up to 11th and Bolivar Sts.
way Company now, failed to demonstrate any real capability of holding are getting down from Scotland an experihands together and improve our common status.
COLON, enced track engineer, in the Let not make any mistake about, we have worked BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE person of Mr. Gordon Oliver and worked hard in Panama: but that alone will never Chase National Bank MeNair, who sailed from entitle us to the better things of Panama; we have to Office Hours: 9am to 12m vonmouth by the Patuca place the proper value on our work and organize our pm to p.
on Tuesday last, and is due forces to demand it. We can do it, if we are dissatisfied here on April 3rd. Mr. McNair with our present status. Mere talking will help us but OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 will supervise the relaying very little; meanwile talking we have to dig down and DRUG STORE TELEP DE work on King Street and other in course of time we will be taken up with the digging thoroughfares still to be reto the extent that we will have very little time to devote Why throw away your old, but no to talking and protesting. McClymont constructed, and in connection with this work, it may be statdoubt interesting, books when you MODERN TAILOR ed that all the old rails Snapshot CALIDONIA NO. 16 King St. will be taken up, and can have them neatly bound at Until we learn to help others we will be found See us for up to date Work new, ones, with new foundations put in.
marking time. Let us adopt the habit of one band washm nship at Moderate Prices, ing the other policy, and we are sure we will realize more from it. We could be the means of helping many in our British Consulate Notice race to succeed if we were not too tight with our encourageF. BOWEN ment and money. If we could see our way clear to be bene.
No. EAST 16 STREET TAILOR The British Consulate General factors, even in a small way, it would mean much to al Panama will be pleased to learn those whom we might become interested in. Okalaho Opposite the Wesleyan Church No. M Street San Migue of the whereabouts of Alberbat.
Brown who when last heard of in ma Eagle.
Panama City 10090 1921 was residing in Panama.
NATIONAL WHISKY OLD PANAMA Contra Crespo Book Binding!


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