
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1928 PAGE THREE The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER NEED WATCH? bon and rye three or four FULLER esssss Prohibition in America FLOWERS of the Volstead era in the United States.
benefits Cuba Abogado. Attorney at Law Source of Income OFFICE: No. 44 ST As in Canada, the supply of BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY liquor to bootleg channels for Supply of Liquor for Boot TELEPHONE No. 1377 the United States has become leg Channels Has Become an enormously profitable busiProfitable Business Practicing before all the courts of ness in Cuba and is bringing the Republic since April 1914 millions of dollars of AmeriHavana, Cuba, Feb. 29. can money into the little repYou don bear any more talk ublic; likewise as in Canada about annexing Cuba to the the price of liquor has gone United States, not even from up considerably by virtue of those few Cubans who once the elimination of the United took the position that the isStates as a producer of legal land would be far better off intoxicants and the increase in economically if it were ir. corthe demand on foreign sources porated in the United Statas.
of supply Volstead has changed all Good Scotch whisky and gin that. If the Anti Saloon les cost twice as much and bourgue and the were to decree the annexation of times as much in Havana as in Cuba for the purpose of exDROP IN AT the pre Volstead days. The tending the benefits of prohismuggling of Cuban liquor into bition to a benighted people, Work Done While You Wait the United States is well orthose rowers of the invisible ganized and protected. Ample Government of the United 122 CENTRAL AVE.
evidence of this fact is affordStates would find a war on their hands.
TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED You lil Find Them ed by the pienitude of every variety of Cuban liquor in Key The Cuban population never Moderately Priced. West, which is supplied by would willingly pass under the American bootleggers to cusAlterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices yoke of prohibition slavery.
tomers in case lots at prices as Sir Auckland Geddes, formranging from only 50 cents to Ladies Garments carefully handled er British Ambassador to the one dollar a bottle above the United States phrased it, whey Havana price.
he said Britain never would REID Propietor In all the barrooms of Havsell the British West Indies to ane homeward bounnd Amerithe United States.
cans are cautioned against trying to smuggle any liquor Prohibition Aids Cuba through Key West in baggege.
The Cubans regard it an inTales are told of the intensive alienable personal right to eat search of passengers effects and drink what one pleases.
Besides, prohibition in the 90 25 SUS SS33343536 skog and even of passengers persons by the customs inspectors United States is operating to and the finding of smugglers rehabilitate Cuba economical25 dollars for every bottle disly. American prohibition is covered. Far better is it, the making good business for CuAmerican are told, to take no ba. It has put Cuba on the chances but patronize the Key map and bids fair to put CuWest bootleggers in the two ba on easy street.
hour wait between passAn ever swelling stream of ing the customs and boarding Americans seeking surcease the train.
from the rigors of prohibition, The manufacture of alcohol has been flowing into Havana for the American bootleg since the Volstead act trade also has become a boomwent into effect. It has now ing and extremely profitable reached the volume of from industry. In Cuba alcohol is a 12. 000 to 15. 000 persons a by product of the sugar mill.
week and is still mounting.
Five or six years ago industrial These Americans eat, drink alcohol in Cuba was cheaper and are merry, and leave milthan gasoline and was being lions of dollars behind them.
widely used for the operation There no money in sugar motor cars and internal comany more, but Cuba should bustion engines of various worry. The tourist crop is bekinds. The American bootleg coming one of the most profitdemand ran the price of inable in the island and it Amerdustrial alcohol up so high ican prohibition keeps up, is that it has become cheaper to expected eventually to out.
run automobiles with gasoline.
rank both sugar and tobacco So notorious is the manniacin the amount of foreign moture of industrial alcohol for ney brought into the country the American moonshiners Builds New Hotels that several large sugar comOn every side there is evipanies controlled by American dence of a vast developmert capital have discontinued its for which the Cubans are inproduction from the fear of debted to Volsteadism. Several their American owners th. at new hotels have been bulit, they would be suspected of but still the hotel accommodacollusion with the bootleggers.
tions of Havana are overtaxed Transforms Havana by the demands of the AmeriThe tastes and demands of cans pouring in during the fall, prohibition ridden Americans winter, and spring. More hotels are to be bulit.
have transformed Havana. came back after an absence of The Bowman hotel interests seven years and hardly knew have begun development of a the city. On every side thcre 3, 000 acre tract on the sea was evidence of prosperity.
shore, just outside of Havana, There were many number of which is to be an American Deauville, Biarritz, Monte Carnew, modern buldings and lo and Mentone rolled into one.
more going up. Shops were doing a thriving business.
The Duponts have acquired an enormous tract in Matanzas The English spoken sign province, which is to be tranwas displayed in every winsformed into an attractive holidow. Every restaurant catarday spot for Americans.
ing to tourists printed its menu Altogether, Cuba presents in English as well as Spanish the picture of a winter playAt all important corners ground for Americans in the were English speaking Cuban making, just as Canada has police known as tourist police become summer playground and distinguished by white for Americans since the prohihelmets, whose duty it was to bition lid was clamped on the assist Americans.
United States.
City Is Tidied Up Cuba hopes to find American prohibition as profitabie as The city had been tidied has Canada where the provinup in those seven years. It was cial debts are rapidly being now as neat as pin, far extinguished by the revenue cleaner than New York or from the manufacture and sale Chicago. The tourist hotels of liquor since the beginning (Cootinued on Page 4)


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