
Prohibition in Ametica யப பய ப பவப பயர. By Andrew Blackmore. Continued from page 3)
had become as clean 28 the most exacting American could demand. The service in the hotels had been vastly improved, in many cases under the supervision of experienced American hotel managers and subordinates all the way down to bell hop captains.
By virtue of all this Americanization it has now become possible for the Volstead maddened denizen of the United States to escape for a periot from tyranny at home and enjoy a legal cocktail, highball, bottle of wine, or glass of beer and revel in the exotic enjoyments of this bit of Paris in America.
While the hotels of Havana have been jammed to the roof all this winter, the Florida hotels have been reporting a slacker season than in several years.
LUCKY STRIKE S TOISTED CIGARETTES Dermawar Paras nalang ang maranno programangagpagungamanan aparan marge ago arauaga no tardarna na pomognemo nogomet LUCKY STRIKE The goodwill ambassador to the world.
Lord AsquithThe Earl of Oxford and Asquith, who died on the fifteenth of February at the age of 75, will always be remembered for his sterling qualities as an English gentleman of the best type, as well as for the important part he played in public life. He was of the old school of dignified and impressive statesmen who moved on the highest plane of conduct and feeling. He never spoke or acted meanly in his life. To his colleague and the natures of great politicians, he had not a trace. He was trenchant but dignified in argument. Of the petty jealousies and ambitions that occasionally embitter and spoil the natures of great politicians, he had not a trace. He was a great scholar, with a brain that, if not brilliant, was a marvellously powerful instrument; and he had the gift of eloquence. The one thing he lacked as a politician was that imaginative quality which appeals to the crowd.
There was something curiously detached and impersonal about him, and this prevented him from ever becoming a great public idol; but on the floor of the House of Commons he was supreme.
As a Prime Minister he will be singled out for three things.
He led his countrymen into the greatest war this world has ever experienced, though he did not remain in power throughout that tragic period of the nations history; when it toasted he retired in 1916 he had held office for a longer consecutive No Throat Irritation. No Cough period than any of his predecessors since the Reform Act of 1832; and for one of the most vital changes in the constitution of Great BritainThe Parliament Act, which considerably curtailed the power of the House of Lords his Premiership was responsible. As a young man he gave every promise of the success that was to be his, and before he was forty he had attained OTRD 220 monte ANAR ALTUNARODA ARTO AN varmaan na magpapaunawarm ga xu HARD Cabinet rank.
Advances in Science, great deal of work which is not of a spectacular nature, Rutherford in regard to the but which is of the utmost im structure and physics of the portance, is at present being atom. By means of a specially done by British scientists. The designed dynamo, the use of professor of chemistry at the 320, 000 units of electricity University of Liverpool recent over a volume of two cubic ly described how it is now pos centimetres has been made sible, for the first time, to imi possible; and it is expected tate in the laboratory the pro that when a force of nearly cesses by which nature is able one million units has been through the green leaves of a reached, many secrets in atoplant to change carbonic acid mic physics will be revealed.
into sugar and starch. He has Of more immediate interest to long been conducting a series the man in the street is the IS NOW LOCATED AT of such experiments, and he utilization of electricity for stated his belief that his re detecting the presence undersults, with those of other ground of different kinds of 11. 1154 11th STREET scientists, will help us to gain minerals.
some understanding of the Healthier Army Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK chemistry of life. The definitive factor was the very large The advantages of good amount of energy which had food, good clothing, and good Where our customers will receive the usual to be supplied to carbonic acid housing are emphasised in the before the synthesis of sugars Report recently issued on the courtesies took place. Vitality depends health of the British Army in upon the maintenance of a 1926. In no other country in high level of energy, and the the world are soldiers better most important sources of treated or their needs more LOOK FOR THE SIGN energy are fresh food and ul carefully considered than in tra violet light. From these Great Britain, with the result facts one learns the necessity that their health has of late BRITISH for distribution and use of the years greatly improved. The fresh food supply before its provision of better types of energy is lost; and one can boots for recruits, for examforesee the ultimate benefit to ple, has had a marked effect.
the public health of these ex. Whereas foot disabilities periments. Anather interesting was fourth on the list of causes branch of scientific research of men being invalided in is that which is conducted by 1925, it had dropped to eighth the great physicist Sir Ernest place in 1926. In the section of WORKMAN It pays the report dealing with the personal hygiene of troops and families, the interesting note is made that the soldier of today has, to a very large extent, given up the consumption of intoxicating beverages, and replaced them by cocoa, coffee, and other non intoxicants. In spite of the great progress recorded, however, there yet remains much to be done.
For strangely enough the number of men suffering from slight illnesses and local injuries is fairly high. In 1926 the number of working days lost through common ailments was 421, 557, as against 444, 493 in the previous year. There are thus apparently factors at work other than privation and distress which are responsible for petty ailments, and the Royal Army Medical Corps is now undertaking research work in an effort to cope more effectively with them.
Making money and saving labour.
The Royal Mint is busy turn ing out the new. 1928 coinage at the rate of about a half a million coins a day. The num ber of pennies produced this year will be over sixty million more than last year. slight alteration has been made in the design on one side with the object of making it neater and more artistic. Indeed, the new coins are among the most beautiful now in use in the world. It is not generally known that the English Mint possesses some of the most in genious machines ever invented. One of them reproduces in steel the artists design for a coin, and after being adjusted works dutifully from a large model, until the perfect re.
plica is completed. Another machine stamps out the new coins almost automatically. It is not only in the Mint that labour saving machinery is used in Government depart ments. In the Sorting Department of the Manchester Post Office two slowly moving bands carry parcels and let ters from one part of the buliding to another, unload into a bin or nest with twelve open ings into which the parcele are sorted, and then, by means of a system of gravity shutes or conveyors, bring them to another part of the building for further subdivision. The capacity of this istallation is enormous, and it will enable the steadily increasing bulk of mail matter to be dealt with in building which might otherwise have to be replaced The British Pharmacy COLON PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE Home Reot Receipt Books io spanisb and English for sale at the WORRMAN Printery.


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