
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIR 7, 1128 PAGE FIVE Special April Sale of 00 SO A03 we are Save these Laberls MEMARK BARBADOS develop and the inhabitants DENTIST HOWELL TRINIDAD get the benefit. It will be a long time before this simple House No. 912 La Boca ADVOCATE TREE TRADE fact filters through to the Canol Zone THE RUSH TO MARA.
IN FOOD brain CAIBO the average West InOPPOSITE RESTAURANT dian. He is too busy maintaing PHONE 1941 BALBOA The Barbados Weekly He what it is the fashion to call (FROM APRIL 2nd TO 10th ONLY. Th VEEKLY GUARDIAN of rald in a recent issue contains his individuality. This indivithe following leading article duality, or rather exaggerated Specialises in all Branches of recent date says: UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC Memories of the rush to the on conditions in Demerara. self esteem, would be ludiDentistry United States, happily stopped The Colonial Industry crous if it did not have so very LL WORK GUARANTEED.
FIRELESS COOKERS by the introduction of the cuoFor The neighbouring Colony of serious consequences.
ta restrictions, are revived by ROAST, BOIL, FRY, STEW, BAKE, ETC.
Dr. OGILVIE British Guiana has been for hope, or will the West Indian the departure almost every some time in the throes of West Indian Colony, however the world insignificance of a Operale From Any Light Socket For Only PHYSIGIAN SURGEON week of hundreds of men and grave women for Maracaibo, the financial difficulties.
80 Street, Chorillo.
The budget will not balance, highly developed. Brtish Guicentre of the Venezuela oil ONE CENT PER HOUR boom. There is little or no diand the Government has been ana is on aceount of searching anxiously for some Its Size And Its Resources OF CURRENT CONSUMED Dr. Fred Sterling minution in the numbers seekmeans of improving the reve in a different category. But THE NEW YORK DENTST ing their future livelihood under the Venezuelan flag, and nue. The acting Governor, the here again a close union with You can have one of these 182, BOLIVAR STREET Honourable Douglas Jones is her neighbouring colonies is a shortage in necessary labour in favour of an in come tax, absolutely essential to her pro WONDERFUL FIRELESS COOKERS CILON. Box 171, CRISTOBAL, Zed by this alarming exit of many types seems threatenbut when he made that progress. In the first place, the FOR ONLY TELEPHONE 247 COOLN workmen who are accompaposal last month be met with increased population necessary With months to Ask for Details determined opposition from must come from West Indies TAKE NOTICE nied by their wives or are folpay the balance of the every class and shade of opi and secondly, her best customlowed by them soon after their COMBINAin small paynion. Led by the Elected Mem ers ought to be her neighbours.
The WORKMAN can departure. There is an ease in TION RATE had at Mr. Sanchez place travelling to Maracaibo ments.
bers, the Legislature decided In order, however, to obtain for LIGHITING, to put increase taxes on cer the fullest development, the 24tb street, No. building long as the would be emigrant THE ELECTRIC IRONING tain imports and thereby to in resources of each colony ought Guachapali.
is in a position to bear the ex GAS COOKING pense. Some time ago restriccrease the cost of living gen to be available for the inhaone without SHOW ROOMS eraly. It was argued that an bitant of every It will save you could adopt and maintain the tions on entry were imposed Money SANTA ANA PLAZA income tax would press unduly any intervening tariff obstrucprinciple of free trade amongst by the local Government of PANAMA DO IT TODAY ourselves. Is it too much to Maracaibo but they were boil on people with incomes, but tions. What a lesson in Empire that a general increase of tax unity and solidarity we could hope, or will the. est Indian ed down to the acquisition of ation would be easier to bear. show to the world! Imagine Colonies continue to develop a permit from the Governor each along its own lines which is done for the Trinidad One of the articles affected, is the effect on the whole EmADVERTISE the sweet potato. It may not pire policy, imagine the preswith the certainty of getting resident by a relative or relaIN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS nowhere in the end?
be generally known, but there tige to these colonies if tives in Maracaibo. With this in hand passage across is a matis.
ter of a few days. As reports Considerable Business Done point to the greater developin sweet potatoes between the ment of the Venezuelan oil inthis colony and British Guiana.
dustry, there is a certainty of The potato farmers, the traan increasing stream of people ders the sailing craft, all bene.
flowing into the neighbouring fit by the trade, and the resiRepublic from these shores.
dents of British Guiana Perhaps, there is some consolenabled to obtain the popular ation in the fact that they article at a price within the send the bulk of their wages reach of the poorer classes.
to relatives behind in TriniThe tax, however, which has dad.
now been increased to eightyone cents per bag together An Ex Soldier Beaten To with shipping freight of twenDeath tyfour cents per bag would seem to be an effective prohibition upon the exportation Trinidad despatch state: Guiana. We say nothing at all Gorge Wil 00, PX soldier ad mmber of the Titridad Ligbt about the obvious hardship to BRAND Infantry. 1st Battalion, died at the working classes of that colthe Colonial Hospital from inter ony (who will be called upon Dal inju les, received on Carnival car, Monday 20th inslaut, when to pay an exorbitant price for it is alleged he was set upon by a the sweet potato or to do withUNSWEETENED bant of ruffiane at Harpe Place out it altogether. It is imposE1st Dry River, and severly sible, however, to avoid feelmauled.
ings of astonishment at Wilson who served in Egypt and France during the Great The Short Sightedness War of 1914 1918, was eimof the governments and peoWe always carry a large variety paratively young man and the police have not yet been able ples of these parts. We see no to trace the persons wbo intietreason at all why there should of Premiums in stock ed the injury on him which not be free trade, in food caus his death, but they are hopeful of early solution of stuffs at least, between these the mystery which has now colonies. The welfare of each assumed grave proportions. Wil colony is bound inextricably son was beaten when he went with the welfare of the other to the rescue of a young woman and it is only the most acute who wis benig worsted in a fight with others.
myopia which prevents West He was buried with full millIndians from discerning this tary bonours.
fact. We are not unmindful of the fact that a duty of a shill ST CHARLES is guaranteed pure, rich, full 20 Inject Interest in Library ing per hundred pounds is levied on Demerara Rice in Cream Cows milk. Nothing is added to preserve it The La Boca Athenaeum has this colony, and perhaps it arranged to corporate with Mr.
would sound like heresy to and it is concentrated to the consistency of cream Nie. y, Secretary of the La suggest that this tax too, is an Boca Clubhouse in reviving inobstruction. Suppose for examby the extraction of water only. It is made of the terest in the Clubhouse Library.
Not very many weeks after the ple Demerara. Rice were enLibrary was organized by the couraged to capture the marbest fresh milk from cows fee ling on selected Bureau Clubs a Playgrounds, ket in all the Colonies, would interest began to wane until now pastures.
not the expansion of the rice there are only a very few pa Frans: trons industry be of advantage to There are some very good the West Indian Colonies?
books in the Library, and from Their food would be cheaper Dext Monday evening employees there would be employment Do not take any risks, always ask for of the Capal and moun bers of for labourers, and there would thier families may borrow books.
This distribution will be done be increased opportunity, no by (representatives of the Athe, doubt, for capital. We have naeum between and 30 o the clearest possible object lesclock on Mondays, Tuesdays, son in the United States of Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week.
America as compared with the European countries.
merous Governments of EuroAthenaeum Discussed The richest in cream and best for all purposes.
pe with their frontier lines and Whittier tariff walls not only.
Keep Their Peoples Apart pleasant evening was spent at the Athenaeum on Tuesday but increase the cost of livlast when the society dealt with ing. America on the other the American poet, Jobo Greenhand, over her whole vast terleat whittler ritory, has erected no barrier.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Her State being free to trade and English for sale at the WORwith each other are free to NAN Priotery.
ST. CHARLES They will save you Dollars.

    FranceWorking Class

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