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CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage a KASUS INSANII INW202 Seventh Day Adventist Colon Wesleyan FU23, 240, 2KW maxvx4 King Rebukes Mem. STREET CALIDONIA Church bers of Parliament LOAD cear Isthmian Park Pans.
Who Criticiſe Things They sabbath School; 11. 15 a. GenSabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
Did Not Understand. ral Worship Spanish AN EASTER PAGEANT Class: London, Feb. 29. Most in4. 30 Y: Society, APRIL 8TH, P.
teresting sidelights on critical meeting 30 Junior and Senior Staudard of attainment years of England story are Class, p. Vespere. Synopsis Part abundant in the two new volu Suncay March 24th, PreachMary, Rebecca, Judith and mes of The Correspondence ing Service.
Martha meet in Judith garden of King George III. Vols. GRIZZLE Pastor, to discuss fears which they enterIII and IV) published by Mactaid relative to the safety of Jemillan.
OUTBURST IN COMMONS They are joined by Peter Philip This selection from the royal faithful followers of Jesus. Helen Continued from page 1)
papers, very ably edited by and Daphney two Grecian wo.
HAS REMOVED FROM the Hon. Sir John Fortescue side, and the Deputy Speakthey bad journed all the way from met visit and ask for Jesus whom covers the period July, 1773, er, Capt. Fitzroy, called on Greece to see to the end of 1779, and the Mr. Jones to withdraw.
Mr. Jones: am very sorry While thy converse, they are dis.
theme of the majority of these turbed by Roman soldiers who papers is nothing less interest to disobey your ruling, but in are also seeking Jesus. They fail to get the information and so they ing than the American War of view of the statement made Independence.
by Sir Kingsley Wood refuse to withdraw and say again, group of girls now bring the The letters exchanged be. He is a liar.
news of the Triumphal entry, and tween the King and Lord all decide to go and see, North, his Prime Minister, ask Mr. Jones to leave the The Deputy Speaker: must Part 11.
form a great part of these two House.
It is four days later. Jesus is large volumes.
Mr. Jones: leave the House crucified, and ibe characters meet North wanted Chatham in gladly, but he remains in the in the same garden to moun be.
cause ther friend is dead. They the Government: the King House a liar all the same.
speak of some of Crist sayings, would not have him.
and Judith assures them that they Mr. Jones then left the have reasons to be comforter 18 Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous Chatham (says Sir John For House. ho had told her good news.
tescue) had utterly misconWhile they speak, Patrons and the Public generally.
ceived the situation in Amerigroup of Finging girls, led by Miriau, enters ca. He had treated it as SPARKLETS and tells them that He is Risen, mere rising against the unpopPROGRAMME ular measures which the Mo(Continued from page 1)
ther Country had endeavored No pain should be spared nos to impose, and he had done only to clean ourselves of the at Organ Prelude. Miss CLEANINGS Francis his utmost chiefly for factious titude of egotism, but of egotistie Anthem. Mine eyes have seen CALL IN AT thoughts.
ends, to encourage it.
No man should, in the language The Chior Paris. In a singular lawsuit The King Insight. of the Bible Think of bimself Monsieur X, a 50 year old nursery Recitation. All things rejorce gardener in the North of France; more highly that be cught to The King, however, seems to think.
Miss Morgan secuses a Parisian dentist of alienhave had glimpses of the truth. Duet. Hope Beyond. Misses ating the affections of his 47 year While Linton Quarless old buide to be at the very altar.
the Opposition was Small He is RISEN,. Port One. betore the intending wedding, the On New Year Day, two days to do its utmost to encourage the Americans in resistance, DENTIST The Characters bridegroom was in a taxi acrident. No. 16 STREET EAST the King would write a Violin Solo. Selested Mr. He suffered no injury, but his false reMASONIC TEMPLE Moore teeth were knacked out and the markable letter, June 11, 1779, Office Hours: 8, am to 12 Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
in which with great perspi1. 30 to 30 7 Anthem. Now when Jesus plate was broken. The next day Was risen. Choir the dentist agreed to make the cuity he penetrated this de Sundays, by Special Appointment emergency repairs, when they Tenor Solo Life Eternal were concluded, Monsieur preA GOOD SELECTION OF sign.
Masonic Temple ifth St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Mr. Stephenson sented himseli for the ceremony in NEW BIBLES While ardently desiring the Cornet Solo. Beyone the gates perfect condition.
restoration of peace, he writes PITONE: OFFICE 1664 RESIDENCE. Mr, Smith However, in a conversation, just 538 Hymn Prayer Books thus firmly to Lord North. 10 He is RIBEN. Part two. The before the wedding mareh began. have heard Lord North the Characters bridegroon unfortunately, laughed, the false teeth plate was frequently drop that the ad peace must concurr with me in 11 Announcements erucked and ejected on to the floor vantages to be gained from thinking that this Country can 12 Closing Anthem. Christ is and the bride to be fainted. The this contest would never repay never submit to.
Risen. The Choir ceremony was suspended and the the Expence.
The King went in person to engagement has since been broken BENEDICTION WHITENS THE SKIN It is necessary for those in Portsmouth to examine the off.
The anhappy bridegroom now the station it has pleased Divi preparations of his Fleet. To MR. SMITH Director: charges the dentist with deficient Creme Blanc Mirette ne Providence to place me to North he wrote regarding the MISS FRANCIS repair work as well as wrecking a weigh whether Organist: prospective happ, home. Meitre Expences, political critics: Marvellous Cream Bernardeau represents the plain iti though very great, are not It is very absurd in gentleSong Service who asks 10, 000 franes damages. Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches. sometimes necessary to prevent men unacquainted with the insun tan, and other skin blemishes what might be more serious. mense detail of naval affairs to a country than the loss of to trouble the House of Com Thursday last being Holy LIVING CONDITIONS IN. Thursday the Women Life Promons with matters totally for SOLD IN DRUG STORES money.
blem Olub conducted a song ser. Continued from page 1)
He flatly adds that step by eign to truth: if was now vice at the Clubhouse Instead of The report stated that the avestep the demands of America writing from my own ideas their regular Thursday evening rage labourer earns from sixty five have risen independence is should be as absurd as them, meetiog cents to a dollar a day, and that their object, that certainly is but Keppel Palliser. Parker mothers babies and children suffer Rent receipt books in Spanish greatly from the fact that cow one which every man not will and Hood are men whose and English for sale at the milk is unobtainable by most of ing to sacrifice every object knowledge in that science may WORKMAN.
the people, AND GET GOOD RESULTS to a momentary and inglorious be trusted.
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