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mithing chemin Moral Concepts a Comparison a THE WORKMAN o READ THE WORKMAN WEEK LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC PANAMA, SATURDAY APRIL 14. 1928 VOL 16 No. 36 PRICE CENTS Australia Deports American Musi sebelstarway. com henters Gironing at The Health of Negroes ImprovMrs. Christiana Rules The Negro Jazz Band ing in Nation of Immigrants tu overseas.
Obsequies Largely At Into Republic of Cuba tended On Sunday Last Law Demands 30 Italian and Negro Immigration Through the courtesy of the Conditions in Harlem Similar to What may be accurately describ Colonial Secretary the GLBANER Must be Barred Says Premier ei as one of the biggest gatherings publislies the following copy of the those in New York that ever attended the funeral of a rule now governing the entry of SIDNEY, Australia, March 29. White Autralia! was woman in this city, accompanied immigrants into the Republie of the rallying cry today behind a widespreard movement, fosa ava Hall to her last resting placz from the secretary for Immigra in the United States has been steadily improving during the e mortalr emains of Mrs. Chr sti Cuba, which have been received Statistics show that the general health of the Negro tered by William Huges, former Premier, to bar Negroes and as the English Cemetery on Sunday tion, and also a copy of a Notice the past few years.
Italians from the Commonwealth and to szem the rising tide last. April 8th The decoased who warning persons not to emig ate Apparently was However, the fgiht against disease and the campaign of immigration to this coutinent.
The exclusion movement took concrete form when the health, fell ill enjoying perfect to the Republic at the prisen for better health must still be waged. Despite the gains of ill ruddenly at her time.
horne on Thursday the 5th Instant CUBA IMMIGRATION the last twnty years, the death rate and sickness rate House of Representatives of New South Wales ordered the at about 15 pm and despite deportation of an American Negro jazz band known as Son all thiet medical skill could do for RULES among Negroes still exceeds the general rates for almost all conditions.
oy Clay Plantation Orchestra. The action was taken af her passed away on Saturday eve(a) Passports must be in order per the Melbourne police had raided flats pccupied by the oil three of the childrenas. of doll lines folta ww which with those existing in any part of New York City. There are the 00 preset (b) Imanigrants must 15 In Harlem the bealth of American Negroes and ha charged them with disorderly of whom is Mrs. Stewar, the deposit rece int froin the Ira: same health needs to be met and the same community conduct.
old and trusted employee of the saty makes up the amount of health problems which mustbe faced and solved, if possible.
of Compar. ia 3) dols. demanded by law South Wales Minister of Home Territories was greeted with Lovewho is quite well and favor del munigrants Popust be over Among them are the problems of Tuberculosis and heart ably known the cheers in the provincial Legislature. The Negroes were two sisters, other pela tives los age of 21 years and less than disease, the need for nutrition work among underweight children, the question of how to help parents secure the ordered placed aboard the liner Sierra, which Sails for San several friends. 1) Minors must be in possession best instruction in order that they may take care of the Francisco Saturday.
The deceased, who was a mem of a permit from their parents or health of their families in the most efficent and satisfactory The deportation move left an issue before the authori of the site Pret Episcopal Church, es property. Alegalised by the way possible, the necessity for preventing or checking ties, who are now considering barring Negro artists and box, with both lovede chemnited bytact Lunar han spiermistons to go the epedemics altogether all the health problems of a metroers from Australia.
Immigration policies were attacked by with a cwbom she came into contact minor has p«rmission Hughes with sharp words in demanding a British white mot berig die position afta boleland Cabana who will be responsible politan community.
motherly and willing for his or ber safe keeping. If the ness at all times to make any sseri. parents or guardians reside in agencies in Harlem, which exist for the sole purpose of There are a number of notice welfare and healthy Australia Italians are coming into this country at the rate of 309 fer pergible to helpen in te whand lebt niet beter met conden handling these problems and serving residents of the monthly he friend or acquaintai ce, meat similar to above made To us or to Mussolini? say nothing against any nation, but this outstanding irait was elo cut by by the Mayor of the town community who want help with health matters. Among them (Continued on Page 6)
Continued on Page 6)
are: The Harlem uberculosis and Health Commitee with its this bit of earth belongs to us. It is for us to say how dental clinic, which is operated every day; ihe New York has many comein. all Mussolini marxo shallo rate the sword and we must allow the Solicitor General of Trinidad Baby stations; tuberculosis clinics and school supervision: Diet Kitchen, the Harlem Hospital, with its indoor and outdoor with grandmothers, grandaunts and otherrelatives down to the thirty third cousins of Italians here to enter.
the Henry street Visiting Nurse Service, and the New York We colonized this country and it is for us to develop Denounces Mud Throwing By Counsel Urban League. In addition, a number of the churches have it aloug our own lines, without dictation from anybody their own nurse and conduct heatlh programs. NEGRO In Gourt.
WORLD Referring to the Melbourne incident, Hughes said: Our own musicans, the Commonwealth Band, were brycotted in a recent issue of the Gre His Honour: You have omitin the United States. Now the land of liberty sends us nada West Indian the follow ted the Legislature. Bill to Enfrachise Women these Negroes to entertain us. Are we going to take all these ing appeared The Solicitor General: things lying down. Sweeping accusations made And then the Legislature Passes Second Reading in the British by Mr. Hosein, an and the people of this Colony House of Commons Whither Are We East Indian Barrister, on Tues are people who are fond of Panama Wesleyan Christian day, 24th ultimo (says the inquisitorial methods Bound?
Endeavour Society Trinidad Guardian. in ad would like to see the methods London, March 29. Premier) earth might have a fairer dressing for the defence in the of the inquisition introduced Baldwin today invited the chance and a fairer vote than (BY BLUEBIRD)
Syllabus For Second Quar. ceny trial at Port of Spain Arima shop breaking and lar and practised in Trinidad.
House of Commons to fall in ever has been vouchsafed to Gentlemen, this is a line with Canada and Austra past generations.
We are all on the upward and ter of 1928 Criminal Assizes, which criti LOW TYPE OF DEFENCE; onward march, in the mad ruch lia and the United States to Sir William Joyson Hicks excism included the Legislature, for fame, success, and worth while April 18th. Question and An Magistrates, the Solicitor Gen. it is a type of defence that is speaking countries in which place between 26, 000, 000 and mention only the English plained that the Bill would achievements, but, this is not all inte te voeremeny manters that should love to spries will be given for the eral prosecuting and the Poli adopted by Calumsey tim poveromen and women are enfran 26, 500, 000 names on the vot be taken into consideration before best Answer.
ished in to find a chised on equal terms.
April 25th. Bible Characters.
The ing registers at the May 1st we begin the race, or if possiblewhile running Papers will be prepared by the citor General, Hon. Cam defence; the allegations are passage of a Bill before the listings and that women voters koduly acho, in a trenchant contemptible. You heard my House which would give votes would be in a majority by looker is able is to see a great on the First Bork of Samuel. mr. denunciation while Mr. Justice friend make an It is quite natural that the on following: Mr. Martin deal more than those in the race. Lewin Bottin on the character of Thomas also administered a against me you heard his with to women over all years of about 2, 000, 000.
age, would, he said, mark the Winning a race, a game, or a fight Saul, Mr. Red vers Markhan on vigorous reproof to Counsel. drawal of it, both contemptible final stage in the union of men ing plural voters brougth fron Opposition protests concernis indeed a great achievement, and the person of Samuel the winner, in most cases, is gener: How to chaose Life Work products of his own brain, and May 2nd Ionsecration. Topic: At the end Mr. Hosein made it is lamentable that when my and women working for the the Home Secretary the exally greeted with Cheers, and great is conferred upon him, but, Badge will be presen a full withdrawal and apology friend adopted the profession regeneration of their country planation that of 26, 000, 000 races and games differ greatly, ted to every. member res.
Addressing the jury, Mr. lof a gentleman he failed to di and the regeneration of the electors only about 450, 000 and may here explain a few in ponding to the Role caveiled, mehe Camacho said: Gentlemen, vorce himself from would be entitled to exercise stances in which may make Banner will be unveiled. The And it might well be. the the plural vote.
the difference woderstood. Sacrament of the Lord Supper am sure you must be pleased methods of the bizzare.
Prime Minister declared, that will be administered to all active as am that this case, filled That is all am going to Characterizing a proposed fight This is members present.
indeed eneouraging, but, with unpleasant features, is at say of his conduct of the de by this common work together amendment to the Bil as in de herencen bered what we cannot (This Meeting will Be Held In an end or nearly coming to an fence, but comdu tay this: le they would provide such an swan song, Lady Astor said. be all beroes and heroines.
May Indian Is Te end. It is filled with unpleasant is the only Counsel in the environment that each immor. Die Hards may be singing candidate for the Presideney of an hetern slides. The program will who apears for the defence, the accusations he has made in If cae puts up fight as a lands Illustrated by beautıful features because Mr. Hosein, Colony who would have made tål soul as it is born on this like swans, but they are think ing like geese.
orginisation and wins, wby cer include West Indian Proverbs, has seen fit to adopt a system this case. No other Counsel people would hesitate to come Lady Astor spoke in opposí but after winning, then bis jeb Admission to this meeting: one who has any connection what self respect as he has shown rights because tainly, te is to be Congratulated, West Indian Music and poetry. of mud throwing at everyone would have been so lacking in into Court and maintain their tion to Brig. General Sir Geor and regrets have been ex dime (10. they never ge Cockerell. He had mov pressed after the fight has been won, because, as a winner, you are (Literary Committee)
May 16th Serap Basket ever with the case, except his himself to be in this case. He know when base insinuations ed an amendment declining it own client. The Police, he is degraded by it and the pro would be hurled at them and on second reading. He argued expected to carry through and failMay 23th Toe West Indian alleges, are engaged in a fession to which he belongs is in a small community, although that the measure would ada ing to do so, amounts to nothing; if you go to of Panamo. Two pipers by Miss your winning and his prospects on the Isthmus system of conspiracy in order also degraded by his methods, you may prove yourself inno 5, 000, 000 voters to the electo the dogs and win, thats all right: Myers and Mr. Reynolds. to have that man convicted for His Honour, in summing up, cent to the utmost, somehow rate and give women perma if you enter a foot race and win chuire wind be taken by Dostor some offence or other, the referred to Mr. Hoseins be or other these little bits of mud nent majority in most of the tha also alrignt, for winding the o. Johnson.
Coin is the middle and both ende Magistrates of this Colony, haviour as follows: In this stick, and people say there is constituencies.
May 30th Literary Social we are told, conduct their of case there has been certain no smoke without fire. Even When the vote was taken It is all right, and one is quite and Musical Evening. paper ficial duties in a bullying and events which very much re where people have been con the division showed only ten Continued on page 6)
right to run under all circumhectoring manner, a witness gret. deplore their arising. victed before us, even at this members supporting General stances and Cooditions, put, we for the prosecution is a thief, Ever since have been in the very session, have protested Cockerell proposal. The of be idealswill be our destination will be worth the better men and womea for having and the Prosecuting Counsel is Colony have done my utmost what does it matter becaus: ficial Ballot was 377 to 10 and efforts that may be put forth. fought or run? If so, we should unfair and a man who sets to prevent mud being thrown twenty yeats ago a man was the Bill therefore was passed le our fight or rger worth while fight and run with all our might traps for the accused. in Court, because respectable (Continue doo Page 5) on the second reading.
and honor the world, Ben hero in in the must begins, of the story


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