
PAGE TWO TIF RATIROSY APRIL 14 1928 THE WORKMAN gb Tourist Season That Has Come To An End STETSON HATS with Ollay that LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER remark Mr.
which Estimated that Last Year Publishatoa Saturdays by HN estas for Advertise on applies Record Has Been Exceeded VALROND, a to office No. 16. Lion Correspadear on l mattos by 2, 000 Visitors of public interest la vited tace! East Panama RP All copy for publiention must be PO Box 71. Pa RP written on one side of papar only, and THE RESULT OF ADVERRatos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of TISING Year 40 USC the writer, not aces rily for publies Six Months. 20 bion bat as a mark of Rood faith.
Praiseworthy Effort on Part of We do not undertake to retura rearee Tourist Trade Development e Month 20 jected correspon lence.
Board The Liberty of the Press is the pallatium of our rights. JJNUIS few days ago a representaBATURDAY APRIL 14, 1928 tive of the Jautica Mail called at the office of the Tuorlat Trade Development Board and MORAL CONCEPTS COMFor the World Best Dressers asked Mr. P. Olley, the So retary, to a Ive him the impres.
slons he had formed of the PARISON tourist season that has just come to an end.
The GOLD COAST TIMES commenting edi orially on There is nu ar icle of men wear that has the world Mr. Oiley said she tigares regard to the last week or lynching in America, says. two of the season had not yet wide reputation of Stets in hats.
been regelved by bim from the According to statistics, 21 persons were lynched in Cullector General Department the United States during 1926; this is regarded in some and that consequently be could quarters as an improvement on the previous year record In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue not say exactly wbat the position of 34, though we cannot see what comfort people will was to date. Be felt bowere derive from comparing the figures since in our view no de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads that he could safely be that the number of visitors to thing short of the total suppression of this barbaric pracof fashionable men who know what what he Island during the winter rice can be justified as ant improvement. To enable our season exreed that of last year readers to understand the position clearly, we may menin men headwear.
of Reho pout 400 2, 900. Up to the end ion that in America a mob has it in its power to seize more tourists bad visited the island any black man in the street or other public placé, or Ve have the same styles here as are now being this year tbao had done so for even to invade his premises and to drag him out, on the the corresponding period of last mere suspicion of murder, or attempted murder, or of im.
worn in the style centers of the World, year.
proper relations with a white woman, and to tie him to The writer next asked Nr.
stake or post and burn him alive and escape punishment it be could state the resfor taking the law into its own hands, This form of mob rule son or reasons for this marked increase and was informed exists only in the United States, for we are not awar it was due partly to the increase that it prevails in any other part of the world, not even in lo number of tourists boats and Africa which white people describe as the Dark Conti partly to the extensive advertis nent. and it leads us to question seriously whether the United States is as enlightened as it is said to be since it Developmert Board has been ioz which beTou iit Trade cannot mai tain law and order within its own borders. Our SOLE AGENT conducting. Io Juan Jing this latter showed closer relations with the white races and our growing know.
an article ledge of their pyschology have revealed to us that the Euro the newspaper man PANAMA CITY on Jamaica as also a play, the 87 CENTRAL AVENUE pean code of morality does not exactly correspond with scenes of which were laid in the African standard of ethics in many respects, and this this country. The appeared in a foreigo newspaarticle, is the more reason why we should adhere to our own per, is very well got up. and standard and not abandon it at the behest of others.
pr Casely illustrated. The writer Tho e among us who have been studying the European of the article, Mr. Hoppe.
received a great deal of assistoutlook in life must have noticed that matters to which we ance from the Tourist Trade attach great importance are often regarded by them as of RS3 80: SC soos SONY Development Board who are in miner significance. On the other hand, what is deemed by touch with Mr. Hoppe London Africans as trivial may be a matter of jeep concern agenta.
to the European. In the same way the It will be remembered that African regards as infringing his code of morality sometimo ago Mr. Hoppe took may not appeal to the white photographs of man in the same light. Nothing delights white people as when they are ISLAND SCENERY AND INtaunting natives with having in the past indulged in human DUSTRIES sacrifices or in cannibalism, though as to the latter we are all of which be interds to use quite sure that no white man had actually seen natives from time to time io illustrating feeding on human flesh. Yet while condemning human sachis articles.
GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE rifices in Africa as practiced in the past with the alleged The play referred to above is cannibals as barbarous, whit civilization looks on with com NO OTHER entitled: Had Lincolo Laugbej placency at the roasting of human being alive in the United The author is Harold Igo, who, writing to Mr. Olley recently States, a reputedly Christian country. There can, of course, To be had in all Fashionable Places said that be wrote the play at be no difference in the degree of enormity between sacrificHolly mount Hotel in July last ing a human ing and burning him alive, except that the and that it had its premiere in former practice was attributed to Africans and the other is still practiced by white people. One of the pretexts for the WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
Wern, Oblo, on the 13th this year, before large and appreciative audience.
annexation of Ashanti by the British was that the natives Gereral Distribut on 8th Street and North Ave.
The play deals with the fortunes indulged in human sacrifices; and we can be sure that if lyn of a small group of Confederates ching were practiced in any part of the continent today it OicS90 4553CXSSXSS who chose to go into exile on an would be made the ground for organizing a punitive expe Island in the West Indies, te dition against the tribes concerned. Slavery in Abyssinia is wit Jamaica, rather than salate the Yankee flag Press comment an abomination to the white people, and quite deservedly so British Consulate Notice in the United States describes but Negroes in America may be free, only they can be lynthe play as a charming and in ched. If the moral concepts of the white nations will raise trigalog romance. The scenes their voices in a prolonged protest against lynching in Amer WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR The British Conwulste General are laid in Jamaica Great ica un il the white element there is impelled to put its house at Parama would like to get stor House. and among characters formation of the whereabouts of a are Moogoose.
in order. But, as we have said, the white man does not look Otn aman, woman camed Abel Poleon who Mountain Police Chiet Cane at things from the African standpoint: moreover he is quick is id to reside in Panama, Cutters.
to discover the mote in the black man eye while failing to Mr. Igo states that be bopes to discern the beam in his own. And so this barbaric practice No hot irons or special combs required return to Jamaica Dext year as of roasting human beings alive will proceed from year to Dr. Nathan Rowe he feels the Island bas excellent year until nature settles the matter in its own way by a caopportunities for fiction as wel SOLD IN DRUG STORES PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a trade tastrophe as grave as the Civil War which ended in the Lodditionalages.
emancipation of the Negroes.
11th and Bolivar Sts.
to keeping writere and cth interested, tha Tour COLON RP Development Board, Mr. Olles Snapshots BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE explained, are engaged on many other publicity measures, and Chase National Bank (FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
even at this very early stage ibe Office Hours: 9a. to 12m optimistle view can be expressed p. to p.
that next year there ought to be welding together of a neople into one compact body a still greater influx of tourists OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 to Jamalca.
means sacrifice, and such sacrifice is easily willingly made RUG STORE TELEP when once the people understand. When we do realize how vital is our coming together, we cannot, we shall not, beTo Improve South Camp Road grudge putting our hands into our pockets.
We have spent Why throw away your old, but no McClymont Service fortunes upon less worthy objects. Can we do less for our national salvation? We think not. Gold Coast Leader. doubt interesting, books when you MODERN TAILOR In order to improve the sercan have them neatly bound at CALIDONIA NO. 16 vice on the South Camp Road Knowledge is either directly secured through experience, See us for up to date Work line, and avoid the long waits or it is not knowledge, Secondary knowledge is mereley inm nship at Moder le Prices. car at the Sabina Park switch, at times by the south bound formation. Skill, through experience, may be knowledge, THE WORKMAN and a certain belief due to fixed customs may be classed as the Company are at present knowledge. No one knows except in response to a question, No. EAST 16 STREET BOWEN laying down permanent problem or a situation which excites one interest to receive TAILOR switch 600 feet long between the answer. The answer may be the right one or it may not, verification or retrial will prove that. Washington Opposite th Wesleyan Church No. M treet San Migue and Normen Road. The switch the Palace Theathre premises Tribune.
Panama City (C estimaeden NATIONAL WHISKY OLD PANAMA Contra Crespo Book Binding!

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