
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 14, 1928 Education in the Car.
ibbean Colonies WEEKLY LONDON LETTER Din mormand by Andrew Blackmore.
Demerara Paper on Propos od Travelling Scholarship to Jamaican Teachers LUCKY STRIKE TOTO CIGARETTES argigaga augianggang e para o novo mesto in vendi tumor Download Great Engineering Feat.
One of the world greatest achievements in engineering, and certainly the most spectacular feat of its kind ever at tempted by British engineers, is now nearing completion.
This is the erection of a 4, 000 ton steel arch from which to hang a roadway over the Riv.
er Tyne, between Newcastle and Gateshead. Originally estimated to cost one million pounds sterling, it is now known that the total expenditure upon this bridge will exceed that figure. The great arch will be joined over the river in the month of March this year, the roadway will, it is expected, be completed in the late Autumn and the scheme in all its details will be completed early next Spring. Work on this titanie structure began over two years ago. The foundations of the bridge comprise four immense masses of steel and concrete, two on each side of the river, sunk seventy feet below the two quaysides. The terms of the contract were that the approaches of the main bridge should not in any way obstruct the river Tyne. As a consequence of this the main arch had to have a span of 531 feet, and the top of the arch will be over 200 feet above the water. The accuracy which the engineers did their work may be judged from the fact that, when the two sides of this great arch were still 140 feet a part, they were in line to one eigth of an inci.
The bulding of this bridge 19 part of a general scheme for road which is to run from London to the North of Eng.
land and Scotland. Therontractors are a British firm, and the bridge will be an all steel structure, unique in engineering.
University Airmen.
Oxford University under graduates have shown great interest in aeronautics during the past few years, though their work has been mainly directed to theoretical study Now they are to have greater opportunities for practical work. The Air Ministry, which is responsible for most of the expenditure on the University Air Squadron, is arranging for ten students, after they have spent two years in training, to have an hours fiight a day.
When the Squadron was formed in October 1925, its numbers were limited by the Air Ministry to twenty five. The If ontinued. Page 6)
with The Demerara Daily Chronicle of a recent date says editorially: There are three aspects of the education question in the Caribbean colonies in which Jamaica undoubtedly leads this colony. We refer to the facilities which the Pearl of the Antillies affords, or is about to afford, elementary school teachers for gaining that wide experience which their vocation demands, and the precautions that are taken for safeguarding the health of the child both by means of medical as well as by dental examinations. According to recent island exchanges, a determined endeavour is being made to enlarge the scope and usefulness of the medical examinations of the children in the elementary schools of Jamaica, dental clinics have been establish as the result of the munificence of the Rockefeller Foundation Institute, and teachers in the elementary schools are about to enjoy the privilege of travelling scholarships at the expense of the State. It will be noticed that There goodwill in every puff of we have omitted any reference to the excellent opportunities the fastest growing Cigarette provided by the Government of Jamaica for the training of in the world.
teachers, since it is a matter of common knowledge that through the absence of any such local inetitution we have been driven to the necessity of sending student teachers from British Guiana to Jamaica in order that they may obtain the benefit of the excellent training institutions which that island boasts. For years past No Irritation no Couch our teachers have clamoured for the establishment of local training schools but with the characteristic policy of niggardliness that is always adopted whenever education votes are being considered, it has as frequently been urged that the colony is unable to foot the bill that would have been necessary to defray the DTOR ALARAR Paparan mahap managing masamang MA expenditure on such an item.
Naturally, therefore, the matter has been persistently shelyed. During the regime of the present Director of Education, Persons Whó Thrive On however, there has been a re Vice Conditions awakening on this subject and a strenuous effort is being. outi dirom page 3)
made to afford some measure This man was an ordinary of organised training locally man and in conversing with a for our elementary teachers. number of men their verdict Perhaps, too, at some very re back than from her face. They mote date a local training col were not in any way model, or lege will be re established, religious men.
something on the lines of the John Young man 17 or old Bishop College and of which the Colony may be works part of the day. Fair 18 years of age. In school, proud. As for travelling scholarships, however, such as are sort of boy of this day and age.
IS NOW LOCATED AT about to be established in JaMovie fan, sport, drives old Ford maica, we would advise our teachers to hold out no hope John, what do you think of for the early adoption of such the present styles in the dress Corber Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK a scheme in British Guiana. of women and girls.
The colony commitments are Answer. To be plain with so great and its financial pro you my opinion is that they Where our customers will receive the usual spects so poor, that for many like to display themselves.
years to come our public ex. Many are not clothed decently courtesies penditure should be limited to and they don care if they are items of dire necessity, and not.
however desirable these travel My impression is that girls ling scholarships may be, we generally are rather fast and LOOK FOR THE SIGN do not think that they can be are certainly encouraged by classified as absolutely neces their mothers. An old lady sary. We must therefore bide dolled up looks better from her our time until the dawn of the baks than from her face. They better days which the anti look frivolous. Age cannot be constitutionalists promiseus concealed to the average man.
will be ushered in immedia The general verdict is that tely as the colony Constitu the modern dress is not only tion is changed, and financial immoral but that many wearcontrol passes from the keep ers absolutely realize the iming of the Electives into that pression that a sex dress makes of Government on others. There has been some WORKMAN It pays LUCKY STRIKE it toasted Aanggagawa The British Pharmacy COLON an 11. 1154, 11th STREET attention given the matter of dress, but not enough. No real effort has been made to bring to notice the evils. But the time is here now and we wish to rouse every lover of decency. We must do it, as before us there is approaching something likened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Licentiousness brought about the doom of these old cities and also was the ruin of the nations of old.
The sex dress was a strong card, but many an American man and woman withstood it.
There must be some stronge: appeal. Lo, suddenly all over the land the swimming por began to appear.
Now the trick is turned. If you can induce men and women to get into a community bath pool in swimming attire the work done. Allow men and women to paddle in a small pool together and hell becomes heaven, to them at least BRITISH PHARMACY ADVERTISE IN THE


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