
a matter may 335 and 435 kay, should a a well thir king community knows or also wo weather wuem they News Notes DENTIST HOWELL The Pros and Cons ATLANTIC SIDE House No. 912 La Boca of Organization Due to some oversight the pageant He is Rise, which took Canal Zone Successful Easter place at the Cristobal Colon Bap OPPOSITE RESTAURANT By Bluebird tist Church on Sunday last was PHONE 1941 BALBOA TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN Pageant announced in our columns of last Dear Sir assume that this week to take place at the Colon Wesley Church. We regret this subject is one that is both popular Specialises in all Branches of and delicate, set, feel somewhat At The Cristobal Colon error.
Dentistry inspired at this particular woment Baptist Church to exprese a few thoughts that are Tomorrow cap match will be. 10:2. uppermost in my mind.
played between Pickwick and It is astonishing to know the The Easter Pageant. He Is Silver City at Mount Hope good that has derived from Risea which was presented at the Dr. OGILVIE organizieg and organization, and, Cristobal Colon Baptist Church yet it is a melancholy fuct that on Easter Dad was in every way special ebildren service will PHYSIGIAN SURGEON there are many persons, in miny a marked success be given at the Cristobal Colon 80 Street, Chorillo.
walks of life who should never think The building was quite full, and Baptist toworrow evening, when at aty time of associating themthrongh the function there was a will be heard in recitations and the scholars of the Sunday chool selves with certain org organization spirit of rapt attention and deep special music. silver collection Dr. Fred Sterling his particular feature may TABLE BOUDOIR LAMPS may not satisfaction.
will be taken in uid of the school appeal to all thinkers, but, it is At 15 o clock the Rev.
THE NEW YORK PENTST only to delve into certain intriWilliamson, pastor of the WITH EDISON MAZDA INSIDE FROSTED BULBS cacies to discover the correctness church made appropriate opening The pulpit of the Colon Wesley 182, BOLIVAR STREET of such a statement, for if a remarks niter which an organ pre Church tomorrow at morning and COLON, is already a fact, rei era ion can Jude was fittingly rendered by Miss pight by the Revd.
neither adit, por take therefron. Francis, the budding and Box 171, CRISTOBAL Wade promIn general, one orising organist.
TELEPHONE 247 COOLN ganisations should be supported but, this is rather a wide stateThe anthem Mine eyes have seen by the choir followed, and at present hot and depressing.
The weather on the Atlantic ment what kind of organisations was very acceptably rendered, as Small support later antheme Now all Considerati and acces? The writer were tions Sutra when Jesus was riseo and Christ TO IMPROVE SOUTH DENTIST (TIME PAYMENTS, OF COURSE)
is Risen The general style of the himself (whether he CAMP ROAD choir was very impressive and MASONIC TEMPLE knows not) is is not prepare spoke very creditably for Mr. ay. for, it takes one who is to acIDEAL FOR PRESENTS.
Office Hours: am to 12 Smith, the choir master. Continued from page 4)
qaainted with many ubjects, and 30 to 30 Following the anthem, Miss WOULD YOU LIKE USEFUL BEAUTIgereral knowledge to dictate to a Daphney Morgan recited All Sundays, by Special Appointment Commitmity, but, at the same time MORE LIGUT FOR which of us has not some personal things repice. and was liberally at Sabina Park will be discardMasonic Temple Ilth St, applauded; luet Hope beyon! ed, and from the new one now FUL MODERN YOUR MONEY opinion on some particular subject, was next rendered by Misses being laid down, the next cross O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL which he may feel free to express ASK ALWAYS FOR himself Linton and Quarless, after LAMPS in his owo way? which PHONE: OFFICE 1664 over will be at Uu Park Camp.
which the first part of the pageant it is said that this will avoid of us? And to make myself a little RESIDENCE 588 EDISON better understood, will mentio, was presented: a few the time wasted in the past, reasons to bear out my con.
Synopsis. Part THE ELECTRIC GAS MAZDA tention.
Mary, Relerea, Judith and as the south bound car has not It is called anancean glider. Its Gilders claim that it is better SHOWROOMS LAMP BULBS Many of us haye come across Martha meet in Judith garden to as much traffic to delay it, persons, at some time or other discuss fears which they entertain and can easily make the point ban an airplane for rarid tra eit, because it can travel in al. FUERZA LUZ)
THERE ARE NONE in business and social relations, relative to the safety of Jesus. below Norman Road without kinds of and cannot BETTER.
who are exceedingly eccentric (and They are joined by Peter and causing any delay to the north sink, even if it develops engine PANAMA COLON out of harmony with the general Philip, faithful followers of Jesus, trouble. Irithe ship can do what rder of things) in thelr make up.
Hélen and Daphney two Greciat bound tram.
chained for it, it will savo At Your Service Persons with queer notions, ano omen. visit and ask for Jesus in view of the improvements creat deal of time in carrying persons who are not generally unhad journeyed all the which Linstead is at present mail between the two continents derstandable.
way from Greece to see undergoing, it is safe to say (Exchange)
Could the perce and safety of While they converse, they are that surrounding townships any organisation be sale with such disturbed by Roman soldiers who members? Should such persons or are also seeking Jesus They will soon get alive to the ecovanize? say without fear of Confail to get the information and so nomy and general advantages tradiction, No!
they depart to be derived by instailing croup of girls now bring the electricity in their homes and news of the Triumphal eotry, and on their thoroughfares.
Etudo Club Will Hold all decided to go and see Social on 21st InstAt, thia janeture the audience suffered a measure of disappoint. PEASANTS AND LAND tent as Mr. Moore who was to The Mail of the 24th ulto.
The Etude Club, a new musica!
have rendered a violin solo failed organisation, is becoming more into put in his anpearance.
says: teresting as the months goes by.
Following the second anthem by The peasantry of East PortOne of the main objects of the by the choir a tenor solo Life land have become exercised in organisation is to foster musical Eternal was rendered by Mr. mind on account of the prointerest among the music loving Stephenson, arrompanied by posed disposal of the Hector Community: Good Assortment of Miss Violet Reid. Next was a cor River properly, On which bet solo Beyond the Gates by residence day next at the usual the members of the Club Mr. E. Smith, accompanied there are no less than four will meet and carry through an hy Mr. Smith, after which the hundred persons who rent exceptionably unusual program, second part of the pageant was lands for cultivation. Of this comprising selections boh voel presented: and instrumental from well known number, fully two hundred are authors musical readings, a few Part II desirous of purchasing Crown appropriate addresses on organisa It is four daye later. Jesus is Lands. Of the latter there are tion ete.
crucified, and the characters meet several pieces lying about in Among the Contributors to the in the same garden to mourn heProg am, will be Mr. Rodo cause their friend is dead. They the neighbourhood rathen ney, who will render a Saxa phone epenk of some of Christ saying to face the inevitability of Solo. Mr. Davis. Vocal and Judith assures them that they having their tenancies deterSelectio, and many other vocal have reasons to be comforted as mined.
and instrumental aspirants.
John had told her good news.
The admission for membership While they speak, a group of Yesterday the Rev. Wilin the Club is comparatively sms the Sursinging girls, led by Miriam, enters son Coore called on wben considering the benefite and tells them that He Is Risen, veyor General, and discussed derived there from strictly speak Though the entire program was the matter with him but was ing, the qualifications for members a success special mention should referred to the Land Board of snip are the ability and the be made of the pageant. The cast the parish. It is, however, felt do rtain things the financial of characters was as follows: part beirg very slightly considered.
Mary, Miss Brown; Martha that much may not result It it expected that in addition Mies Thelma Francis; Judith, Miss through this medium, and it to the membership of the Club, a Dorie Black; Rebecca, Miss is contemplated that at an few well wishers will be invitet, Lewis; Mirim, Miss Daphney early date, a deputation will this is expected to add greatly to we Mies the evening entertainment.
Mrs. Robinson; wait upon His Excellency the Fron te present outlook, there ор is no doubt that the club Peter, Mr. Reid; Philip Mr. Alvin Governor in the interest of all Messrs noble, those persons who desire to will continue to grow in taembro Sterher son and others. Roman procure small holdings for ship and usefulness, and will really soldiers All the parts were well be worth the time and energy themselves.
that is beiog spent for its progress.
represented, but. Mrs Robinson excelled herself, and must have brought tears to the eyes of many Should Women Have hy the feeling and pathos with New Ship Model which she acted Equal Rights?
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Much credit is due to Mr. Smith of the Silver Ching transportation is expected to be Novel experiment in marine This very old and school and those who assisted him made in the Spring, perbapa in widely dis cussed topie bas caused much in naking such an unqualified amusement, excitement, confusion.
suecess of the evening entertain. April. New type of ship is being constructed in a French ship.
contradiction and lawsuits, but, ment.
yard, which, it is claimed, will there should be some correct soluOnce more has it been demon cross the lantic in two and OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH tion about the matter. one op strated that there is morh latent one half days. It is said that the which everyone will agree. alent lying around which with new ship is dnsinkable. Il corThey should, by all means be perhaps a minimum of help could sists of two diear shaped flats next door Nash Motors Garage given all the scope possible.
be cultivated to great advantage. each end of which is filled with Let them do as they like, only The closing remarks of the pastor booyant subsance known as when the opposite was followed by couraging address by the Rev. Between these two floats are short and en kapok, which will ep it afloat. Oma Maana sex should intervene. De houta also be a matter of ex changing Wilkins of the Salem Mission, the cabin and engine room. The apparel weekly, in this way 3rd street and Broadway, and at will be small things will run smoothly there will 445 the singing of the doxology! accommodating only six men.
be no kicking because every thing brought the inspiring function to But it it is successful, larger will have been equally divided.
ships will be built.
Equal rights is right, and what The ship will be driven by a else could be. And if une thinks it a joke, try Rent Receipt Books in Spanish gasolene engine and is expected and English for sale at the WORK to make 70 miles an hour in oome other plan, and subtract the WORKMAN smooth seas and 40 o rough, It pays differesee.
MAN Printery.
For Salé Cheap Uwiiiii on Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Ppds Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
to vira ibinibini ümidindinici Helen, Rita Francis Apply at part, No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City experimental model a close.


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