p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 14, 1928 Solicitor General of Trinidad IMPORTANT NOTICE Continued from page 1)
convicted for what may seem to be but minor peccadillo?
During that long period he has been living it down to become a respectable man in the community. Suddenly because he is called into Court to give evidence, it is raked up and practically the work of twenty years has disappeared because some Counsel in Court.
Of course, it should not have any effect on the character of The Workman Printery AND Stationery Store HAS REMOVED FROM CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East. 28 the person.
co las!
Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous Patrons and the Public generally.
thes Mayara rendered.
a JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH otato a, Intimo AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY regret in this case the suggestions which have been made by Mr. Hosein. Of course, move about the world a good deal and know that this has been a period of election, and am hoping that Mr. Hosein will explain that he has given the jury the benefit of an address that he really intended for the hustings.
It has become the fashion among politicians not good politicians to pepper up the speeches, make them very hot to make them amusing to the groundlings. only hope that, not having had an oportunity of giving expression to speech which Mr.
Hosien seems to have prepared, he had to get rid of it at the first opportunity and poured it out to you, and that he regrets it.
His accusations have been very wide. Scarcely anybody has escaped, and generally when accusations made are 80 sweeping, people do not pay any attention to them. The fact of their being so wide.
Legislature, Magistrate, Police, people of the Colony; witnesses in tàe case, the learned Solicitor General not himself escaping it is almost impossible to consider them. myself came in for a mild reproof from Mr. Hosein because told him not to interrupt the crossexamination of the SolicitorGeneral but to wait until the withdrew the insinuations answers were given. deplore which had hurt Mr. Camacho these insinuations. It is only a in any way.
waste of my time, the time of The Solicitor General replied everybody. regret particular that in view of Mr. Hosein ly the accusations that Mr. generous withdrawal he would Hosien has seen fit to level at accept in its entirety ththe head of the Solicitor. apology made by him.
General, a brother member of His Honour: am very glad the Bar, one who has filled his to hear that Mr. Hosein, carposition.
ried away with the heat of WITH HONOUR AND advocacy, never intended any ABILITY accusation against the LegisI am sorry that it shouldiature, Magistrates, people of have been raised and that Mr. the Colony, Police, SolicitorHosien did not withdraw in General and the witnesses for more generous terms. After the prosecution.
all, we all make mistakes and it may be that in the heat of PANAMA WESLEYAN advocacy a line of speech was CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR adopted which he now regrets. Speaker might use an (Continued from page 1)
indiscreet expression, but as by Miss Rodney. Topic: An soon as attention is drawn to Evening with Kingsley it the gentleman who uses it pie: What does it mean to Me June 6th cakeerat. on.
withdraws it. All he says he that al menure Brothers, Adwithdraws. That is the Parlia dress by Vice Prestdent Mr.
mentary way of recognising Harris, Seripture Reading: Ro.
one misstatements and show must 15th to ing contrition.
June 13tb The Story of meet Packing, Illustrated by Specially At the conclusion of the prepared lanter Slides.
summing up Mr. Hosein told June 20th Mirtion ry evening His Honour he would take Programme by the Juniors, June 27th Social Evecing.
that oportunity to say that he Meatinge coininence promptly at deeply regretted that there be ven thiry had been unpleasant features Bring a friend with you and Bring your bomo book (Sankey)
in the case. If they had been help to make the meeting bright brought about by him he was aod useful.
very, very sorry indeed. He collection for funde le always endeavoured to con made on consecration evenings Don Forgett duct his cases to the best of his ability and in the warmth and heat of advocacy he might MRS. CARISTIANA HALL have said things or made inPASSES AWAY sinuations that hurt others in (Continued from page 1)
the case, but he never intended to hurt anybody feelings, and quently attested to by the throng if in the result he had hurt that gathervd at ber home to pay their last Jespects.
the Solicitor General feelings, The cortege left the boure of he not only apologised but mourning at 15 u. followed by Large Audience Tomorrow Races Listened The Panama Jockey Club To Well Rendered Cantata program of seven races for presents a very attractive At St. Peter La Boca tomorrow the feature tace being the President Classic Tho Cana ba Joyous at a distance of a mile and a Bells of Easter rendered at half, for which the four best Peter L. Byes, last Tours borses on the local track will day night, was a four square compete, sucoess. The audience was large and manifestly appreciative. The The following is the proCho was to Ishine, and did gran of events:justice to that portion of the proRran assigned it, capturing the FIRST RACE uostinted applause of th: intalli gent audience. Farlongs Parse 105 Miss Sarab Ann Mulcare, the May 114 Rector little daught r, electrl Diseisels fed the audience th her snappy Fenomeno 117 recitation. If were a Nell. Mayoral 106 and won tons of commendation Норо.
90 The ladies of the Cholr certair. Hey Dew Гbe 126 made a bne hit by the melodicu. Leus 100 117 munder they sang the Cho u: Dun Simon Rine Happy Bolls. but their riva s, be gentlenen of the SECOND RACE Chşir totally eclipsed them by Parloage Parse 150 their splendid rendition of the Golondrin 90 Chorus Obrist the Ltd is risen Bu or Miss 90 La N30 130 The melòdiods volcs of Mise Cuiqailla 102 Doris Campbell in conjuncti in (Holauto 127 wish the rich baritone of m(Dhule 125 3:8com be, captivated in THIRD RACE audi nce as they pour out their soul stirring duct o Jesus: Pistol Faclogs Parse 120 Crucified for man To much 90 praise esboot ba lavished on Mre Dardanela 110 Estwick, Ms.
Clark, Mrs, Queta 133 Palmer, Miss Dorothy Toniss. sxcuseme Me 123 and Mr. Mysley, for the marked Qucocba 125 ability they displayed in connec. Tuoney 119 tion with the pieces FOURT RACE And And now what shall we say about the Colonial Classical 6Furlongs Parae 150 Ochestra Well, everything muslTiota 105 cally commendable, Mr. Agard Sao Chee 120 and his men fully demonstrated Ocurrencia 1987 their knowledge of the art they (Gravedad 1936 118 profess to be devotes to. Tomy (Nimosa rendered Cip. Alyarado six numbers, and for 115 each they recaived the applausFIFTH RACE of the bouse, and at the close, Furlooga Porse 120 the Rector and others highly Coqui 126 complimented there for their Pistol 116 wonderful renditions. For this Gratico 107 Dever to be forgotten Canta a 194 the Rector wite ceserves great Fenomeno 100 credit as she it was wao proposed, Dieciseis 96 and engioeared it right through But had our tried and food Carcajado SIXTH RACE friends failed to patruoz it. Bomba 124 wbere would we bave jumped 124 off? And so we once more thank (Arlequin 128 (Reina Mora all who turned out, and wist 124 tem, very happy Eistert de. SEVENTH RACE Furlongs Parse 150 her children, two sisters, other Pierrot 125 relatives, and a concourse of sym Combo Gordo 113 pitbisers to the Church, where the Malmirada 92 bier was met at the entrance to (Lenine 119 the aisle by the Rector. full (Meelah 96 vested choir with Mr Garfild Murray presiding at th: organ chanted the solemo requiem for RULES GOVERNING e departed, during recital of the Burial Office, while the Caureb Continued from page 1)
was taxed to its capreity to. in which their parents or guardians commodate all of the sympathis rs. live und signed also by the ImmiAt the conclusion of the solemagration Officer of the Province, rites, the bjer was removed by pall. e) Immigrants must be pbysical.
bearers Messrst. Bryant, Hly fit for all classes of work. Fogarty, Elesck. Peter (0 Immigraots must be free Smith, Browne, and from all contagious disease.
Woodbine, and the cortege wended headed IN THE CASE OF WOMEN its way to the cemetentengale, by the Rev. a) The same conditioas apply and the ertire in ein bership and also of the St Paul Church Women (b) Women over the age of 14 Auxiliary, of which the deceased years and less than 45 who arrivo was a hard working and tighly by themselves must prove their esteemed meinber.
Floral offerings were seaterbytey can leave tie Quarautin of the Iam gration. Olfi er buforu District Judge and Mrs. Martin of Ancon, Messrs. E Allexau Staion, to insure coat owly womes of good character enter the coupder, Lamy Kirven, try.
Hive, the Misses Adeta Sinali Doris Wheeler, Laura and There. 1) Ma. ried women must be is 8a Hamilton, Ler sisters. the St. possessiou of a perint from their Paul Church Women Auxiliary busbands allowing them to reture and several other persons com to Cuba, and if the husbyod is te it has been impossible to trace ou sident outside of Cuba this doce account of their cards having be ment must be legalised by the come detatebed from the wreaths Cubaa Consul, Ady attempt to give a lair list NO WORK IN CCBA of the people who comprised the With reference to Government cortege would be wholly ibadequate Novice, No. 411, published in the as there were hundreds of people Jamaica Gasette of the On June, from almost every walk of life is 1927 the Governer directs it to be Panaina, both the deceased and nouliol tliat the Secretary for her son, Jolly. as he is popular Immigration at Santiago de Cuba ly known, bav. og attrac ed to bas again brought to notice the themselves a nuet of friends, as extreme undesirability and folly of could ba easily deduced from the persous emigrating to the Repubcosmopolitan appearance of the in. lic of Cuba in searet of work. Pord and Phillipps. Treasurer aud Assist: states that the conditions now ob The Secretary for mmigration aat Treasurer, respectively, of cain. ng in Cuba are deplorable and the Compare Panameña de Fuers that widespread destitution exists y Luz, as well as a very large amongst the labouring West lor number of the coworkers of me disa popu ation owing to the luck Stewart from the above named of employment, company also being among wose present erave warning by an Officer ip This Journal proffers its heartthe position of the Secretary for felt sympatby to Mr. Stewart and Immigration ought not to be light other members of the bereaved strongly advises all those who are ly disregarded aud His Excellency family in the hour of tveir triba intended to go to Caba ia search of lation.
work, so io do so until conditions Jamaica and United States paper in the Republic bave considerably please copy)
We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men nd women, in which ao exeellent income can be made even to those who work but PART TIME. During or 35 years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppour houseboll necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 years and bave achieved Financial Independence. Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make it neeessary to appoint more local represeutatives in many localities in the United States. No special experience or capital required. it is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Wny uot represent the largest and best koown house of its kind in the world. Send us your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau will send you full particulars When we appoint an agent we furaish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the locality of the agent.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in whicb you saw this advertisement, Addrese ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street This


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