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cant Nothing Sherried Melu Duties To Neighbours THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 16 No. 37 PANAMA, SATURDAY APRIL 21, 1928 PRICE CENTS Father Holds Up Newly Wed Bride Typtist Secret Love Affair Negro Woman Lawyer Sues Steamship Line Garvey Holds Important Meet ing at Ward Theatre Husband files Habeas Corpus Cause Her to Commit writ to regain his wife.
Murder For Segregation After Paying For Chicago, March 20. Forty Berlin, March 16. Berin Says He Will Run for Legislature De Luxe Stateroom eight hours after his marriage, aghast at a time committed les And Will Put Up 13 Others Andrew Pratt, 24 years ole: evening by a typist. The body of sehueler, was Out of a refusal to Ruth Whitehead Whaley, the only 4547 Washington boulevard on the bnek stairwelt hoined The Jamaica Weekly Herald Mr. Granville Campbell, Mr.
active Negro woman lawyer in New York, of a de luxe yesterday filed a petition for a house my persons passing down, the police were intorno of the 7th inst. states that on Bryan, Miss Aiken, who recitsuite on a liner between New York and Norfolk are two writ of habeas corpus to rep.
The later discovered that the Sunday night last, the Ward ed The black women. comwoman that had been cut and 500 suits charging violation of the Civil Rights Law, over his bride, Mrs. Edm Theatre was for wnich briefs on appeal were ordered in Supreme Eastwood Pratt, 19 years old, there bad aparently bren struggle Mr. Marcus Garvey, President Miss Lurline Hewey, who sang crowded when posed by Mr. Garvey; and from her father Wilson The murdered woman had been General of the ad Keen Cool. also composed Court a few days ago.
Eastwood of 4836 Glodys Ave employed to clean the offices, The defendants, the Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc. dressed on the result of his by Mr. Garvey.
and the Old Dominion Ship Line. Inc, question for the first nue.
Suspicioa gradually gathered six weeks tour of the island.
time the constitutionality of the law, on the ground Miss Davis and Mr. Knox At a St. Patrick day party around a typist who had been On the stage, associated spoke, after which Mr. Garvey that the state law cannot govern interstate commerce. Saturday, Pratt proposed mat evening, and she was arrested on with Mr. Garvey, were Miss delivered this address, in the Mrs. Whaley, according to her charges, engaged rage and the acceptance was her stival at the office this Henrietta Vinton Davis, and course of which he said on this passage for herself and her husband. Her nan Whaley followed by hectic activity, mring.
Mr. Ernest Knox. Mr. Gar return from England he would Erna Anthony, the accused, who rey personal representative be running a daily newspaper by telephone, being told the only first class stateroom The couple was married early she could get wis on the salon de lux? deck When in the evening. The party was is 24 denied having committed the in America) who arrived in here, and would also run crime, but the detectives observed a she went to buy the tickets she was been asked if continued as a wedding less that she kopt her hand clenched Jamaica a short time ago.
she had bought them for Mr. Whaley and she said sh. tivity.
under her apron while being The Jamaica Military Band election for the Legislative ticket for the 1929 General had.
Worries About Parents questioned. She was asked to show rendered a programme of muWhen they went on board the purser told them As the hour grew late, Da tem, and on the inside were cuts sic during the revening and Council, when he would put there was no room on the salon deck, and then gave na began to worry about her Finally, she confessed that we several persons contributed to up 13 men beside himself to them passage in the segregated negro section of the vessel. parents. She knew they would bad murdered Frau Schueler. the programme, including Mr. contest the seats of the Pa told them was born in the south and didn be sitting up for her return It is belived that the girl, who and Mrs. George McCormack, rishes.
mind, but my husband was a notherner. Mrs. Whaley and she knew from experience was exteremly sensitive committed Suid Icin Sue it is mistake they made at that her father would rage if the crime in a fit of despair the ticket office, not thinking that bought the ticket she were not in the house by neler had knowledge of you in view of the fact that fra West Indian Com United We Stand, Difor myself. There is no mistaking my blood. have midnight. Still, she reflected, dove affair which the typiskushed mitte vided We Fall no personal venom in this suit.
she had a strong new husband to keep secret. The charw man, The incident occurred in July, 1926. The first to protect her and surely a it appears, had threatened to complaint, brought in November. 1927, was dismissed wedding is ample excuse for expose ber, Holds Enthusiastic Brooklyn It is 20 years since such (Contributed)
in Municipal Court on the ground the suit was nut a few extra hours.
terrible crime has been comitted Meeting.
This is inderd one of the very brought within a year. Continued on Page 6) by a woman in Berlin.
uk proverbs, Ooht, Ahat like The Civil Rights Law provides free and equal The New York News of many other this, it has almost crown into disure accommodations in public conveyances on land and water.
March 17th publishes the folia wor! which is gene Mrs. Whaley, who is twenty six years old, was born! Commendable Educational lowing: rally mind in fruntreal oranin Salisbury, and has degrees from both At Christ Church Cathedral, tions, churches, and on tunty Livingstone College in North Carolina and Fordham. Effort.
in Brooklyn, a large and en other occasio where oneness is University thusiastic number of West In desired; but the use of it has become so famihur, that the meaning The briefs of both sides are to be filed before dians pledged their support to is generally forgot Supreme Court Justices Crain, Delehanty and Bijur by Deserving Of Encouragement And Support. the program of the West InIt is very true that many person April dia Committee of America. like to be onginal in te Doines, West Indijuns or even their nary tuitionary subject, mor Some brilliant speeches were but there are other times when it What We Hear In native boot spring at th time to teach young minds to ex made by prominent New York pays to copy from a good example Wedding Bells present tine in the history of press themselves corectlers and Brooklynites.
that has been already set.
The Panama have no suy in the and properly; to be able to pai aims and objects of the Com iar as understand, Unily is Ahho am not an Oddfellow, as Music politics of the country, or even in properly; to write nicely and Mr. Cyril Atherley Joins the the civie wachinery of the Canal have at least a necessary knowle 14 mittee were lucidly explained impres ed more in thit Praternal Zone, where so many of them are of arithmetic Ranks of Benedicts These suojects by Dr. Chas. Petioni, who organisation than in many others By Bluebird sojourning in their relation bup to time to teach tem is com nonls pointed out that although it biti now a davs there are force the Panama Canal and Panama encreacised on during school tin silroad servants and master to leave space for what we mig Indians should orient themwas somewhat difficult. West (Continued on page 6)
One of the outstanding social!
There are many things we hear or tenants and landlords or vice (for a better term) call ente events in the listory of the quiet in music now. adays, apart from versa. And the mudy things said taiment training. The writer selves to their greater advan Hygenic Manufacturing Com.
town of La Boca was the orchestral selections quite recent and done by individuni de organiza not saying that there not tage while in the United States pany, the tiation the not le order of been to hear Douglas National benedits of Mr. Cyril Do Les eos quite a variety of music by ancient tionnd effort dicono contentcoin, led entertain the based one of os chili their new home. United Bank and the Victory Life InAtherlev who was married to and modern Miss Florence Ruth Waite at the we have been ha ing also a the regiony obstacles placed nerosBit considering his country in the world where a proper organization for efficomposers; the country a bit. However, despite douot citer publie in ways thil States of America is the only surance Co. as examples of prove sojournal to in jazz in of pieces, bu, there are some country, there are riety our path to our very existence is the times in which we live and the man of ambition is able to ciency in business. He summed few 30 pm the music that appeals to us inore takings on the part of so uader country too of what we regret to work at any task and at the up by pointing out the good some of our call au unaomly existence, the bride atiructively Riwned in a than others; dress of white erepe de chine the Hallelujah Chorus by Harte: people for the bettermrat to some essencial o Ife of immediate use same time pursue a course of results that should be expect trimmed with silver lace and wich is no doubt, a minsterpiece extent of beads, the handiwork of her has appealed to millions of people ing; to young and endeavor fuluessaloas ecouonic lines are of studies leading to entrance ined from the work of the West rize, generation of our first importance.
any of the learned professions. India Committee of America sister Mrs. McCloympat, enter on the face of the globe, but since rople which are more than deserv gery Tae OTHER SIDE OF THE He also cailed the attention of in promoting the development ed the sacred editice leagine on we have come down to moderning of encouragement and support CTURE his hearers to the fact that of business and the like.
the arms of her father Mr Elwin times, and things have become Education then as far as the inwas met at the modernized, this state of affairs is is concerned in this cross sectioned and like entertainments especially and social life of the communi Born Citizen Allience spoke Waite. She of Partation As we at first intimated, social participation in the political Jackman, of the Foreigndoor by the bridegroom and no les in of.
proceeded up the mile to the sing unto the Lord. is by far, country of ferstehen porten web private schools have proven ty in which one lives is a duty on American Citizenship.
a wuose importance, writer necessary as March played by the church Hallelujah Chorus tha Composer Both on the barts and minds of Serurus his composer pleased the state impresses itself the upkeep or maintenance rates and a privilege. Dr. Mr. Kirkpatrick, president organist. vested choir she is used Maunder and he has chose interested and in a position the quarter or so contribute for ization and Business in the volent Association, in and no one should grudge Savory who spoke on Organ of the British Jamaicans Bere Voice that Breathed o er Eden nfused some very loity id as his and the Rev. Mulcare with this Composition the sopra no solo turn its wheels in the necessar, waat so often proves a treat to hear course of a rather impressive speech Co operation, not an direction.
quiet dignity read the beautiful has a very wide scope for demonand se mere tots of children address, called attention to the alagamation made it clear.
strating her ability in the word Little is known ef the sacrifices proving themselves capable of results that are known to come that the West India Committee they that birne or experienced by many of accomplishing.
The ceremony cuncluded, the Bow in tears.
from such organizations as of America does no propose entire party motereci around the Teli it out naoz the heathep those who pursue the avocation of SCHOOLS Governments. Churches. the to amalagamate with any exprincipal streets of La Boca and is the climsx of the first Part which private school teachers, and who, There are of course others Roman Catholic Church for isting society, but only asks thenea to the spacious hall of lead up to section which toclules were they to count on the so called Court Pacific Lolge, Grove Hall the latter part of the Hallelujah paydayal of these times in mean private scho»ls that are isthmia history, to warrant their operated without being brought example.
the cooperation of all. Ro.
of which the bridegroon is Chorus. permission having been sticking to wait avocation and into the lime light of ew: The Archbishop and other bertson, chairman of the Admember. The key Mulcare given the Composer to use this receiving necessary remuneration paper dom: few of such might prominent Brooklynites con visory Board, spoke in place of graced the well laden banquet table and pronounced his blessing even, and be shall reigo for to keep body and soul together, be cited; Some folks might say sented to assist in the forma Hon. James Watson. Among this being the priate for an on the newly wedded couple they would fall to peices id actual that the Mr. Teacher) Kerr school on tion of a branch of the com the Brooklyn speakers who en know Eloquent toasts were oftered by In addition to all that has been dorsed the aim and object of everal of the guests and the said, it is felt that a golden op or.
The writer, on per odienl visits broadway, Colon, whiea we believe mittee in Brooklyn.
James Lynch, president the Committee are Mr. Wihealth of the newlyweds drunk. uunity has been lost to those to some of the private schools in no without its religion, please The number of beautiful pre porr ons who did not avai thiem his community and seeing what should bave first place then there of the St. Lucian Society, acted liam Jemmet, Bishop is the setits received were ou display and selves of the opportaniny: to hesr is taking place has often wished Bailey school of a very large as temporary chairman. Brooks and Counsellor Hudattracted wide attention Among the Pans ma Wesley Choir inter it were possible for more of what orderly and promising attendance is counted as school hours or time, Dr. Savory cited Mr. An son Lovell. Archbishop Continued cn Page atinued on Fage 6) were entirely devoted to the ordi. Continued on Page 6)
thony Overton, the Overton Barrow presided.
last Precisely at for very many vears, inat more modern schools, marriage service tnost approan ending.
private school fact.


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