
PAGE TWO ist WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 21 1928 JAMAICA THE WORKMAN STETSON HATS Silk Making In This Island Published on Saturdays by Rates for Adverts optics WALROND, at the office No. 16. tioa. Corrospozbor os. Dis Stacet East Panama RP.
of public interest invited PO Box 74, Paasma RP.
All copy for publication to be written on one side of paper ro y, no Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the DVD of the Dao Year 40 Cy writer, not necessarily for publics Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good with Three 600.
We do not undertake to reira e One Month jestodsoerespon teace Report On Samples Sent To England Places Its Market Value At 20 per lb. Coming Close To Italian and Japanese Articles Good Prospects Ahead For Reeling The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. US For the World Best Dressers In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue under unbe careful taution of th.
LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER were SATURDAY APRIL 21, 1928 The HERALD sabe From te ports just to band from gland there are bright prospects for DUTIES TO NEIGHBOURS the Silk Industry in Jamaica The samples sent by the Agri.
cultural Society through the Gyvernment to the Imperial InBesides the duties which we have to perform as memstitute in London in Decemb aber bers of a great nation, we have duties of a similar nature to hst, for criticism, have passed perform as inhabitants of a town, district or neighbourhood, There is no article of men wear that has the worldthrough the mill, and have come forth very favourabis the more and in relation to which we sometimes receive the appellawide reputation of Stetson hats.
so when it is considered that tion of citizens. Every person belongs to a neighbourhood, these hape been the first samples which is both local and social. Even those who have removby girl, ed into new countries, and who dwell in solitary abodes, do not lose the sentiment of neighbourhood. The nearest perSilk lostructor Mr. Hofman de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads Bing at the wig Wam, Shooter son to them is a neighbour, though separated by long disHill tance. And when this sentiment cannot be preserved in fact, of fashionable men who know what what The report: a most cautiously it may be in thought, and by that means it usually is so, Perin men headwear.
word one, says in put: ve haps the last impressions that leave the heart of one has results of the reeling experiment wandered into far distant regions, are those made in his earmay be considered as satisfacly days, in his native home. In general, as every one lives We have the same styles here as are now being tory. If a uniform silk can be produced, similar to skein No. in a neighbourhood more or less dense, he can promote his 11 the product should ind a own happiness, and that of those around him, by observing worn in the style centers of the World, ready market, as a bigb grada silk.
a becoming moral conduet. He has a right to enjoy life, and to use all things which he has, to that end; but he has not Skein No. 11 bas been valued it right to any enjoyment which necessarily disturbs that of at approximately 20 per lb. on the basis of current marki uthers. Peace, tranquility, and security within one own prices. of silk, v2: Italian 22.
walls, is the main purpose of life. No one has a right to inJapanese 211. and Chinese 14 eterfere in these things but by order of the public law. per ib. The remaining skeins of neighbour, therefore, who go conducts himself, and so uses silk submitted would range down to 17 or even 16 per 16.
the means of pleasure which he commands, as to vex, harass, SOLE AGENT This latter grade we underand disturb those who are necessarily within sight, hearing, stard, wag considered by Mr.
etc. commits an offence against morality. It often happens PANAMA CITY Hofman Bang and being to to be the pleasure of one who dwells in a dense neighbour87 CENTRAL AVENUE west quslity turned out at the hood, to keep one or more animals, whose habitual noises Wig Wam, and whilst the same disturb those who necessarily dwell within hearing, in the 78 ples reported on as baving been valued at 20. per lb. rap so close hours allotted to repose, and frequently when persons are to the visited by sickness, and when any noise is distressing. Now, ITALIAN AND JAPANESE whatever the rigid law of the land may say in such cases, the GRADES, law of morality says that the suffering party has an unques Panama Wesleyan Christian we understand that this was sent tionable right to remove his trouble, if the proprietor of the Endeavour Society forward with all defects, as the cause of such nuisance will not, on request, remove it him.
Expert understood that the reself. most peaceable way would be to have it removed quest from the Imperial Institute by order of the publie magistrate. Many of such petty nuiSyllabus For Second Quar. was for the raw stuff for experisances ought to be removable on summary verbal application, ter of 1928 mental purposes, and much of the defects April 25th Bibie Characters and could have been known and not in the slow, written, and printed process, in which here.
the movements of ordinary law are commonly made.
Papers will be prepared by the following: Mr. Martin His Excellency Rodney Governor the The moral duties of neighbourhood extend to all things on the birst Book of Samuel. Mr. in refering to the report in the Lewin Dottin on the character of Legislative which minister to the common comfort, convenience, and seCoupell recently. he did Saul. Mr. Red vers Markhan on do not give the details. said curity. Each one of a neighbourhood is bound to make his the person of Samuel.
ON that it was a saying in the Eust own dwelling place as agreeable and pleasant to those around May 2nd Consecration. Topi found once in three generations, that a good reeler could only be him as he reasonably can. Each one is morally held to up How to choose Life Work and it speaks well for the silke hold and sustain a good name for his own little community. Badge will be presenc industry in Jamaica that its initial He is, therefore, to join, with a liberal and manly feeling in ted to every Emember res effort should bave beea so favoutall the improvements which tend to please and adorn. Such ponding to the Roll Call. new ably reported on. Banner will be uoveiled. The things, even if they occasion some expenditure, are source of Sacrament of the Lord Supper The above results ought to en self satisfaction; and one comes at last to take an honourable will be administered to all active courage people to grow Molpride in hearing his street, his village, his town, or city, comTABLE BCUDOIR LAMPS members present.
berry trees, whilst those who mended by observers. This Meetiug Will Be Held In have already been doing so tay secure eggs from the Agricul.
There is another sort of neighbourhood which is foundWITH EDISON MAZDA INSIDE FROSTED BULBS May 9b The Wset lodian Is tural Society or the instructors, ed in social intercourse, and in the interchange of visiting lands. Illustrated by beautiful as with the coming rainy seasot and hospitality. As the world now is, this is commonly relantern slides. The Program will it will be an opportune time gulated by artificial and somewhat unatural rules.
include West Indian Proverbs, Wam is centralized and all phases develop the industry. The Wig West Indian Music and poetry of the industry are shewa to It is often ostentatious, luxurious, and destitute of all Admission to this meeting: One feelings and thoughts in which well trained moral minds can dime (10 anyone interested to take pleasure. prefuse and voluptuous entertainment comMay 16th Serap Basket, reelax and the growing of the mulberry trees. Mr. Hofman (Literary Committee)
prising food little adapted to promote health and vigour and Bang will be ziven an exhibition in quantity sufficient for ten times the number, that rather (TIME PAYMENTS, OF COURSE)
May 23th The West Indian of the reeling at the Agricultural and bie prospects on the Isthmus Show at Spaldings on Easter look at than consume it, is an unsatisfying way of being hapof Paoamu. Two papers by Miss Monday, which will be opened by py in social intercourse. There are modes. of maintaining IDEAL FOR PRESENTS.
Myers and Mr. Reynolds. His Excellency the Goperaur.
Chair will be taken by Dostor such intercourse, which are innocent, pleasing, and datiful. Mankind are fitted for such. The interchange of friendly USEFUL BEAUTI WOULD YOU LIKE Johnson.
visits, for conversation, music, and rational amusement, with MORE LIGHT FOR May 30th Literary Soci»l British Guiana Con.
such things as may be used without suffering or impairing FUL MODERN and Musical Evening. paper YOUR MONEYY by Miss Rodney, Topic: An stitution health, is that kind of neighbourhood. in such relations)
Ask ALWAYS FOR Evening with Kingsley.
which is permitted and enjoined. We have, however, little LAMPS June 6th Consecration reason to think that intimacies of this sort are likely to meet EDISON pie: What woes it mean to Me Decision of Secretary of State that all men are Brothers, Adwith such consideration as would induce the further extens THE ELECTRIC GAS MAZDA sion of them.
dress by Vice Prestdent Mr. Harris. Seripture Reading: RoGovernor Power and DisSHOWROOMS LAMP BULBS mans 15th. to cretion.
Every person, in general, is a member of some kind of society or association. Some persons belong to many. These (FUERZA LUZ THERE ARE NONE June 13th The Story of met Packing. Plustrated by Specially The Britisb Guiana Goveroare intended for some useful purpose. Everyone who is BETTER.
PANAMA COLON prepared laotero Slides.
ment issued (March 12 the such member has some duties to perform. He owes some June 20th Missionary evening with the constitution questio following bulletin in connection proper part of his time, some proper contributions, to the At Your Service Programme by the Juniore, common object, and has an interest in the prosperity of the June 27th Social Eveoing.
says the Daily Chronicle. The Secretary of State for the design. All these institutions do some good, and some of Meetings commence promptly at Colonies has advised the Officer them eminent good, in helping on the great purpose of soseven thirty Administering the Goverment by cial life, which is general improvement. Of this nature are Bring your homn book (Sankey, telegram that after considerin public charities, educational institutions, libraries, agricul up of barbarians. Every good that is done in any commu help to make the meeting bright informed the Delegation that he Bring a friend with you and their representations he has tural societies, and those for suppressing intemperance and its affects, directly or indirectly, every member of it. The and useful.
has reached the following declimmorality. No well disposed citizen can conscientiously collection for fands is aion with rogard to the new abstain from giving his aid and support to such objects. It law of example, or imitation, of doing as others do, has a made on consecration evenings.
Constitution is each one duty, to try to leave the world a little better most pervading and astonishing influence. Every communDon Forger. i) Nominated Unofficial Memthan he found it. No one can say these are matters which ity is like a full vessel of water; no one drop in it can be bers of Legislative Council do not concern him. Suppose every one should say so, and moved without affecting every other drop.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish to be free to vote as their had said so from the beginning, society would still be made Judgement dietates.
Chambers Information for the People.
and English for sale at the WorsMAN Printery (Continued on Page 6)
The Church. 335 and 45 To


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