
AGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 21, 1928 BARBADOS British War Office Fitting Tribute To Set Carrison Buidings at Barbados To Retiring School Teacher a press des LUCKY STRIKE STORSTELO CIGARETTES ALWAYS FRESH ALWAYS MILD and its Quality Never Varies LUCKY STRIKE Wit toasted The Herald of the 31st ulto. says: Last Wednesday at p.
there was a large gathering of friends at the Wesley Hall School to say good bye to Mr. Parkinson who retires today. Among those on the platform were Austin President of the Education Board, Mr. Mahon Secretary, Rev. and Mrs. Hawthorn, Rev. Wild and Mr.
Sealy. Mr. Parkinson long and splendid service was the subject of the most eulogistic references, after which an address was read by Mr.
Broome his successor at Wesley Hall, and a cheque presented to Mr. Parkinson.
Later in the afternoon there was another gathering, this time of old pupils of Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Austin was invited to preside over the meeting.
Mr. Luther Barrow introduced Mr. Austin, and adresses were delivered by Mr. Vaughn, Mr. Luther Millar, Dr.
Gibbs. Mr. Millar who was one of Mr. Parkinson first pupils. forty three years ago read the address and Purse was presented by Mr. Blackman. The address follows: Dear Sir, We the undersigned on behalf of your past pupils ne spectfully ask you to accept this address and purse as a small but sincere token of our lasting appreciation and deep gratitude Having failed to secure a suitable momento, we desire that you be kind enough to purchase some appropriate souvenir in accordance with your wishes.
The teaching profession has been swayed by your rule for nearly half a century, and great is the flow of scholars that has passed through your hands and benefited by your outstanding ability, your high ideals and your kindly guidance. Teachers and scholars ANNROIMMMMMMMM alive have looked upon you as a model master.
Your influence has radiated throughout the whole of this island and indeed throughout The Secret of the West Indies.
We regret that, in the cir.
cumstances you take leave of this school and the profession Wben things are far from ebeerwhich you have loved and ser ful and you re feeling ratber ved so faithfully and so well.
But we are cheered, because Remember there are other folik we shall still have you with Don sit around and eromble at who ve got that feeling too.
us to stimulate us in our ef your everlasting lock, forts, to rejoice in our succes. That just the time to stick it ses and to sympathise with For even at the worst of times out and show a bit of pluck our failures.
you ll always find a bit Our earnest desire is that of happiness around you if you you may long be spared to enlike to look for it.
joy your pension and rest, both of which you so richly desWhen, everything looks splendid and gon re feeling pretty erve.
bright, We are Dear Sir Remember there are other folk still trying bard to fight.
Yours Faithfully The sun not abiplog everywhere Luther Barrow, because it shines on you.
And for a lot of other folk things St. Clair Braithwaite, may be looking blue. Conrard Malcolm, So when you re feeling happy, Dr. Gibbs, don forget to shed a bit Ob bappiness around you for Cecil Blackman, those in need of it.
Talbot Headley, It rot your job to grumble at Merritt, the way the world has run, Briggs Clarks, It isn fair to sit aboat, just basking in the sup.
and 180 others.
And wbether lock has come your way, or things are going Dr. Fred Sterling Remember that it up to you to THE NEW YORK DENTST belp the world along.
So, look around for happiness, 182, BOLIVAR STREET and when you tind a bit COLON, Just share it out with all the world and make the most Box 171, CRISTOBAL, of it!
According to patch, at a recent meeting of the Barbados House of Asembly the following message was laid by the Attorney General: His Excellency the Governor to the Hon. the House of As sembly, The Governor has the honour to infoerm the Hon. the House of Assembly hat he has been notified by The Secretary of State for the Colonies that the War Office desirous of disposing of its remaining properties in Barbados and has suggested that he Colonial Government might are to make an offer for the roperties as a whole or for some part of them.
The remaining War Office property, consists of. 1) The premises at the Garrison known as the Offiers Mess and out buildings; the Iron Barracks, the Stone Barracks. 2) The premises at Hastings known as the Military HospiLal, the Medical Depot. The land on which the Garrison properties are situat ed is in area a little more than acres. The War Office offers to sell the Colonial Government, the buildings named at (1) for 8, 000 and those at (2) for 4, 000. The Governor is advised that in the general interest control of the Garrison propercies should be secured by the Colonial Government and invites the House to vote the funds necessary to effect their purchase. The Army Council desires to be informed of the decision of the Colonial Government by the 31st inst. at the latest. In the event of the Col.
onial Government deciding not to purchase the Army Council propose to take steps to adver tise the properties for sale. Be.
fore concluding however a sale at a lower sum than that re.
ferred to a further opportunity will be given to the Colonial Government to make an offer of purchase. The annual rental at present paid by occupants of the Garrison buildings concerned amounts to 425. During the last five years 992 has been expended on repairs. The reasons which seem to the Governor to justify asquisition of this property are: That even allowing for considerable expenditure on restoration and repairs the rest obtainable if the buildings continue to be let as tenements would pay an adequate interest on the outlay. That the Savannah now forms an important residential area of a good class and that the character of that area for residential purposes might easily be impaired if controsis not retained. That even if not retained as tenements the buildings would serve for other purposes and probably relieve the Government of much greater expenditure in purchase or construction. Robertson, Governor Dragana Mirgoun Happiness The British Pharmacy blue.
COLON IS NOW LOCATED AT 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY DENTIST HOWELL House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone OPPOSITE RESTAURANT PHONE 1941 BALBOA ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN Specialises in all Branches o Dentistry ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
It pays


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