
THE WORAMAN SATURDAY APRIR 21 1928 PAGE FIVE Contra Crespo Book Binding. THE WORKMAN pe ich he recent recerea Advertise in The Workmned To accommodate potrebno bonus et les autoriais daily crime and reticent, and fiery gospel ranter develop bas done.
REG. MITARE ST. CHARLES Ordination Service McClymont Town Hall Wanted The Prayer of Nature?
WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR MODERN TAILOR At The Salem Mission The WEST INDIAN SATS;BY COMMANDER WATSON CALIDONIA NO. 16 Colon The question of providing an See us for up to date Workout of out Town Hall in. Father of light great God of George in keeping with the ho manship at Moderate Prices, heaven, The Sale Mission was the No hot irons or special combs required nour and dignity of the island Hear: st thou the accents of de scene of a spectacular affair on must be revived and bau mered pair, lest Ibarsday nigbt, wben Mr. BOWEN at unto materialisation: The Go Can guilt like may be e er forWesley Rodgers was ordained riven SOLD IN DRUG STORES. and thereby received the title of ges the idea of having York Can vice atone for crimes by TAILOR Elder for the above namel House used for musical and dra prayer?
church No. M Street San Migue matie entertainments, it being Before dixo clock in the evering!
Father of light on then call, the Legistative Cousel ChunPanama City numerous persons were seen ber. Within recent years York Thou srest my soul is dark within Thou who cans make the sparwending their way to the little House has been used for enterchurch located on third Dr. OGILVIE ainments by the pupils cf Rt.
rows fall and Broadway. Long Joseph Convent only and the Avert from me the death of sin.
before seven the church PHYSIGIAN SURGEON rish Hall (Parish Hall or Church Shall man confine bis makers beca we over crowded and Hall. met the general needs in ove scores of the gentleman friends Fway 80 Street, Chorillo.
this dir crion.
To gothic domes of mouldering and well wish ts were fored to Verily, verily, it has come to stone?
remain outside, Rainits what WELL receive the view they could through the THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL: DONE pass that the promoter of such Why throw away your old, but no Thy temple is the face of day, an entertainment mav Siod that Earth, oc an, heaven, thy bounddoors and wind we be must still fall back at York less throne doubt interesting, books when you TIL The service bezen a little after ENTER INTO THE JOY OF House which, It is well known.
seven thirty with two bums, THY LORD.
is risky of success. There are Shall man condemn his rice to followed with prayers by Elder can have them neatly bound at Pancitul limitations with regard hell?
We further beg of you to Ojle, after which bother receive the accompanying small to the use of the Church Hall Urless they bead in pompous (it is Parish Hall. The question bymo wa sung. Eider purse, form?
Dot 80 much for its Se ley read the 6th chapter intrinsic value; but as an ex.
of a proper Town Hall, therefore Tell us that all for one who fell, of lelah, and must be faced, and the Govern. Must perish in the mingling storm.
hymn followed.
Elder Wilkins rend to pression of our sincere good will tw০ ment of Grenada should pnt up, such a building, spacious impo Sholl each pretend to reaed the cbacters from ib Testowards you.
No. EAST 16 STREET beautiful Believe us to be, Dear Elder, anthem was tameol. skies sing, as to be a cr dit to Grethen reodered by the choir.
Yours in Ohristian Fellowsbin, nada. The Town Hall should be Yet doom his brother to expire, which is composed of (Sgd)
young William Cato Opposite the Wesleyan Church built to suit not only present wbose soul a different hope De ple mostly. short talk wu8 Samuel Lashley Deeds but to anticipate future supplies then given by Elder demands, 94 Or doctripes less severe inspire.
Aud Others.
Wilkiue, in which be eulogised Town Hall is wanted The Elder in solem tones Shall those who live for self the Elder to be as a real christian. respunded to the speaker, giving meeting room for the public, an alone He auditorium, and in part: Some years thanks for the gifts and the specially ago this brother was 80 reserved ond Shall they by for guilt and today we see Companies, store what the power of Gid The Doxology was them sung effect from an acoustle point of And live beyond the bounds of It has converted our brother into bringinx the service to a close.
worker the Father no prophets laws seek ment of the people, true Thy laws in nature works appear, christian, acd whose exemplary own myself corrupt and weak life has served to bring others Yet will pray for thou wilt hear in the fold to be converted into christians.
Thou can guide the waodering etar The Ordination Serion was Through trackless realms of eather given by the Rev. space Tylerb his ualeigu nce, Who calmst the elemental war backed by the solemnity of th: Whose haud from pole to pole OCHASIon, be said: am sure TRICE MARK trace.
could not be happier in any other eatheri gihan arn in this Thou who in wisdom placed me one. Aitor giving some exulan bere Ations as to by Ordination Who when thou wilt, canst take Services were beld, he started hie Save These Tac hence his sermon His ºut was Ah, whilst tread this earthly taken from the 1st book BRAND sphere Samuel, 12th chaptir, 21th LABI Extend to me thy wide defence.
verse. It reads: Only tear he Lord and serve him in truth To thee my God to thee call with all your beart; for consider Whatever weal or woe betide By thy command rise or fall bow great things he hath done for you. He pointed out that In thy protection. confide.
ministe ke everybods else are To thee 0, Lord thy call obey exposed to temptations: thai ibas Goes forth to fight the cause of are human.
they get mord right, criticists than praises more hate If in this battle I, should fall, than love and sympathy. That does not mean a cringing, Thou krowest Lord ve done my all.
fright al attitude exhibited by child facing a despotic and cruel So guide me through this battle father, but a a loving respect for the injunctions of God in other!
Till wrong should conquer by thy to have a conscience void of offence before God Toe do re Then my soul will praise the of the word are justified before Lord God, and not those who only be captain of the guard.
that his brother has de formed The My God my father while stray since the bas been converud Far from my home on lifes, rough merits a great bonor. The way, greatest ho or that could ever Ob teach me from my heart to be Riven human being is to be say, a representative of Christ; an Thy will be done Ambassador of God, and this brother has pledged the rest of Though dark my path and sad his life my lot a the christian warfare, basad.
to be a Soc. thunder or breathe the prayer divinely H9. thereafter directed a few taught, eloquent remarks to the brother Let me be still and murmur bot, advising bim that he was taking Thy will be done.
ou pre ter responsibilities, and should not falter, especially Cream Cows milk. Nothing is added to preserve it What though in lonely grief when he remembered what great sigh, talogs Gud bad done for hiun and it is concentrated to the consistency of cream For friends beloved no longer nigh, Submissive grill would reply, After the sermon the ordi Thy will be done.
nation Ceremoniale were perfo:by the extraction of water only. It is made of the If thou shouldst call me to reined by Elders Willeins, Sealey.
sign Odle. and the v. Tylerbest, best fresh milk from cows feeding on selected after which the ebarge was What most prize it ne er was given kina mine, solo entitled He will take You pastures. only yield thee what is thine, he Thy. will. be. done. the v.
The closing remarks kiven by Elder Wilkios. But and aonouncemeots were then Do not take any risks, always ask for Small before the meeting was termi nated, William Cato cinded DENTIST the rostrum along with some gifts for the new Elder, and read MASONIC TEMPLE the following address: Office Hours: 8, am to 12 Elder Wosley Rodgers: 30 to 30 pm Dear Sir Brother: Sundays, by Special Appointment As a mark of our esteem and Masonic Temple ilth St, respect, and in witness of your Box 787. CRISTOBAL entry into the Sacred Ministry The richest in cream and best for all purposes.
of the Church of Christ, we PHONE: OFFICE 1664 present you this book.
RESIDENCE 538 We trust that you will find tbereia sucb information as will British Consulate Notice belp you to expound God Bols Word to those entrusted to your care with wisdom and underThe British Consulate Genera standing, and as you have now at Panams would like to get infor answered the wall, we pray that formation of the whereabouts of a the Holy Spirit way wately lead woman named Anella Poleon who you to the place where you sball is asid to resides in Panama, UNSWEETENED That thons They Will Save you DOLLARS fear fight EVAPORATED MILK right in ST CHARLES is guaranteed pure, rich, full by Eller wil ST. CHARLES Evaporated Milk


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