p. 6


PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AIRIL 21, 1928 Tomorrow Races Farwell Party Commendable Educa.
tional Effort IMPORTANT NOTICE a The Workman Printery AND Stationery Store HAS REMOVED FROM CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East The following is the Pro00 Wednesday the 18th, Tast, gram for tomorrow races. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. very enjoyable time was spent FIRST RACE Blulen of this city, io honor of Furlonge Parge 100 Miss E, Barber, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C, Barber, who Don Simon 105 was leaving for Jamaiea the Isle of Lens 116 Springe afters well earned Vacation (Fenomeno 126 with ber parats in Panama City (Mayoral 103 Mile Burber left Panama on Honey Dex 116 Thursday the 19th Inst, sailing on (Diecisels 17 the SB Carillo, lo ng the SECOND RACE bloom of good health. She intends entireng the Govt, Public Hospital Purlongs Parse 100 to learn the profession of hume El Chicbi 92 Nursing. We all join in wishipp Dardanela 95 this charming young lady success Mayara 104 in her present undertaking.
Jakie 109 Amo. gst the enjoyable partye (Cococha 126 Mrs. Barbor, and (Tuoney 119 family, Mr and Mrs. AppleTHIRD RACE white, andfamily. Mr, and a Furlonge Parse 125 Weeks and family, Mrs. Cevi le and family. Mrs. Cumberbateb Hit or Miss 100 and family. the Misses Luele Dolly 114 and Rose Nelson, Misses Doris Popo 119 and Ethel Brown, Miges G1803 105 Deville, Rubinson, Dest. Dhola 128 Shaw, Canover, Wight, Golondrina 90 Sayers, and Scott Mr.
Raveneau, Wilson, Sebloss, FOURTE RACE Sayers. MeDonald, aud Furlongs Purse 125 Mc Donalu. Gravedad 126 Dancios WAB kept up Mimosa 123 11. 30 When touching and (Meelab 121 departing addresses were tendered currengla 118 to hr, by Messrs. Bullen, Werks, Applewhaite, and Mrs. Builen.
FIFTH RACE Mies Barber left Panama alter Forlonge Parse 100 gaiving a host of friends, bou.
Grafico 123 olu and young whilst on the lotimp 116 Lstbmus, and she begs to return lens 97 sincere thanks to all her friends Cuqui 126 wbobelped to make her stay Decimis 99 a pleasent one.
Fenomeno 108 Zapo 122 Panama Gee Singers To Pistol 115 Resume Rehearsals SIXTH RACE Furlongs. Parze 173 After a abort spell of silence, Carcajids 106. the Panama Glee aod Co. cert (Lenine 109 Singers willesume their pracBomba 97tices on Tuesday Evening Dext Chombo Gordo 105 24th lust. 730 tn. All meu Reina Mora 128 bers are asked to be present.
Perrot 123 SEVENTH RACE Canada West 61 Farlongs. Purse 125 Hit Miss 100 Indies Hotel Co.
La Chiquilla 109 115 Rolando 123 Building Operations will be Ia Neoa 126 Commenced at Constant Popo 111 Spring Shorl; UNITED WE STAND FOR MAGNIFICENT HOSTEL (Continued from page 1)
on 3rd st. Colon, which also not without its religious phase Teacher Thompson corner 6th and Streets and several others; should include Teacher Millinetar is this category for the simple reason that am thinking of the private schools in Colon bring taught and managed by profes.
sonal srbool teachers warning independently or annssociated with organizations but the sehools that have inspired this lit la contrihntion at this busy morpent with the writer, are those that takve had the good fortune to have received newspaner attention, and that not without being so deserving.
THE CONNOR SCHOOL The two in one or three in one school of the UN. of Colon which has already made its place rocisl a I might say in the scho dramatic history of Colon, needs uo introduction or word of com mendation at this time. There is however another school now fairly launched into the school world tho in its infancy, toat deserves a measure of notice because of the strides it is making in its progress numerically and otherwise. To be Continned)
until Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous Patrons and the Public generally. USHANGHALAXY BRITISH GUIANA CONSTITUTION Of every JOB. PRINTING description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH to Govero (Continued from page 11) Reserse power to be exercised by Governor in Ex cutive Council (iii) Distribution of seats on Unoficial side of Execu ive Coucell beiween Nominates and Elected el tent to be leit erdor discretion (iv) Provisinn to be made to enable present Elected Meun.
bers to take their tents in bew Legislatue Council without General Election. W) Subject to forearing he Secretary of stau aceert comendation of sittion miasion in all imprunt particulars and step will te taken to givetect to them by 0:d in Couri in and when Enablie Bill How before Parliament receives Royal Assent.
The text of the Secretary of State letter to the legales will be received by mail in eud course.
Lucia AT THE Como WORKMAN PRINTERY WHAT WE HEAR IN MUSIC CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE No. 16 STREET EAST Oppsite The Wesleyan Church. GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Prayer Books ite Continued from page 1)
pret this Compasition on Sunday last There are some other musical items which we hear from time to time: Mr. Davis wae leo heard along with Mrs. Olen King Mr. Kinnimnouth and Mies Doris Rodney in a Quartette, Pod so loved the World, Thus making the Easter spason a very happy and enjoyable festival Sometimes we hear Mozart to great advantage also. Beethoven and Coleridge Taylor, but, most of 118 have our favorite composer.
Since there are so mans things in musin worth while hearing. we shoula, whenever possible, make it convenient to hear them, even over the radio Haye ards 88 technical Pocial probleins one has to be confronted with, and while Law Officers of Crown Preparing persons should be encouraged to Documents in Connection unite, there is no doubt that it With Mortgage WEDDINGS BELLS 18 kes Rieat deal of thought and consideration before come persons can decide to unite fors ra common IN RESPECT OF STATE LOAN Continued from page 1)
Cause Suppose we were to take our exómple from the Leagun of the principal donors were: Mr.
Nations, the Isthmian Musical and The Jamaica Mall Says. so Mrs Cave, Mr. and Mre Literary League, and a few organ Now that the Bill on aid of the Chambers: Mr. and ations in the cities of Panam Cao ad a West Iodies Hotels Co. Mrs. Buteber, the od Colon, feel sore we will Ltd. has been passed by the Loyal Nelson Lodge, histdly be going astray, but time Legislative Council it is expehe Empire Star Lodge, Court will tell, and, ene day when a st. ſed that the Company wielo: Pacific: Mr. and Mis Thorn; ucian can be President of the mence building peraltoad with Mr. and Mr. Evans George Aatiugan Society, we will know tbe Dext few weeks.
Mr and Mrs. GH. Sanchez MI The buildings will be most the and Mrs. Harry; and Mr.
that things are coming to limex.
magalliceat of its kind in JaRupert Reyaolds.
There a a good time coming maica; it will consist of not included: Mr. Rocert Atberley, Those present at the function less than a hundred bedrooms, stman; Miss Elouise Atherlev, Just wait a little looger. equipped with the most modern Chief bridesmaid, the Misses Grif and up to date conveniences, and the cost will be in the vicinity fin, Chevandes, Dicks, Wiltshire bridesmaid.
of 100. 000. The local GovernR. Roland, toast CANAL ZONE NOTES ment bave agreed to guarantee Orells Atherly: Daisy and Maisie master Misser Dorothy and interest to bolders ot debentures, Thomas Mis Ro lyo Green; Mr.
the payment of principal and Waite, Wisses Bell, Miss Thline La Boca Pars Security for guarantes the company have and Mrs. McCloymont: Mr.
undertaken to ex cu einorte and Mrs. Evane George. Mr. and The many friend of master cage on the bote band lands on Mr. and Mrs. Weeks Butcher, Mr. Chase, Greuville Walker, 1055 a mewhich is to built.
ber of the Liboca Junior Alb9The necessary Mrs. Ethlin Jones, Messrs. Lionel documents Dunera, Donald Suth: Perey naeum will regret to learn that affecting the guarantee and he is contined to bed, as a result mortgage are Hinds; H Noad; Phillips: being prepared Erie Atherly; Owen Atherly, nf injuries sustained from a fali by the Law Officers of the Crown. Michael Aiexander, George Ward which be received bile plasing waring recess 1909, and which the rebuilding of th Constaat other Tbere een be no doubt that ruff, Simmons and several necessitated the lin pediate at Spring fotel will be great ption of the dispensa y asset to Jamaica Tourist Trade Doctor SALEM MISSION The community wishes bim been considered in order Every conceivable detail bas peedy recovery, and trusts that to the hotelattractive meeting was convened ibie that he will soon be out sain to to tourist and there is every Thursday afterooon, April 12, njoy the many priveleges which reason to believe that he society offers the 1928, at 3:00 PM. Whan Elders ventore will succeed. Wukins, Seal It is proposed to bave the hotel Odle, and the Rev. G, Dr. Nathan Rowe towards the end of next year in Rodger, and questiond ready for the receptor of guest: Tylerbest, t Bo Wesley bia time for the 1929 tourist seos op. to bls Cinverfion present PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON in time for the 1929 tourist experience, Call to the Ministry 11th and Bolivar Sts.
season, in order to have and Doctrine. He gave satisfasthe buildi In Operations tory answers to all questions COLON. without delay: anda. The bour was solemu one and BUILDING 123 OPPOSITE stated above architects and other closed with prayers Chose National Bank skilled wormen representing the company are expected to TAKE NOTICE Office Hours: 94. to 12m, iarrive in the island in a very The WORKMAN can be p. to pm.
short time.
had at Mr. Sanchez place OFFICE TELEPHONX 320 House Rent Receipt Books in spanish sod English for sale at the 24th street, No building DRUG STORY TELEPHONE 154.
WORRIAN Printery.
Father Holds Up Newly Wed Bride make We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men ndromen, in which an exeellent income can be made even to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppour household necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 years and have acbieved Financial Todependence. Increasing locel demands and repeat orders, make it necessary to appoint more local representatives in many localities in the United States. No special experience or capital required. it is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Wny tot represeot the largest and best knowo house of its kind in the world. Send 19 your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau will send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent we farieb free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the locality of the agent.
Iu answering be sure to tell us the game of the paper in which you saw this advertisement, Addresy ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street W. Continued from page 1)
As the party broke up. Edna headed for home to intro duce her husband to her parents. She unlocked the front door and walked into the living room with her arm in his.
Fathher was there, as she anticipated and his temper was boiling.
Bridegroom is Ousted There were a few words ex changed and then Pratt found himself on the front porch with a door locked behind him.
The youth called his sttorney, Alex. Rosenbaum, and the lawyer advised court action.
Judge Harry Lewis, in response to the husband peti tion, ordered Eastwood Do bring his daughter into court this morning


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