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Disarmament Proposals That Garvey Going Big In Mrs. King Efforts Americans in Cuba Favour Tend To Disarm West Indian Labour Only the Other Fellow, Says the Vanderudimo ribose na primer the concert stage. Madam Olga king. On Plantations. Says Jamaican Nation Sarcastically at not this MOM over vear.
The Pacific site community is WIH Move Headquarters to be given the second opporTo England Soon Tavity in two calender years to hear in son recital one of its out standing representatives on the West Tits Ametieun soprano, who, last. the following: Reviews for April 7th, publishes first recital at the La Boca Club. Haitian Labourers Meet Demand The population of Kingston, and most representative colored honse before one of the largest Having just completed the Nelson and the Rodney, Honor Marcus Garvey with erle. preeram of the kind Jamaica.
The Jamaica Mail of the mill owners and planters in and more powerful than anythiog else afloat the British between the dense lines in that promises to repeat her eiforly, 10th inst. says a Havana new general, but to the fact that 35. 000 ton battleships armed with 16 inch guns heavier brations and hurrahe as he rode topped off the latest disarmament conference by re rity in a victoria drawn by two of the sevent enth of next month of the American Chamber of ed their administration cane.
the some place on the evening paper states that the directors many mill companies increaspeating the proposals they made at Geneva last summer. black horses and attended by It is unnecrssary at this time to Commerce of Cuba who meet driver and footman.
They suggest that future battleships shall not be of more To Supress the Colonos comment Mrs. King ability to System.
than 30, 000 tons, that guns be kept down to 13:5 inches, the pier to meet sove American often proven that beyond this holding luncheon sessions, in Mr. Garvey was on his way to entertain io song; she has 10 Weekly in Rotarian style, that and that the accepted life of existing capital ships be ex. commissioners and friends who question of in doubt y actus their last meeting took up the The fact that the native tended from twenty to twenty six years. All three dis were due to arrive to armament proposals would strengthen the British navy Mr. John Wilson of 221 West of her voice, and the sustenare the chairman was read ad being willing to accept the Mr. Garvey expressed himeol to some catelul technical training tion. In this sense a missive of with the imported ones demonstration of the result of problem of Anti lian immigra workers refuse to compete in comparison with the American. If British statesmen 127th Street, New York City, who of cars anything whatever about American friendship they will was visiting there at the time, thut training byber stage do well to avoid such transparent hypocrisies. At the he intended moving him to each composure. What is far more dressed to the Chief Executive, same or inferior pay, is not a Washington Conference Britain agreed to accept a 5 quarters to London, England, very stress because of the genuineness on the question. In the letter United States in this sense ofimportant and which desire to continuing some suggestions peculiarity of the Cuban. The aval ratio with the United States and Japan. Peace may soon, of the appeal that ratio, but not through tricky proposal proposal which, wie se meeting was held in the outstanding After the dov celebratica a single effort Ntro. King initiative it is asserted that the develop fers us a most eloquent examment of Camaguey and Orien ple. In the first years of their seeming to reduce armament, work to the advantage of a sin Liberty Hall in Alman Town which Plan a program, prepare it and gle Power. The American people, by its protest, has just was attended by the masses and theru sing it to please hundredste provinces impose the neces development Irish labourers can were the ones that carried out forced the Administration to cut its navy program in half; where the celebrations were con of people of ununiformed taste sity of importing more 00 baby effort cutters than the native popula the hardest and less paid but the British action at Geneva plays directly into the tinued, hands of our jinges. THE NATION, Mrs King in ber first out tion can offer; that the Eur. work, afterwards when these standing eiiort before the foot. pean workers are not compe. trimphed, Jews, Russians, PoSILVER SPRAY ligh faced several hundreds of tent for such work and that as les and Chechs filled their people and sang into tbeir soul pure, distinct and dulcet notes, our Asiatic immigration is ranks, and then came the ItaTO ALL BRITISH WEST INDIANS Finally On page four of thia issue ap The Orcasion was an inspiration very small Haitian and Jamai lians and Greeks.
nears. full half page Ad, setting it was distinct advance of can immigration is the main when restrictions were placed forth the rapid growth of Silver, our community efforts in the It is proposed to organize a British West Indian Society, under Spray Beer einer its birth a little world of music and art. one source to meet our demand, on European immigration the King expecte to sing again, as and before the announcement exodus of coloured workers the management of th British West indian Commitee, which will This delicious beverage manufac sweetly and as intelligently as nat plans are on foot to res from the Southern States to nclude every British West Indian man and woman on the Isthmus. tured in the home of the Balbon she did at her first recital and, trict this kind of immigration, the industrial centres of the If you are personally interested please fill in the blank below and Beer factory, has commanded a this time, no doubt, before it is recommended to do so in Northern ones followed. And deliver it to the Secretary of the nearest Silver Clubhouse on the popularity, that is at once astonish. much larger audience.
Canal Zone, to the office of this newspaper or to any of the following: ing, Silver Spray. bas practical.
a gradual manner over a pe now that these elements also ly become a household word and Announcements state that Mrs. riod of twenty years to give have prospered and progressPanama City Fuller Jewelry Szore, Central Avenue; Lindsay Book the every day slogan when one Kibidexpects her eine som er desto an opportunity to the native ed, they are being replaced by Store. St. San Miguel. Colon J. Cambridge and Neverson feels the need of a cold drik Spurituals on coming program Shoe Store the Spirituals of which Dictator population to meet the needs stronger but less paid Mexican The figures appering in the Ad. Mussolini spoke so favorable and of our principal industry. immigrants.
These blanks should reach the places designated not later than record only the enormous quarter which he is of the opinion may some 17 in the bottled day the background of It was pointed ou: that We comprehend and are able Tusslay next, as they should b) in the hands of the Secretary of Silver Spray but there is also Operas. Very good to the last time whereas in 1885 Cuba produ to understand without great the W. Commitee in time for the regular meeting to be held on the stupendous sale of the Kes heard one of these spirituale ced 631, 967 tons of sugar, in difficulty that the citizen of Thursday night next at which the question of the proposed society Beer, retailed in glasars by Saloon was when a young soprano nick. 1912, the year in which the a progressive nation where the will form the Order of the Day.
Keepers, any of whom if asked naine. will smilingly tell you oh! its a swing Low, Sweet Charriot bourers was started, we pro of the firmest foundations to about the sale of. Silver Spray from Saint Ann s, Jamaica, siue importation of Antillean la policy of high salaries is one an desirous of enrolling my name as a prospective member the effects of which, with duced 1, 895, 984. This increase its economic welfare should of the proposed British West Indian Society.
There must be some reason why Sunday school lessons worked on Name this new brand of Beer should my inuer inan and caused me to was due to Cuban and Spanish favour the importation gain such popularity in so short dream about hea veo and heavenly workers, strong and resistant cheap labour in another counAddress a time. We hope to tell you in things continuously for fully six who obtained fair wages for try, and even that the Ameriour next issue. Look out for it. Continued on Page 6)
their work. If, afterwards, can Chamber of Commerce of these labourers have been oust Cuba should do so regardless ed by others it has not been of the reciprocal ties that bind Just As Necessary Etude Club Socials SPARKLETS lack of proper conditions to it to Cuba, if it were a corporexecute their work or for not ation formed by latifundabeing desirous to work, but rios (large estate holders, Dear Mr. Editor:Proves to be a Most Enjoy(BY KING)
because imported labour costs sugar mills, etc. or by shareto these modern times, wben able Affair To prove bow insignificaat would still continue to move around less.
holders of mill companies, thiors and life are so complicated, am, and for that any of us, in the its axis and the strong to beat think it just as necessary that great scheme of things, gentle the Out of the weak.
The problem is therefore owning plantations instead of But we bave in our midst a few 1st class disorganizers to set mattere Who The expressions of opinion in this classic reader, consider my absence from Now, there is also the case of one of cheap labour and not operating with colonos. Coptis urd on Page 8)
lived both in Colon and Panama, Batarday night last by the Etude weeks and not a letter of recret, a poranenus collaborator, Mr. Elijah straight at timer. Why? have connection with the social held on theekelandic other forer forfly three my esteemed friend and conten one of lack of labour for our and brave been with organisation Club events munique en los como a threat to cancel put Gold course, the interophet rocenila MESSAGE OF GOOD WILL TO JAMAICA word of praise, an angry inquiry Hunter, of the both and from my surpassed in a great measure the scription for this great indispen temporarily experience with human beings previous one held disbioded his sable family you ll never have things straight Among the outstanding items bas been received by the Editor Sid Young reservation over on newspaper work in favor of a Siamese of one type, how on the Program were How the The Hon. Webber, hospitality is as It will just further convince pod it may be there must be the clock theorientert o poveste provident Calvin Coolidge PANAMA Press Up to now her day afternoon on the Elders but, nevertheles have then independent good daily. tbe of British Guiana, sailed yes Twin to Jamaica philosophy; opposite, and unless is Undine. How to improve dies or still not to his friend Hunter one who can foresee, and intro the Club hy Miss Swaby these things, there will and the trias by the Misses Charles countrymen for another four year specimens of the besluhoisted here and Fyffes steamer Coronado cord how delightful have been in always his way to my experiences. Nothing has be something iacking and Markiaad, a og Unity paper have in turn carefully scrutinized for Trinidad on affairs, the latter will not stray in and diagnosed. find them to somewbere, deed not specify by Mr Cyril Cumberbatch, and disorder bat be kept together lacking in many essentials, which Georgetown. Quite a few indi. been spared to make my visit what should be the qualities of a song by Mrs. Chandler: and in order by either Hoover, viduals were on the No. Pier an overwhelming success, with disorganiser, but, if any fellow Everyone present proved equl Smith or some other North Ameri iulosticates not very succes to say good by to one who is the result that have motored future for bim in that departshould find bimeelf so fitted there to the occasion, there being net cao; that thougo. George Green mentlof the art, The Prophet bas a leading light in politics and some 500 miles from one end de.
during intermission, and at the of Labor has lost other one of bu: little luck just missed do not mean, an jadividual the request of the President created as and hostess, the members were prelitora that it hota Yo. or noun whe those who would aspire to wieldony.
pen for entertailAt the request of the Ja Bay by a short head. Without being in any way one who could be depended on in Cream, but this wat not all fier of Jamaica would carry on; that THAT ONE WILL BE ENTER. kindly contribunted the fol invidious, cannot escape paycase of emergepey to set matters the hour of 10 was passed, Mr. Jif George Nathaniel Roberts she from art, not chance; as those move lowing bessage to Jamaica ing some special tribute to Arthur Ravenean, according to lexicographer should abdicate the TAINED THEREBY)
eome The organiser is of course, a his very useful man, and this state and enlivened the orasion.
promise, presided at the piano, throne of Benedicts and elope easiest who have learoed to through the columhs of this the Hon. Peter Watt Sangster. not because his hospitality with an ment is made to few of the Junior members ball would not go unsupported, denda. The (Cape are mine. journal. Hold friction whatsoever but, if the of the Club were also present and and that if friend Thompson back your pea; and stay the flow back your In taking leave of Jamai exceeded that of any else but for being responsimatter is carefully thought out, it acquitted themselves creditably. happens to refuse will be found that, euob a one The spirit of ontlousiasm and link biglier pbilosophyade for love from your reservoir of matured. ca, feel it a work of super ble for my visit to Jamaica.
will really have a place in the oneness pervaded the whole even education of those of disinterested results of examina crogation to dwell on the hos His splendid stand for Britiðh peaceful and general order of ing, and the only regretta ble time twisted conceptions of God, Christ tions of intermittent abberations. pitality have received since Guiana made me feel that taidys.
was the hour for dismissal, and His religion, the old world (Continued on Page 6)
it is well known that Jamaica (Continued on Page 6)
Patti Browo cinch.
of cupliit weekly humor o of writing you the two duce jot of talk to one


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