
STETSON HATS solos LA MASCOTA PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 29. 19. 8, 39 Commend. Die Educa THE WORKMAN tional. Etfort (Contioned from our last is Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertsenea on applica TEACHER THOMAS WALROND, at the office No. 16 tion. Correspondence on all mattes of public interest invited.
ACHIEVEMENTS Stacet East Panama All copy for publication must be Teacher Cyril Thomas, lite PO Box 74, Pasama written on one side of paper only, and principal of the school of the Ratos ol Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Immaculate Conception of Colon, e Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica who has organized the school of tion but as a mark of good faith. 20 Six Months the Eleventh street division of 60e.
We do not undertake to return reThroo is already making hi One Month jectedcorrespondence tory in the educational and social bistory of Mist division. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNDIS Mr. Thomas possesses the knack of being able to draw children SATURDAY APRIL 28, 1928 And their parents to rally around him to his educational and social workwhich TROUBLES BRING OUT THE BEST specifically improved with the For the World Best Dressers induction of Mr. Thomas into office in the school life of the IN MAN school under notice.
ELOCUTION AND CONCERT Life with its troubles makes us doubly appreciative There is no article of men wear that has the world ENTERTAINMENT of its joys. How welcome the sun is after days of cloud The writer denied himself the and rain! So too when the dark shades of trouble diswide reputation of Stetson hats.
pleasure of one of two other Occacions last Sunday evening to appear, we are happy beings.
respo to an invite There can be no disputing the fact that life brings In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue to one of Mr. Thomas school entertainments. The chief with it a reasonable amount of trouble to each and every.
one of us. You could search the world over and interview de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads feature of the said entertainment was specified as its elocutionary each member of the universe, and all would confess to some of fashionable men who know what what where in few of the smaller sort of a worry or trouble. No one is absolutely happy pupils of the the school were slated to in this life. It is one of the strorgest arguments of the in men headwear.
make speech or oral conteste immortality of the soul.
Despite the fact that attention was first meant to be directed to Emerson once made the statement that life is a We have the same styles here as are now being the accomplishments of mites of festival ohly to the wise, and it is because children on a public platform, the the wise accept life cheerfully and as it is, that worn in the style centers of the World.
musical feature of the occasion, they can smile and make it a festival.
They are consisting of the performamaoces of the division oschestra and not blind to trouble. They are not without trouble. But rendered by a few of the they have learned the secret of facing it with courage and pupils, contributed in more than high hopes to conquer and make good.
creditable manner to the evening fuoetion. We make breif mention It is a pitiful sight to see man give away beneath as follow. trouble. Poor creature, he must bave been under the impres.
sion he was living in an Utopia, where trouble could not CARLOS MULLER Mr. Hacket director of the Asso orebestra deserves credit for his touch him. Yet when his idea has been wrong and be contribution to the evening founi trouble upon him, he shivered and shrunk from it SOLE AGENT programme.
like a coward. How soon can a life be ruined by this delusion that trouble exists for someone else but not for In the Oral contest, little Master PANAMA CITY 87 CENTRAL AVENUE Ben Allen creditably won the first him? One stroke of misfortune and the first trouble changes place Mise Ruth Rennie second, and masters Albert Smith and hem completely to cynical beings with little to live for, 77. 6748 Alonza Flemminge tied for 3rd and very little interest in life itself.
while masters Ceeil Quinton and There is no escaping trouble. We cannot run away Sydney Thompson followed closely on their heels for 4th, place.
from it any more than we can hide from the sunlight and expect to live. The bitter is always mixed with the What In Name? In the special solo competition, in her rendition of the place en sweet. Yet embitterment is the worst method to use WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR titled Jerusalem. Mis Elfred when troubles come. We might just as well give up and (Contributed)
Harding beautifully sud ea ily let the troubles bury us as to give in and feel that gained first place.
we can not help ourselves.
Patrons and well wishers will do Reid, Bryan with the concensu And so decided judges Wilkins, Our own minds are given to exaggerate the troubles well to remember that the Ancon of agreement of an appreciable and which fall to our lot. No one else could suffer as we No hot irons or special combs required Hospital bow beays the new name large andience.
do. No one knows the agony of our hearts. We find of the Gorges Hospital a name ouselves in a self pitying mood, and dwell at length most befitmng; as it cannot be upon our misfortune. When, as a matter of fact, wel SOLD IN DRUG STORES forgotten what Generul Gergas did.
Travelling And Its could look about and be thankful that we have He was the pioneer of Sanita Benefits not another troubles to bear someone who is far tion on the Isthmus, and made worse off than we.
the building of the Panama Canal It is a case of strugle. It is either your victory over possible. The great Engineering (Contributed)
trouble or trouble victory over you. We can decide scheme would have been a dream, had it not been for this great man of culture and refinement enjoying How very often we see persons which it will be. We have heard many people advise whose name is genarlly ntioned laughing at their worries and cares, trials and misfortunes: as one of the builders of the Pa motor drive to the country side but who can do that? We are all human. There are nama Canal, and will go down in there they have toe opportunity green kinds of troubles, little ones and big ones. Some we can thougit of the sothorities in schoosing such a name to take the Pitmao says. travelling reveals you may be sure that as Sit by their very nature, are hard to lose and linger with place of tbe old Ancon Hospital. to us experiences that the page us to annoy and worry.
doubt interesting, books when you Uoder this wew Name, it is of book will Troubles are like an army of enemies swooping down bourd that the same, if not better there are many educational advao never offer, and can have them neatly bound at service will be accorded its patrons. tacs to be derived there from, to conquer us and we must confront them like a brave It is also supposed that the gene and one gets a good pratical exsoldter. And with us we must carry the weapons ral staff, woricing in the Gorgasperience.
necessary for defence if not conquest Faith is the strongest THE WORKMAN Hospital will take up a new spirit to Correspond with this new many other opportunities. it can It and mightiest of all, and with it we can do wonders.
nevertbeless true that like It is a battle against sell and especially pitying self.
be abused, but weil thinging per We cannot allow our fears to cap the vitality needed in No. EAST 16 STREET What in a oame? Such a name sons enter into an eucero for as due given to the old Ancon the amount of goo they can combat. We mus face the sitution with high hope, courage Hospital Dare anyone to think from it.
get and an abundance of self trust. There is often the sus Opposite the Wesleyan Church or question if there is anything picion that things will fail, that the outcome will be far of importanteuce in or about the kind of experience is got, and to Travelling by subway acother Dame of Gorgas the man who worse than you can imagine, that there is little need for made the digging of the Canal dayel the most modern means of any attempt to fight against trouble; and all these things travel seems to be by aeroplane possible.
are conducive to weaken our couragedampen the aviator has the opporwith his a. and from country to country, and ber of troubles and smile at our victory, laugh at our exAND GET GOOD RESULTS Lives of great men all remind us viewing things from overhead of aggerated ideas concerning the outcome. We say that We can make our lives sumblime offered to those who bave mastered course such privileges are only those were just trifles though we regarded them as mounAnd deporting leave behind us the art of aviation, but the time tains at the time. That is the way, most of them work out.
To day trial is the worst and to marrow we will look trouble is enough to handle without borrowing worries for Footprints the sands of time.
will come when others that those back on it with a smile.
the morrow, we can find ourselves in a stronger position to who are now engaged in this handle the situation. And if, during that one day, you will direction will bave ample opporWe are always confronting crises which put us to the Honse Rent Receipt Books in tunities.
test. No one has been without them. No one has been try to smile and be optimistic and cheerful, it will help you Travelling by boat, when all is WORRMAN Printery.
calm and still, and the sea gorufgreat without them. No great man could be great without a long way to ride over most of the difficulties. long face Spanish and English for pale at the and a sour attitude of mind never aided a victory over them. It is the victory over self. It is the persistency in fled, is a, very pleasurable experience, especially when one has the fighting to the finish once you have dared to face the battle trouble. Then you are entirely alone, but a smile and a cheerful heart help tremendously to stimulate your action McClymont accommodation of a decent cabin; man is a hero who can command his will to over to persevere and win. Foresight is wise, but foresorrow we can not afford to overlook, come the pains and the aches which trouble brings. We is suicidal and as a kind soul once said: Castles are at or look lightly on there modera con MODERN TAILORall have impulses, good intentions, high hopes and aspira any rate better than dungeons, in the air.
veniences which our forefathers did CALIDONIA NO, 16 not enjoy, and as time goes by, tions of meeting the test required of us; but the one who There is no one created too weak or timid that they and science improves, the greater perserveres and remains cheerful is the one who can be cannot resist trouble which make them into cynical, pessi See us for up to date Work will be the opportunities offered considered great. There is a great deal of sentiment and mistic and disagreeable people.
Ever since the word manship at Moderate Prices to those of us who still io babit wisdom in the lines found in so many autograph books of a began, humanity has had its share of trouble and no one old mother earth few years ago, and which read to the effect that it is easy can side step it. To face it bravely, with a stout heart, BOWEN enough to be cheerful, when life goes along like a song: and abundance of faith and some optimism is all that is British Consulato Notice but what is worth while, is the man whc can smile when required of us. Sorrows and troubles may bend the spirit TAILOR The British Consulate Genera at Pasama would like to get inforevery thing seems to go wrong for a time, but it was not intended that they should If we could be philosophical enough to consider that break us entirely. Rather troubles bring out the best in No. M Street San Migue formation of the wherenbouts of a woman named Abells Poleon who the day is only twenty four hours long, and the day man and make him a noble creature. The Pilot.
Panama City is said to resides in Panama, Contra Crespo Book Binding!
of viewing shake off very quickly and with little thought. Others. Why throw away your old, but no is Dame.
ana Coreak our traitek keves can look back hower any sumAdvertise in The Workmne gone bat the Hospital where to google om placebo


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