
THE OKRUAN SS PURDA APRIL 21923 PAGE THREE THE GROWTH OF SILVER SPRAY Born Dec. 24th 1926: SALES: Jan Feb Mar 1927 235, 342 bottles Apr May June. 468, 306 July Aug Sept. 481, 968 Oct Nov Dec. 511, 680 Jan Feb March 1928 682, 872 91 days of 1928 showed an average of over 7, 504 Bottles of Silver Spray each day.
AXNWNDALANX41616XWARNA The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER Little Smiling Try a little smiling a When the world goes wroag; Drop the tone of scolding Change to one of song.
Nothing lasts forever, Love and beauty die, Make the best of the present Ere it passes by.
Clouds must come and sorrow. Tis the way of life; Still the silver lining Shines upon the strife, And the sorrow lessens, Bringing with it calm: Ev ry pain of living Has its owo sweet balm.
Try little smiling, Though the effort cost: You will find that never Is its radiance lost; Through the darkness shining Ev ry star has place; Try a little smiling Trouble to effare eye witness, a No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER When the contention in Work Done While You Wait Tragic Death of Ja Dutch Seaman maican At Hayti Lucky Escape In Mid Atlantic Pulled From Footboard of Moving Train by Woman: There is no accounting for the Crushed Under Wheols extraordinary acts of Providence.
When the earth opens to a quake, swallows up someone, then the News was received by the second shock releasee that indivi. Jemain Mail from an esteemed dual again, one can only think of correspondent in the Republic of the incident with astonishment an!
Hayti, announcing the death of a certain amount of incredibility Mr. Cyril Jones, a native of this if one does not happen to be an island under very unfortunate cir.
cuiostsoces It is reported that oa Thors day of the way things happen was Story given another example Last Mr. Jones was travelling by told to train from St. Marc to the City An Board the Royal Dutch Mail Gleaner mao recently of Port au Prince, The Vassel train arrived at one of the inter: Steamer Vesta.
he mediate stations saited from Hamburg on the 6th alighted and is said to have bought come articleo ultimo with a cargo consigned to Mesers.
from a native woman. It is alleged Company of Kingston. She has ascelles de Mercado and that there was a contention be about fifteeu days at sea and four tween both prrties in regard to days off the Azores in mid Atarticles which the map bad bought. in succession came upon her, io amount be paid While the progrees the train started off; and itself a strange bappening.
just as Mr. Jones was about to Maarten Van Duin, snilor, board the moving train the woman was standing in the stern of his is alleged to have held on to his shop during one of the gales. The coat. He missed bis footing, fell sea ran high washing over the under the wheels of the on rushing decks and before he could do train and was badly crushed. He anything to save himself he was was promptly conveyed to the monstrous wave. The shut of: carried away on the crest of Public Hospital at Portond Prince Map overboard was given but and admitted; but he died within 24 hours of the ascident. all realized that 10 lower a Mr. Jones, as stated before, was boat would be to increase the Jamaican, having been a native happened and the man was saved.
the incredible of the parish of Portland. He was The same wave, it would seem an Electrican and left this some 17 years ago and took up Which washed back towards the listed side an appointment with the Electric sterboard and the frightened sea the beginning of the year he joined hold of the ship railing, and one man made a grab in time to catch the staff of the Electric Light Plaut of his fellowmen pulled him into at St Mare making the journey to Port adhe safety.
Prince to speod the Easter Ho Maarten only suffered slight.
injuries which kept him in bed The deceased was well known couple of days, and he is now and respected, is Hayti and this quite well.
fact was given ample evidence to If hadn tcome back that way, by the large number of mourners would not have come back at who attended bis funeral.
all he told the presstan, good humouredly in Dateh. thought it was all up with me.
Dr. OGILVIE PHYSIGIAN SURGEON Honse Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the 80 Street, Chorillo. WORRMAN Printers TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Life is such a little while, Greet each day with a happy emile, In the insbine of today.
Forget the rain of yesterday.
Life at best is not so loop: Meet each day with gladsome soug.
Let its glorious chorus find Tears and fears left far behind. little smile, a little song Rights a day that might go wrong. REID Propietor Advertise in the Workman it pays.
ship to that wbence be was boleh dibuat men WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvellous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes The Daily Telegraph believes that under such practical guidance as the new corporation commands, the deBRITISH AND AMERICAN, velopment of industries should FINANCIERS be materially assisted.
The Manchester Guardier.
says it is difficult to visualise (Continued from page 4) the place the corporation aspany should be a private one pires, or is destined to occupy administered by experts and in the economic organization.
financed by wealthy corpora but agrees that in the new intions. The financial corpora dustrial conditions there is tion with expert advisers could scope for such financial organusefully fill the gap which ization with great resources, now exists in the financial and technical experience bemachinery of industry. hind it.


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