
PAGE FOUR THE WORK WAN BATURDAY APRIL 129 Duty on Films For Movies British And American Financiers there are on 04 Combine In Great Industrial Move FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT togoga LUCKY STRIKE IT TORSTED CIGARETTES The S; Sarpapan gaan dan orang gaganapan goangaa maat Dagangan Tangan angguan LUCKY STRIKE it toasted Concession Made to Tbr se From Great Britain The Trinidad Guardian of the 20th ult. says ediborially. By the amendment on Friday of that part of the Cus toms tariff which fixes the rates of duty on cinematograph films, the Legislature, have given effect to the policy of protection for the local mo, tion picture industry which the Trinidad Guardian has previously urged. In a leading ar ticle published just six months ago, we said that local endeavour to produce motion pictures, commercial and artistic, had now reached a stage of merit which entitled it to recognition and deliberate encouragement, and we confidently recommend this aspect of the film question to the sympathetic consideration of the Government. The amend ment removes altogether the duty on imported British filmi in the raw and reduces by onehalf to one shilling per hundred feet the impost on raw foreign film. This is a very important concession not only to local motion picturg enterprise but also to cinema photographers visiting Trinidad for the purpose of making pictu res in the island. It is unforALWAYS FRESH tunately true that at present practically all blank films, ALWAYS MILD come from sources outside the Empire and, therefore, the and its full extent of the tariff amendment that is the free admisQuality Never Varies sion of British blank film cannot yet be realised, but we may hope that with the rapid extension of the motion picture business in England the manufacture of raw film on a large scale will not be long delayed.
With regard to the importation and exhibition of British films in the West Indies it has to be admitted that the British producers display a lamentable lack of interest in the possibilities of this market. Most of them, we understand, refuse to rent their pictures and insist on outright purchase at a prohibitive figure as the sole basis of negotiation. Still less to their credit is the fact that Do tego sana maanan na ang araw manganuo ugogoanga ang ginagagogo kama unggal in some instances at any rate, British films have to be purchased for exhibition here from American sources. As outstanding example was re Dr. Fred Sterling certly furnished in the case of THE NOW YORK ENTST an English film which has been enthusiastically received 182, LOLIVAR STREET by the public at home, a film, CULON, moreover, of high Imperial Box 171, CRISTOBAT: significance, the English distri TELL PHONE 247 Cool butors, in selling the United States rights, accepted a clause giving the American distribu DENTIST HOWELL tors the monopoly for the British West Indies. Thus it could House No. 912 La Boca only be secured for exhibition Canal Zone in Trinidad from an American OPPOSITE RESTAURANT IS NOW LOCATED AT syndicate and under the perPHONE 1941 BALBOA nicious block system. This is a matter that calls urgently for 11. 1154 11th STREET attention. The Imperial auSprcialises in all Branches o thorities by the passage of leDentistry Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK gislation to secure the showing ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
of a quota of British films at Where our customers will receive the usual cinema theatres in the United TAKE NOTICE Kingdom, have initiated a The WORKMAN can be courtesies praiseworthy attempt to foster the film industry at home but had at Mr. Sanchez place they should be made aware of 24th street, No building the anomalous position which Guachapali.
exsists in regard to the sending of British films to the pos Small sessions overseas. Similar la gislation to that recently made DENTIST operative in England is proMASONIC TEMPLE jected for Trinidad but if BritOffice Hours: 8, am to 12 ish producers are anxious to 30 to 30 secure an Empire market a. gainst American competition Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, they will have to pay more attention to the needs and fi O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL nancial capacity of the sinaller PHONE: OFFICE 1664 colonies.
RESIDENCE 538 Direct West Indian cable despatch from London, dated April 12, states that Sir Alfred Mond announced this afternoon the formation of a big combine of British and American financiers and industrialists.
The new company has been registered with a nominal capital of 040. 000 sterling, divided into 2, 000, 000 ordinary pound shares and 800, 000 deferred shares of one shilling.
The ordinary cápital will be held in equal proportions by the Imperial Chemical Industries Company of this country and the Chase Securities Corporation of New York.
board of directors will include Sir Alfred Mond, who will be Chairman; Sir Harry McGowan, who will be Deputy Chairman; Mr. Albert Wig.
gin, resident of the Chase National Bank of America; the Marque of Reading, Lord Colwyn, Mr. Clarence Graf!
and Mr. James Gannon, VicePresident of the Chase Nation al Bank The two last named will act as joint managing directors on behalf of the American share.
holders. An American committee has also been formed to act in consultation and co operation with the British directors. It is pointed out that the increasing volume of capital investments by American interest outside of the United States and on the Continent of Europe has been a feature since the war and the desire to direct these into the most profitable channels has led to the idea of a systematic and continuous co operator oi the leading financial and industrial brains of both coutries for the development of industries already established or of new ideas.
The new corporation will provide facilities for commercial and industrial financing in the British Empire, in Europe and in the United States in cooperation between English and American interests and will develop contracts for the purpose of international industrial development. It will be kaown as the Finance Con.
pany Great Britain and Ancrica.
New Ideas in Industry London, April 13. The formation of a private financial company by the Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. and the Chase Securities Co. of New York, is regarded by the presz as a further indication of the changes that have taken place since the war and are still pro.
The enterprise has for its object the direction of British and American capital available for investment into the most profitable channels for development in both countries of the industries either already established or of new ideas and processes in industry and manufacture, In the absence of detalled information regarding any concrete projects to development of which the new corporation will address itself, the newspapers comment only in general terms.
The Times however, says, the new company should find plenty of scope for its actici.
ties. It is proper that the con Conti: url on page 4)


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