
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIR 28 1928 PAGE FIVE For Sale Cheap Fairchild Good Assortment of where more terms to proceed to the Some of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pods Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
rate The necessity women Produc: Kron wi wwwwwwwwwwww Apply at be New No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City an amuamms N8 Com nercial Education Company being form ハんないいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい LONDON LETTER.
in Barbados. ed in United Kingdom (By Andrew Blackmore)
The Advocate states that the To Operate in The Produce Votes for Women.
Governing Body of the St. Market of Jamaica; to buy Michael Secondary School for The Women Franchise Girls held a meeting Thursday Commodities Bill, which equalises the poliMarch 1st. when some appoint, tical rights of British men and Dents to the stalf of the new school were made Miss Taitt, daughter ONE DIRECTOR WILL BE women, is now under consider of Mr. Toitt of HERE ation in the House of ComStreet, and Miss Burton, daugbmons. In all probability the ter of Mr. Burton, late head.
Bill will be passed into law, ihuster of Corberniere School. Resuls of Shipments of Garpeappointed Senior Assistant fruit Made to Biltain During with the result that no counMistresses and Miss Went, Busy Season try in the world will have a formerly of of Eagle Hall Road, and democratic franchise at present a member of the Stalf of the Grammer School in St. Vincent, una company is being organisa mail than Great Britain. In future was appoin ed a Jual a Juai or Assistant in England wo enter the produce. men and women will vote on Mistress. Miss Twitt has pussed exactly the same on the London Matrie.
trade of this island. It propose and Laterme to enro mecce operations this reaching the age of twenty dinte Examinations, and is ehortly year.
one. This will increase the to the degree.
the parties, fruit Miss Burto ha for sometime number of electors at the next distributors in London, and the an Assistant distri been employed election by five and a quarter Mistress of St Winifred School. promotion of a company with a million to 26, 750, 000. During The St. Michael Secondary capital of at least five thousand the past hundred years the Girl school has been founded at pounds, is the result of one of the the number Parliamentary Franchise has and see year and deciding to embarks been extended four times. The payers of Bridgetown and St. grapefruit trade.
The first of these Reform Acts was Dichael, expressed in resolution tha at a public meeting three businessmen in question; ed a representative in the island.
in question appoin!
in 1832. Until that time the a school. it was contended, becaine were purchased on bis behalf for such Thousands of boxes of grapefruit general qualification for the imperative in view of the great and shipped to bis firm vote was the ownership of 10 and reaching changes in the eco Loudob by way of New York, land. There was then no renomic and civil status of which modern society has eftected, It is understood that it proved gister of voters, but the 1832 and the school is designed to a very prontable Venture; and, Act established a register and supply for girls the ratne place in berefore, it bas been agited to increased the number of the the educational life of the Color organiza a hnited liability coelectorate from 435, 391 to wbleh. Combermere Scho il bas pany to baudie chru traits and 652, 777. The next Act, in 1867, long supplied for boys. Its aim tber articles of in this islaod. Ole of the direc to offer sound business added nearly a million voters; training for girls, and this will in. ors will be located in Jamaica in 1884 another million and clude instruction in Shortland, He will be the representa ive three quarters were added; Commercial Arioof tbe in and in 1918, when women of metic and Type Book keeping as well as it can be stated that he is a THE WORKMAN PRINTERY thirty were first given the Cookery, on of the very wholesome principle that next ciuus season at least, fruit vote, thirteen million new elecnad via a liberal education tendo will not only shipments tors were created.
York; but it The Bill to increase tre happiness of inunderstood inwill not go through without dividual life but also to enhance to the company proposes to the efficiency and usefulness of the apply tor space on the direct opposition, for a certain numestablished by tbs worker in office or factory, the Jamaicabo.
ber of Conservative members Legislature in the winien Jamaica Baba na Prodacers OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH are anxious to secure the toon, not United ogdou.
Association, Ltd. uod ibe erentes wiely Giorxiu Put Corporation to the the mendment conferring biext door Nash Motors Garage kes provision the franchise on women at merely in usual school subjects, the but inelades such subjects us age of 25 instead of 21, but Latin, prunch, English Litera Lynch Law is Passing amonini masih OA MADONNA NATION AND RAMANIAMINIMO Mans there is practically no prospect. of such an alteration being acthese forming the course of otruc.
tion in the lower forms, and before Away cepted.
the business course is entered on It is hoped that the school, which Cat and a Captam An Army on Weels, New York, March 30. Forty NOTICE is gborly to be opened, will prove one States Were free from are living in an age of a valable asset to the island, and wocbiox during 1927, says the a number of io Colony where so many young Bill of our prepared by the The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at Sailors, as a rule, are fond of machinery and cats, and on more than one occa striking mechanical changes school inay well extend tis iufluence througu its Comission on Race per of sion the ship cat has repaid are now taking place in one CENTRAL AVENUE No. 137 far beyond the shores of Barbados their care of it by being the of Britains most conservative Relations made public today.
means of saving their lives. RecentThe cost of the foundation will be lum defrayed partly by a public revenue ed last year taok place in seven The 16 lynchiogs which occurrWill be opened every day from 11 a. to a Noru institutions the Army. Dur.
grant, and party by contributions Statas. Toe rumber of victims at anchor in the Downs off the ing the. Gpeat European War fro the parochial revenue of St. was 14 less than in 1926, one p. and from p. to p.
coast of Kent, and Michael valuable cargo ford freighted with every combattant force came less than in 1925, and the same ble cargo for North America to realise the importance of ports was saved number as in 1924.
ved by her tabby. On mechanical transport. Horse deck the watch were all drowsing The Trinidad Elections from mob viulance was reached The bigb mark of states free for the night was calm. But below, transport was too slow and Tabby was clawing at the head too troublesome, and therelast year.
for the second mate who lny asleer fore, so far as was practicable, la 1326 there were 38. states Writing in the Barbados his burk; and she awoke him the horse was replaced by the without a lynching: in 1925 here Weekly Herald under the to the smell of the smok.
Fire also drove the once well machine. The British Army has caption People aed Thing, were 38, and 1924 ther: were 38.
Clennell Wickbam9y9:and in 1923 there were 39.
known mariner adventurer, Cap learnt its lesson from this, and The Trinidad elections are Georgia and Florida for the taio Boynton, and his crew off the efforts are now being made to over the last candidatut) be e first time sluce record: bave schooner The Richards. In the create a new mechanised force lected wae Mr. Telucksing, a been kept now appear on the a excitement their pet cat was le which will be both mobile and hor candidate who defeate Mr. roll of Hodor.
behind, but they rowed back rescued and Robinson platter, retired bim at effective in warfare. The SecConnecticut bas been added to barrister at law, and brother the list of states that never bad wine bad arisen and their lifeboat retary of State for War recentof the late Mr. Stanley Robinson was driven before it for several ly declared in Parliament that of Constant, St. George. The lynching because recent toJe Bong of the Commission. evening contest was fought with greaton Relations indicate that luckily eighted the Dryente ukes the additional mobility and roup of low, sandy, uninhabited carrying power of vehicles, spirit, and the opposing parties a case in 1886 recorded as a did small Islands off the coast of Flori along with the striking force bot fail to call eacnobeislypcbing, probably was Dames. Mr. Robinson suppor of a murderer huuted by da; and the boat capsizes among of tanks, are creating a revoters even went so far as to say, poase and not a lynching.
the heavy seas before the shere lution in the application of the was reached. The men, however that Mr. Cipriani, the President of the Workingmen Associatɔn All except one of the seven TABLE BOUDOIR LAMPS got ashore safely, agaio saving principles of War. At the same was gettiasa ih usand dollars states that had lynchings in 1927 John Croix, the cat, which was time the Army is waiting for for each successful candidate be least for one year since 1922 have been on tbe bour roll at to save them some genius to contrive the supported, whien would have WITH EDISON MAZDA INSIDE FROSTED BULBS The Dry Tortugas am barren perfect substitute for the been a good ibing as MC now ooly one stals in the country islands, and for two days the ship horse, but that seems a long priani supported Mr. Rodal, of twe crime or mob murder.
ha, au uobroken yearly record wrecked crew suffered the pants Mr. Hosien and Mr.
Telucasiago of thirst and bunger, all their way ahead and, once invented, This was of course only the osaal The pain ia territory free provisions and supply of water it will be a step towards the election, amenities What is bat is of op mob murder is to be having been Inst with the boat. creation of a purely mechanimportance Vo the morning of the third day ical Legion.
is the fact but attributed believe, to the the success of the Workingmen pressure of public opiniun, Boynton was awakened by the cat Association is tually xereising which has bien greatly stimurubbing against him, and mewing An interesting aspect of the the ads at they Ounservativesolated by the wmite and negro Tien John Croix walked away a change is its psychological efof Tripidai. These workers have ne few ne spaver or the nation. Dr. TIME PAYMENTS, OF COURSE. nurring turned feet upon the private soldier.
uncoin bon George Hayres, secretary of round, eyed the captain and ceme Woether tb yarog or the Cimmission, said in Apparently he enjoys the new ing back again rubbed his face. This wrong io their choice, the fact 30m mending on ibe Roll of occurred so often, and so persisIDEAL FOR PRESENTS. Continued on Page 6)
remains that obey choose fr :ely Hutor. It is significant ibat tently, that the skipper at last and that appeals must be in ade wen of tbe sixtees lynchings last USEFUL BEAUTI WOULD YOU LIKE got up and followed the creature.
half open oyster in his to their reasons or passions even your occurred in two states in The cat, trotting ahead with mouth. Until the ship pet had but there is MORE LIGHT FOR Hno intimidating the Mississippi Valley.
tail in the air, led him to a Clump shown them the way to the food them. And the most radical otsaid adding: The pressure of FUL MODERN YOUR MONEY the Trinidad legislators. at public of wind twisted mangroves alone. just as be had led the skipper agalost mob botton sound Conservative, the violence should continue ana ich, and disappearing on to the rill one had thought LAMPS der the mass of roots, begna to searching for fears of something happening increase you every person in EDISON mew so singularly that Boynton are as foolish there as here in Bar America regardless of race or went down on his hands and knees, The castaways took heart with bados, Indee. I doubt whether cctour, is wafe and secure in haod, THE ELECTRIC GAS MAZDA those who must loudly express any state.
and examined the place. To his finding their boat had been cast great eurprise and joy, he saw ashore, they, after several days lear really mean it. It is a SHOWROOMS LAMP BULBS convenient weapon to us against British Consulato Notice water. Boynton relatee how that drioking labour the legitimate aspiration of the (FUERZA LUZ)
THERE ARE NONE evening as be thankfully people.
Tbe British Consulate General BETTER.
bis thirst, the. cat 106 Key, les than welve stampered back sail away. There they were at Panama will be pleased to learn PANAMA COLON Hoase rent Receipt Books in of the whereabouts of Alberbat tell also as if trying to helped by the lighthouse keepers and in time were pick up by a Spanish and glisb for sale at Broro who wbed last beard of in At Your Service But John Croix did still more. Dassing steamer, and lan ted at the Work map Prio:ery 1921 was residing in Panama: The next morning hé came along Charleston. Marvelous LAMPS. ALADDIN LAMPS!
at great risk, The 335 and 45 more feet loudly.
skeadiness. Geor exbibited ab.
opinion Ask ALWAYS FOR shellfish to his shipmatebe good news


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