p. 6


1928 MP4 43 83 van OKO: Ameircans in Cuba Message of Goodwill IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery Stationery Store ULUJUY. XY!
in CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage SOL.
a JOB. PRINTING ATLANTIC SIDE Favour to. Jamaica St. Ann Catholic Friendly Society to Celebrate (Continued from Page Contit from Page sixth Anniversity being a trade body integrated could extend my hand to him by prominent business ele in the dark. And was not Tbe members of the St. Ann Catholic Friendly Society are ments, we find it strange that disappointed. Men of that it should persistently endorse a singleness of purpose have preparing to bare a big time in made our Empire great! His the observance of their 6th annikind of immigration that is Versairy on Sunday the 6th AND pernicious to our merchants views made me feel that he prox and manufacturers, not be could not stand alone in Ja.
This function is announced to take place in the St. Olive longing to the large estate maica. He did not.
holder group. Imported la am also deeply indebted.
Lodge Hall and will take the form of a variety program conbourers, who do not increase to the Hons. Nash, sisting of musical items, recitaT. Wint, and Cawley, for the patronage of those with tions and addresses.
something to market, by press. parishs. hospitality which abundant hospitality in their Representatives from kindred societies been invited and there HAS REMOVED FROM ing wage rates down, also will also be special delegation harm the native industry and made my extensive tours posfrom the sister house, the St.
Anthony Catbolis Friendly Socommerce and unfavourably sible and also to His Worciety in the city of Panama affect the native proletariat. ship, the Hon. Geo. Seymour The close relation existing be Seymour for courtesies tween the standard to life of Kingston; as well as to private News Notes the worker and the prosper. possible for me to friends, all of whom made it ity or poverty of commerce cover so There will be two watchs and industry is the reason in much of your beautiful island. Of Jamaica itself, would tomorrow in connection with be spiring the North American Cricket Cap Competition: Vicimmigration quota and restric say that to describe the island toria vs. Bilver City 0.
as beautiful is to play with tions. As to Cuba, twenty on the Hope oval. and Pickwick vs. Kent at Gatun crops more with labour impor the situation. To see the island tations would culminate in the is to feel entranced to a TemThe Wesleyans of this City have total absorption of the sugar ple wherein whether he be Honounced their annual missionindustry through the large im artist in brush and pencil, in ary services to take place on Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous Sunday and Monday, the 20. porting companies and the cer music, or in merely word picod 21st prox Patrons and the Public generally.
tainty that all Cubans would turing the worshipper expebe forced to immigrate en mas riences the phyisical ecstacies Intense hrat previals on this se to other nations, as already of deep emotion for the magside, brok ny occasional Ight SANTAU sbowers. This is an indication of many Spanish workers have nificence of its grandeurs and Ibe approach of the rainy sealeft our country ousted from the awe inspiring panoramas the sugar mills and as also the force one metaphorically to his kness.
Cuban rural population is inReginald Babb, eldest son of vading our cities, because they Of your political situation, Mr. and Mr. Babb of Camp Bierd refuse to cut and load cane at it would naturally be an imsailed for Jamaica on Thursday 50 cents each hundred arro pertence if ventured on last. the 26 inst for the purpose word; but of one thing. peruf fartbering bis studies.
haps, may say a word, irresOf every description pective of bias; and that is Suusex Still, Alive LONDON LETTER that no West Indian Colony of Entertains Many DONE WITH NEATNESS AND such importance as Jamaica (Continued from page 5)
can afford to do with only one daily paper. no more than it Susses C, though not at DESPATCH machinery, and to be attachcan be served by one dry goods Present in the competition is not ed to one of the new arms ex. store, or one Steamship Com.
lying Idle, but is still providing hilarates and stimulates his inentertainment and diversion AT THE Cerest. It is also interesting to say two daily papers, indepany. Speaking as a journalist.
fur lovers of the game.
On Sunday last th, 221d the note that distinguished caval. pendent in their views and married men of this team engage ry leaders have approved the ownership, help each other.
rd the single members in a friend mechanisation process, much Ty match on their oval, which repulted in ad a draw. The married men as they regret to see the slow The appetite grows for that on which it feeds, and Jamaibaited first, and compiled 121 but steady disappearance of ca as the premier Colony in ruon for seven wickets, St, Hill their old friend the horse.
the West Indies lacks someinz re ponsible for 4) and lapal and Wentt for 18 and thing when public opinion is 16 spectively. The single men SEVENTH RACE CHURCH SERVICES expressed only from one sourSPARKLETS repiled with 60 for wickets up romorrow Races ce. No one man can be right to the call of tite, Coleridge Furlongs Purse 123 leading with 14 and llaines makSt. Peter by the Sea, La Boca always, and we pressmen are Ju 12.
The following is the Pro. Malmirada 107 Holy Communion, 6, a. The (Continued from page 1)
only human; indeed, nearly two days match has been gram for tomorrow races. Gravedad Meelab Rector 109 Methioks hear a voic wlisper Governors!
as prone to err as are planned for these teams, which even FIRST RACE Carcaj da will take place on the 6:1 and 128 The Litany. Holy Eucburist the aforewritten 13th rox Furlongs. Purse 100 Bit Or Miss 100 and sermon, 10. 45, a. The rebuke In conclusion, can oly Rector Dieciseis 105 Church School, 00, 126 observe that that semi sage, hope that as a result of the Len: Panama Wesley MRS. KINGS EFFORTS (Fenomeno 130 Choral Evensong and sermon. Markham, late of the semi movement which have helpcivilized woods and environs of ed to launch locally, the West Activities (Mayoral 30. m. The Rector, 95 New Providence, bas, with me and Indies will be drawn closer to Don Simon 126 dozen more with brains of the Honey Dew 121 Continued from page 1)
Feast of St. Philip And St. dimension of Solomon turred each other; that there will be The Program on Wednesday SECOND RACE month. bad not known thea James Apostles in a minority report in laver of our less of inter colonial jealouEvening last under the auspices insular organizations. had al sies and more of inter colonial of the Fanama Wesley Furlongs Parse 100 that those heart songs were, more rendy noted, not very long ago, understanding; but may be than a century ago, inspired by Society was quite unusual and Mayara 112 the soul aches of Negro slaves in that that fellow whose interesting 00 Monbay, the 39th ginst clashed with mive, was not suffering permitted to say that mere inQueta 128 the Feast of Apostles The three papers by Messrs Jakie 108 America. Ikaow now; apd James will from any vodue superficial se ti terchange of news and views Dottin. Markham and Rodney (Cococha It is my unshaken behef that be observed. The Holy Communion mentalism when he stopped Alfred will ill serve tñeir purpose if respectively on the characteres (El Chichi 92 at Mrs. King recital a year ago who ber celebrated accomm. o. Smith, the embryo linoryist they are not followed by inof Samuel, Saul, and the book of Dardanela 98 the Panama Symphony Orchestra Cordial invitation is extended on our best prefervatian al one of terchange of men. In this do Samuel, met the approval of a fair played the best THIRD RACE all our members audience.
those historical meetings convened not refer to inter change only Murtin Farlongs Parse 125 The Rev. Wade in Geddes Hall to organize a Wer of the labouring population executed the most soul. Young People Service League Indian building and Loan society but inter course between the presided, and gave a word of Tibia 115 dini Sose. played them most effiencouragment to the contributors: Ocurrencia stirring number on bis violin.
But 126 who could blame the aggregation Markbam is witty and wise, possess men of intellect and vision, the in his remarks, he emphasized the La Nena 121 for the ing much of the virtues tolerance Next Tuesday night a Chapter for the supreme effort? They were men in fact who direct opinion benefits that are reaped from (Rolando 124 of a occasions like these, components of 113 sun program whose of the young people Service and foresight in some things. Dhole Before close gentle reader, and in each Colony; for whether so much to the League of the Protestnot Epislio changing over into a serious Federation comes next year success meant The additition of two vocal of FOURTA RACE the the Orchestra and to copal Church in selections with piano aconmaniUnited of the esthetic taste of the singer, States am breaking the news 10 ment, made the evening complete Furlongs Purse 100 On the other hand, why sbouindi nized at st. Peter By Tee you that m planning, in collabo or the next generation, be asration with some La Boca. Our young an important project for the near or if it comes, will be a ghastsome young blood, sured that it will never come, 106 they to exert themselves? When Grafico Choristers Entertained At. Honey Dew 102 Mal, the great Panamanian people are urged to turn out in future! The development of at ly failure, until the to the special will be dependent upon your help. each community know more St. Peter Rectory 128 violinist decided to introduce bis large numbers Chiqui Jotivo 96 talent to a select Boston audience, cock.
bos meeting scheduled for 30 o Therefore, please keep your eyes in Zapo 110 wbat happened? The leaders of Pistol 118 the leading Orchestras of that Officers will be selected from and ears peeled, for, as sure as of, and appreciate more Last Thursday night the Rev. Fenomeno 101 place united into one graad Orebes among the leading youngsters of night follows day, m going to each other. When that day comes the cry of Floreat West and Mrs. Mulcare enter Don Simon 107 tra and gave Malo of the best the Church, and six oreigbt spring it on you.
India will be no empty slotained the Cboristers of St.
which the best instrumentalists adult advisers will be appointed.
Peter Church at the Rectory, FIFTH RACE of Boston couldoffer absolutely MULCARE Rector gan. The function was given as an free! Furlongs Parse 100 Dr. Nathan Rowe encouragment to the faithful An announcement says that Mrs.
St Bartholomew LasChorleters, who bad worked so Dolly 126 Adela Walker Headly will take Cascadas PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PRIVATE ACADEMY hard the Easter L4 Chiquilla 125 the stage to assist Mrs. King in St Simon s, Gambea Liberty Hall 29 St.
Program a real scoss. There Little Rose 102 ber coming program. Tbet, 11th and Bolivar Sts.
were just a few of this body at Golondrina 102 interesting and should Matins, address, Church School, Panana City COLON, this large body of Church Gaizina 117 interesting reading if written up address, at the usual time by the make Confirmation Class, Evensong and English Classes. Day and workers wbo did not attend. The BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE SIXTB RACE disinterestedly. Look for me from Rector presidad, and carried Night. Dr. Barton begs to that angle in my number two. Lay Readers.
Chase National Bank through a program worthy of the announce that this school Match Race MULCARE, occasion.
Office Hours: a. to 12m, reopens tor the Priest in Charge Summer 12 Farlongs Porbe 200 p. to p.
The party broke up at Vacation: mignight, and all went home Popó Honse Rent Receipt Books in OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 118 Spanish and English for sale at the with smiling faces J: BARTON and glad Hit or Miss 118 WORRNAN Printery.
Advertise in the (WORKMAN) it bearts will bring you good results.
DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154,. Principal WORKMAN PRINTERY 99 ia my ears to to prestige will be orgavein. Sea men of to make

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