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Thing of سه مرا price The British West Indian Society THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST. INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL 16 No. 39 PANAMA, SATURDAY MAY 1928 PRICE CENTS West Indian Cricketers in First Corvey Coming Soon: The New Organisation Industrial Opportunities of NeTrial Match in England.
gro in New York Restricted troubles for in route be Federal Government Con. Scheme which Should templates Indicting Him Re be well Considered Murder of African Princess.
Anbition may p, but it over Have Narrow Escape From De The West Indien Tome and are not in this beam provu ugnin His Social and Economic System and again American Review is its ja ne of feat by Leverson Gower XI. the 14th April pria the follow a British West Indian Soci ty If Here we are again! What is it?
Weighs Heavily on Him ing:you are West Indian, corsider Unfortunately it is learned that it carefully, and a Briti Indian, CHALLENOR MAKES FIRST CENTURY the Department of Justireas of coare This is nothing at all It is often said that in New York there are more Irish found evidence to indict the Hon. to be a based of.
than in Dublin and more Itilians thau in Rome. If the Marcus Garvey, Founder of It is indeed a great privil ge to terms Irish and Italian apply to native stocks this stateThe Jamaica Mail of the well wishers including mang in connection with the mur be a subject of the greatest nation ment is true And now it appears that New York also 28th ulto. publishes the fol of the fairer sex gathered in der of so called African Prin og the face of the earth. contains more Negroes than either New Orleans or lowing, dated London April large numbers and the team, cess in Florida. The trial they claim bas led to the door of her Sometimes in a state of per Baltimore in act. considerably more than both these 27:now reinforced by the Barba former leader but it is hardly be plexity and anxiety, one may wish cities together.
The West Indies Cricket dos representatives boarded lieveable that a man of Garve: that he was something else rather The New York Urban League estimates the total Team began a practice match the Water Boat Ida to be intelligence wou commit hit than what he is, but, what people fo des against a team captain taken abanrd the liner. Many by writting any such all emli ornnian on the face of the earth colored population of the five boroughs at 259. 800. For Structions to rouxbible womere without troubles. The world New Orleans it is approximately 100, 000. and for Baltied by everon Gower of this gathering accompanied time a Leader is forced to suffer has never been, nor will it ever be more 109, 000. Twenty years ago less than percent of Each side is represented ty. 12 them on board. Among these through the over te loness of his kinds the population of New York was Negro;today the probatch.
Tere Mesars Austin, followers and in this particular in There are domestic The West Indies team bat e victim of his two zealous hench lippual chand mellokitos there are so the North was greatly stimulated by the war and by the substance Garvey seems to be the political troubles, interitional portion is percent.
troubles of troubles, The influx of Negroes into the industrial centres of ted first and knocked up 244 Gale, men.
for two wickets and declared. Gale, Kidney, Challenar (Barbados) 110, Erowne, Badley, Revestipublished the story of the bowe bad bis troubles and continues ed something like a vacuum in the labor market. As in the Sometime ago the Times and bed of roses but because one may sequent restrictions on European immigration, which creatR. Martin (Jamaica. 32, Fer Reece, Mason, affair in which we said that the should try to be something other case of immigration from abroad, the coloren folk first to that nardes, and St. 16 (Trini Yearwood, Yearwood, so called Princess was a fake and than what he really is in to African Kug enmove city ward, have become a beckon ing influence to the dad) not out, 28 ani 37 re Ndcock, Hoad, ArMan is in no way responsible for relatives and neighbors they left behind. The present to Florida spectively.
cher, Holder, france the name of such a king out hi being of this were so, he would tendency in this migration we may expect to continue Mr. Leve on Gower team dems, Hearn and Dr. the Gold Const and we have see. always choose the smooth and soft so long as fuch social conditions in Northern cities and put up 90 runs for six wickets. Drowne.
erul accquaintances in Africa ad path, but since circunstances over the rural South.
As the water boat moved position to know of rueb a King him to do nesto por portero be cat det York may have improved his condition he still suffers the United States who are in a wheh he had no control placed Yet, while the Negro laborer who migrates to New When The Team Left from its moorings the huge aod his Princess has is brighten the corner Carbados crowd at the water front gave The Federal Government is now in when he finds himself numerous handicaps. His industrial opportunities are Referring to the departure three cheers.
Fellow West Jadians of the restricted and his wages are sometimes lower than those negotiating it is claimed to bring British Empire and subjects of paid to whites for doing the same grade of work. The of the West Indies team from At 45 the party who Garvey back to the United States King George of England. Rice Urban League declares that his plight is stiil one of for investigation, Barbados for Eng and early in necompanied the cricketers on now before you think for your the tragedies of our social and economic system There to this great opportunity which is the present month the Week board reembarked on the Watly, Iliustrated of the 7th er Boat and as the Ida left Cheer up said the doctor future, is need of co operation on the part of the leaders of ve bad exactly the same cum Show your colours by joinging both races to see that he gets a better opportunity. NEW states: the ship Madame Alyce Fra plain Bal 3w. red the this organisation right now. Don YORK WORLD) crowd representative of ser, the talented soprano, ren gloon patient. you da have say you are not interested, we every section of the communi dered a verse of Auld Lang the same doctor.
think bet er of you.
ty collected at the Baggage Syne. Shouts of good luck and To Brew Beer at Jamaica Warehouse on Wednesday af well wishes immediately ceasSPARKLETS ternoon to give a hearty send ed; all was still; and as was The Glearier says: off to the West Indies team remarked by someone, even tained at 50 degrees Fahr.
Much speculation is rife as whilst the store Cellars are sailing for England by the El the roar of the engines seem(By KING)
to when this Brewery is likely kept at Freezing Point.
ders and Fyffes Camito. cd to have subsided to the On this blessed Saturday, once ambious to annex the digni to start operations and this we The Jamaica, Demerara and clear shrill notes of the singer.
Water Supplies Trinidad representatives ar. Passengers aboard the liner gentle reader, at talf past eight fied. LL. to their names, and understand will probably be post meridian, am due to smite who, you will fio doubt It is such provisions as these rived in the morning by rushed to the ship side to the digoified dsk of President met in opposition in that nwmur towards the end of June.
that have rendered possible the same steamer and The apparently long delay the, brewing of excellent Beer came get a glimpse of the singer Clifford sewell of th vererable able mock court helt some time ashore to renew old acquain and to hear the dying notes, La Boca Athenaeum and call to ago at La Boea order the auspices in completion is due to several in other tropical countries, order ext aordinary of. tances and take leave of old This was followed by loud the Isthmian iiterally and Musical to meet again in the very near unavoidable causes in the such as Cuba, Panama, and friends and relatives. At the cheering from every quarter Leacue, a society which within a future, this time in a vivil suis first place, this being a coun South America, where the scheduled hour, 2, 45 spec. as the water boat circled the year ago budded in the craniums Brother Whye will be dr feudin try subject to earthquakes, water supplies are in some of Whittingti the Optimist, railroad corporation and the and as very heavyweights cases for less suitable for bretators, relatives, friends and liner before leaving.
Quarless the pessimist, Waller the Apiarist is to adduce arguments to have to be carried at great wing than is the water in Jawosom Overgrown and other feudde toindre over damage for soul injuries BACK ON THE JOB ed members of the Alliance Liter puffered by his client, an humbl heights in the modern Brewe maica.
Correspondence ary and Debating Society of the citizen who took pas age ou one ty, the actual building has had Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. The of the defendant trains It to be constructed of extraordi as to the suitability of our City Doubt has been expressed Mr. MeLain clerk at session will be held in the audi going to be a holler and you mary strength some of the water for the production of THE EDITOR, THE WORKMAN.
torium Boca Clubhouse; can to miss the Panama Agencies, Balboa re therefore. like the ointrepid As am on the hoor, let me Loundations going down to ac Beer, but it may here be statit.
Sir. note that Mr. King turned from Jamaica on Friday trestatore Fiter inaurice who called also ship anotner bit of confinde ntial tually seven feet below ground, ed that so long as a water be bad cause to complain in your last last after a short vacation of five on bis issue, of the disinterestedness of as spiritual leader to tip to you, which you muy in turn As the stability of reinforced of sufficient purity, to supply weekly, for at makiog any in too short. He speaks in glowing pray for his salety from Ireland confide in one or more iuterested concrete can only be insured The readers of your indispensable werk, which he claims was all on terms of the Isle of Springs and to beaven by sir, am solicit juniors. The La Boca Atheoacum as a drinking water to the quiries about the uou appearance ser community, it may, by suitable of his clasical comments and says prosperity is noticeable in ing your prayers, gentle render, for is about to open an Essay com by giving each portion east, a criticisms in the WORKMAN for every part wbere he had the the success of that special session petition to juniors reiding from lengthly time to set before any treatmeni be made into a peropportunity of visiting. He met over which expect to rule with the vicinity of Gamboa all the further weight can be added fectly satisfactory brewing three weeks. was wondering in many old timers who have left an iron band if you are interested way south including La Boca and to it, the slowness of the what way the fire was burning water.
without any sparks. and io the Isthmus and settled down in in Literature or Musie; in fact if you Panama City, who will not bave growth of the structure will be But before deciding to emtended to find out througn you their home and are making good. are interested in any progressive reached their seventecoth birthday Cyril is looking fit and the short venture, you are hereby given a at 12 o clcek midnight on the understood.
Secondly, in order that the bark on the brewing business this week, but the app Fiks Farespite of live weeks from the cordial invitation to attend tor. 300k day of June anno domini peored in your last issue in all arduous routine of continuous work night session of she League. At 1928 The subject of the contest Brewery shall be thoroughly in Kingston, Messrs. Desnoes their brillianey. It is true, that seemed to have done bim remark the very least you will be rewarded will be What do you think has and Geddes obtained the anabout two years ago, before Mr.
ably well. But he says it was all with a good demonstration on the contributed to the lack of ambition up to date in every respect, so King and were pereonally ac too short and we agree witn bim. Piano by a famous lady whom the of the majority of our youths. that it should be possible to alysis of the water which Athenaeum has just changed each a letter in different from the Junior to the Senior best elfort the Athenaeum pledges stand the trying conditions of and free from any deleteridus ated or words to the effect. For the produce beer in it which shall showed it to be perfectly pure view points; but since we became advice on one of the most import Branch of its membership, while a five good American dollars, preacquainted, told him personally, ant questions, and my advice was member unknown to me but coming ferahly a good booke rand Prior a tropical climate, the latest constituents likely to render it that bis contributions to the acted upon, though it was re froin the Gold Side will. ap the first runner up two dokues machinery and plant had to be any way unsuitable for brewWORKMAN are appreciated by my. corded in the minute, that my address on Literature. show you will be forthcoming from two in imported, England, the Conti ing.
self and members of my family. advice was given by brother So how much he has advanced in terested members of that sane nent of Europe and America: Brewery. Expert ef Court So and se.
As concerning myself, Mr. King Voice Culture. If you are able to well known literary society th all contributing the best of When it was decided to emhas assumed the responsibility of make no apology to repeat get into possession of a copy of La Boca Athenaeum.
accreditin me with certain quali: what have said in the PANAMA Roberts Rules of Parliamentary their respective manufactures. bark upon the business of fications for which have no claim. American newspaper. Let the Procedure bring it along, you Harlem Dancer Created Certain portions of the equip erecting a brewery, Messrs.
It is true that attended two of insular societies go ahead now, and may have to loan it to ao infuriatSensation in Frague ment being required to pro Desnoes and Geddes secured the first meetings of the West prepare the way for better things ed long winded orator.
duce the climatic conditions of the service of Mr. Fred Indian Building and Loan Society to come, there must be skirmishing Another bit of interesting news held in Geddes Hall, for the pur before the appearance of a great which have been requested to PRAUGE, April 18 riotous the temperate and Arctic Maynard, Consúlting Brewery pose of becoming one of its mem and victorious arıy.
pass on to you, is that Jump the sceues atteuded the arrival Dere to zones, for example, the room Expert, of Birmingham, Engbers; and did give what Your sincerely Apiarist and Brother Sam Wuyte, day of Josephine Buker, Amre in which the fermentation of land, to advise them upon the believed to have teen a usefui II. MARKHAM the labor mao, both of whom were (Continued on page 6)
the beer is conducted is mainC. in weil ei. Depec. Tees afford graduated apd 80


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