
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 5, 1928, THE WORKMAN Sir William Chandler Resigns, STETSON HATS Brilliant Stateman Was Nember of Legislative Council for Forty four Years.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on appila WALROND, at the omice No. 16, tion. Correspondence on all maties)
Stacet East Panama of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Pagama All copy for publicttion must be written on one side of paper only, and Ratos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of ae Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 60e We do not undertake to retura reOne Month 35. jectedcorrespondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS SATURDAY MAY 5, 1928 BRITISH WEST INDIAN SOCIETY LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER Contra Crespo During the past two or three years two major plans for systematic community welfare work have been put before West Indians here by two respective groups of leading West Indians. The first plan was placed before them by the sponsors of an organization which, unfortunately, died in embryo. the Central Organization. The time for introduction of the plans submitted by the Central Organization was unquestionably ripe, for they were plans which aimed at centralizing the sentiments of the people with the only view in mind to attend to their best interests in the Republic of Panama, by furnishing a platform from which intelligent actions could be directed with a maximum of effectiveness. But the splenclid venture aborted when the last of a few intelligent and interesting meetings adjourned sine die, automatically shelving the entire plans.
Now, there is another effort combining an almost similar ambitious program of uplift work. Tentative plaas. almost identical to those of the Central Organization, have been presented on the table before West Indians conscience and intelligence, with the following pertinent and appropriate question from a prominent member of the organizing group: Are you ready for the question. which is interpreted to mean Are Isthmian West Indians now ready, after discussing for years, on public platforms and in the Press, the pros and cons of organization and the virtues of unity, to unite and practice in an organized body to attain those virtues?
The sponsor of this new movement to consolidate disjoined efforts in an age and in a country where combined efforts the only brand of efforts which has successfully passed the gruelling test and therefore worthy of universal adoption for the backing of progressive efforts is the British West Indian Committee.
The British West Indian Committee is an organization too well known to occasion any comment thereon here and now; its unostentatious work as a medium by which intelligent data once flowed into the offices of the local British Consulate, resulting in the relief of several cases of paramount importance affecting British West Indians here cannot be erased from the history of West Indians on the Isthmus of Panama. This Committee assumed the lead after the West Indian community had thoroughly discussed the benefits to be derived from unity. With such a tolerant aggregation of our leading men at the head of affairs there can exist now no logical reasons for our people to continue to beat about the bush.
There have always existed some unreadiness for West Indian unity, even within the ranks of many who toot the horn of unity in newspapers and from public rostryms; even when an organization shall have been put on proper footing and functioning with marked effectiveness, there will be found a few who will be unready. But this is no time to devote special attention to little isolated dissenters, most of whom were never ready and never ever will be ready to help in any progressive movement; civilized man has never tried to find a way to dispense with them for they play their little parts by furnishing amusements for the serious and ambitious in the latter uplift work.
The program initiated by the British West Indian Committee the formation of a British West Indian Societyshould not in any way be treated lightly, and we are pleased to observe the amount of seriousness which has, up to now, narked the comments thereon. The latter attitude is a clear indication that West Indians here are not only ready for the question. but are also ready to vote almost solidly for its adoption. Having adopted it, is equal to a decision that they are determined to support it by cooperating with the initiators in augmenting the British West Inaian Committee with level headed members who have learnet to leave out self in matters of such transcendent importance and work disinterestedly for the common good of the common people.
The Workman fully endorses the laudavie move made hy the British West Indian Committee; will support it with all possible energy and recommend that similar action be taken towards it by our people domiciled in these parts who, for years, have been striving to effect the right kind of leadership for this gigantic move.
Under the caption People and Things the Barbados Herald in its issue of the 14th ulto. publishes the following from the pen of Ciennell Wickham: The resignation of Sir Wil.
liam Chandler from the Legislative Council removes another of the outstanding figures of the public life of the Colony.
For the World Best Dressers He had been a member of the Council for forty four years and its President for sixteen, and during that period had at There is no article of men wear that has the worldno time been the least consi.
wide reputation of Stetson hats.
dered of the Governor advisers. Indeed, it is the universal belief that successive GoverIn London and Paris. in Bond Street and the Rue nors have for over a genera tion looked to him as their de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads guide, philosopher and friend.
of fashionable men who know what what Sir William, was not a brilliant in men headwear.
man in the popular sense of the word, but he was solid.
and direct, and possessed in We have the same styles here as are now being addition a sound good commonsense which led him to worn in the style centers of the World, profitable conclusions more of ten than not. He was a man of the world, and matter of fact.
He could be ruthless at times.
and was always a dominant personality. One of the most remarkable features about him was his tremendons industrye.
How he found time and enerSOLE AGENT gy for his various duties and a responsibilities is 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY marve.
He amassed a fortune as planter, he held a number of 4not unprofitable directorships in commercial undertakings in the city, he was a Judge of TIME.
Appeal, held a separate office as Master in Chancery, and WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR did a whole time job as Strange things are far more member of the Executive Comcommon than we dare to admittee and President of the mit. Sometimes they rouse our Legislative Council.
interest, while at other times No hot irons or special combs required they may estrange us. There Is it saying too much for me is a common experience that SOLD IN DRUG STORES scarcely anything is perfectly to remark that there is not on clear, unless it is also perfect the horizon men of the capaly common. But here we seem city of the leaders we have to stumble upon a contradie been losing for the past few tion, for what is more common years. Barbados seems to have than time, and still less per. struck a bad patch. will hafectly clear?
zard a reason. Fifty years ago, the horizon to Barbadians was FOR REAL WORKER.
The word time, if literal bounded by Barbados. They ly taken for what it tries to looked no farther, and the express, stands for so deep hope of rising to high position We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men and immense an idea that few in their native land spurred od women, in which an preellent income can be made eve if any, can express its meaning Sae ambition of the finest into those who work but PART TIME. During our 35 years in in words. Its nearest equivalent telects in the country. Today business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supp is God, and, like Him, it is it has been forced upon us our housebold necessity to our customers in every country in practically indefinable.
It is that Barbados is not the world, the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 true that learned mortals have and some of our men look faryears and have achieved Financial Independence Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make is necesary to given us some excellent defi ther afield. In addition the nitions of both time and great increase of wealth has appoint more local representatives in many localities in the United States. No special experience or capital required. it God, but in reality these ex distracted attention from 0is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Wny bot represent the planations only tend to widen ther pursuits. few lucky largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send the mysterious immensity of years in trading or in speculaus your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau both.
tion returns results out of all will send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent Is there anything more com proportion to the satisfaction we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the mon than regrets for what is which is to be got from assit locality of the agent, past, or anything more promis ing the councils of the state.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in ing than hopes for the future? The House of Assembiy is to which you saw thje advertisement, And what about the folly of day a mediocre body. We have Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, our most common unconcera sound and brilliant young men for the fleeting moment we it is true, but Barbados is not (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street call the present?
yet ripe for democracy, and We talk of yesterday as ihey have no place in politics.
though it were still with us, The future is, therefore, unnot realizing that the very certain. The dark clouds which CALL IN AT minute which has passed is are gathering may find us unas much beyond recall as the ready. In a word, believe that dawn of the world first mor within our time the Constituning. lontinued on Page 5)
We make plans for a tomorrow which does not exist, rible solemn and unique act.
but is approaching with im which registers yesterday dymeasurable rapidity, and we ing, the passing of the presca, No. 16 STREET EASI talk of to day which is con and the birth of to morrow.
Oppsite The Wesleyan Church, stantly slipping and speed tr The span of time which away.
call life is nothing but a brief GOOD SELECTION OF In point of history, to mo moment which connects two row yesterday is to day, and eternities. Our grand business NEW BIBLES yesterday to morrow was to undoubtedly is not to see what day.
Hymn Prayer Books The marking of time as the do what lies ciearly at hand.
clock strikes midnight is a terThe Pilot.
GOOD POSITION The Workman BOOK STORE We McClymont BOWEN MODERN TAILOR TAILOR CALIDONIA NO. 16 No. M Street San Migue See us for up to date WorkPanama City manship at Moderate Prices, Advertise in tbe (WORKMAN) it Advertise in tbe WORKMAN It pays.
will bring you good results,


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