
The Prosperity Tailor FLOWERS Holmes, Self Created Abogado. Attorney at Law Millionaire In Jail OFFICE: No. 44 BST BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY Must Answer Vagrancy TELEPHONE No. 1377 Charge In Court Practicing before all the courts of at Sav la Mar Next the Republie since April 1914 Week CLEANER DYER HIS PARISH RAMIFICATIONS No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Held in South Western Town Few Nights Ago as Result of Certain Facts Before The Police DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER WATCH?
Work Done While You Wait FULLER that was left himsed fortune Industrial Psichology.
The application of modern scientific methods to industry has of late years extended to psychological as well as to physical problems. The British National Institute of Industrial Psychology has done excellent work in the factory, office, and mine in considering the human factor in production. It studies such things as the increase of output by reducing fatigue, the improved layout of workshops and materials, and the selection of staffs by psychological methods. Investigators spend about three months or more among the workers, studying their actions and their attitude of mind; and this study of the mind of the worker in relation to changes in production is often quite as fascinating as the mechanical or economic aspect.
One of the investigators employed by the Institute recently related an amusing experience which led to important results. He was asked by a worker whether industrial psychology could do anything for gore backs. His reply was that it could do a good deal for the conditions that caused sore backs, and an inquiry was started which led to an improvement in the proeess concerned and eliminated the disagreeable conditions of which the man complained. The workers have now come to realise that mechanical innovations have their advantages from a social point of view, and they are prepared to wel.
come them provided that they do not check the progress of their personal welfare. Indeed, it was found, often to the sur prise of the scientists who inaugurated the system of psychological investigation, that the employers required as much education as to the value of their methods as did the workers themselves.
TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled A, REID Propietor The Jamaica Mail of the 18th says Hubert Holmes whose NEED repeated claim to the ownership of one million pounds as yet to be brought from the region of of fancitul talk and bluff tato the foregroud of exactitude, is in DROP IN AT trouble at Sav la Mar.
Since his release from tbe Penitentiary early in the present year, Holmes has talked a good 122 CENTRAL AVE. deal about the in You ill Find Them ot the Fawesbaw. who is said to have lived in a township in CaliModerately Priced. fornia: Not even tha sheriff of the town in question has been able to obtain informa tion that millionaire named Fawnsbaw lived and died in that part of the State of California.
Sull Holmes has dad printed in section of the Kingston press statements that a portion of the torture has been denosited in the city branch of the Royal Bank of Canada.
The self proclaimed millionaire has done a good deal of travelling in the Central and Western setions of Jamaica during the past SOMOSSOS SE Se couple of months. It is alleged bat te bas established what known as the Holmes Ln Bureau at Mountainside to Elizabe:b. During the present week Holmes visited Weg dole land in connection with what is alleged to be making of promises to lend money to individuals and in turn seeks to obtain loans. Certain other facts are aileged to have been obtained by be police of the town, with the result that on Wednesday night Holmes was apprebended on a charge of vagrancy and placod behind the bars at the police station.
Ht will be taken before the Court on Tuesday for trial. Mr. Hay, the owner of a motor car, wbicb Holmes had bird o connection with bis business trip to Westmoreland, will likely be a witness in tbe case. The party bas not been paid by Holmes.
SOO SILVER American Islands In The Carribean SPRAY PILSENER New Home for Lloyds.
The expression at Lloyds is known in most parts of the world as the phrase which signifies the higest class of seaworthiness of a mer chant vessel and, although all sailors are aware of this, there are few people who are acquainted with the history and activities of Lloyds as an institution. The London Gazette of 1688 entions the humble coffe house kept in the City of London by Mr. Edward Lloyd, and it is known to us as a meeting place for shipowners and others interested in the finance of shipping. By his general knowledge of the business side of shipping Mr.
Lloyd was often able to help the customers to unravel their commercial tangles; and this was the origin of the great institution which now bears his name. Since the year 1774 the firm has been housed in successive Royal Exchanges, but now, having outgrown the available accommodation, a new building as headquarters has been erected. Of the new edifice the most remarkable feature is the Room which is the meeting place where is transacted all insurance of thips, cargoes, freights and the thousand and one other risks now covered. It has the largest fioor space in the City: 156 feet by 128 feet. number of ante rooms surround this great central Room, which is, as it were, the heart and lungs of a world wide organization. The The New Amsterdam News of April 4th says: Tuskegee and Hampton institutes, with the aid of the United States Government, are about to take a survey of concitions in the Virgin islands. The inbabitants of these islands, most.
ly Negroes, complain toat their trade and population have dwindied since the United States bought the Islands from Deomark. The same complaint 14 made by Porto Ricans, wbo say that there is a grave eco ecouomic crisis in their islan Under the dowinion of the richest cations on earth, these islands might reasonably expect to grow richer instead of poorer.
But they were acquired fomilitary rather than for business reasons. The islands of the Caribbean Sea can be used as cutlying defences for the Panama Canal, and in the bards of an ene my they might become bases for on the Canal. In the meantime, the Government should do something for the people of the islands, especially steen its Probibition laws ruined their exporting business.
House Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the WORRMAN Printery.
attack IS GOOD DRINK FOR EVERYBODY architecture of the new build.
ing is both majestic and beautiful, and the interior is largely of marble, with decorative effects in mouldings. Altegether the new palace in which Lloyds is to live and prosper is one of the finest of the many new buildings that have been erected in London of recent years. It was opened. by the King and Queen on March 24th.
osesso, SOS


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