
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 5, 1528 The West Indies Cricket For England dü rintrar பயம Negro Cardener, 231 Years Old, Coing Strong Captain Nunes Interviewed By Pressman At Trinidad Joseph, Who Lives on Island of Cyprus, Believed to be te Oldest Person in World In Sound Health. May Live Ten Years More LUCKY STRIKE STOSTEON CIGARETTES Wit Domino The Port of Spain Gazette of the 5th April publishes the following: Half an hour before the Camito sailed for England via Barbados, last Tuesday afternoon, a Gazette representative was favoured with an interview, given on board, by Mr. Nunes, Captain of the West Indies 1928 team.
Mr. Nunes prefaced his remarks by stating that it was the first time he had visited Port of Spain and was greatly impressed. greatly appreciate. he said, the reception and hospitality shown me and other Jamaican representatives by Mr. Fred Grant and other gentlemen. am very much impressed with the town of Port of Spain, and really did not know that such a city existed in the West Indies. think the sincerity of the large number of persons who attended to give us a send off should encourage not only those who go from Trinidad, but also the other players, to do well for the West Indies. regret that my stay in Port of Spain was so very short and that did not have the opportunity of seeing more of beautiful Trinidad and meeting more of its hospitable people; but look forward, in the near future, when shall come to Trinidad with a team.
Asked about Mr. Rae, Mr.
Nunes explained that for most important business reasons, and in order to attend a business conference in New York he had to go via that city. He will however arrive in England on the 15th instant one day before the other members of the team. Before leaving Jamaica, Mr. Rae asked me to express to several persons in Trinidad his great regret at not having been able to accompany the others to Trinidad and thus spending at least a few hours in your colony, said Mr.
Prospects of the Team Mr. Nunes was, naturally, reluctant in hazarding an opinion as to the prospects of the Figures prove it to be the Fastest growing cigarette in fhe world. Buy a pack to day and you will know the reason for this tremendous popularity LUCKY STRIKE it toasted Your Throat Protection In the town of Limassol, on the Island of Cyprus, far out in the Mediterranean, lives a man who is believed to be the oldest person in the world. He is 192 years old, his name is Joseph. Daily, he attends to his duties as gardener of the Terra Sanda Church, strolls round the yard tending the flowers without the aid of cane, talks but little, has no cares or worries, yet his wellbeing and the state of his health recently were the subject of enquiry at the request of the King of England. The Island of Cyprus is under British rule.
Joseph was examined by two physicians, and organically he was declared to be in sound health and has the prospect of living at least ten years more.
Joseph, who still remembers a few outstanding incidents in his life, recalls Napoleon whose conquests, reign and ruin all took place before Joseph had reached his twentyirst birthday.
The ancient Negro was born in 1796, three years before George Washington died When Edgar Allan Poe died in Baltimore at the age of 38 Joseph was getting along in years. He would be 50 on his next birthday.
Joseph speaks Greek, the language of the island, but for a number of years his words have been very few, according to the report of those who recently visited him. He is not able to relate his history, and he can recall only a few inci dents in his life. The heads of the Church of Terra Sanda.
however, know his history Crom past narratives told by he old Negro, and in piecing these together they have been able to reconstruct something of the history of their ancient ward.
It appears that at the beginning of the nineteenth century Joseph was kidnaped as a child from Darfour, near Su3. dan. Africa, and was so into Egypt, where a large slave traffic was then conducted.
He remembers Imbrame Pasha, the son of the ruler of Egypt, Mohammed Ali, who was in charge of the expedition against Greece in 1827.
Joseph was bought by a pirate boat which at that time was sailing in the Mediterranean, and which brought him from Egypt to Cyprus, where he was resold, and where he also obtained his liberty like all other Africans.
In 1863, when Joseph was 67 years old, he was baptrized by a priest who converted him to Catholicism and gave him his name. Joseph remember the hanging of many Greeks on the island by the Turks in 1821, when the Greeks first revolted against Turkey.
Until recently he was able to give the names of his mother and father and to repeat the name of the King of Darfour, Aristorp.
bodo otrocent OUR DATA DATOS ATA TRATO AT TADARUDA autoga to na AIARALDO TODAS team, and spoke on that sub Dr. Fred Sterling The British Pharmacy COLON IS NOW LOCATED AT on the ject with considerable diffidence and great restraint.
THE NEW YORK DENTST think the prospects of the 182, BOLIVAR STREET team are very good, he said.
COLON, Of course, you will appre Box 171, CRISTOBAL, ciate the fact that it is very TELEPHONE 247 COOLN difficult to make comparisons between men you have seen in action and others of whom DENTIST HOWELL you have only heard. This was in reply to an invitation to House No. 912 La Boca compare the 1928 team with Canal Zone that of 1923. But, he contiOPPOSITE RESTAURANT nued, am very glad to see PHONE 1941 BALBOA So many young men side.
Specialises in all Brauchee o Side as a Happy Family Dentistry think, if get the side inALL WORK GUARANTEED to a happy family, all things would be possible.
If every player could feel that the suc TAKE NOTICE cess of the hour is dependent The WORKMAN can be upon his success, and that the success of the team is his suc had at Mr. Sanchez place, cess also, have no doubt we 24th street, No building should make good. In short, to Guachapali.
succeed, we must play as a team. Small Mr. first aim will be to get DENTIST the team into a happy family, and solidly and happily unitMASONIC TEMPLE ed. Once this very desirable Office Hours: 8, am to 12 feeling is established and ac 30 pm to 30 tually shared by everyone Sundays, by Special Appointmen.
riketing ability must show it Masonic Temple ilth St, seif. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL My knowledge of the men PHONE: OFFICE 1664 tivi frem page 5)
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