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The Workman Printery unZapo Stationery Store No. 16 Street East MANCININ92 Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage JOB PRINTING Meelab WITH NEATNESS PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 5, 1928 Tomorrow Races WXX TERVIEW. MEW203 34 Need of a Tourist Workers Being DisThe following is the Pro IMPORTANT NOTICE Trade for Crenada placed With Machines gram for tomorrow races:FIRST RACE (Continued fro. poze (heti un from page)
forces by 13 per cent. The far5 Farlongo Puree 100 to year they are more or less (Fenomeno Real Crisis 113 circumscribed so that there is this is a Presidential election (Mayora!
90 no reason why this matter Money Dew 112 should be shelved, hoping a ministration at Washington year, and the Republican AdDiecieels gainst hope that the island has been counting heavity Chigul 128 SECOND RACE AND will reach an unsual peak of pon prosperity to re eiect it prosperity through some Forlange Purse 100 foreseen happening or discoHowever, welfare workers are 126 very generally convinced that very.
With cocoa and nutMay 101 megs as the prevailing cur ment of more than usual proa real crisis exists. UnemployDon Simon 104 Intimo 107 rency, we pretty well know portions is not confined to the where we are and where we focal cities, but is, as the reGrafico 124 HAS REMOVED FROM are likely to be in the course THIRD RACE of the next twelve months or show general throughout the ports of the welfare agencies Forloo Purse 100 80, in so far as our capacity to Jakle 115 CENTRAL AVENUE TO mers, with 45, 000 harvesting indulge. Cococha :26 and threshing machines, have (Tooney 120 In Financial Excursion displaced more than 130, 000 Mayara 115 is concerned. If Government farm hands. The Petroleum inLaidas. lt 98 assistance of some sort is an dustry has gained 81 per cent POURTA RACE ticipated and hoped for and in output with 19 per cent fewe take it that no Governor wer men. The railroad Indus Farlunge Pords 125 but would be interested in a try is handling 30 per cent Garzona 95 Golondrin: 119 development of this nature more traffic now than four LA Cliqulia 126 we should endeavour to have years ago with working forces Dolly 1131 our plans cut and dried long less by per cent.
FIFTH RACE before the powers that be, be country. How much of it is due gin to think about budgeting to the internal Furiors Purse 125 revolution Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous When we talk of the necessity which is always going on to a Dhole 115 for a hotel we are not neces greater or less degree in inSan Cbee 125 126 Patrons and the Public generally.
Popo sarily reflecting on any exist dustry, and how much of it Cantones 119 ing institution for reither of the hotels in our ridst makes such temporary influences as has been brought about by SIXTH RACE any pretence at catering for Furlongs Purse 123 a momentary slackening of tourist traffic. In so far as they (Mimous 126 meet local requirements and winter depriving casual trade, an exceptionally mild (Bandera 95 the needs of commercial tra bour of such seasonal work as La Nens gi Ocorreucia 10H vellers and occasional visitors the SEVENTH RACE they render good service but snow shovelling, etc. fear of adverse political devehe encouragement of tourist Furlongs Purse 125 traffic calls for more organisalopments in a Presidentia. Malmirada 9S (Rolando Of every description tion and considerably more year, no one is in a position to 90 say.
921 capital than purely local enCorejada Steps have already been 132 terprise is capable of utilising taken to increase the building DONE AND to the best advantare. We The Isthmian Literary And need a centre not in the town of public works of all kinds ao as to give employment to as DESPATCH Musical League Will Meet but within easy reach of it, and with golfing and bathing many as possible of those who Tonight AT THE facilities at no great distance, are willing to work. This, how.
Ballast Ground is regarded by ever, is a measure that deals At The Lobocs Clubhouse many as the ideal spot for such with the disease. It is to be only with symptoms, and not a venture and whilst we do By the mate not consider that the Govern suspected that what is really, needed, if unemployment is ment should shoulder the resfes. Captains have the ponsibility of seeing the not to become chronie, is to special gift of seeing storms at a find a way to bring back adistance. of course. this does not scheme through, we see mean that there will be oue in reason why the head of the sain a reasonable relation be the Laboca vicinity; but when these Literary and Muncul repre CANAL ZONE NOTES CHURCH SERVICES ATLANTIC SIDE Government should not invite tween consumption and proamong them a group of local business men duetion. While there can be and others interested to conand the membership of the various no such thing as a general Sorieties that represent. some of La Boca Pars the most promising lads and larges Mating. ties, be an on the isthmur; and wben some Lay ader.
Musical League will be so hard to give, way well!
is the minimum number of bed over production of some kinds Fair Comparison Church School, 00, m.
nothing abort of a storm will be roome with which a start could of commodities, so that the inChoral Evensong und vermon, expected 30. rm. The Rector.
To Meet Tonight be made. An estimate of the terchange of goods and serMr. Whittingham, irom By Explodent the windy, City of Colon, and Mor ing Prayer at 7, Monday, approximate cost could then vices becomes unbalanced and secretary of the organisation, will Wednesday, Friday The Rector. It is expected tnat several dele be obtained and we should the volume of such exchanges declines. Something of that be on the job, and my Literary Somtime ago, an article appeargates, repres ating th ditferent then be in a position to invite Mid week Sesvire at 36, pu. Musical and Lilerary wleties on outside interests to put up sort is quite patently going on friend of journalistic fame willed in the columns of this journal Wednesday. The Rector the Atlantic end, wnien e now.
menhave the bonor of preriding 00 What we hear in music. but As one possessing good sight and on this occasion, it is not music, St Bartholon. ew Las.
bers of the above nawe League part of the necessary capital.
will jorney over to La Baca, to There is no necessity or justiforethought, it is hoped that he it what we hear in PhonoCascadas will steer clear of anything like graphy we just have to wait and tend the Quarterly meenine fication for launching on any. the Plant and Machinery, is which meets tonight at 8:30 bringing the brewery to its storm and cyclones listen to hear about the newly The Litany, Holy Eucherist and at the La Boca Silver Club It use thing extravagent or extensiBut, my Dear Friends, if we formed aspirants Club, which is a sermon, 10 45, a.
All see quite on thuslastic ve. As Become a small com early completion. As soon as should bappen to have one, don Phonographic Name, and which is Church School and Confirmation blame me for baving said so, but being operated in Laboca. Good Class, 30 pm over it, and according the in munity we should make a mo the concern is running satiswe rarely bave such storms arising Heavens! what a name. Look in formation given the correspond derate beginning and gradual factorily. Mr. Maynard will be MULCARE.
out of a clash of members of the our bext issue for the rews of this en they will leave no stone urly feel our way accordingly as returning to England, leaving same sex, therefore Look out! organisation.
Priest in Charge turned to foster the wbicb plan the demands increase and operations in the hands of Mr. Mcrris, the brewer, who Panama, Laboca, Colon, and tion bas drawn up. King of opportunities for expansion has recently arrived in the 1smany popular sections on the St Simon s, Gamboa Isthmus will be represented, The Athenaeum is still going Boca, the new President of arose. But do let us make a land, and who will carry on Matins and address 11. the League strong working its way quietly: Lay Reader doing all possible beginning. Good Luck Captaio.
over at the Pacllic eod to foster under Mr. Maynard instrucaod anaesumingly. On Tuesday tions, who will continue to adnight Last, moet interesting Church School and Confirmation this important woak.
meeting was held in the Clubhouse, Class: 30, Vice President Waller, WITH THE SAGES To Brew Beer at vise about all matters conwith Mr. Sewell presiding. Evening Prayer and address, Secretarv B. Whittiocham and nected with the brewery.
and among many other interesting 7, 30. The Lay Reader. Treasurer H, Condor, as well as It just as well to withhold items, arrangements for a quarterJamaica.
delegates representing The The name decided upon for mean thought tomorrow, but ly social was discussed, with many MULCARE, Society, The Tecbthe new venture is The Surrey kind thoughta bad better be ex added attractione. After many Priest in Charge nical School, and the Episcopal Coatinued from page 1)
Brewery whilst its products pressed to day.
helpful suggestions were thrown Yong People Association are will be distinguished by the out by tbe seeretary Mr expected to ojurney over. possibility of successfully pro Trade Mark of a Red Stripe.
There nothing equal to the Neely in connection with the matter Seventh Day Adventist duoing good beers in Jamaica self respect that comes from under discussion, a very satisfacThe price of the beer in the HARLEM DANCER CREATED and to undertake the design saloons will work out at 40 Bell support.
tory conclusing was arrived at. BTREET CALIDONI and general lay out of the ne 1, 028. 500 for 1926 sod 13, 000 success of the evening, and among mas The Juniors contributed to the ROAD near Isthmian Park Pane Continued from Page cessary buildings and plant, per glass approximately three 000 for 1927 la Mhe estimated cost these Literary and Musical 98of the additional troops sent to Sabbath (Saturday) 45 dancer, who has a teaday engage. and it was from his original quarters of a pint. This wil)
Chins by England.
pirants, was Miss Lenora Jumo Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genment at a loal cabaret.
plans that Messrs. Henriques be the first time beer will have who delivered an operatic song in eral Worsbip Spanish when the hugecrowd at the station Brothers of this City prepared been sold on tap in Kingston.
The numher of deaths from fine style, she was accompanied by Class: caught sight of the dancer whose the necessary drawings and measles in the county of London her sister. exotic la was 529 dor or the first ten works of this year compared and on this occasion Mr. Benior Standard of attainment students, there was a wild stampede firm cannot be sufficiently Liberty Hall 29 St.
The membership is also crowine meeting 15. 30 pm. Janiolet created so mush trouble byerne have built the brewery. This PRIVATE ACADEMY with doring the first week Dottin of Panams and another Class, p. Vespere.
in which many women were in praised for the excellent manPanama City of last year.
lady were aeded to the roll of Sunday Mareb 24th, Preach Nuinerous windows were smashed out their part of the work.
jured. Others beocame bysterical. ner in which they have carried English Classes. Day and membership Wife: know, but you ve been in Bervise the dancer was forced to take reNight. Dr. Barton begs to with we each time.
The Athenaeum (a most appro GRIZZLE Pastor, fuge on the top of a limousine and Since June 1927, Mr. May innounce that this school priate name for such an organizab the public would not allow ber to gonard has been personally su reopens tor the tion) will no doubt continue to to the hotel until she had driven Summer House Room, Receipt Books in a course of usefulness in the Com House Rest Reeelpt Book in around the city. Everywhere she pervising operations, and with Vacation.
Spanish and English for sale at munity to which it so ably gives spacist and English for sale at was greeted wich tumultous eheer his trustworthy lieutenant, Mr. BARTON. LD.
be WORKMAN PRINTERY. its services.
Martindel, who is erecting Principal WORKMAN PRINTERY no St. Peter by the Sea, la Baca Isthmian Literary And sider the proposal on the spot even the centina commodin


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