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cm est REGRETTABLE SNAP OM READ THE WORUM THE WORKMAN WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL 16 No. 40 PANAMA, SATURDAY MAY 12. 1928 PRICE CENTS LaThirteen Year Old isthmian Literary And Negroes in Brazil Hold Important Government Positions Treatment of Jamaica Cirl Musical bourers at Cuba Claims to Talk With Reorganized With Two Virgin Mary Societies Added to Roll Taken Up In Legislative Council Paris, April 13. vast crowd One of the most interesting and In State of Sao Paulo, Negro of people gathered yesterday in By Elected Member.
pouring rain at the spot knowblenthusiastic meetings to take pher is Leading Senator.
as Pont Rorbe in field in the in the auditorium of the La Boen village of Ferdrup, in the the clubhouse since the beginning of The Gleaner of the 25th There were those cases crop where the thirteen. old the pew year, was held on SatNew York, Count Decio De dore Roosevelt visited Brazil ulto, says. ping up from time to time, but French girl. Marcelle Seorges. urday night last 5th inst.
every afternoon at four The occasion was a lively one, The question of the treat the case of the man Francis clock, und allegen ohne whecomand created great interest sounds like that of a grand of black men in aristocratic Paula Machado, whose name he was amazed to see portraits ment of Jamaica labourers in was the most serious one that verses with the Virgin, who ap the Literary, and music opera hero, brings news from homes. He was informed that Cuba was again brought up in had reached him recently. Full pears to hier io a visico she ad lovina com aunity. Mr. King Brazil that may surprise the these men were among the fa the Legislative Council yester. enquiries should be made and declared that a miracle would be on the Station, cu meunbier Caucasians of this country. Un mily ancestbors. Brazilian day.
steps taken by the local Gov performed.
of the LBo a for St. Catherine, moved ernment to alleviate existing flaxen baird demure little girl with ad vosition, and many technical twenty two banks in the State lem was to assimilate the Ne.
The Hon. Cawiey, ernment to get the Cuban Gov Marcell. Georges, a nále famed pied the chair for the first time til recently he was the presi statesmán told him that liar his appointme it to this exel dent and general director of best way to avoid a race probthe adjournment of the House conditions. When Jamaicans before four o clock with members and intricate matters had to be of Sao Paulo, the richest state gro into the general popula.
blue evra, arrived a few ininutes to call attention to the case were being treated in this way of the family. She en tried plighted publication of a magazine by the of Brazil. While in office he tion. Certainly a nation thai dealt with, among which was the of a man named Francis, who in Caia he was sure the Gov candled in her lift band and her League; this matter on account of placed forty two Negroes in permits a Negro to commend was shot by a Government ernment would not be insensi rosary in her right.
the extra amount of work it uld executive positions, which they a fleet or any army would not Guard in Cuba. He had com ble to their duty in the matbeade. few moments later the pot be fully planned but it has still hold, and one is a bank object to his marrying one of and began bring. municated with the Colonial ter.
He says that Ne its women.
rain, which had been pouring been given tull consideration, and president.
Secretary and he had sent The Colonial Secretary said down, suddenly ceased, and th will eventually materialiso. groes hold 400 executive Govhim a reply which he had re the case in question had been sun hegan to shise. As the girl Roosevelt Brazilian inforRepresentatives from the Labocs ernment positions in Sao Pauceived from the Secretary of before the Government and for remained gazing straight Athenarum were Mr. Neely. lo, that the leading senator of mer only said openly what Immigration in Cuba. He had the moment he could not add before her as of transfixed it was wm Jump, and Cyrus, she the state is a Negro, that there many white Americans are say.
since received letters from Cu anything to the reply which noticed that all the candles exorp Alliance Debating Society of hers had gone out.
ba which did not bear out he had sent the hon. member what the Colonial Secretary for St. Catherine. The papers minutes. Her face then resumed Forum, Mr. More, the Etude generals in the army and one ler, and in spite of all the soShe remained kneeling for ten and Mr. McAllister. The Gatun lian Parliament, two Negro that the larger part of a popsmalhad sent him. There was a let were again being sent to the its normal expression, and she rose Clubbs Dottin, and the Negro admiral in the navy.
ter dated 15th April, from the Secretary of Immigration at to her feet, and declared that the N. Technical School by Oriente province of Cuba, and Santiago and after he had got before, and had said, am the arguments epele explanation were races, or says he does not, re of misc genation have done cial and legal barriers that Count Machado does not ad law is operating in America.
Virgin avain appeared to her as Heetor Connor, Some very heated and after all voeate social intermingling of In fact, the loudest opponents it was represented that things the papers from the hon. mem Mother of the Saviour of wan, the necessary were not what they should be. ber he would cause the neces and desire that a chapel or a given, things became normal.
The two new nocieties added membering that he in the the most to bring it about.
there. There was no question sary enquiries to be made and statue shall be erected at this about it the man Francis was would again communicate with spot to be called Our Lady of were the Gatun Forum sed tee United States and must be di They curse the uatural law.
Pont Roche or Our Lady of Etude Club; after all business plomatic. At any rate, such a shot by a Government Guard the hon. gentleman when he Grace.
trao sactions were gone through, a statement is opposed to the they legislate against, they and although barely convales got the reply from Cuba.
for an adjourncent the man had to walk to The President said it ought It just as well to withbola ment, the next meeting to be held principle and practice of nis shoot and burn and hang to prison, and when he got there to be stated in fairness to the mean in ughts to torrow, but at the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse country. When the late Theo defeat it. But they obey it.
pieces, of bone came out the Government of Cuba that they kind thoughts bad better be ex three months from the present date.
man foot. In the circum represented that the man re pressed to da.
Wedding Bells The Calford Sport stances one could imagine ferred to by the hon. member what the fracture of the bone for St. Catherine was the ag SPARKLETS Club The Panama Baptist Cbureh must have been. He was quite gressor.
willing to put the letters which Mr. Cawley said he was sawas the scene of a pretty little (By KING)
wedding on Saturday April 28th First Anniversary Ball had reached him in the hands tisfied with what the Govern ast, the contraeing partie beme withof the Colonial Secretary. ment proposed and so Success To be frank and honest with tion, the details of which are Miss Louise McClean, the rerond There should be a full enquiry drew his motion for the ad it, gentle reader, was unable strictly confidential. If you daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MeClean into the whole circumstances. jourment of the House.
Colou, May The First Anni to carry out my threat to rule were absent, it none of your of this city, and Mr. Henry Kennedy also cf this city.
with an iron hand at last business, anyway.
The Rer Thorobourne Club of this city was beld at the versary Ball of the Calford Sport Saturday meeting of the Isth It has again fallen my lot to performed the ceremony and at the Olintidas Club at the corner of EMPIRE DAY Five Killed by Light mian Literary Musical Lea remind you of the Whyte conclusion, the bride. ired for the 7th Bolivar Streets on Saturday.
ning gue over which presided. al. Jump controversy which is related to eller sarapaired to the May 5th, with a jolly crowd of though the delegate from the scheduled to take place in the MeClean, where a reception was selves to their hsart content.
residence of Mr. Mrs.
Republican Band To Play Technical School was bnor La Boca Clubhouse auditorium held.
The ball When Edifice of Church mally troublesome and that next Tuesday night, under the was decorated by The new couple are now residing Should anyone ask the question Was Wrecked by from the Forum fast approach auspices of the venerable Athat No. 10 191h Street Central youngsters of the above mentional club. Decoration was Ave. Wbut relation has Panama to where they have been flags and buntings of ing an ultra parliamentarian. enaeum. It promises to be a receiving felicitations from their colors, while the recreation Section Thunderstorm Great Britinu. or vice versa, tell them to wait until Empire Day The latter was so decidedly great case that mock trial. numerous friends.
were a similar appearance with comes, and go to the Santa Ana technical that were it not for You don have to take my its artistically modern native Plaza and hear the Republican Madras April 11. As the con the presence of a legal minded word for it; you know who INCREASED TAXATION tables around which sat a jolly Band dispense British sirs: then, gregation in the Indian church of Well, he crowd it will not be accessary to make a village dear Kottayam Travan member of my clan on the La William Jump is.
ON THEATRES any further enquiries on this mat core, were about to engage in Boca Athenaeum delegation, booked to defend a commoner a thunderstorm broke. he would have succeeded in against a railroad corporation.
British Consulato Notice ter. The question will bn ve been the priest, anxious for the making me put through a mo And of course you know or Aecording to a Municipal vete answered in a way that no verbal explanation could impress. safety of his parishoners, decided on Tuesday last, it is expected The British Consulate General British music will be an indication old men home. While he was thus mounted to an amendment to ther Sam Whyte, the learned an increased taxation of on each at Panama desires information Panamanian Band playing to send the women, children and tion which would have have heard something of Brothst within the next few months of the relations existing between engaged lightning struck the cross the League Constitution, the labor man. Well, this time, he ticket will be imposed on all Thea. Holdsworth, a native of Jamaics of the whereabouts of Ferdinand these two countries, then, thioksurmounting the church.
result of which would be a well fight for a capitalist! tres operating in this Republic.
of what such a day will mean to Ths priest was stunned, and Next Saturday if you are final reading by the Municipal com faro and bas not been heard This was passed in a second and who come to the Isthmue many Britishers residing in this Repub when he regained consciousness rank violation of the Constitufrom the past foupd that the church had tion of the League. However, served from the regular dish Council at its last meeting.
lie. Viva Panama!
Viva Inglaterra!
been wrecked and forty of his the session on the whole was handed out by this column, its The motion picture business on parishoñers Were lying on the a success, considering that it contents will compose of can the Isthmus has become very popground. Five were dead and the was really the first well or ed stuff. as Mrs. Olga King song look forward to it as a great lular within DIRECTOR STAR OF recent years, and perothers uncoosieous.
CHORRILLO That Chlokon Dinner ganized meeting since the for of La Boca has contracted for source of educational and recreaAMUSIING AINT IT?
mation of the League and the my spare time from today on tional advantages. Should the new To Celebrate Fifth AnniThe Aspirants Club, a newly ratification of its Constitution, to midnight on Thursday est doubtedig med minerale in the become law, will be versary Sunday formed Organisation operating in That Dog Speciall am confident that we are to sing songs Laboca, bas aspired to something now off to good start, hav to people from different cli price of the movies, and this must necessarilv fall on the public, but splendid program has been very great indeed Most of us like to beat of new ing the following five organiz mes, of various religious pro it is hoped that persons who have prepared by the officers of the Tonight, in the Laboca Club things, and new happenings, adopted this kind of ater above ramea society for tomor house, the members will give a the latest news in dogology is that ations, all of which are of re clivities and uniformed tastes. alentwill show no less inter row evening at 3:30 pm. The occhicken dinner when many invitees of the dog special which will putable standing in our com Talking further about that est in the recreation of their choice casion will be in honour of anniversary the society wil go to the Watson Boys Insti, and probably bring 8 of the resi. La Boca Athenaeum, the Etude Greenleaf Neely of the La Bo year after year.
more popular which had becary functioning her tute.
dents of that to see that brief period in this metroMrs. Neelys spinsoring animals run. The opportunities af Club, the Forum, the Alliance ca Clubhouse said that with polis, but which has nevertheles: this move, and eve ything points forded us in Panama is for greater Literary Debating Society respect of the distinguished Cheer op said the doctor done and is still doing, excelent towards success. music will also than those living in Colon, there and the Technical audince that will be present, ve bad exactly the same com work. It is hoped that members be dispensed whịch will add greatly fore, a dog special is necessary School. little private session he has thrown overboard the plain. Bat answered the land well wishers will turn out in to the interest and success of the especially since tomorrow night gloony patient. you didn have large numbers to enjoy what is eveniog. Ob you whickens the last.
followed the formal collabora. Continued on Page 6) the sale doctor.
terug prepared for them.
follows: various tbe


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