
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDA) MAY 12, 1928. Low Water Supply THE WORKMAN STETSON HATS Pablished on Saturdays by Bates for Advertisena on applica.
WALROND, at the ofiice. No. 16 tloa. Correspondence on all mattes Stace! East Ceatral Avenue Panama of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of ao Year 40 CY the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. Three Be.
We do not undertake to retura reOne Month 23 jected sorrespon tease. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS Ontive SATURDAY MAY 12, 1928 REGRETTABLE SNAP last justilled their It is a matter of regret that another laudable move with distinctly profitable prospects to organize British West Indians on the Isthmus of Panama has fallep through dieu in embryo. We are referring, regrettably, to the proposed British West Indian Society about which we wrote so enthusiastically in our last issue. To be practical, the society had not yet started to send forth roots; nay not even to bury its seed in the earth. But the seed which was all ready to be placed in good soil was healthy, and there was an almost iron clad guarantee of abundant fertilization to nurse and develop it into a powerful tree a truly influential British West Indian Organization second to none.
After the airing of tentative plans by a member of the British West Indian Committee, a referendum was taken by way of the publication of a form upon which British West Indians would state their readiness for the movement under the leadership of the Committee; or, in the exact words of a member of the Committee, the latter would form the nucleus of the Society. We learn from good authority that the returns were not at all encouraging, appar.
ently, to the bulk of membership of the Committee. This apparent negative reply from tens of thousands of people of whom a few hundreds were expected to give immediate sanction to the movement, plus the consciousness of a gigantic task before them, which they could easily and readily visualize, seemed to have helped in no little way to discourage the British West Indian Committee.
But the response from the masess or, as a matter of fact, a large response from the people was never in most cases forthcoming when there is a serious move.
ment on foot. Big movements are rarely, if ever, characterized with mushroom growth.
We cannot forsee any real reason why a movement of the kind would fail if the British West Indian Committee had decided to tighten its jaws and tackle the task with grim determination and faith to carry it through. Cooperation would be certainly forthcoming.
There is no denying the fact that there are many of our people here who, on account of a misconception of some fundamental principles upon which their local status is built, would reject upon first thought, the usefulness to them of the British representatives here with whom the directing head of the proposed British West Indian Society would have to be in close touch.
Such people would offer objections and direct caustic comments and searching criticisms at the society in its infancy. But this section of the people are without much knowledge, or none whatever, of the duties of diplomatic representatives in foreign countries; hence, they have the tendency to blame them for much of their economic ills and dub them with vindictive epithets for not rendering them aid in many minor personal matters or in others solely within the prerogative of the civil authorities of the country where they take up temporary or even permanent residence. British West Indian Society, with such well imformed men as those composing the British West Indian Committee, as units of the Society directing Board, would in a short time, be able to organize effective means whereby the poorly informed would be able to broaden their knowledge, and there.
by create general barmony.
While we are disappointed with the unexpected turn of things which has created another uncertain period for putting on foot the next instrument to effect unity of the West Indian community in Panama, we are, nevertheless, ready and willing to support and cooperate fully with any other legitimate move to take up and carry on the work in a way which will raise the social and economic standard of the colored people on the Isthmus of Panama.
More Light For Your Money With the continued spell of Ary weather, says the Jaranica Gleaner the question of the watcr papply of the urban and saburban portions of the corporste arep is giving much concern to the Exreutive officers of the Corporation, Tre normal supply of water from the Hope River is usually live and half million sallons per day. It has now gone down to four million gallons and pumping from the Ferry will have to be resorted to in order to make up the deficiency. couple days ago a representof the Gleaner had an inter: view with a well known planter of St. Andrew and be informed the Prestmi that the present drought WAS worst he bad ever experiFor the World Best Dressers enced. For months there had been no rain in the water shed and everything was parcbed and burnt up on the hills. He feared that unThere is no article of men wear that has the worldcoming cetree erop. so far as less they had rain very shortly the St. Andrew was concerned would wide reputation of Stetsɔn hats.
be extinct.
It mght be mentionend that it is not only in St Andrew where In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue the drought ir so pronounced. Io certain parts of Manchester people de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads have to be travelling miles tu order of fashionable men who know what what to get a supply of water for domestie purposes, in men headwear.
Health Statistics We have the same styles here as are now being worn in the style centers of the World, The Barbados Weekly Herald of the 14 ulto. Atates that at meeting of the Geceral Board of Health beld on Wednesday, the President the Hon. LA MASCOTA Bryden stated that the number of cases of Malaria in the var Various parishes since the meeting was 221, ard the number of CARLOS MULLER deaths 50. Dr. Joboson spoke in the bighest terms of ulogy of the services of SOLE AGENT KOKS Messrs Assang and Lucas the Sanitary PANAMA CITY 87 CENTRAL AVENUE Government of Trinidad tor serby the vice in Barbados. These twa Gentlemen who will be leaving Barbados towards the e end of the present month, bad completely the tbeir employment and Dr. Joh son was entirely satis Prince of Walds On fied with them It was decided Women 10 write them a letter of appre ciation on behalt of the Board and the Board fortberto Loodon, England, April 10 You ask the Barbados Government will uot get far without the help to write the Trioldad Governof the wome, said the Prince of ment thanking them for the loan Wales, the world most distinguish the two officers and referring ed bachelor, in boosting the royal to the very satisfactory work lifeboat fund, they had done during the walaria With it you can do almost any epidemic.
thing he added, for women have a gift of sympathy aud felf sacrifice 50 Watt Vacuum Lamp Consumos that carries all before it. The Dry Season And Conts Worth of Electricity overy Hours.
Spoken by a young man who The Water Supply has thus far shown a pecuharly 50 Watt Inside Frosted Edison Mazda steadfast determination to get Bulb Consumes The Samo quantity of along without the aid of a belpmate, this derlaration created a Under the caption Southern Current But Gives decided stir in English society Notes. the Trinidad Weekly Guardian of recent date says among other things:D. McClymont With the coming of the dry season, and the consequent shortage MODERN TAILOR of the water supply provided by CALIDONIA NO. 16 such small storage tanks and barSee us for up to date Work rels as the majority of the inb birTherefore Insist on ants on the outskirts of San Fer monship at Moderate Prices, ando can afford to keep the que stion of thier need for wuter again crops up. The Musicipality naturalEDISON MAZDA BOWEN ly has to protect its own limited supply, dwellers on the borders of ſhe LES TAILOR FINSIDE FROSTED are calling out insitetly for at No. M Street San Migue tention. During the past three months some the BULBS Panama City holders living near the southern boundary of the town have been Notes Of Interest To West asking for, and getting water sup FOR SALE BY Indians plies on thier paying for them, but the vast number of the residente is of the poorer classes and caonot Cia. Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Mr. Albert afford to pay for water services to editor propriator of the Grenada be laid on to thier huts These peoAND ALL GOOD LAMP DEALERS West Indiaa has been reelected ple are forced either to do without unanimously a member of the water for a longer time than they Legislative counseil, representing it tpe parish of St. Georve.
are sometime ought and punished. It seeds to me that the The Rev T. Ingram Johason, ment could come to some some arAnd the Govero Borough Council recently Archdearon of Grenada rangement by which a metered and now Rector of St. John s, publie supply could be given these NOTICE Barbadoe, has tendered his resik people, and a tax collected from nation and will leave shortly to them by the Government take up an appointment in England cost of the water so purchased The office of Doctor Arnulfo Arias, located at He has been in Barbados for only a could be paia for from this fund year.
It is currently rumoured, says Dr. Nathan Rowe Will be opened every day from 11 a. to the Port of Spain Gazette, that PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Messers. Booker Bros. of British p. and from p. to p.
Guians, who recently acquired the 11th and Bolivar Sts.
Colonial Dispensary (W. Roos COLON.
Co. Ltd have completed negotia BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE tions for the purchase of fhe busiChase National Bank ness of Stephen Ltd.
Office Hours: a. to 12m; p. to pm.
Advertise in the (Workman) if OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 AND GET GOOD RESULTS will bring you good results. DRUG STORE TELĖPhone 154.
Over 50 More Light town larger bouse that they are some Success Won by Work and Sacrifice The It is a singular fact that those men who have had success in the greatest abundance and with the most lasting prominence have won it by work and sacrifice without knowing the measure of their progresso regarding it with any view of the impression emanating from their efforts. Success is not something that we look for as we would a guest or a vacation or a thrilling experience. It is the every day events in the realization of the hopes of the day before. and those who feel that they have not obtained it because it has not come as a whirlwind or thunderstom must learn to realize that, in the still small voice of duty cheerfully and conscientiously performed, in the consciousness of well earned self reshappiness, basie success and the realized dreams of yesterday. Birmingham Reporter.
pect and the conceded respect of others, there is basic Advertise in The Workman


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