
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1928 PAGE THRES Vicar Attacked By Angry Congregation Who Followed Him to Vicarage Throwing Soot aud Eggs The Prosperity Tailor achievement POLICE PROTECTION SOUGHT CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 aviation DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER NEED WATCH?
London, April Following an uproarious meeting of the Church Council at Galleywood, near Chelmsfore, over 100 parishioners followed the vicar, the Rev. Francis Roughton, with bags of soot and eggs.
The vicar sought the aid of a constable, who, however, could not control the crowd.
When the vicarage was reached Mr. Roughton was covered with soot and a large clod of turf struck his head.
Mrs. Roughton and women sympathisers had soot and eggs thrown at them.
The parishioners grievances were that the vicar refused to allow the children treat in the schoolroom, enforced the resignation of a Dellringer, and discouraged whist drives and dances.
The vicar told the demonstrators he intended doing his duty as minister Before dispersing the crowd tarred the vicarage gates.
FULLER Moderately Priced. Supporter of the Church REID Propietor POLICE ESCORT FOR VICAR FLOWERS Promotion For Irish Abogado. Attorney at Law Flier OFFICE: No. 44 ST BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 Dablin, April 17 Commandant Fitz Maurice bas been promoted to the grade of Major in the Free Practicing before all the courts of State Air Force for his recent the Republic since April 1914 Sarosat Officers are not to give interArmy views but before the Bremem flow this ban was raised on the autbority of the Minister of Defence so that the Commandant could give bis view of the future of trans Atlantic flying and civi!
in Ireland, which, because of the Island geographical position on the direct lire of flight from Europe to America, is believed to bave a great future. Flying the Atlantie in the Bremen or any otber plane to: dsy is largely stunt. said Fitzmaurice Valuable scientific DROP IN AT data will be obtained but the publie must be prepared for Work Done While You Wait something entirely different in aeroplane and errine construction before the dream of oresc 122 CENTRAL AVE. air service is ever Teslized, Continued on page 4)
TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED You ill Find Them Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices will be Loyal to His Minister, the vicar writes: Ladies Garments carefully handled We shall never make head.
way as a Church in Galley.
wood until we have learnt the lesson of the tug of war team We must get rid of the evil spirit of criticism, this backchat, this readiness to down tools if things are done we de not like. There must be loyalty to the head if work is to proSi soxsss. gress.
Vicar Resignation to be Demanded.
Chelmsford, Sunday Night The resignation of the vicar of Galleywood, the Rev.
Roughton, will be called for at a public meeting to be held in the grand stand on Cheimsfore racecourge to morrow night.
Last week, Mr. Roughton and his wife were polted with egge and soot. Galleywood resident, Car tain Lawrence, of Bellavista who is not a churchgoer, tried to use his influence as a disinterested party during the week end to heal the quarrel.
Captain Lawrence saw the vicar and the church council which supports him, and also leading parishioners who have taken up a hostile attitude to his work, Peacemaking Reseated Feeling runs so high in the village that in some quarters Captain Lawrence interven tion was resented.
He was assured by a number of parishioners, however.
that they entirely repudiated the demonstration last week.
and said that the utmost would be done to prevent. recurrence of such an unfortunate incident.
To morrow night at the grand stand, kindly lent for the occasion by the Chelme ford Racecourse Company, a resolution will be moved by Lieut. Col. Wells, and Mr. Foster both leading parishioners to this effectThat this meeting places on record its dissatisfaction with the conduct of the Vicar of Galleywood in reference, to the use of the school and other parochial matters and respect fully calls upon him to resign.
The vicar preached at both morning and evening services at the parish church today, buí.
made no reference to the events of last week.
At the close of the services he shool hands with each member of the congregation as they left the church.
Two uniformed police constables were outside the church during the service while in the body of the church were plai clothes detectives from Chelm50 sford.
SILVER Advised Not To Take Service Galleywood, Chelmsford, April Feeling runs so high in this little village, which is surrounded by Chelmsford racecourse, that on the advice of the police the vicar, the Rev. Roughton, will not take the evening service tomorrow.
The action follows the demonstrations made last week by some of the parishioners and others, when the vicar and his wife were pelted with eggs, soot, and clods, the vicarage garden gate was tarred, and a vestry meeting was interrupted by booing. mass meeting of villagers has been arranged to take place on the common at the time of to morrow evening service. The spot chosen is near the main gates of the church and it is understood that the vicar resignation will be demanded. Some of the people behind this demonstration are responsible for the disturbances, was told by the church warden, Mr. Coombes, who took this afternoon service.
The vicar, he added, will publish a statement tomorrow.
Cause of the Trouble.
The vicar conducted the morning and evening services to day, and was escorted to and from the church by the village constable and church officials. The trouble, said Mr.
Coombes, is between the church and supporters of the local football team. Those supporters had the use of a room for a children treat, and the vicar has told them that they will not have it again. He has what he thinks are good reasons, and they are nothing to do with the children, whom he loves.
Visar and Back Chat There is a sharp division of opinion in the village as to the dispute. Some people have been complaining that the vicar is inclined to be arbitrary, but another view is that he has a bluntness and directness of phrase that is often misunderstood.
In the parish magazine for the month, under the heading SPRAY PILSENER IS GOOD DRINK FOR EVERYBODY OOOXSC


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