
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 12, 1928 Stranger Creates Sensation Restricting the Liberty of the Subject No Music After 11 clock at Night In British House of Commons House cable despatcb from Leudon.
dated April states that a stranger In the public gallery created a sensation in the of Commons at 30 last night, when, in the middle of a debate, he jumped from his seat and dasbed from one row of benches to another, leaplog over the backs, with attendants in bot pursuit. LUCKY STRIKE STORSTEO CIGARETTES Bill introduced in the British Guiaua Combined Court recently tending to restrict the liberty of the subject in the Magnificeot Colony, reads se follows: Any owner or occupler of any bouse building, room, yard or other place situate in any town or within two bundred yards of apy town, who without permission in writing in that behalf from magistrate or officer of police, sings or permits any person to sing therein, or plays on or dance to or permits any person to play, on or to dance to any musical Instruments theroin, or obtains or permits any persons to obtain the reproduction of any singing or music by mea means of any gramaphone, phonograph, wireless apparatus or other mechanical device or instrument thereld, at any time in the night after eleven o clock shall be guilty of an offence and, beink convicted thereot be iable to a penalty of twenty five dollars. Any person other than the owner or occupier as aforesaid who singe, dances or plays any, musical instrument or obtains the reproduction of any singing or music as aforesaid or who is present at any such singiog, dancing, phylog or reproduction shall be guilty of an offence and, on being convicted thereof, be liable to a like penalty.
ENTRY WITHOUT WARRANT LAWFUL. It shall be lawful for any police constable to enter without warrant any such house, building, room, yard or other place where any person may be committing an offence under this section and to seize acd carry away to police sation any musical instrument aby gramapbone, phonograph, wireless apparatus, or other mecbasical device or instrument which is being used in the commission of such offence. 4) Any musical instrument or gramaobone, phonograpb, wireless spparatus or other mechanical device or instrument so seized and carried away shall be forfeited unless the owner therefore sball, within seven days of the conviction of any person for an oftence under this section in connection therewith, claim the same and pay one erth of the value thereof and be reasonable expenses incarred in the selzare and carrying away as determined by a magisware trate at the time of conviction or at any time thereafter: it no pro no cbarge is made under this section within three tbe seizure if Do conviction follows on charge made the instrument seized sball be returned to the owner on his application free of all cost to He had jumped over a barrier and reached the front rowwhich is reserved for peers, bat was the empty when two attendants and anotber person caught him.
Mr. Spell, a Socialist had just concluded his speech with tbe remark that protection should be afforded to certain workers, when the man sprang up and cried: will give you protection.
Ha was jumping the first row of benches wben one of the gallery attendents immediately jumped after bim and seized bis coat tails, The man wrenched bimself free, and reached the next bench with the attendant following blm It was, bol u not until be reached the peers wbich looks down immediately gallery, on the floor of the House with onl; a low rail in the way of a thirty foot drop that the attendant could proner y seize bold of bim.
CAUGHT BY THE LEG The attendant caught his leg and put his weight on him as be lay stretched on the seat, but the man put up so vigorous a struggle that be almost broke Figures prove it to be the awe away. Fastest growing cigarette in An onlooker sitting in the public gallery jumped over the fhe world. Buy a pack to day back of the peera bench to the attendant e assistance, and a and you will know the reason second attendant ran down the Rangway to make sure of the for this tremendous popularity captive.
The man, still struggling violently, was carried up the gangLUCKY STRIKE, way out of sight by the two attendants and the third person, one holding his arms and the it toasted cther two each holding a leg.
An extraordinary commotion was caused in all parts of the Your Throat Protection House by the incidect. People in the public gallery stood up.
talking and gesticulating while many MPs stond on the door and craped their necks ot sec what was bappening above them.
Mr. Hope, the Deputy Speaker, calmly called the House to order, and Sir Martin Conway rose and continued the debate. His words were inaudible for a minute or two until silence was restored.
the Interrupter was taken to the police room, walking through DVAD KOSTAA meg nogoma ADAT the outer lobby in the care of policemen. He stated that he was Edward Charles Humphreys, aged thirty two, of Richard Cot tages, Watlington, near BattleSussex Dr. Fred Sterling He said that he had come to the House of Commons to see the THE NEW YORK DENTST Prime Minister. He was obviously 182, BOLIVAR STREET unwell, and Dr. Vernon Davies, was sent for. He examined COLON, the man, and certified bim a Box 71, CRISTOBAL, suffering from acute Deurasthenia.
He ordered his immedate TELEPHONE 247 COOLN removal to the westminister Hogpital and the man was taken there in an ambulance.
DENTIST HOWELL At the hospital he was found to be suffering from delusions. House No. 912 La Boca He was removed to Folban InCanal Zone firmary, where he will be kept under observation.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT IS NOW LOCATED AT PHONE 1941 BALBOA PROMOTION FOR IRISH 11. 1154 11th STREET FLIER Specialises in all Branches o Dentistry Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Continued from Page 3)
ALL WORK GUARANTEED Planes and engines of the Where our customers will receive the usual future will be uplike anything TAKE NOTICE we bave seen so far. The Bremen which consider the latest word The WORKMAN can be courtesies toi airplane construction is as had at Mr. Sanchez place different from the Wright crude machine which nowsh24th street, No. building!
Kitty Hawk as the modern Rolls Guachapali.
Royce is from antomobiles of LOOK FOR THE SIGN.
thirty years ago. We must expect even greater progress in Small aeroplane construction.
Personaly visualise the DENTIST plane of the future as a great MASONIC TEMPLE single wing with passengers inside of it soaring across the Office Hours: 8, am to 12 Ocean, the machine being propel 30 to 30 led by engines totally unlike any: Sundays, by Special Appointment thing we have todas. They must be propelled by some sort Masonic Temple lith St, of concentrated fuel or by an O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL engine wbieb will do what the PHONE: OFFICE 1664 Diesel model has done for marine RESIDENCE 588 WORKMAN engineering.
It pays OP vided that days of bỉm, The British Pharmacy Portrait of Dead Statesman COLON bepeaker informed Me Cha Presented to House of Assembly (Barbados Herald April 14)
Last Tuesday The Speaker and Members of the House of Aseembly, assembled lo tbe portrait gallery of the House to receive from the Hon. Challenor Lynch an oil painting of his father the late James Allsopp Lynch. The Speaker the House that the late Mr.
Josbus Baeza had House with a portrait of the Lato presented the Mr. James Lynch, lenor Lynch bad imformed bim that be bad a portait which B much better representation of of his fatber and bad asked the House to accept and bang it in place of the other, The Bpeaker thougbt it was very fine representation of the late gentleas he knew bim Mr.
Challenor Lyneb in the presentation expressed bis pleasure at being able to do so.
The Portrait presented by Mr, Baeza bad been done at time bis father was wbed man and many of those alive today would have no recollection lof bim in those days. The present portrait was a better one.
He also added that he was doing nothing to supplant Mr. Baeza, it was in accordance with his wisbes. The portrait was then mad making BRITISH PHARMACY young ADVERTISE IN THE bung


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