
Woman Fast To Death Contra Crespo 20th instat SAVE THE LERIJA: SATUHAY MAY 12, 1923 PAGE FIVE The Opposition of WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Little Men Desperate Drive By Police Lenten fast, which lasted Englefield Green, wife of the Is Subject For Scathing Arfor fourteen days, had a se butler there gave evidence of To Suppress Number Game ticle in Jamaica Critic quel when an inquest was held finding Mrs. Clarke dying and No hot irons or special combs required on Mrs. Ivy Clark, 40 wife of of telephoning for a doctor.
in Harlem Mr. William Clark of the The following article taken Food Refused.
Arrests and Convictions Grow from the Jamaica Critie for SOLD IN DRUG STORES Garage, Ridgmead, Englefield Green.
The Rev. Kirby, Con As They Put Down the Lid.
April, is 80 pregnant with More than one hundred artruism and so applicable to loThe jury returned a verdict gregational minister at Enof Death irom Starvation.
ham, said that when he saw rests are being made a month, al conditions in our West Inlian community that same is Dr. OGILVIE Panama Weslexy Mr. Clark, the husband said Mrs. Clarke on March she and ninety percent of the men that he was frequentiy away would not give any assurance are convicted and sentenced pəɔnpoadə, Supisayun PHYSIGIAN SURGEON Activities he hope that it may catch the from home. The letters he had that she would take food. She to jail from thirty to ninety yes of those for whom it is 80 Streei. horillo, received from his wiie were refused again and again to see days. The authorities of the affectionate.
Women League Plans a doctor. She was suffering 123rd Street station declared specially intended. from some kind of religious in a report sent out recently.
There are some people who the idea that they serve who Miss Sarah Liften said that obsession.
Anniversary Within the past few weeks are conceited as to think continually hinder and never she met Mrs. Clark a year ago.
hey can do and say the right help. We are referring to the The Women League of the Mrs. Clark said that she want. The Coroner And associat four well known bankers have been sentenced to the penitenhing all the time. They never well caleulated opposition of Panama Wesley Church is in»king ted a Christian companion, and ed with that obsession was a. nake mistakes, these superior parties who criticize in order takes place on Wade from taking food on Ash Wed. daughter said that her mother drive against the number game plate for their anniversary wbich she agreed to go with her.
religious belief? Yes tiary for an indefinite period.
Mrs. Clarke 12 year old the police are carrying on the These figures indicate that Mrs. Clark first abstained beings for if you disagree with that they may help to build the (3. 30 m) Mrs.
hem you are sure to be wrong stronger. May we ever have President of the je responbegan to fast on February 26, with renewed energy. Accordince they cannot be and of a useful percentage of such sible for the arrangements to a great nesday.
ourse since there disagree men in the Legislative Council, extent, and it is hoped that a The Coroner Did she not stating that she was going to ing to their statement they are all who Dr. Nicholson, of Egham, aition to the regular police his however is not the worst on all responsible Boards, for attend. ide of it: if you do not agree they indeed render service of Among other items which will be and butter? No. Not even said that when he went to the force, house on Sunday he was abeighteen detectives with all these superior beings the very highest kind since de contributed to the program, will water.
spend their full time hunting ay and do you are their ene. liberations free of opposition he vocal solo by Mrs. Olga Kine, Mrs. Doris Reece, Miss Vera Why did she do this? Be solutely horrified at the epecpublic life. To disagree is to be criticism are deliberations u Viss Doris Rodney; the chair will days and forty nights, she the day before, when Mrs.
ny, and this is chiefly 80 in which embodies constructive Marklapd, and an organ rolo by cause Our Lord fasted forty tacle. He had been to the house for the men higher up.
The proportion of the numn opposition, and to be in op pon which it is not safe to be taken by Mrs R, Thoro wanted to.
Clarke in a loud voice, called ber of convictions to arrests position is to be a fool, a luna build. Mr. Sangster is an op bourue. The Coroner asked Miss Lit out that she did not want to las mounted steadily within ic or at least, an enemy. It is positionist of the type we have most enjoyable evening is an ten why she did not tell any. see him.
he past few weeks the report tieip. tel.
emarkable the number of lit mentioned, and has on several The authorities have one, and she replied: Because She looked like a skeleton been able to prove that more le men there are in this small occasions rendered very valuaMrs. Clarke told me not to. he said. She had a very strong of the men charged with the Advertise in tbe WORKMAN country and more remarkable ble services in the Council.
it pays.
Maude Moore, of Ridgmead. Continue on Pie possession of policy slips are he number who get into pubguilty, in spite of every ruse of ic life. The pettiness of such hcir lawyers to prove to the mall minds at times is someontrary Detective Emanuel what confusing and renders Kline, an expert on the police more difficult the labours of game, has been assigned to asthose with ideals, and broad sist the District Attorney in ideas which they would put the Court of Special Appeals.
forward in the interest of the He investigates every case. It country.
is through Nim that so many As a matter of fact opposiconvictions have been made tion intelligent, honest opposirecently.
tion is very valuable, and one The police drive seems to be of the strongholds of the BritMAR centered on the small banker ish Constitution is the Opposiand collector who take bets of tion party. In our Legislative Council there one elected from two cents up. They are These hard to catch because they member who renders valuable have no fixed headquarters, service by making himseif a but go from customer to 19kind of opposition. He thus tomer making their sales with forces a thorough examination each visit. It will be recalled of questions brought before UNSWEETENEO that up until last year many the House, at the end of which of the corner confectionary he generally votes contrary to stores and stands were the fixthe arguments advanced for ed headquarters for the numthe purpose of his opposition.
ber purchases until they were We have had certain peoforced to stop the practice.
ple condemning the members The activities of these small of the Legislative Council who bankers seem to draw the opposed the bills in support of wrath of the authorities. They the Banana Association recentclaim that the poorer classes ly passed by the Legislative who can ill afford to play, Council. In our opinion the Opspend their money on bet; inposition was rendering very stead of using it for the necesvaluable service to the counsities of life. They also claims try and our regret was that it that it encourages the gamb.
broke down so quickly. It ling habit in children in that would be a lamentable state of the boys and girls spend their affairs if large issues could allowances on policy slips inbe got through the Legislative stead of on childish luxuries of Council or any other important candy and ice cream. If only body with out opposition. This would be proof positive that Teapots, Cups and Saucers, the big gamblers played the game the conditions would not the Council was lacking in inbe so accute.
telligence, for of course, it is All Free. Just Bring Your Labels of The dishonest banker also is quite impossible to find any condemned by the police. They one dozen intelligent men free say that while most of the banto think and decide according kers pay their obligations, octo their judgment who could casionally one refuses to setagree on every or any big tle if one of his clients has the question placed before them, winning number. Many banin all details, even though they kers have not sufficient reagree in principle. If this were serve to take care of several possible the position so created winners and they must abwould be stupid in the extreme scond with money due others.
there would be no need for a This was particularly true reCouncil since the members Richest in Cream cently. The police raided a would all be only voicing the Chinese opium joint, and the sentiments of one another.
TO next day several hundred peoPeople who will agree to ple played the number of the all questions are fools, people address of the raided house.
who cannot disagree in order The number won, but instead to agree are bigger fools. The of paying off the betters, the opposition which will drive bankers disappeared, leaving any Council into disagreement PANAMA COLON many people wondering what so that they are compelled to it was all about. It is because examine every angle of quesof such incidents that the potion before deciding is perhaps We the most useful part of such a lice decry the playing of the also exchange against premiums the labels of the numbers.
Council. We are not here reThey realize, however, that ferring to ignorant and insane the complete suppression of opposition which has no printhe game is an enormous task.
ciple behind it other than that People are born gamblers and certain individuals conceive (Continued on Page 6)
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