p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MAY 12, 1928 For Sale Cheap wwwww Good Assortment of apparaanaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
wir wir in una Toward Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City Who will win www mm aColon Boys Institute Panama Wesley Miro Marian Trinidad Cas Co. Ltd.
Activities Registered To Celibrate Eigat Anniver sary Lantern Lecture Thrills Capital of 50, 000.
The Clop Boys lostitatean Packed House The Weekly Guardian of niversary means much annually Trinidad of the 14th ulto.
as the time comes around in states that a the progress of the institute.
The Jeeture on Wednesday even new company, Commander Watson, as he sea ing last in the Panam Wesley the Trinidad Gas Co. Ltd. son approach:s, despite it has be Church, given by the Rev, was registered by Messrs.
come customary to celebrate year Wade, and which was so beau. Fitzwilliam Co. Soliciby year, finds it neccessary and tifully illustrated by pictures on helpful, though the extra effort the screen, proved to he a very tors, on Thursday. The capital Is enervating, to get up in proper interesting and educational affair, of the Company is 50, 000 diforun, a programme suitable to the and much enthusiam prevailed vided into shares.
occasion wherein persons of not during the explanations, It is a private Company and have hitherto sbowa special in The views of the West Indies terest and shared in making were undoubtedly fire, and much the liability of membership is said occasions help ul to the has been learnt therefrom.
limited. No invitation has been upkeep of the institute to send issued to probable subscribers This presentation offered voout an appeal to due time re.
minding friends and kind sup told opportunities for persons of shares, and the Company porters of the approaching anni. attending. Barbadianewsre affordhas the power to increase or versary celebration.
led the opportunity of seeing many interesting places in Jamaica, decrease the capital as the DiInstitute Second Convention Trinidad, Hayti, St. Vincent ete: rectors may see fit.
Jamaicans were afforded the same The Directors are Mr. ArThe coming anniversary, which opport portunity to see interesting will mark the eighth in the places in Barbados and the other thur Wight, No. Charlotte history of the institute. wil Islands, and likewise with Street, Mr. John Pendrich, No. Richmond Street, and Mr.
rennial Convention of the inalso include the second quad. all the other islanders Barbados The coffin story of August Arrindell, 76 South stute; therefore special effort was one of the many features of is being put forth to make the the evening, and the old flyingQuay. merchants.
occasion which comes off on fish story was told and caused The main objects for which Sunday the 20th of the present great uproar and much laughter, the Company has been formmonth of Breater Importance ed are: in the furtberance of the work Among the many items and of the institute iban has been appropriate songs for the evening To give effect to the resolupossible in the past.
was the Hymn of Jos by Miss tion passed by the Port ofVera Markland this was the only the accomplishment Spain City Council on October of the foregoing and other pros solo for the evening and weat over 6, whereby that Council deject and plans, invitations bave the op.
clared themselves prepared to already been issued to old as The expression of opinion in this well as prospective supporters, connertion were that it was a rare support the necessary legislaamong whom notables of the evening full of interest, full of Cities of Psoama and Colon and pathos, and one which wlp 10 tion for enabling the Trinidad the Canal Zone, as well as frater stimulate renewed interest in our Import and Export Company, nal and other organizations and West Indian homes.
Ltd. to form a limited liability Societiee locally interested have company with a view to estabbeen included As the date set apart for this Jamaican Injured lishing gas works in Trinidad; and further, with a view to years celebrations app och other facts telling of plans fulfilling the provisions of adopted and being executed to By Passing Automobile clause (e) of that Council extend the work of the Institurecomendation declaring the te, erect a home and school to OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH be the property of the institute Regrets are often expressed at Company the applicant for will be further published. the many automobile acci next door Nash Motors Garaga and to whom shall be granted dente which occur in this city and the desired concession to esits precints again and again, as tablish such gas works as Prominent Merchant the case of Richard Chase is a penampanananananananananann am foresaid.
Victim of Assault 34 years treatment in the Santo Thomas To find the private capital Angpital as a result of an accident necessary for the payment of It is not always the best com which occurred in the Saban SPARKLETS all preliminary expenses inclupliment paid to anyone when they road. Co tinged from I)
are told that they resemble such According to reports received, ding legal fees and disburseand such a person; while many Chase was standing by obselete chairs which edge for ment, engineering and export cases it is altogether harmless, it of the road, when an nuomobile many, many years disgraced conveniences and reports in can have very evil results, and driven by Louis Martinez, coming that otherwise respectable connection with the establishthis was proven in the case of from the dirertion of OH Panatoa community center and has in ment of gas works; and to David Octavio Medioa, Panama approached and canght him with nian, and former owner of the one of the front feodars and fluenced the Bureau of Clubs find capital for carrying out Colon Bazaar, who was attacked knocked him down. The injured Playgrounds to replace them and the establishment and and slashed with a razor by Genara man was picked up and rushed to AND with respectable seating ar operation of such works.
Rodriguez because he was mis the Santo Thomas Hospital, where taken for another man whom the he is now under treatment.
rangements; also that he has To supply gas for domestic, selected the best of the Club business, private, public or olatter alleged had done him some wrone, and had it not bero for house half dozen pianos which ther purposes and also for kind friende, the victim would have WITH THE SAGES Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages he will have polished and debled to death.
corated with entwined Amer heat, power, force, light, etc.
There really seems that no pre Husband. You ve beun to ican and British flags for the caution that can be taken against dance a concet; and show withio Summary of Contents: these brutal act; punishment, the last three days, and you say occasion. Last but not least, DESPERATE DRIVE BY after the deed has been you lack amusement.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years my blood relative, Mr. CéspePOLICE committed is the only compromise, Wf: know, but you ve been Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, des Burke of the Army, has but it is assumed that very many Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, this time promised me on his of these errors inight be avoided with me each time. Continued from page 5)
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, honor to contribute in cash toA detective at Hall said countcannot wards two fifty cents tickets their normal instincts Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua CHURCH SERVICES er feit sovereigns can be bought for the recital. If you are able be altered in a day. Besides in Buenos Aires for 240 Players to read between the lines the policy form of gambling Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and you are at perfect liberty to has existed for many years. It St. Peter by the Sea, La Bora There nothing equal to the self eapect that comes from Interesting infer what it is all about. But originally started in Havana Holy Communion, 6, a. The selt support.
be that as it may, if you are with bets on a big scale. In Rector Price 50cts.
contemplating to have your 1894 it was introduced in New Holy Baptista, 7, 30, a, m, The number of deaths from presence at that recital next York City and immediately Church School, 00, m. measles in the county of London Thursday night, warn you to found favor. But it was not unChoral Evensong and sermon, was 529 durink the first ten Secure yours now there will be a great rush be there on time; if you hap til 1918 that it reached such 30. pm. The Rector.
weeks of this year compared with during the first 10 week for them, pen to be late you are likely big proportions in Harlem, and Mor ing Prayer at 7, Monday, of last year.
to have to stand it through or it continued to grow until in Wednesday Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN wait for an usher to hunt down 1926 it had become so gigantic Evening Prayer, Wed. at 30. 1, 026 500 for 1926 sud 3, 000Panama a chair from a nearby resi that the police claimed it was 000 for 1927 is the estimated cost They dence. Nuf Sed.
becoming a menace.
Thursday. Ascension Day. Holy of the additional troops sent to brought pressure to bear to Communion and address, a. China by Esgland.
Woman Fast to Death have the legislature amend the The Rector (Continued from page 5) old Adams Powey law which Choral Evensong and address, will. Death was due to inani they claimed was ineffective 7, 30, The Rector British Consulate Notice tion from starvation, followed because it applied only to Morning Prayer, Friday, by colie.
that form of policy which was The Young People Service at Panama would like to get inforThe British Consulate Geneal post mortem examination the result of numbers drawn.
League will meet at 30 pm. mation of the whereabouts of a showed that she was emaciat. The new law makes the playMonday woman named Adella Poleon who ed to the last degree. The ing of the game illegal, and MULOARE, said to resides in Panama, bones of the face were cover the possession of policy slips Priest in Charge ed with skin there being prae a felony.
Why throw away your old, but no tically no flesh. There was The police also claim that Seventh Day Adventist practically no blood in the the policy game is growing in St Bartholomew Las STREET CALIDONIA body.
favor among the white people Cascadas ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pans.
can haue them neatly bound at The jury, in returning the in various sections of the city St Simon s, Gambea verdict stated that they consi and that they are doing all in Sabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
Morning Prayer and address, Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gen dred that there had been ne their power to suppress it beChurch School and Confirmation eral Worship Spanish gligence on the part of Miss fore it reaches the huge pro Class, Class: Liften.
portions that it had attained in Evening Prayer and address, The Coroner said that it was Harlem.
No. EAST 16 STREET at the usual time. The Lay 30 o. Society, the duty of verybody to give Readers, will officiate.
meeting 30 Junior and information if anyone was Senior Standard of attainment MULCARE, House rent Receipt Books in Class, p. Vespers.
known to be doing himself or Spanish and Er glish for sale at Priest in Oharge GRIZZLE Pastor herself harm: The Workman Priatery STILL ON SALE Wes Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 in.
Book Binding!
doubt interesting, books when you ma THE WORKMAN Opposite the Wesleyan Churh


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